Staging the Ottoman Turk: British Drama, 16561792
In the wake of the fear that gripped Europe after the fall of Constantinople (1453), the English...

The Law of the United States: An Introduction
The Law of the United States offers an introduction and overview of the American legal system. With...

Ruins and Fragments: Tales of Loss and Rediscovery
For many of us, ruins are alluring, puzzling and endlessly fascinating: this elegant book seeks to...

The Economics of Trade Unions: A Study of a Research Field and its Findings
Hristos Doucouliagos, Richard B. Freeman and Patrice Laroche
Richard B. Freeman and James L. Medoff's now classic 1984 book What Do Unions Do? stimulated an...

The Theory of the Firm: An Overview of the Economic Mainstream
Firms are a ubiquitous feature of the economic landscape, with much of the activity undertaken...

Beyond the Cloister: Catholic Englishwomen and Early Modern Literary Culture
Representations of Catholic women appear with surprising frequency in the literature of...

Conversations: Volume 2
Jorge Luis Borges and Osvaldo Ferrari
Recorded during Jorge Luis Borges's final years, this second volume of his conversations with...

In Dante's Wake: Reading from Medieval to Modern in the Augustinian Tradition
John Freccero, Danielle Callegari and Melissa Swain
Waking to find himself shipwrecked on a strange shore before a dark wood, the pilgrim of the Divine...
Marriage and the Nineteenth-Century British Women's Novel
Carolyn Lambert, Marion Shaw and Frances Twinn
This interdisciplinary volume explores the fictional portrayal of marriage by women novelists...
The Monkey and the Monk: An Abridgment of The Journey to the West
Anthony C. Yu's celebrated translation of The Journey to the West reinvigorated one of Chinese...