Rainbows, Halos, Dawn and Dusk: The Appearance of Color in the Atmosphere and Goethe's Theory of Colors
This book explores the captivating colors that appear in the atmosphere of the earth: coronas,...

An Introduction to Graphene Plasmonics
N.M.R. Peres and P.A.D. Goncalves
This book is meant as an introduction to graphene plasmonics and aims at the advanced undergraduate...

Contrast Agents for MRI: Experimental Methods
Bruce Balcom, Valerie C Pierre, Matthew J. Allen and William S. Price
As a practical reference guide for designing and performing experiments, this book focuses on the...
Fitted Numerical Methods for Singular Perturbation Problems: Error Estimates in the Maximum Norm for Linear Problems in One and Two Dimensions
Eugene O'Riordan, J.J.H. Miller and G.I. Shishkin
Since the first edition of this book, the literature on fitted mesh methods for singularly perturbed...

Infrared and Raman Spectroscopies of Clay Minerals
Jana Madejova and Faiza Bergaya
Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy of the Clay Minerals, Volume 8 is an up-to-date overview of...

Molecular Nanostructure and Nanotechnology
In recent years, several advances have been made in the control of molecular assembly, generating...

Molecular Virology of Human Pathogenic Viruses
Molecular Virology of Human Pathogenic Viruses presents robust coverage of the key principles of...

Organic Name Reaction and Rearrangement
ORGANIC NAME REACTION AND REARRANGEMENT discusses various organic name reactions and rearrangements...
Sport and Urban Space in Europe: Facilities, Industries, Identities
Thierry Terret and Sandra Heck
Filling a gap in the literature on the history of sport in Europe, the book brings together...
The Ecology and Evolution of Heliconius Butterflies: A Passion for Diversity
Chris D. Jiggins and Gerardo Lamas
The Heliconius butterflies are one of the classic systems in evolutionary biology and have...