Much Ado About Religion
Jayanta Bhatta and Csaba Dezso
This play satirizes various religions in Kashmir and their place in the politics of King...
Bruce Springsteen: Like a Killer in the Sun
Bruce Springsteen Like a Killer in the Sun, originally published in Italian, is the definitive book...

Film Music in 'Minor' National Cinemas
Taking its cue from Deleuze's definition of minor cinema as one which engages in a creative act of...

Post-War Middle-Class Housing: Models, Construction and Change
Gaia Caramellino and Federico Zanfi
Post-war middle-class housing played a key role in constructing and transforming the cities of...

Readings on Maramarosh
Elieser Slomovic, Caryn Landy, Aryeh Cohen and Steven M. Lowenstein
Since World War II, the sub-Carpathian Mountain region once known as Maramarosh has remained...

An Encyclopaedia of Plants in Myth, Legend, Magic and Lore
In An Encyclopaedia of Plants in Myth, Legend, Magic and Lore Stuart Phillips brings together a...

Secondary Sources in the History of Canadian Medicine: A Bibliography / Bibliographie de l'Histoire de la Medecine: Volume 2
Charles G. Roland and Jacques Bernier
Volume Two of this retrospective bibliography is both a continuation and an expansion of Volume One...

The Joy of Pubs: Everything You Wanted to Know About Britain's Favourite Drinking Establishment
Following on in the same vain of The Joy of Sheds, The Joy of Pubs is an intoxicating publication...

The Viking World
Filling a gap in the literature for an academically oriented volume on the Viking period, this...

The Wit and Wisdom of Kerry
This new collection about Kerry represents a county which has produced leading national figures,...