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John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime, Thriller
Weakest of the trilogy but still enjoyable
So this movie picks up right where chapter 2 ended with john going on the run.A brutal first 20 minutes of action follows (the library scene is brilliant) but once that is over the story starts to get a little dull.Everything feels rushed with john going from one country to another, then the massive fight scene with halle berry and 2 german shepherd dogs which felt like it had so much going on in it that you just couldn't keep up with it.

But thankfully once john is back on home soil things improve again leading up to the big finale at the continental hotel.All in all another excellent addition to the franchise and things are set up for a fourth movie to come along in the future
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't usually pick up thrillers but I spotted this whilst having a browse through my online library account and it sounded interesting. When I reserve books at the library to pick up it gives me a push to pull my socks up and get those books read before the deadline, if I own the book it's too easy to slack. With a deadline looming I am pushed to read books that I wouldn't usually read, which I think is brilliant as I get to experience some different genres.
Long story short I thought this book was fantastic! It was brutal, it was gory and it kept me guessing until the end. Once I had finished the book I went and reserved the second in the series.
I thought the story was very well written and I liked all of the characters. Maybe there were a few plot holes but it didn't distract me or make much difference to the storyline.
This is definitely one of those books that just gets into your head and will not let you sleep, when I had to go out and leave the book at home I heard a little voice calling me...calling me back home 'read me...', what a hold it had.
Enjoyed it very much!
Alice in Zombieland - White Rabbit Chronicles
Alice in Zombieland - White Rabbit Chronicles
Gena Showalter | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was an interesting re-imagining of Alice in Wonderland. In Alice in Zombieland, Alice Bell's life has always been curtailed by her father's insistence that monsters exist. The family cannot leave the house after dark, she's been taught how to fight hand-to-hand and with a couple of weapons, and they never - NEVER - drive past the graveyard. All of this changes in one night - when Alice "falls down the rabbit hole" as it were - and discovers her father wasn't insane after all.

Now, living with her grandparents, haunted by visions of her little sister and glimpses of monsters in the dark, Alice - or Ali, as she insists on being called - finds herself being called on to fight the monsters alongside the roughest crowd in her high school. Falling in love with the leader of the bad boys doesn't help her social life, but might help her stay alive.

I enjoyed this book and will probably pick up the sequel, Through the Zombie Glass, if I can find it at the library. The writing flowed well most of the time, and while Alice began a little whiny, by the end of the book she was pretty bad ass. It felt.... a little more "young adult" than some young adult books I've read; the emotions seemed detached or damped down a bit. While she was dealing with grief over the loss of her family, and possible death at the hands of zombies, it just didn't feel as raw as I think those emotions should have felt. And the notion of a bunch of high school kids fighting zombies - with the support of adults, including the high school principal - was a little weird. Still an interesting book, and not a waste of time, but it felt a lot like "teenagers are special snowflakes!"

You can find all my reviews at
Reading Up a Storm focuses more on characters outside of the library staff than the first two novels in the series, and Lucy has a new friend in this one who is accused of murder. Of course she doesn't trust that the police will see past her friend Stephanie's apparent motive for the crime, and is soon getting herself into trouble asking questions and trying to solve the case by herself. She probably figured it out long before I did, but it was gratifying to find that the killer was the person I suspected, for once.

And for those of you who enjoy a little romance with your cozy mystery - I love where the author has taken the romantic triangle that was developing in the first two books. I can't say anything more without spoilers, but I was very pleased with the outcome.
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