The Girl in the Fog
An atmospheric novel about the disappearance of Anna, fifteen, on a cold night in a small town in...

The Inferno
Dante Alighieri and John Lotherington
Journey into Dante's nine circles of hell in the epic poem, Inferno. The Divine Comedy, written in...

The Kindly Ones
Dr Max Aue is a family man and owner of a lace factory in post-war France. He is an intellectual...

The Sex Girl: A Novel
When she arrived in Los Angeles in 1994, one month after the Northridge quake and two years after...

Ulysses: Annotated Students' Edition
For Joyce, literature 'is the eternal affirmation of the spirit of man'. Written between 1914 and...

Vaseline Buddha
Jung Young-moon and Yewon Jung
"If someone in the future asks in frustration, 'What has Korean literature been up to?' we can...

New American Stories
The short story is a barometer for the state and shape of literature. New American Stories presents...

Classics Reimagined, Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen and Alice Pattullo
Enjoy Jane Austen's witty novel of love and misunderstanding as you've never seen it before! Alice...

Giovanni Boccaccio and J.G. Nichols
In the summer of 1348, the plague ravages Florence, and ten young Florentines take refuge in the...

Quiet Impact: How to be a successful Introvert
Most literature on business, communication and success is focused on extroverts, who feel...