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Every Time You Go Away
Every Time You Go Away
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Three years ago Willa lost her husband Ben. Since his death, she hasn't been able to return to their beach house in Ocean City, MD. The main reason is because that was where he died. But now, something needs to be done with the house and Willa thinks the best thing to do is sell it. But being at the house has been quite interesting for Willa. She keeps seeing her husband Ben, and then she hears him loud and clear as if he is still there with her. Is she going crazy or is he really there? As she goes about fixing up the house with her best friend and her son, she sees Ben less and less, but her grief seems to be subsiding.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

What drew me to this book initially was the fact that it was based in Maryland. I have lived my whole life here and I love reading books where I can picture myself in the setting. And when it's places your familiar with, it makes it a lot easier to imagine.

I don't know what I would do if I lost my husband unexpectedly. I'm sure the grief would tear me up inside for a very long time. We are a family that enjoys the beach, so I could really connect with this book. We don't have a beach house, but every year we make it a point to get to the beach for a least a week. If my husband were to die at the beach, I'm sure that it would be more difficult to go.

Willa doesn't want to go to the beach house, but she knows something has to be done. The memories of her husband, Ben are too great for her to keep the house, so selling it seems like the best option. Being back in the beach house is bringing up so many memories and making Willa reflect on the past three years and how she has just been going through the motions of life and not really participating in it. Not spending time with her son, Jamie or her best friend Kristin. Having them helping her get the house ready to sell reminds her of all the summers they spent together.

How can Willa sell the house if Ben is still there? If she continues to spend her summers there will she continue to see him? He doesn't know how his appearances work, so how will they know. But Willa knows this summer will change her life in more ways than one.

Kyera (8 KP) rated Ready Player One in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
Despite the fact that I didn't experience the 80's, I was surprised by the number of references that I understood. Although this book is likely most enjoyable for people who grew up in that decade or teen boys who love video game/sci-fi/fantasy-elements, I believe that this story is accessible to everyone. It will appeal most to gamers and sci-fi fans. I wouldn't want anyone to decide they don't want to give it a chance because it was a really enjoyable book.

Beyond the incredible amount of 80's references dropping over the course of this novel is <i>the plot</i>. The year is 2044 and the world spends most of its time inside OASIS, a virtual reality world that allows the masses to escape from the horrors of the real world. Upon the death of its creator, a contest is launched that could change someone's life and the entire world becomes obsessed. Players are tasked with testing their knowledge and skills of the creator's favourite era, the 80's - upon completion of all tasks they win the creator's entire fortune.

We are introduced to Wade Watts, a teen boy with a poor home life and lack of interest in school, but an overwhelming obsession with all things 80's. He is our introduction to the world of OASIS and the wonders that it can hold. His life isn't great and he's not happy, but I never felt that he drew the book down with him. He recognized the way the world was and adapted to combat it. I felt that he was very easy to relate to and didn't suffer from being the "Chosen One".

I really enjoyed getting to know his friends in OASIS and felt that they were well developed. Each had their own struggles, flaws, and strengths. The way their relationships developed over the course of the novel felt authentic because they struggled and questioned. They were all competitors and didn't know who to trust, yet at the end of the day, they put the well-being of everyone over their own success.

While sometimes I felt that the worlds being described were using the method of telling, rather than showing - overall I thought that the millions of worlds inside OASIS were detailed. I felt that I received enough information to see a detailed, yet rough structure of the world and then fill in most of the details myself. There were some scenes however that were very vividly described.

Overall, I was completely drawn into this book within a few chapters and didn't want to put it down. I kept picking it up every opportunity that I had and just needed to know what happened next.

Hannah May (3 KP) rated Rolling Dice in Books

Mar 8, 2018  
Rolling Dice
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
It maybe because I was struggling with my work load and social life, that I found it difficult to really get into this story. The Kissing Booth and Out of Tune hooked me from the first word. I'm saddened to admit that Rolling Dice did not. There are a number of things about this novel that really let it down. The first, I think, is the lack of character development. Throughout the novel, I was waiting for Madison to grow some back-bone, maybe some common sense, especially when it came to Tiffany and Bryce. I have been in Madison's shoes. I have made friends with people who, in their own sly way, put me down and made me feel small. And I put up with it, because I was too timid to say anything, because I was afraid of losing the only people who wanted me around, or who wanted to be my friend. I guess some part of me wanted her to learn from my mistakes and do things differently. I was satisfied, however, when Madison kept refusing Bryce for sex and told him he was being a jerk. I was not surprised, when he cheated. He annoyed the hell out of me! Madison was too much a damsel in distress for me; always worrying, always looking back, reminding herself of the pain and humiliation she endured in Maine. She may have reinvented her appearance, but NOT her emotional and mental state. Those are the things that need to change first. Everything else can wait. I would have also liked to see more back story on Madison's life in Maine and the death of Dwight's father. That would have been MOST interesting!The second was the plot. I liked the idea of "new girl comes to town and struggles to find her place at school," but I would have liked to see more conflict. I would have liked to see Madison really struggling with her feelings and loyalties, both for Tiffany and Co. and Dwight. The lastly was the ending. I was disappointed. Madison retreated to New York to escape the drama. What seemed like a good move at the time, only put her back RIGHT where she started. That was the time to show everyone what kind of person she was and not be intimidated. Instead, she ran away. Not happy with the ending at all, but it was redeemed by the rekindle of Madison and Dwight's friendship/ relationship, whichever it turned in to. Overall, not her best book, but I did enjoy Reekles' writing style, language and in depth understanding of high school life and everyday teenage struggles.
Until the Dawn (Until the Dawn, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mystery surrounds the great estate of Dierenpark. Will science be able to explain the strange happenings? Or is there a supernatural power at work?

Quentin Vandermark is of the belief that if you can't see it or touch it, then it doesn't exist. This includes God and the supernatural power his grandfather, Nickolaas Vandermark, believes is cursing Dierenpark. A tragedy occured 60 years ago and the Vandermark's left Dierenpark abandoned ever since. The family returns without notice, only to see it destroyed. Nickolaas is determined to tear down Dierenpark in hopes of demolishing the "curse" that seems to have haunted the family for centuries. Widowed and injured, Quentin brings his son Pieter with him to Dierenpark to tear down the beautiful home. He is just doing his grandfather's bidding when his life is drastically changed. At Dierenpark he meets Sophie van Riijn, Sophie is a volunteer for the newly established Weather Bureau. For the last nine years she has used the roof of Dierenpark for her weather station, without the permission of the owners. Pieter immediately takes to Sophie, not having a mother of his own, he craves a motherly figure. While Quentin is all cynicism, doubt, gloom and depression. Sophie exudes life, hope, joy and faith in every ounce of her being. The past is finally brought to light, but is it in time to save Dierenpark and Quentin? Will science be able to prove the strange goings on? Will Quentin open himself up to love? Or will he brood in his misery until his last breath?

"Above all else, love one another."

The progressive era is a fascinating time period to read. So many scientific advances and discoveries take place in this era. I am currently watching Murdoch Mysteries (Netflix). It is set in the same time as this book and the scientific progress that is witnessed is incredible! Until the Dawn is a story of good and evil, life and death, hope and despair. With our main characters so completely different it is very clear to see how our beliefs affect every aspect of our lives. The main theme throughout this story is love. Through the good times and difficulties, God has called us to love one another. I have heard that this story has been compared to Jane Eyre and I do see similarities. Quentin is a horrid, miserable man and Sophie longs to see him saved. I won't expand anymore because of spoilers, but if you are a fan of Jane Eyre, I believe you will enjoy this recent publication by Elizabeth Camden.

I received a free digital copy of Until the Dawn from Bethany House Publishers through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
The Girl from Widow Hills
The Girl from Widow Hills
Megan Miranda | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Arden Mayor was just a child when she was swept away while sleepwalking during a terrifying rainstorm and went missing for days. Then she became the miracle of her small town of Widow Hills, Kentucky when she was found clinging for life to a storm drain. Her mother, Laurel, wrote a book. The family received money, fan letters, and, yes, stalkers. Soon it became too much and when she was old enough, Arden changed her name. She became Olivia. Now, as the twentieth anniversary of the incident nears, she has her own life. No one in her new world knows about her past. But when she receives word via phone call about her mother's death, something jolts loose in Olivia. She starts sleepwalking again, waking outside her house. And then one night she awakens, outside yet again, the body of a corpse at her feet. Even worse, the man is someone she knew from her previous life as Arden. Suddenly, Olivia's right back where she started: under scrutiny and media attention. And this time, she isn't the media darling, but a murder suspect.

"I was the girl who survived. The girl who held on. The girl you prayed for, or at least pretended to pray for--thankful most of all that it wasn't your own child down there, in the dark. And after: I was the miracle. The sensation. The story."

I don't have a lot of notes from reading this, but I think it's because I was too caught up in the story. This was a twisty thriller, and I simply wanted to know what happens. You can't ask for much more in a good mystery, can you? I've read a few books lately that cast a strong shadow of doubt on the protagonist (Heather Gudenkauf's This Is How I Lied being a great example)--and Miranda does great work of it here. Olivia sleepwalks, and we have a hard time fully trusting her throughout the novel. Heck, she has a hard time trusting herself.

Of course, there are plenty of other suspects and lots of twists and turns to keep you guessing. I enjoyed the story of a girl escaping her past, only to find it catching up with her, no matter how hard she tried. We see how the media and attention can unravel even the happiest of tales, how Olivia's mother couldn't handle the pressure, how Olivia had to become a different person to survive. Why, we wonder, does society have to take a happy thing and ruin it.

"The case made all of us, and then it unmade us."

Overall, this was a fast-paced and intriguing read. Olivia is an interesting character, oddly sympathetic despite her possibility of being a murderess. 3.75 stars, rounded to 4 here.
<i>Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review</i>

<i>Skullsworn</i> was the first book by Brian Staveley that I’ve read and it has made me want to read his others for definite - I’ve got the <i>Chronicles of the Unhewn Throne</i> already lined up but this review is about Skullsworn. From what I’ve gathered over the internet this is a standalone prequel to the Chronicles as the main character Pyrre is featured in the original trilogy.

Skullsworn follows Pyrre, a priestess-in-training to the god Ananshael, a god of death. The whole concept of the story is Pyrre’s Trial to become a fully-fledged priestess of Ananshael – she has to kill 7 people in 14 days, all of whom are tied to a song including “the one you love/who will not come again.” Failure to complete all seven deaths will result in her own death at the hands of her two witnesses Ela and Kossal.

I’m going to on about Ela and Kossal for a little bit here – Ela is an incredibly motivated, true-believer in life, love and death, skilled fighter and devout priestess of her faith to her God; she’s comfortbale with all levels of intimacy and she has got a laidback view of everything which is in stark contrast to her counterpart Kossal – an aging priest with stooped shoulders and a gruff demeanour who says what he means and means what he says; he plays his flute to stop himself from killing patrons but gets irritated at their applause – it’s a catch 22 like no other. The two of these together shouldn’t work in any way, shape or form but Brian Staveley has made it work to greatness.

Pyrre’s story is one of conflict all throughout and her biggest road block is going to be that she’s never been in love. She travels back to Dombang in order to try to fall in love with Ruc Lan Lac who becomes her target – a pit fighter from her past who has been given command of the Greenshirts by the Annurian leaders. He’s a staunch disbeliever in all things myth and legend and has no patience for spiritual leanings and prefers to focus on the reality of any situation.

Pyrre doesn’t feel that she is worthy of being a priestess of Ananshael but her journey to Dombang from Rassumbur and through the Trial shows that really, she is. We get a big blast from the past in that Pyrre recounts her first meeting with Ruc Lan Lac to Ela who finds great joy in teasing Pyrre mercilessly about the situation and about her supposed inability to love.

The writing style is perfectly bleak but brilliantly enjoyable with great humour in the banter between Ela and Kossal but they’ve also got a great dryness to their humour which gives a stark contrast. The descriptions of the delta and the Csestriim and Nevariim were full of otherworldly fear and ancient horrors, a dark fantasy of epic proportions!

The ending had twists and turns that I didn’t expect in the slightest, gave Skullsworn a perfect ending and it has made me want to get into the world of The Annurian Empire even more; the epilogue was fantastic!

Expertly written and highly recommended.
Knowing (2009)
Knowing (2009)
2009 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
John Koestler (Nicolas Cage) is a man who lives in a world of facts. As a professor at M.I.T. he is more concerned about things that can be proven through hard science than with things that cannot be proven. With the recent loss of his wife leaving him a single father, John is not willing to accept the notion of a grand plan or the notion of heaven easily.

John’s son Caleb (Chandler Cantebury), morns the loss of his mother and looks to pick up his life with his father unaware of the dramatic turn that fate has in store for them both in the new film “Knowing” by Director Alex Proyas.

When a 50 year old time capsule is unearthed at Caleb’s school he and his fellow classmates eagerly await the envelopes contained within as each student is eager to see what the students from the past have placed in the envelopes as their predictions of the future. Caleb’s envelope contains not a picture but a series of numbers which he quickly dismisses.

One evening at home, John accidently notices the series of numbers and notices the date of 9/11/01 is included followed by a number. Intrigued, John looks up the 9/11 terror attacks online and is surprised that the numbers on the paper that follow the date are the exact death count from the attack. An all night study of the paper indicates to John that the exact date and death count of tragedies from the last fifty years are contained on the paper with some other numbers John cannot account for. What John does know is that there are three dates left on the paper, all of which are in the near future.

Further complicating matters is that the paper contains the data for the accident the killed John’s wife which leads him to believe that he can alter the outcome of the tragedies that are yet to happen and that he has been chosen to save those destined for a tragic death.

When mysterious individuals start to appear near Caleb, John finds himself in a race against time to get to the bottom of the mystery. His efforts lead him to Diana Wayland (Rose Byrne), the daughter of the girl who wrote the numbers on the sheet. While at first reluctant to become involved Diana and her daughter join John and Caleb in a frantic race against time with the very fate of the world hanging in the balance.

“Knowing” is a very compelling drama that mixes action and suspense with expert pacing to produce a first rate and entertaining thriller. Proyas keeps the film moving at a brisk pace but is not afraid to let the film slow down to allow the tension to build. The FX in the film are first rate and while spectacular are not the main attraction to this character driven drama. Though a bit monotone and restrained for my taste, Cage does solid work as the Skeptical John who realizes that there are forces in the universe that cannot be explained and who comes across as a likeable everyman in an extraordinary situation.

The strong script and direction is well balanced by the supporting cast. The ending of the film might be a bit to Hollywood for some, and for me, did detract slightly from the first ¾ of the film.
That being said, “Knowing” was a very enjoyable film and reminded me of the type of films that M. Night Shyamalan used to make, and probably wishes he had done.
The Last House Guest
The Last House Guest
Megan Miranda | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Typically the locals and the summer visitors don't mix much in the resort town of Littleport, Maine. But when summer resident Sadie Loman and local Avery Greer meet, they form a fast, intense friendship that lasts nearly a decade. It ends the night of the Plus-One party--the one night where locals and summer guests come together at the summer's end. It's also the night Sadie dies; her body is found on Breaker Breach, where she has drowned after falling off a cliff. The police believe Sadie has committed suicide, but Avery isn't so sure. A year later, she begins digging more into Sadie's death. What she finds leaves her more convinced that ever that Sadie's death wasn't at her own hand--and the more she discovers, the more she wonders if she's in danger, too.

So, I read this book in about 24 hours. It's a fast, quick read. A lot of the plot seems familiar--it was the second book of the last three, I'd read, for instance, where someone died suspiciously after falling off a cliff. The plot definitely has the tried-and-true feel of "friend obsessed with richer/prettier/etc. friend's death yet won't leave it to police even though it makes no sense to investigate on their own." You know where I'm coming from, right? You've been there before.

In this case, Avery is, of course, the local, with no money, who has been taken in by Sadie's family. They've funded her coursework, given her a place to live, and a job--she oversees all of the Loman's rental properties in Littleport. They even bought her grandmother's house. So Sadie--and her family--mean a lot to Avery.

"Sadie was my anchor, my coconspirator, the force that had grounded my life for so many years. If I imagined her jumping, then everything tilted precariously, just as it had that night."

The book is told entirely from Avery's point of view, but it goes back and forth in time. We get the night of the party, when Sadie died, and then the present, a year later. A memorial is coming up for Sadie, dredging up memories for Avery and causing her to question what happened that night. It's an effective formula--Miranda is good at playing with time.

The book has an ominous, creepy feel to it. Weird things start happening at the rental properties for instance, and you can't help but feel that something bad is going to happen. The setting is a good one--a beachy, resort town--and it's easy to visualize the scene. I did enjoy how much this one kept me guessing. Maybe I should have figured things out earlier, but I didn't. I was intrigued about what happened to Sadie, and I kept reading because of that. That being said, I didn't really care about any of the characters in the book. Most of the characters, including the Lomans, seem rich and spoiled, and somehow, I just couldn't find a ton of affection for Avery. I was reading more out of curiosity versus an investment in their storyline.

Overall, this thriller is a quick read that kept me guessing. The characters aren't particularly likeable but the mystery is interesting and the setting somehow both ominous and picturesque. 3.5 stars.
A Throne of Swans
A Throne of Swans
Katharine Corr, Elizabeth Corr | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
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#1 <a href="">A Throne of Swans</a> - ★★★★

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A Throne of Swans by Katharine & Elizabeth Corr is the first book in the series. An epic fantasy about courage, secrets, betrayals and love. 


When her father dies, Aderyn inherits the role of Protector of Atratys, a dominion in a kingdom where nobles can transform into birds. Aderyn's ancestral bird is a swan, But since witnessing the death of her mother, Aderyn hasn't been able to transform. Aderyn must venture to the Citadel to seek the truth about her mother's death and to fight for the land she has vowed to protect!

<b><i>My Thoughts:</i></b>

From the first moment I read the synopsis of A Thorn of Swans, I was intrigued. I am a sucker for fantasies that involve badass princesses. The cover of this book is also incredible. 

From the very first pages we familiarise ourselves with Aderyn. She has already lost her mother, in fact, watched her die, and now she has lost her father too. She has been grieving her whole life, but she has also been wanting to find out what really happened that day. When her father dies and some clues are unveiled, she needs to travel to the Citadel to find answers.

However, this decision comes with a huge risk because of her current inability to transform into a swan. The punishment, if someone finds out the truth, is death. 

On this trip, she is accompanied by Lucien, who is there to serve as an advisor and protector for Aderyn. They have a dynamic and interesting relationship, bonding over their vows to protect their kingdom. Lucien is also one of the few people that knows Aderyn cannot transform.

Following Aderyn's story, we witness revealing of secrets, betrayals, drama and gossip. She is determined to find answers, which sometimes includes trusting the wrong people and finding out more than she can cope with.

I was struggling with the fact that this book lacks strong side characters. People that are not main characters, but who you root for. Aderyn was an amazing character, but also the only one that had everything it takes.

<b><i>The story was very unpredictable until the very end, and quite unexpected at all times.</i></b>

I loved the plot twists and the cliffhanger at the end. I also shipped the romance, so I was quite perplexed with how the book ended regarding the romantic topic. Some questions remained unanswered and I am sure that the second book in the series will tackle them. 

<b><i>I highly recommend A Throne of Swans if you love epic fantasies, castles, kingdoms and cool princesses!</i></b>

Thank you to ReadersFirst and Hot Key Books, for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.