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His Game: The Woods
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
196 of 235
Book sirens arc
His Game: The woods
By Tirzah M.M. Hawkins

John returns for another game. Only this time he passes himself off as Luke, a former army medic, living alone in the woods with his dog.
Sandra is a romantic. Her idea of a good time is curling up with a love story and her cat. When she's kidnapped, tortured, and left for dead in a forest, Luke looks like the closest thing she's ever seen to a guardian angel.
But the game is still going. And she doesn't realize she's playing.

This was a decent quick read. I didn’t realise at the time it was the second of a series so I will have to go back and read the first. This is a cruel way to play a game especially when it’s not going to end well.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
160 of 235
The Body Reader ( Detective Jude Fontaine 1)
By Anne Frasier

For three years, Detective Jude Fontaine was kept from the outside world. Held in an underground cell, her only contact was with her sadistic captor, and reading his face was her entire existence. Learning his every line, every movement, and every flicker of thought is what kept her alive.

After her experience with isolation and torture, she is left with a fierce desire for justice—and a heightened ability to interpret the body language of both the living and the dead. Despite colleagues’ doubts about her mental state, she resumes her role at Homicide. Her new partner, Detective Uriah Ashby, doesn’t trust her sanity, and he has a story of his own he’d rather keep hidden. But a killer is on the loose, murdering young women, so the detectives have no choice: they must work together to catch the madman before he strikes again. And no one knows madmen like Jude Fontaine.

Holy cow I bloody really enjoyed this book! It was a non stop stomach clenching read. I mean to go through everything she did then to have to deal with dead 16 year old girls was just harsh! The ending was so so satisfying too I actually wanted to cheer for Jude twice! Well worth a read. I’m really enjoying this authors work at the minute.
Reign of the Fallen
Reign of the Fallen
Sarah Glenn Marsh | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reign of the Fallen has a pretty interesting premise - there are a few different school of magic in this world, and our main character is a necromancer. (One of the side characters is a Beast Master, and another is a Healer. We also see Weather Mages.) Necromancers, far from being the mysterious evil mages we see in most fantasy, are revered and noble in this world; they bring souls back from the Deadlands, when they can, so they can continue "living" in the real world. "Living" is a loose term - they must make sure they are completely covered at all times - if a living person sees any of their flesh, they turn - immediately - into terrifying monsters that hunt and kill both the living and the Dead. And the more they kill, the more powerful they become. Thankfully, people are very, very careful, and so Shades are very rare! .....or they were. Now that someone has started to purposefully make them, shit's hitting the fan.

Odessa and her friends - three other Necromancers, a Healer, a Beast Master, and a Princess - set out to solve this mystery and take out the shades wreaking havoc on the kingdom. Entwined in that plot is the near-breaking of Odessa's spirit when one of her friends dies, and the recovery from that, as well as romances with people of both genders. Yay for bisexual representation! (One of her Necromancer friends is also in a homosexual relationship with the Healer, and it's all perfectly normal. I love seeing so many fantasy YA books these days not treating that as something special or other. Yay for culture changing! Maybe someday it won't even be so out-of-the-ordinary that I'll feel the need to point it out!)

The book had a few technical problems - a few scenes where I was confused how a character had gotten someplace when I thought they were somewhere else, some confusion in how a scene was described - but those could be overlooked with how wonderful the rest of the book was.

The plot was wrapped up very nicely by the end of the book, so I don't know if there will be a sequel or not, but I really enjoyed the world and would definitely read one if she writes it!

You can find all my reviews at
The Land of the Beautiful Dead
The Land of the Beautiful Dead
R. Lee smith | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Land of the beautiful dead If you like alternative dystopian fiction then give this a go it's an amazing read.


He ascended from the darkness years ago—Azrael the Eternal, Azrael the Undying, Azrael Who Is Death—bringing with him the black rains, the fires, the souring of the sky, and the Eaters. Now he rules in the walled city of Haven with his favoured Children and his dead court, while all that is left of the living struggles to survive in the ruins of a world that used to be their own. But even as extinction looms, humanity will never surrender to their monstrous conqueror.

For Lan, this brutal life has been the only one she’s ever known, but she still believes it can change. If the war can never truly end until the Eaters are ended, she will go to Haven, to Azrael himself, and demand he end them. To her surprise, she does not immediately die the hero’s death she expected. Instead, Azrael offers her a chance to convince him, and all she has to do is submit herself to the chill embrace of the lord of the Land of the Beautiful Dead.

From the author of The Scholomance and The Last Hour of Gann comes a new vision of erotic horror! This book contains explicit sex and gore and is intended for mature readers only.

I cannot say enough good things about this book, Land of the beautiful dead is a story I have lived and breathed over the last week,I have laughed and cried and become so emotionally attached to these two flawed characters Lan and Azrael ,I love R L Smith and did not think anything could surpass The Last Hour Of Gann for me but this did. My only criticism is it had to end, this book is one story I am unlikely to forget as it's so unique, I can honestly say I don't think I've ever read anything like this before.

If you like alternative dystopian fiction then give this a go it's an amazing read.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm

stacey (81 KP) May 25, 2017

Oh my god I need to check this out! It sounds incredible


Beckie Shelton (40 KP) May 28, 2017

it is, still one of my favourite reads.

Obscura Burning
Obscura Burning
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

I love the cover of this. It's very sci-fi-y and drew my attention straight away before I even read the synopsis.

So I found this to be a bit confusing with the continuous switching between realities and it took me a while to get used to it, especially keeping up with how all the other characters interacted with Kyle between the two realities he was living. In one people are alive who should have been dead, in the other he was friends with a girl who treated him like crap in the former. Another strange fact is that while he's in one alternate universe, he continues to function in the other, so he zips back and forth and can be in the middle of doing something that he then doesn't remember starting.

The girl I just mentioned above, Mya, tries to help Kyle figure out what's happening by taking him to a scientist/professor who did a paper on multiverses. In the "Danny's dead" world, I really like her, she's friendly and fun, while in "Shira's dead" world, well, she's not. (I think I got that right...)

As for Danny and Shira, I don't think I was a fan of them from the start. I'm not sure why, maybe it was because we never really saw enough of them, or the them before the fire that injured/killed them. But by the end, I definitely didn't like them.

The writing style was easy to get into and I kinda devoured the book when I finally just sat back and let myself read it without any distractions.

Don't be put off with it having a gay relationship in it, there's nothing overtly graphic between Danny and Kyle, just references, it doesn't go into great detail. It doesn't go into detail with Kyle's female relationships either.

This was probably a little too sci-fi for me; alternate universes? Erm...not really my thing but I did enjoy it. If you like sci-fi and mystery then you'll probably like this.
184 of 230
Whispers of the Walker ( The Gateway Trackers book 1)
By E. E. Holmes

It’s been several years since Jess and Hannah Ballard foiled a cataclysmic prophecy that could have destroyed their fellow Durupinen, an ancient clan of women who allow spirits to cross between the worlds of the living and the dead. The girls swore, after the devastation and chaos they endured, they would never get caught up in the inner workings of the Durupinen again.

They were wrong.

After breaking the code of secrecy and facing the judgement of the High Council, Jess and Hannah have no choice but to become Trackers, working to take down those who would exploit the spirit world for profit or power. Their first assignment takes them into the deep South, where Jeremiah Campbell, a self-proclaimed spiritual guru, lures wealthy and desperate devotees with promises of a deeper connection with the dead. As the girls go undercover, it soon becomes clear that Campbell is not merely the con artist they suspected him to be, and that they, and the spirit world they are sworn to protect, are once again in unimaginable danger.

It was good! We pick up with the same characters from The Gateway Trilogy and if you haven’t read those I highly recommend especially before starting this series. It was slight drawn out in a few places but it was good to see where they have all developed. I’m hoping this series is as good as the first this book is definitely on the right track.
Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad (2016)
2016 | Action
When it finished (0 more)
Everything? (0 more)
A Mess
I'm a fan of David Ayers work but this film did nothing for me. It felt like DC are still living in the Marvel model's shadow and trying to replicate the success without much luck. Felt more like the Margot Robbie and WIll Smith show than involving a "Squad".
Add to that Jared Leto's Joker which was needless and the film wouldn't have changed without him. All the hype of the media with "Jared Leto sent dead rats to cast members" and it felt like DC were just trying anything to get people to the cinema.
The difference is with how Marvel have approached this is that they have had years of solo films introducing characters and DC going straight in with this mega team up whilst not ever exploring any of the characters.
I really hope DC sort this all out soon as they have some arsenal to play with but just feels like they are trying way too hard right now to play keep up.
A Cupboard Full of Coats
A Cupboard Full of Coats
Yvvette Edwards | 2011 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
2.5 starts
A single mother living alone raising her teen-aged daughter. Then she meets this man who she falls in love with almost immediately. Four months later, the mother is dead and the boyfriend is in jail.
This story starts 14 years later, the boyfriend has just gotten out of jail and his best friend is standing on the doorstep ready to explain to the daughter how her death was all his fault.
Jinx(the daughter) and Lemon(the best friend) spend the weekend going over the past. What happened in those four short months and what has happened to them since. It's a roller coaster ride of emotions and growth.
I enjoyed this book as the story was very compelling, but the writing style was such that you didn't know whether you were in the past, or the present, the transitions were not always so smooth. Plus without reading the book description you didn't even know the name of the main character until chapter 2 or later.
Zombieland (2009)
Zombieland (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Horror
It's so funny (1 more)
Woody Harrelson. He is just brilliant.
Even a whimp like me can enjoy this!
So i first saw this on a zombie night with friends, no idea what possessed a whimp like me to participate in a zombie night but they assured me I'd like this one. They were right.
It has the odd jumpy bits which i can tolerate. This is where I usually hate a film, i HATE to be made to jump, this one does here and there but its nothing major. It's obviously got blood and guts which isn't actually what I'm bothered about.
Out of the zombie films around, its refreshing to see one that's not about the imminent death, but the survival and camaraderie of living in such a place. Reminds me of Shaun of the Dead in that respect, not about making the audience scared but laugh.
Because I'm a major whimp and i enjoy it, it speaks volumes that it's a decent film lol. Definitely recommend it and cannot wait to watch the sequel!
Sharpe's Devil (Sharpe, #21)
Sharpe's Devil (Sharpe, #21)
Bernard Cornwell | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The final (*sniff*) of Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe books, this is set 5 years after the battle of Waterloo (so, in 1820) and sees Richard Sharpe - now happily settled and living with Lucille in Normandy, and his particular friend Patrick Harper (now running a bar in Dublin) off to Chile in a quest to find an old friend (from all the way back in Sharpe's Rifleswho is missing, reported dead - a report his wife refuses to believe.

While at first it seems that the 'pit-stop' in Saint Helena to meet/gawk at the defeated Emperor Napoleon - pretty daring of Cornwell to put such a famous historical personage in the novel! - is just that, this actually later proves to be an essential part of the plot: I'm not going to give anything away by saying how!

Bit sad that the series is finished now; I guess I'm just going to have to go back and (re)read them all again, as I have been doing over the last couple of years!