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The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson (2017)
The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson (2017)
2017 | Documentary
Tremendous and hugely tragic
David France’s finely wrought documentary seeks justice for a pivotal figure in queer history from the beginning of Stonewall, whose death was said to have never been investigated properly.

Marsha P. Johnson was many things: outspoken LGBT activist, downtown superstar, model muse to Andy Warhol. In 1992, her body was found in the Hudson River, with police classifying her death as a suicide. The documentary is almost a resurrection of this transgender icon, but also a vivid portrayal of the immense suffering the community has faced over decades, even until this day.

The movie methodically explores who might have had cause to kill her - the local mafia, who were heavily involved in then-still-underground gay bar scene? A violent john or a passing group of straight men bent on hate crime? One of the most important characters in this film alongside Johnson was Sylvia Riviera, and her own tragic life just reflects the dire situation people are left to deal with.

Death is what leads the title and drives the movie. But it's her life - vibrant, pioneering, and much too short - that gives Marsha her flamboyant, beautiful heart. A truly moving portrayal.
Matter of Life and Death (1981)
Matter of Life and Death (1981)
1981 | Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I think A Matter of Life and Death is one of the great works of imagination in cinema. It’s a brilliant story. David Niven could not be more charming in it if he tried. He starts off, you know, as a World War II pilot about to crash his plane whilst quoting Andrew Marvell down the phone to the mayday operator, who he then falls in love with. There is one shot in it, actually, of the heavenly court before it goes into session, which we absolutely — and I haven’t actually spoken to Mike Newell about this — but we lifted almost identically for the start of the Triwizard tournament in Potter, in the fourth film. There is one shot — because I think I watched Matter of Life and Death shortly after we finished that film — which I watched and went, “Oh my god, we’ve just stolen that!”"

The Seventh Seal (Det Sjunde inseglet) (1957)
The Seventh Seal (Det Sjunde inseglet) (1957)
1957 | Action, International, Classics
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"After a life of watching silver-screen idols and debonair ne’er-do-wells, this film came out like a punch to the sternum. It showed that film was not simply a convenient vessel for story and adventure but could say much deeper things about us, as if we were shifting pieces on chessboards . . . but also about death, about the Crusades, about fighting or playing for one’s soul. And what comes after it all: a credit scene, starring everyone important in your life? There’s more to it, more to this film than it lets on—and I’ve been thinking about it for years."

Selfless (2015)
Selfless (2015)
2015 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
5.1 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This was a really really good movie. I love Ryan Reynolds and he doesn't disappoint in this one, either. This film was full of intense action, wonderful acting and remarkable storytelling. A very thought provoking, intriguing tale about life and death, second chances and redemption. It had a couple of good twists and turns(and one or two predictable parts). This one is really REALLY worth a watch!

Jimmy Hayward recommended The Iron Giant (1999) in Movies (curated)

The Iron Giant (1999)
The Iron Giant (1999)
1999 | Animation, Family, Sci-Fi

"Brad Bird is a triple badass. That’s all there is to it. I would have said Incredibles but I watched Giant more. It was so ground breaking with the mixed media. Great story, great characters, good heart, super smooth filmmaking AND Christopher McDonald is in it and I love him. Too bad they marketed a bunch of other movies that year. Good thing there’s life after death on DVD."


James Franco recommended The Salesman (2016) in Movies (curated)

The Salesman (2016)
The Salesman (2016)
2016 | Drama, Thriller
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The Maysles are masters. Their philosophy of Direct Cinema is proved in these films. Life is as interesting as fiction. This is not reality TV; it is observational documentation in the purest sense. It is not manipulated; the only filter is the obvious love the filmmakers have for their subjects. Salesman is as deep as Death of a Salesman or The Iceman Cometh, and Gimme Shelter is like Greek tragedy."


James Franco recommended Gimme Shelter (1970) in Movies (curated)

Gimme Shelter (1970)
Gimme Shelter (1970)
1970 | Documentary, Music, Thriller
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The Maysles are masters. Their philosophy of Direct Cinema is proved in these films. Life is as interesting as fiction. This is not reality TV; it is observational documentation in the purest sense. It is not manipulated; the only filter is the obvious love the filmmakers have for their subjects. Salesman is as deep as Death of a Salesman or The Iceman Cometh, and Gimme Shelter is like Greek tragedy."

They Both Die At The End
They Both Die At The End
Adam Silvera | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (22 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this book, really I did, but I felt like this was overhyped a bit. While I understand the whole point was to make the reader realize how precious life is and the importance of just living, instead of fearing death, it all felt too pressured, too forced. The idea itself, however - of a world that can tell you that you're going to die today - was pretty interesting.
Into The Abyss (2011)
Into The Abyss (2011)
2011 | Crime, Documentary, Drama
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Every now and again I like to leave the fictional world of film and take a trip into reality. I did so with Into the Abyss. A film by Werner Herzog (Rescue Dawn) it looks at the always controversial capital punishment, and focuses on one particular triple murder in the state of Texas.

Using actual footage of the crime scenes which is disturbing enough, Herzog also draws on the real life interviews of those involved and how it has affected their lives. It also explains to us what causes a person to commit murder, and if taking a life for a life really is worth it in the long run.

What is the most shocking with this film is the complete lack of remorse both inmates have. Michael Perry the condemned, man is courteous and polite in his responses as he sits looking through the perspex glass that separates him from Herzog.

As Herzog states at their first meeting he doesn’t particularly like him but he has respect for him, more than likely due in part to the honestly of his answers and how he’s dealing with certain death. The other is Jason Burkett, sentenced to life for his part in the crime, he won’t get out until much past sixty-five, a terrifying prospect when you’re only in your twenties.

Burkett still tries to command a normal life, married to someone on the outside who he rarely gets to touch physically they have a child on the way, although the conception is kept a closely guarded secret, despite advances to find out by Herzog. Both men have always blamed the other and both claimed their innocence.

The film is broken down into chapters, opening with a somber account of life and death from The Reverend Richard Lopez, the man that holds the hand of those sent to death, for their final walk into the unknown. It then quickly moves to an in-depth look at the murders, the how, the why and the where? This all makes for an impactul watch.
The Book of Echoes
The Book of Echoes
Rosanna Amaka | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Book of Echoes has left me with a serious book hangover. It’s a hard book to follow. All three of the narrative voices in this book grab your heart and squeeze it - hard! Michael who lives in Brixton has a normal South London upbringing, living on a housing estate with his stepmother, sister and brother. When his brother kills his stepmother, his life takes a completely different direction as he steps in to care for his sister.

Ngozi lives in Nigeria, and we pick up as she transitions from being an orange seller to a house girl. Her life is changed forever when a house burglary goes terribly wrong. Her life takes many twists and turns, and she is determined to make something of her life.

The third voice is that of a female African slave, as she follows her children centuries after her death. She recounts the story of her life and death as well. I found this and Ngozi’s story particularly fascinating, as their stories are so very far removed from my own experience - so is Michael’s, to be honest.

This is a story of poverty, racism and the determination to change your life and break free from the expectations that others have of you. Ngozi is an ‘osu’, an outcast, and she makes a success of her life against all the odds. Michael makes a mistake and society makes him pay for it - wrongly in his case, but again, he’s determined to turn his life around. However the unnamed female slave never managed to live the life she wanted. Slave traders took that opportunity away from her - but she is still filled with hope for her ‘children’ through the generations.

I thought the ending of this book was perfect for all three characters, and I still think of this book a week after I finished it. I think it will be one of those books that will stay with me.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this very special book.