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Hazel and Holly
Hazel and Holly
Sara C. Snider | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received and ARC of this book from Netgalley in return for an honest review
Holly and Hazel are two Witch sisters living in an idyllic little community called the Grove where Witches and Warlocks practice elemental magic.
However Hazel is unsettled in their comfortable little lives, as their estranged father has turned to the dark magic of Necromancy and trapped their dead mothers soul.
Hazel needs to muster all the strength she can, both magical and emotional to travel outside the safety of their little community to find their father and free their mother. With a little help from her sister Holly, a couple of Warlock brothers and a Cellar Gnome, of course.
This was a really enjoyable read, Hazel and Holly were both very well thought out characters that you couldn’t help getting involved in their adventure. At one point whilst doing some housework I actually found myself thinking “I wonder how Holly and Hazel are getting on?” So I was definitely engaged. So it came as no surprise to me, whilst reading the authors notes, to learn that this was originally a flash fiction story that the author then expanded and serialised on her blog. It’s that style of writing, that feeling of anticipation you get for the next part of the book that I feel keeps the reader engaged and wanting to read more.
Unfortunately Ash and Willow (Holly and Hazels parents) weren’t really substantial enough for my liking, despite the fact that the whole story revolves around the acts of these two characters there wasn’t a lot of depth in them. However this doesn’t detract from the story as Hazel and Holly (and also Hemlock and Hawthorn the two warlock brothers) are big enough characters in their own right to carry the story.
There is a promise of potentially more to come from these Sisters, I look forward to it.
Steamed Open
Steamed Open
Barbara Ross | 2018 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Closing a Beach Leaves Everyone Steamed
Lou Herrickson, a beloved member of the Busman's Harbor community, has recently died. Lou has left everything to her late husband's grandnephew, Bart Frick. That includes the mansion where she lived and the lighthouse and beach connected to it. Lou had always left the beach open to the public, but the first thing Bart does is fence off the beach. The locals who make a living by clamming are the first to discover this when they arrive to start their morning of work, and that's when Julia Snowden becomes concerned. Her family uses clams harvested from this beach in the Snowden Family clambake. Hoping to resolve things faster than a court challenge will allow, Julia goes to talk to Bart the next morning only to find him closed to reopening the beach. A few hours later, Bart is dead. The suspects range from those impacted to by closing of the beach to any potential heirs to a couple obsessed with lighthouses. Can Julia help find the killer?

I absolutely love this series, and this is another excellent entry. The mystery is strong with several competing suspects and motives to keep us from seeing the truth until Julia figures it out. A couple of sub-plots carry over from the previous book, and I liked how they were woven into the main mystery. No, you don't have to have read the previous book to understand what happens here, but it certainly helps. The characters are strong, with layers to them that unfold as the book progresses. This makes the characters introduced here more complex than in many of the series I read, and I love them more for it. We also learned a bit more about a series regular here, and I loved that added insight. There are four recipes for you to enjoy once you've finished the book, two featuring clams and two baked goods.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated The Witch Elm: A Novel in Books

Oct 16, 2019 (Updated Oct 16, 2019)  
The Witch Elm: A Novel
The Witch Elm: A Novel
Tana French | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
A psychological thriller that had me guessing along with the main character!
After a night out with his friends in Dublin, Toby Hennessy walks home alone and goes to bed. He’s woken up in the early hours by two men burgling his flat and when he confronts them, they attack him viciously and leave him for dead. He doesn’t die, and after a long period of time in hospital, he returns to his flat, clearly suffering from PTSD and a brain injury. Luckily for him (but not so lucky for his uncle) his uncle, Hugo, is diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. So Toby and his girlfriend Melissa move in to help keep him company, and ultimately to care for him.

They’re a close family, who meet every Sunday for dinner, and Toby and his cousins Leon and Susanna spent every summer at their Uncles house, living pretty much unchecked - every teenagers dream.

This idyllic life is brought abruptly to an end when a skeleton is found inside the trunk of one of the Wych elms in the back garden. It’s complicated further by the fact that Toby’s head injury from the burglary means that his memories are ropey, to say the least.

I really liked this book: I liked the slow build up and learning about the family and the relationship between the cousins. As for the skeleton, well that mystery had me guessing right up to the end.

Incidentally, this is sold as ‘The Wych Elm’ in the UK - ‘Wych’ is an alternative spelling in old English of ‘witch’, and it also means pliant or supple. The words ‘wicker’ and ‘weak’ come from this word too (yes, I looked it up, and this will join all of the terribly interesting, yet relatively useless, information that accumulates in my head 🤷🏼‍♀️).

This is my first Tana French novel, and based on this book, it won’t be my last.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Penguin for my copy of this book.
I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You by Aretha Franklin
I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You by Aretha Franklin
1967 | Rock
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"OMG, so I heard that in high school and I of course tried to sing along with it but as she's one of the best singers living or dead, she put the bar pretty high. I'd already learned projection, being able to project my voice by doing musical theatre as a kid, and she was somebody who could project really strongly, have a sweet sounding voice, a strong sounding voice; she had just a huge range. Definitely clever lyrics, her songs were the kind of songs you just wanted to belt out. I especially remember the song 'Do Right Woman, Do Right Man', it went, "So if you want/ A do-right-all-days woman/ You got to be/ A do-right-all-nights man", I was like, "What? You mean that you can ask your boyfriend that if you're supposed to be super awesome to him, he has to be super awesome to you back?" Because I always had awful boyfriends who were total dicks so I was like, "Wait, I deserve better?" Here was this woman telling me, "Look if you want me to stay home and not go running around, you gotta stay home and not go running around either, it's a two-way street here." She was basically staying: "I want equality in my relationship." That was a great message to me as high-school kids who had some pretty destructive relationships. Even though I wasn't really able to realise that until much later, it was a great thing to have in my head. I think my mum's boyfriend had her record so I was introduced to it because it was just there at home. I never had a huge record collection or anything, like five records. But when they started dating he had a bunch of records and I learnt about King Crimson, Van Morrison and Aretha Franklin.‬"

Blood Alone
Blood Alone
James R. Benn | 2008 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can Billy Recover His Memory in Time to Complete His Mission?
As this book opens, Billy Boyle is waking up in a field hospital. He can’t remember who he is or what he is doing there. Slowly, he begins to piece together things like his name and the fact that he is in Sicily in the summer of 1942. He also believes he has an important mission to carry out for his uncle, General Eisenhower. But he can’t remember what that mission is. However, he knows he has to keep moving, especially when he stumbles upon a dead body. Following the only clues he has, he sets out across the island, soon joined by a local doctor. Will he recover his memory in time?
Amnesia isn’t a new plot device, but I thought it was handled well here to set up the story and draw us in. As Billy relearns who he is, it also offers reminders on what has happened before without saddling us with long exposition. New readers should be warned that this does contain some pretty major spoilers for the first two books, however. That information is needed since it allows us to see real growth in the characters; I love how they are developing. We also see the impact of the war, not only on Billy and the other soldiers but also on the people living in Sicily at the time. All of this does sidetrack the mystery at times, and I’m torn on this. I appreciate how rich the book is, but I wish the pacing were a little better. That’s not to say there isn’t plenty of action; so much so that Billy feels like an action hero at times. There is a solid mystery in the book with some good twists that took me by surprise. Overall, this is a great third book in a series I wish I had started sooner.
Fashionably Late
Fashionably Late
Lisa Q. Mathews | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’m Late Reading This Book, But I Enjoyed It
It all starts with a fashion show. It’s fashion week in Milano – Milano, Florida, that is, and Summer Smythe has snagged tickets for herself and her friend Dorothy Westin to the luncheon and fashion show that are kicking things off. However, things take a strange turn when Angelica Downs, one of the models, asks them for help before the show starts. When they try to track her down, they find her dead body. Angelica’s mother, Frankie, is living in the part of their senior center for those with memory issues, and Dorothy and Summer are worried that Frankie might be next. However, when they go to talk to Frankie, that only leaves them with more questions. Is a killer after Frankie? Who killed Angelica? Can Dorothy and Summer figure out what is really going on?

Having read the previous two books in this series, I knew what to expect, and I wasn’t disappointed. The plot starts off strongly. We don’t seem to be gathering any clues right off the bat, but there is still plenty happening to keep our interest. Naturally, much of that comes back into play as the book leads us to the logical conclusion. The climax was a tad rushed, but it was also fun and answered all of our questions. The characters range from fairly realistic, like Dorothy, to less so, like Summer, to outright wacky. The mix works for this book. We care enough to want to see justice done, but we also are having fun laughing and smiling as things go along. The book is set in December, but the holidays only color events a little. Instead, this is more about the fashion shows and the events happening in connection with them. If you are looking for a delightful book, this is definitely one to pick up.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated One Year Later in Books

Aug 18, 2019  
One Year Later
One Year Later
Sanjida Kay | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
One Year Later by Sanjida Kay is a psychological thriller that had my heart in my mouth from the first page. It starts with an emotive subject: the death of a child - 3 year old Ruby. The family becomes fractured, no one deals well with Ruby’s death, and so Nick, her uncle, convinces his sister and her husband that it would be a good idea for the whole family to celebrate or mark the anniversary of Ruby’s death abroad and away from the bad memories. So they all go to a small island off the coast of Italy. But instead of this being the healing holiday that everyone needs and hopes for, secrets are revealed and it looks as though fractures within the family will become even worse.

I really think that Sanjida Kay has the voices of the characters just right: the mother who is barely able to function and hides alcohol around the house, just to get by and to be able to function for her two living children; the father who distances himself from everyone; the uncle who constantly thinks about his dead niece, and blames himself even though he couldn’t possibly be to blame; the sister who seems completely wrapped up in her own world of TV and her looks; and the grandfather who is responsible for the death of his granddaughter, but can’t remember what happened.

It’s such an emotional subject and so well written. I found myself very involved with these characters, and I couldn’t help but empathise with them. I was never quite sure if the person they all thought was responsible for Ruby’s death actually was, but I have to admit that I changed my mind a few times. The twist revealing the actual culprit came as a total shock and surprise.

A really very impressive book, in my opinion, and I’ll be telling everyone to read it!
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy to read and review.