Sorolla the Masterworks
A new survey of the best works by the elusive and spectacular Spanish Impressionist Joaquin Sorolla....

The Planetary Turn: Relationality and Geoaesthetics in the Twenty-First Century
Amy J. Elias and Christian Moraru
A groundbreaking essay collection that pursues the rise of geo-culture as an essential framework for...

Understanding Atrocities: Remembering, Representing and Teaching Genocide
This is a wide-ranging collection of essays bridging scholarly and community-based efforts to...

Alan Moore: Storytell
Gary Spencer Millidge and Michael Moorcock
"Alan Moore: Storyteller" is the first serious examination of the life, career and work of one of...

An Elizabethan Assassin: Theodore Paleologus: Seducer, Spy and Killer
In this first biography of Theodore Paleologus, new documentary evidence exposes him as a hardened...

State, Economy and the Great Divergence: Great Britain and China, 1680s-1850s
State, Economy and the Great Divergence provides a new analysis of what has become the central...

Stochastic Calculus and Applications: 2015
Samuel N. Cohen and Robert J. Elliott
Completely revised and greatly expanded, the new edition of this text takes readers who have been...

Storytelling-Case Archetype Decoding and Assignment Manual (SCADAM)
Arch G. Woodside and Suresh C. Sood
Storytelling-Case Archetype Decoding and Assignment Manual (SCADAM) reviews cultural and...
The American Car Dealership
Ever since the automobile was made accessible to the masses, car dealerships have been special...

The Effective Change Manager's Handbook: Essential Guidance to the Change Management Body of Knowledge
David King, Richard Smith, Ranjit Sidhu and Dan Skelsey
The Change Management profession is not longer in its infancy. Readily identifiable in organizations...