The Quran: Epic and Apocalypse
Suppose our knowledge of the Quran began only recently with the discovery of mysterious scrolls in a...

Meta-Analysis in Stata: An Updated Collection from the Stata Journal
Tom M. Palmer and Jonathan Sterne
Meta-analysis allows researchers to combine the results of several studies into a unified analysis...
Symmetry in Crystallography: Understanding the International Tables
This book presents the reader with a fresh and unconventional approach to teaching crystallographic...

The Biology and Ecology of Tintinnid Ciliates: Models for Marine Plankton
John R. Dolan, David J. S. Montagnes, Sabine Agatha and D. Wayne Coats
Planktonic protists both produce and consume most of the primary production in the world ocean. They...
Introduction to Exercise Science
Terry J. Housh, Dona J. Housh and Glen O. Johnson
The fifth edition of Introduction to Exercise Science introduces students to every core area of...

The 'Big Four' of the White Star Fleet: Celtic, Cedric, Baltic & Adriatic
The White Star Line's Celtic (1901), Cedric (1903), Baltic (1904) and Adriatic (1907), collectively...

Bali: A Paradise Created
The Island of Bali--a true paradise is explored in this classic travelogue. From the artists and...

Yorkshire: A Lyrical History of England's Greatest County
Yorkshire, it has been said, is 'a continent unto itself', a region where mountain, plain, coast,...
Contemporary Oral Oncology: 2017
This book set, in four volumes, is an authoritative, in-depth reference guide that covers all...

Dental Statistics Made Easy
This essential textbook presents the basics of dental statistics in an accessible way, combining...