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Infected (Releasing the Magic #1)
Infected (Releasing the Magic #1)
Maya Riley | 2020 | Dystopia, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
126 of 200
Infected ( Releasing the magic book1)
By Maya Riley

What's the worst that could happen? Sit down and let me tell you.

The Void Virus has been let loose on the Earth. Caused by experiments gone wrong, an outbreak has ravaged the world. Anyone infected has turned into a decaying empty shell, void of their former selves. The animate decomposing bodies have become known as Rotters, stumbling around for the scent of the living.

Alone in the dark new world where even the dead don’t die, I must fight to survive. Not only against the Rotters, but the remaining uninfected who have turned savage in their plight of survival; the scavers.

As the world I once knew is lost, a new one emerges. Strange things begin to happen. Some are able to wield power over the elements. I develop a strange healing ability. It is unknown if this is a rogue symptom of the virus, or if the solitude is driving me crazy.

Puppy, my German Shepherd, and I have been on our own until four guys enter my life and refuse to leave. Strangely enough, they’re just as broken as I am.

My name is Blyss and we will set this world on fire if necessary. After all… What’s the worst that could happen?

I don’t give many 5 stars but I absolutely loved this book! It was well written and packed with action! I loved the romantic stuff too as it wasn’t shoved In your face every other page! You could feel the tension building. Highly recommended the best “zombie” book I’ve read in a long time!
Jarhead (2005)
Jarhead (2005)
2005 | Drama
𝘉𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥. At least 90% surface-level and even more largely reductive - of course it is - but it's also totally incompetent. A 2+ hour torture session slog through a barren wasteland visually (Deakins of course shoots the living hell out of it, so there's some damn fine imagery every now and again but Jesus Christ could we do more than two fucking [mawkish and over-obviously symbolized] colors for this whole thing?) but moreso narratively, where this has absolutely nothing to say. You'd think this intentionally dances right around any sort of gift-wrapped commentary about the Gulf War, toxic masculinity, the late 1980s, the American military for young men, or literally anything at all with how dead and non-thematic this awkward crawl is. It can't even be bothered in exploring its own characters lives, I kept forgetting who these people even were - the movie clearly didn't care about them so why should I? Also has the same problem most of these one-dimensional, pandering, tedious war flicks have where it rushes right through the supposed pivotal moment all of this arduous buildup was clearly meant for when they all return home and it's only like 5 minutes of soap opera-level crap and a cheesy 'mic drop' finisher. At its best when it gets weird and Sam Mendes-y, and I can't say it's without solid moments of haunt - plus Gyllenhaal, Sarsgaard, and Foxx keep it marginally more tolerable - but even if it *could* handle its tone (spoiler alert, it can't) this still plays like it was made by complete idiots who only cared about this being would-be Oscar bait.
Wrecking Ball (Hard to Love, #1)
Wrecking Ball (Hard to Love, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This starts with Camilla in court (i think?) as she is told she has lost everything she owns after her dead husband started a ponzi scheme that lost a lot of people a lot of money. She is public enemy number one and nobody wants to hire her so she ends up living with her parents and going through agencies in the hopes of finding a job. She's finally offered one looking after a young boy who has a celebrity uncle and must live with them for the duration of the contract. Sparks fly between Cam and Calvin from the start but as they grow closer, animosity turns to attraction.

I actually really enjoyed this. It was definitely a slow burn romance but you could see there was a spark there from pretty early on. Probably from when Cal turned up at her evening job asking her to take the nanny job and wanting to drive her home afterwards since it was so late. That there put him down as being a gentleman in my books and I was smitten. I devoured it from that point on, willing them to finally do something about their attraction.

Of course, there's the dilemma that tears our couple apart and even I was getting emotional at that part. Geez, they were so good together and something like that was going to end up tearing them apart. All came right in the end, though, thank God, or I would be an emotional wreck right now.

I may have to read the next book in the series because it focuses on Cam's best friend and apparent man-hater, Amber, so that should be fun.