The Rays Before Satyajit: Creativity and Modernity in Colonial India
Although the filmmaker Satyajit Ray is well-known across the world, few outside Bengal know much...
A History of American Consumption: Threads of Meaning, Gender, and Resistance
The United States has been near the forefront of global consumption trends since the 1700s, and for...
Pension Fund Economics and Finance: Efficiency, Investments and Risk-Taking
Pension fund benefits are crucial for the welfare of many in society and pension fund savings have...
Change of Time and Change of Measure: Advanced Series on Statistical Science and Applied Probability
Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen and Albert N. Shiryaev
Change of Time and Change of Measure provides a comprehensive account of two topics that are of...
Ritual Gone Wrong: What We Learn from Ritual Disruption
The discipline of religious studies has, historically, tended to focus on discrete ritual mistakes...

Diagnostic Checks in Time Series
Diagnostic checking is an important step in the modeling process. But while the literature on...

The Future of Post-Human Engineering: A Preface to a New Theory of Technology
Why should mass media be informational and accurate as much as its proponents would claim-and,...

The RSC Shakespeare: The Complete Works
Jonathan Bate, William Shakespeare and Eric Rasmussen
This is the first and only edition to be developed by and for the Royal Shakespeare Company, the...

The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization
Simon Hornblower, Antony Spawforth and Esther Eidinow
What did the ancient Greeks eat and drink? What role did migration play? Why was emperor Nero...

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
You don't know about me, without you have read a book by the name of "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer",...