Black Girlhood in the Nineteenth Century
Long portrayed as a masculine endeavor, the African American struggle for progress often found...

John Betjeman
John Betjeman and Hugo Williams
In this series, a contemporary poet selects and introduces a poet of the past. By their choice of...

Knitting Yarns: Writers on Knitting
Knitting Yarns explores what is so magical about knitting and how it can inspire joy and help us get...

Modernist Voyages: Colonial Women Writers in London, 1890-1945
London's literary and cultural scene fostered newly configured forms of feminist anticolonialism...

Monstrous Media/Spectral Subjects: Imaging Gothic from the Nineteenth Century to the Present
Fred Botting and Catherine Spooner
Monstrous media/spectral subjects explores the intersection of monsters, ghosts, representation and...

Shakespeare's London 1613: Whitehall to Guildhall
Shakespeare's London 1613 offers for the first time a comprehensive 'biography' of this crucial year...

Subjected Subcontinent: Sectarian and Sexual Lines in Indian Writing in English
This book offers a new, complex understanding of Indian writing in English by focusing its analysis...

The Hand on the Shakespearean Stage: Gesture, Touch and the Spectacle of Dismemberment
This ground-breaking new book uncovers the way Shakespeare draws upon the available literature and...

Anne McLean and Juan Gabriel Vasquez
A taut new novel by the award-winning author of The Sound of Things Falling - 'one of the most...

The Sun is our neighbourhood star, igniting the imagination and setting the template for divinity....