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Ink and Bone (The Great Library #1)
Ink and Bone (The Great Library #1)
Rachel Caine | 2015 | Dystopia, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ink and Bone was probably one of those books where I originally wasn’t 100% sold on reading it when it came out – it wasn’t something I thought I would enjoy not like I enjoyed the Weather Warden and Outcast Season books and although it’s taken me over a year to get round to reading it I have to say I’m certainly glad that I did.

For those of you who have never read Rachel Caine’s other books this is probably as good a place as any to start however if you have read her other stuff but haven’t read this yet? Get in there.

So Ink and Bone is set in a Dystopian universe where the Great Library of Alexandria was never destroyed and books are like gold dust (they should be anyway but this a whole new level of obsession) smugglers and Burners abound in this alternate reality and The Library hold all the cards. Real books are taken by the Library for archiving and they’re replicated into a new form called a blank – which is basically a copy of a book in particular.

The story starts with Jess Brightwell doing a run for a customer as per orders from his father – the head of one of the biggest smuggling rings in London – where an original copy of a book is to be delivered to the buyer no questions asked. As a young child Jess is – as expected – pretty impressionable but he also retains his own sense of purpose and sense of right and wrong unlike his twin brother. The “client” who requested the rare book is actually an ink-licker – a book eater – and Jess witnesses the ink-licker devouring this rare one of a kind book and he loses his flagging appreciation for the smuggling trade altogether.

His father makes a good point to Jess by accusing him of having ink in his blood as Jess has a bigger appreciation for the books he’s supposed to be smuggling than the family business. His twin -ok the other hand – is the exact opposite and loves being a smuggler and criminal. The ink-licker ends up dying due to a knife in the back and we find out later on that Brendon (Jess’s twin) potentially did it.

Jess’s father buys him a position into the Library testing to become a Scholar and so begins the story of Jess and the Library.

Jess is out through a series of gruelling tests and to be perfectly honest I think the worst of the lot is putting up with his stuck up roommate Dario but Jess prevails throughout these tests and the trials he and the other postulants go through – including a few near death (and certain death) experiences – Jess is a success even if his tutor is aware of his past and family connections.

I loved the writing style as it’s just so Rachel Caine and her work always keeps me intrigued. I also loved the potential (pretty sure and I ship it) relationship between Scholar Wolfe and Captain Santi, it’s got a very good and very clear backdrop and love is love – adore it.

Some of the other postulants were a little unlikeable at first but they did grow on me and the best postulant besides Jess is Thomas and man is he wicked smart.

I also didn’t like the Artifex Magnus – he just came across as totally slimy and 100% “I’ll do anything to make sure the Library stays in power” attitude and I mean anything.

It was all around a very good book with some good and humourous dialogue but also the very serious side to it in terms of the war between the English and the Welsh and the war between the Library and the Burners. Now Burners are a very interesting concept and I can’t wait to see where the next book Paper and Fire takes the series.
The Lost and the Chosen (The Lost Sentinel, #1)
The Lost and the Chosen (The Lost Sentinel, #1)
Ivy Asher | 2018 | Paranormal
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

I don't think this book ever really slowed down it's pace. It starts with Vinna getting ready for her next mma? fight. After winning the fight she heads outside and sees a strange ripple in the air that she can't help but investigate and comes across a battle between two groups of men. She gets drawn into the fight and the winning side tell her she's like them - a caster - and that she should go with them back to their accommodation so they can fill her in on what she is. It takes a little convincing but she eventually goes and begins to learn about what she is. In the process she meets five fellow casters and feels a connection to each of them.

A lot more happens than my abbreviated version above and it's really good. We have some really good interaction between Vinna and each of the five guys. You get really drawn into their story. Then there's the older paladin group and their bond and how they are with Vinna. It's a little complicated at times between them and I got a little upset myself near the end.

I thought this was really well written and thought out. It was a different take on magicians/magic users and I really enjoyed it.

It does have a bit of a cliffhanger ending and I am interested to see what will happen next, both with Vinna and her harem and the vampires who are after her.
The Name of the Rose
The Name of the Rose
Umberto Eco | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Detail, intrigue (0 more)
This book has been on my list of books I want to read for years but I had felt a little daunted by it. When I finally picked it up I was in the right frame of mind for the challenge and it seemed a fitting read for my weekend away to a book town.

It would be fair to say that parts of the book which covered the more in depth discussions on the differences between the various types of heretics weren't the easiest of reads but given I'm no kind of expert on religion they did make sense and were important to the story.

What I really did love was the sections where William was using Sherlock Holmesesque deductions and the descriptions of the labyrinth style library. If you're a lover of books it's worth reading for those features alone.
Entertainment, Lifestyle
8.0 (2 Ratings)
App Rating
I love the selection of old & new TV/films & the option to stream disney channel live. The music selection is good & I love that the new soundtracks appear quickly. (0 more)
The option to make a playlist would be so useful. Also sometimes things are a little clunky & don't work as smoothly as other apps. Some films/TV shows take a while to appear on there after release. (0 more)
This app is life!
It's a great app & I love the easy access to all things Disney! As a huge fan of the films, tv & music there is so much to get my teeth into & I love rewatching old favourites. There are a few gaps- things that haven't appeared on there yet, but I'm hoping they'll keep adding to the old library of 90s cartoons! I just wish that new film/TV was more up to date with the releases on other mediums.
    Baby's Brilliant

    Baby's Brilliant

    Education and Entertainment

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    Educational and entertaining presentations for babies and toddlers. From Animated Children's Songs...