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Mr Doubler Begins Again
Mr Doubler Begins Again
Seni Glaister | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Humorous And Endearing
This is the first book by Seni Glaister that I have read. Why did I choose this book? Well, I was lured by the vague synopsis which piqued my curiosity and I am also a sucker for an attractive front cover, so it ticked some of the boxes for me!

Mr Doubler, a potato farmer, lives alone at Mirth Farm, on top of a hill. He doesn’t need anyone else for company as he is content with just his potato plants and Mrs Millwood, his housekeeper. However, she is taken ill and Mr Doubler starts to feel lonely and his life is no longer as complete as he thought. Before he lost his wife, her friends were always around. Can the kindness of the village strangers bring a lonely man out of his melancholy?

Although ageing, illness, death and the difficulties arising from family relationships are pivotal throughout this book, it is also a story very much about hope.

For me, this is a charming and endearing book and I love the way that Seni Glaister has written about rural life. There are some wonderful descriptions that make me want to make a trip to Mr Doubler's farm and she has created a fantastic set of characters. Whilst they are not all likeable, there are some lovely interactions between some of them as Mr Doubler's life alters course.

I like that Seni Glaister has included plenty of humour in her writing and the story is, for me, very poignant and thought-provoking.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading Mr Doubler Begins Again and I would definitely recommend that you add it your reading list.

[Thank you to NetGalley, HQ and the author, Seni Glaister, for a free ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary, honest review.]
In the Shadow of David
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

In the Shadow of David</i> is Martin Baggen’s attempt at reimagining “the greatest story ever told,” i.e. the life of Jesus Christ. Beginning on the banks of the river Jordan where John the Baptist is washing away the sins of his followers, the story continues before concluding with the resurrection. Told through the eyes of supporting characters, the details of Jesus’ life, or in this instance Yeshua’s, are reinvented in fairly accurate historical settings.

Unfortunately, Braggen’s attempt at originality is going to upset 2.2 billion people. Instead of telling the story of Jesus in the manner he is portrayed in the Bible, the author pens the character Yeshua and claims that there was no “Son of God.” The names, settings and historical facts all remain the same or similar in this version of events, however the miracles: Lazarus’ death, water into wine, the resurrection of Christ/Yeshua, were all shown to be a charade. According to<i> In the Shadow of David</i>, the “Son of God” was a charlatan attempting to reunite the Jews and overthrow the ruling Romans.

By mocking Christianity, Martin Braggen has wasted his writing talent with this blasphemous novel. Granted there are many people who try to prove the inexistence of a god, however in these instances there are always counter arguments. By containing this controversial opinion in a story, it prevents any other theories or beliefs from contributing.

Many may purchase this book with the mistaken idea that it will convey an in-depth narrative of the life of Jesus. What they will find instead is a disappointing atheist version instead. It is doubtful that readers will get to the end of the book, despite it not being overly long, after slamming it shut in anger and frustration.
Life and Other Inconveniences
Life and Other Inconveniences
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emma London is kicked out her home as pregnant teen. It particularly stings, because when Emma's mom died when she was a kid, her dad dropped her on his own mom's doorstop and never looked back. Genevieve, Emma's wealthy grandmother, took her in and raised her, but she never had much love for Emma. Perhaps because Genevieve was already dealing with her own tragedies: the disappearance of her young son, followed by the early death of her husband. Still, she had time to build a fashion empire--and neglect her other son (Emma's father). Emma hasn't let any of her family baggage stop her. She's built a good life for herself and her teenage daughter, Riley. But now she has a surprise call from Genevieve, asking her for help. Emma isn't sure she can go home again, but what if it's what's best for Riley? And maybe even for her?

What a wonderful read! This was a great book to consume poolside this summer.

I love Kristan Higgins' books and this one was no exception. Don’t go in expecting a light and fluffy romance, though. Sure, there are some romantic elements here and plenty of Higgins’ trademark wit and humor, but this is also a serious read that deals with momentous life events and tragedies. It’s sad, poignant, touching, and real. Because Higgins’ characters are so true to life, and because she immerses you so fully in their world, it’s easy to both laugh and cry while reading. It’s a character-driven read, and I was quickly drawn to Emma, Riley, and several others.

I definitely recommend this one, and if you haven’t picked up any of Higgins’ work, now is the time to start! 4.5 stars.
The Cactus
The Cactus
Sarah Haywood | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm genuinely surprised at how much I enjoyed this book. At the start of this novel, I hated Susan. Like I firmly wanted to punch her square in the face. I thought she was annoying, self-righteous, stuck on her high horse, just rude. I can't say that that changed much over the course of the novel, but the light in which she was shaded in changed. As you move through the story and you learn about her life, who she is and where she came from, her relationship with her mother before her death and after, it becomes apparent that her coldness, her vehement desire to push people away, and her intensity for control are all coping mechanisms stemmed from her childhood. I related a lot to Susan, even though I found myself wanting to scream at her in some parts of the book.

As for the story itself, the plotline, the characters, I really thought it was well put together. The twist towards the end and even the ending itself wasn't one that I thought of when I initially started reading or even as I made it to the halfway point and beyond. It wasn't a novel that kept me on the edge of my seat, by any means, but it was one that just pulled you in and you were encompassed in Susan's world - in her thoughts, however rude they might be. I relate a lot to who she was and who she becomes and I was surprised to find myself rooting for her by the end, even as I, again, wanted to punch her. I also appreciated that not every conflict needed to be wrapped up in a bow and solved. That's not real life and this book felt like real life.

A debut novel, well done.