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Robert Eggers recommended Mary Poppins (1964) in Movies (curated)

Mary Poppins (1964)
Mary Poppins (1964)
1964 | Classics, Comedy, Family

"Another movie that takes place in the Edwardian era, but in the country where Edward was actually reigning. It was an important movie for me as a kid and it continued to be something that I revisited again because it’s just good. Good storytelling, quite beautiful. You’ve got to love the matte paintings of the London rooftops. You’ve got to love a movie where a witch is your nanny. Obviously, no challenge to Dick van Dyke’s Australian Cockney accent, but his performance in that movie is really incredible. He is such a good physical comedian and when they’re in the chalk painting — which is also just lovely, the live action mix and the animation — he often has the same dance choreography as Julie Andrews. And he interprets it incredibly differently. It’s not that he can’t do them, it’s that he’s interpreting them in a different way, for humor, with his body type and so cleverly. It’s a movie where kids have power. They understand some things that their Edwardian dad doesn’t. And we use a Mary Poppins-esque weathervane shot in The Lighthouse. And then also, as much as it is a very, very satisfying narrative, the movie’s not without mystery. What is Mary Poppins’ backstory? What is her relationship with Bert? She creeps me out. Like when her reflection in the mirror keeps singing after her. The way she’s a little bit austere with the children and then the next minute she’s super cuddly, it is a little creepy. And then it just isn’t her, but when the kids get lost in East London, and there’s the dogs barking, and the old beggar woman who’s like, “Come here, children” or whatever. That was incredibly terrifying as a child."


Kim Pook (101 KP) rated Room (2015) in Movies

Oct 26, 2020  
Room (2015)
Room (2015)
2015 | Drama
Contains spoilers, click to show
A 5 year old Jack wakes up on his birthday next to his mum. It is clear that their life isn't great as they are in a dark and dingey room which includes a bed, bath, sink, oven and TV. Jack's own bed is the bottom of a closet.
It is soon evident that they must be held captive, as every night when Jack is in bed some guy comes in and has sex with his mum, but also brings her and Jack items. Jack and his mum also have a daily ritual of screaming through the vents to the outside world, which as far as Jack is concerned is to get the attention of aliens.
Jack's mum soon comes to the conclusion that they can't live like that forever and tries to tell Jack that there is more to the world than room but he refuses to believe her, after a day of fending for himself though he begins to believe her and mum can finally put her plan to escape into action with Jack's help.
I suppose you're wondering how on earth a 5 year old can help with an escape plan? You'll have to watch and see, but it's very interesting how it unfolds. It's also interesting watching the aftermath and despite the movie being called room, it doesn't all take place in room, which I initially thought it would.
Jack does come across as quite obnoxious but given the circumstances it's understandable, and I liked that it showed how a child probably would react in this situation rather than sugar coat it like many movies would do. The child actor gives a very good performance as does the mother. It's probably not a movie I would watch again but entertaining enough to keep me interested for a one time watch.
Enter the Dragon (1973)
Enter the Dragon (1973)
1973 | Action
"𝘔𝘢𝘯, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘤 𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬."

Exquisite, worth every ounce of its reputation. Sensational use of music, dazzling acting, timeless fight sequences, savory aesthetic, very funny, and just an inherently juicy premise at the helm - I've always loved the idea of this gaudy remote island reserved exclusively for corrupt martial arts tournaments (plus drug/human trafficking and casual murder of course) that people can just casually go to lol. Not only a masterclass in personality but highly acute in its intelligence - crafts smart dialogue and extra fun characters to make this more than just the surface-level experience that it still could have been successful at. Bruce Lee really was the definition of raw star power, giving a performance which I can only describe as a live endorphin meets calculated hitman meets wrecking ball - leading both the ripper action bits as well as the cool, collected talking bits with seismic gravitas. The part where he stomps that guy to death as we watch his facial expression go from pure adrenaline takeover to euphoric satisfaction to regret then finally to painful acceptance all in a matter of like ten seconds is nothing short of astonishing. Plus it's all just so damn cool, I love this whole experience - the primal anticipation, the hearty sense of grooviness, the way the camera takes on the POV of the fighters as we can see how their conditions differ then zooms back in on the wildly emotive faces... pure cinema. The scene where Lee mows through an entire compound full of guards as he keeps switching progressively better weapons with the last one he retrieves from the previous wave of baddies? Oh hell yeah, say no more.
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms (2018)
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy
I've obviously been living under a rock as I hadn't realised that this was a Disney film. But while it has some Disney traits it didn't feel very Disney. In fact something feels a little off about the whole thing, and I can't say that that is a new feeling about their recent live action offerings. If we're excluding Pixar then the only film I've enjoyed from them recently is A Wrinkle In Time, this did nothing to change that.

Occasionally I come across films that leave me rather unenthusiastic, this is one of them. A seemingly massive budget has delivered an entirely mediocre piece filled with a large and impressive cast given parts that are lacklustre and often awkward. I'm not sure what was worse, Richard E. Grant's chandelier headdress or Keira Knightley's horny overlording and her high pitched whine. At least Helen Mirren with a whip gives you something good to watch.

All the realms have that wondrous quality but somehow don't come with the awe-inducing picture on the screen. Once you get into the Realm Of Amusements things get slightly more comical and you'd be forgiven for thinking you'd accidentally stumbled into a Spy Kids movie.

A welcome diversion came in the form of Misty Copeland's performances. It's just a shame that it was tainted by the rest of the film.

Sadly I can't get excited about this, I'm more annoyed about the fact that in all likelihood this will be hogging screen time until Christmas.

What you should do

Go and watch a ballet of The Nutcracker, it'll be more exciting and beautiful to watch.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I'd love the skill to create those clockwork marvels.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Dracul in Books

Sep 27, 2019  
J.D. Barker, Dacre Stoker | 2018 | Horror
8.7 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
A perfectly creepy Halloween treat.
Well, the spiced pumpkin lattes are out so it must be time to hit the scary reading lists and I would recommend putting this one high on the list this spooky season if you are looking for a truly unsettling, dark supernatural tale that has a good dose of mystery and intriguing characters.

Inspired by notes by Bram Stoker this prequel to Stoker’s classic Dracula was always going to have high expectations to live up to and for me, I wasn’t disappointed. Telling the tale of the young Bram Stoker, we meet his childhood caretaker, Ellen Crone whose odd behavior sparks the interest of young Bram and his sister Matilda who of course decide to poke their noses into her business little knowing they are just at the start of what will be an ongoing nightmare for the family. With many chilling discoveries, the tension builds and an unsettling tale is revealed.

It’s a very well written book that doesn't get bogged down in trying to use too much language and style of the period it is set in, instead focusing on successfully creating the gothic atmosphere to creepy perfection. Despite different POVs and timelines, it’s never hard to follow the action. The characters are gripping, in particular, Bram’s sister Matilda comes across as a superb character with brains and determination that are not expected of a lady of the time

This is not a tale for those of a squeamish disposition but it makes a great Halloween fix and has made me want to go and re-read Dracula now.

My thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the book in exchange for an honest review.
    Hidden Camera Detector

    Hidden Camera Detector

    Utilities and Entertainment

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    Quickly scan any room for hidden cameras and make sure no one is spying on you! ...

Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Crime
Exhibit no. 853928706 on why DC has been *crushing* Marvel these past four years. I do have my grievances: they pretty much skip all the actual Birds of Prey stuff (you know, what the movie is titled lmao) until the last twenty minutes, it takes a bit too much time at points, and not to mention this is a completely different character than what was presented in 𝘚𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘚𝘲𝘶𝘢𝘥 (for better and for worse) which I confess I would have liked to have seen more psychotic. Otherwise though this is pretty much exactly what movies were made for - a candy-coated live action cartoon sprinkled heavily with orgasmically choreographed savage violence, plentiful vulgarity, and the cheerfully dark edge that the aforementioned 𝘚𝘲𝘶𝘢𝘥 (which I still defend for at least being a good time) desperately craved. Robbie, Messina, and McGregor knock it out of the park and it's just great seeing Rosie Perez punch people in the face with brass knuckles. Furthermore this is one of the precious few recent studio 'girl power' movies where I actually bought that it gave a shit about the girls beyond superficial, insincere, and reductive woke points. At its core lies a legitimately poignant story about these women being chastised, abused, undermined, and taken advantage of for having the same traits (in a world that would already jump at the opportunity to eat them alive even if they didn't have them) that men get a pass and/or are even encouraged for having - so they respond by beating the ever-loving, merciless fuck out of them and it's deeply satisfying. No wonder usual superhero audiences who are used to female characters with zero personality or dynamism let this flop. Though I'm probably the only person on the planet who though that Leto's cracked-out Joker would have made a perfect addition to this.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
2008 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Old Indy: Nuke The CGI Refrigeror
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull- is the fourth indiana movie. I wish their didnt make a fourth movie, cause in my opinion and others the trilogy as a whole was and is perfect. The third movie was called, "The Last Crusade", so it should of been the last, but nope. Over 20's year, their had to make anethor one. Thanks Steven, George and Harrison, cause we really needed anethor one. With CGI Gophers, Monkey's, Aliens, and also Indiana surviving a atomic bomb test by hiding in a refrigator and surviving. Ya, no. He should be dead. Relying on to much CGI, pointless charcters, plot and a terrible ending. This movie doesnt live up to the oringal trilogy.

The plot: It's the height of the Cold War, and famous archaeologist Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford), returning from his latest adventure, finds out his job at Marshall College is in jeopardy. He meets Mutt (Shia LaBeouf), a young man who wants Indy to help him find the legendary Crystal Skull of Akator, and the pair set out for Peru. However, deadly agent Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett) is searching for the powerful artifact, too, because the Soviets believe it can help them conquer the world.

I mean the action was good, the adventure was good and Cate Blanchett was good as the villian, everything else was bad.

But at the same time though its always good to see Indiana and his adventures. To see Indiana back after all these years, did put a smile on my face. Old Indiana.

Though in my opinon, just watch the oringal trilogy, its 10x better than this garbage. I mean this bomb. Atomic Bomb, boom got them. Seriously, dont watch this one, its bad.

Sarah (7799 KP) May 26, 2020

5 seems rather generous considering you've said it's awful! 😆


Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) May 26, 2020 (Updated May 26, 2020)

Yea, maybe a 4 than. I did like the action, the comedy, the adventure, Harrision and Cate and thats it. Just it was good see anethor Indiana film though.

    Samplr - Touch the Music

    Samplr - Touch the Music

    Music and Productivity

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    Samplr allows you to make music and play with sound in a new and intuitive way by touching the...