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Damsel Distressed
Damsel Distressed
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars.

This book turned out quite nice. It's almost inspirational for the bigger girl (which I am). How Gen overcame all the struggles she'd faced in her life. I've been feeling all of her highs and lows with her because I think she's going through something we all face but hers has been harder with her finding it hard to deal with the death of her mother.

I could tell that there were feelings of more than friendship between Grant and Gen, and he was a really great friend to her, as were the rest of the group, even Andrew when we finally got to know him.

I also liked Evelyn, she tried her best to make Gen feel like part of the family after Gen's dad married her and she grew on me a lot throughout the story.

Admittedly I was only going to give it four stars but I think the amount of times I cried or nearly did means it got to me, so I bumped it up half a star.

A nice big-girl romance.
The Invisible Man (2020)
The Invisible Man (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
There are three things that are certain in life:

1. Death
2. Taxes
3. Leigh Whannell is the fucking *man*.

Just fantastic. Obviously very few films could ever hope to match the rampant badassery of Whannell's previous masterwork, ๐˜œ๐˜ฑ๐˜จ๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ - but this is about as stellar as a follow-up as one could hope for. A constant guessing game with your eyes, something could be hiding in just about every corner - never stop looking, you could miss it right in plain sight. Melds horror, thriller, drama, and action in a way that is simply euphoric - especially after the decade-worst slump of movies we experienced in 2019. Does Jordan Peele better than Jordan Peele in every aspect except image-making, which only falls behind by a tad. Moss is - naturally - amazing, probably her best film performance in a career chock full of first-rate ones. And the themes are loud and clear without ever having to spoon feed or turn into a rote, mawkish Hallmark movie with the material. Starts small, methodically grows, then ends with a bang. A riot.