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Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
1978 | Horror
Dawn of the Dead is considered by many to be the cream of the crop when it comes to zombie movies.

George Romero upped the ante with his second entry into the Living Dead series - bigger set pieces, more gore, more zombies (this time in colour!)
The true star of Dawn is the setting for a couple of reasons. The shopping mall is a fun and striking place to set a zombie film in, and plays a huge part in this films classic status, but most importantly, it's the epicenter of commentary running through the narrative, pointing fingers at capitalism and consumerism. A friend of mine (who deeply loves this movie) rightly pointed out that there's more to it than that, with the opening dealing with classism, and ultimately leading to discontent after the characters are comfortable in their situation, and have all they need. They're left with nothing left to do, nowhere to go, and it's genuinely quite bleak in that respect.
One of the greatest things for me about Dawn is the screenplay. It's pretty much air tight, it's clever, and has a handful of all time great lines. It also has some fine performances from the main cast, in particular Ken Foree. That dude is great in pretty much anything.
Also, the practical effects on display are fantastic (the zombie walking under the helicopter blades is a highlight) and is another example at Tom Savini's prowess.

However, despite all the positives, I just LIKE Dawn of the Dead, but I don't LOVE it. The main thing that turns me off is how goofy it is in parts. It verges on comedy at times (which I get, this being a semi-satire after all) but the silly music is a bit much for me. The film drags a fair bit during the mid section, and although I like all the actors, I find the characters they play hard to care about. I just don't think it's aged particularly well (although the message it carries is still as relevant as ever) and it's my least favourite of the original trilogy.

Although I have reservations, I still recognise how seminal Dawn of the Dead is. Without it, so many great movies wouldn't exist today, and it's easy to see why it was so groundbreaking at the time. I'm thankful it's exists, but it's ultimately a mixed bag for me (and I desperately hope my aformentioned friend doesn't hate me forever for feeling this way!)
Land of the Dead (2005)
Land of the Dead (2005)
2005 | Action, Drama, Horror
Twenty years after his last installment of the classic “Dead” zombie genre, landmark Horror writer/director George Romero has returned to the delight of fans worldwide.

After years of various horror projects, and remakes of his previous “Dead” films, fans had begun to wonder if they had seen the last of Romero’s Zombie films and had to content themselves with the remakes and rumored offshoots and sequels from such.

Thankfully, with Land of the Dead Romero has returned to his basics and has crafted a Zombie thriller that is not only better than 85’s disappointing “Day of the Dead”, but on par with the ground breaking “Dawn of the Dead and the classic Original “Night of the Living Dead.”

For those who are not familiar with the series, the dead have arisen and now walk the earth looking for humans to feed upon. Gone is any memory of their former selves, only the insatiable desire to feed remains. How this event happened is never explained in the films viewers simply have to accept that it is happening and that those who are bitten by zombies are destined to join the ranks of the undead.

Like the previous films, the story follows a group of humans who are attempting to survive against the zombie hordes and who seek shelter and a way to stave off the zombie masses.

In Land of the Dead, a group of survivors have taken refuge in a fortified city where the common folks live in the streets while the affluent live in pristine high rise complex with many of the luxuries of their past lives.

One such survivor is Riley (Simon Baker), who spends his time venturing beyond the walls of the city with his team as they attempt to locate food, medicines, and other needed items in cities that have been abandoned due to zombie infestation.

As the film opens, Riley is completing his last run as he plans to venture north to find a cold and desolated area that is devoid of zombies and huddled masses.

His second in command Cholo, (John Leguizamo), is anxious to take over, as he sees the expeditions as a chance to obtain valuable items such as cigars and whiskey, which he can in turn sell to those who live in luxury. This desire causes much friction between Riley and Cholo but with the pending departure of Riley, Cholo realizes he may be able to finally purchase a home of his own in the luxury high rise.

Things do not go as planned for Cholo as when he tells his boss, Kaufman (Dennis Hopper), about his plans to move into the new complex, he is shocked to learn that Riley’s prediction of class exclusions in the building apply to him as well.

Furious over being used and cheated of his dreams and money, and an attempt upon his life, Cholo decides to hijack a well-armed armored vehicle that defends the city in an effort to extort his payment from Kaufman.

At the same time, Riley has learned that he has be swindled from his car, and soon finds himself working with Kaufman in an attempt to recover the armored vehicle from Cholo before he unleashes a hail of rockets upon the city. In short order, Riley and his support team are forced to enter the zombie infested streets to save the day.

Of course with “Land” being a Zombie film, the city will soon find itself overrun with all manner of ghouls and there will be plenty of flesh splitting, blood spattering, gore spewing scenes that will delight fans of the genre and elicit more than a few shrieks and cheers from the audience.

It is learned that the zombies have started to evolve and as such, now communicate with each other in a basic way, which makes their attacks even more dangerous as they are organized and starting to use tools and weapons.

What this all ads up to is a thrilling romp that will delight fans of the genre. Sure the story and characters are not the deepest, but as horror films go, there is a complexity to them. Hopper does great work as Kaufman as his malicious and selfish nature provides the perfect focal point to the films numerous commentaries on topics ranging from social class, to politics and well fare as well as the plight of the inner cities.

The genius of Romero is that he can insert so many topics into the film without it every seeming heavy-handed or over the top. The use of social commentary adds strength to the story as while the characters are in a very unrealistic situation, their base desires, motivations and behaviors are easily identifiable and strong.

Some may see Land of the Dead as just another blood and guts film with a basic story that lacks depth. To those who are fans of the genre and series, “Land” will likely be seen as a triumphant return to the genre he made his own by Romero and will enjoy the ride.
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015)
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015)
2015 | Comedy, Horror
We film-goers really can’t get enough of zombies. The brain-munching, cannibalistic horrors used to be the stuff of nightmares. But as our tastes became more extreme, the flesh-eaters managed to slip into the mainstream with genre-bending films at the forefront of zombie resurgence.

Christopher B. Landon brings zombies back to the silver screen with horror comedy, Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse. Are we looking at a US version of Shaun of the Dead? Or something a little more dead behind the eyes?

Scouts Guide follows the tale of three teenage boys, having to battle not only their raging hormones, but a raging horde of zombies in a small town during the course of one evening. Starring rising star Tye Sheridan, Logan Miller and Joey Morgan as the aforementioned teens and the ever-likeable David Koechner as their scout leader, the trio must survive and defeat the creatures.

To create a successful zombie film, you need to know your monsters and this is where things start to unravel here. There are so many inconsistences that it’s difficult knowing where to begin. Instead of choosing a zombie-typing, like fast walkers from World War Z or traditional moaners like those from Shaun of the Dead, Scouts Guide uses both and the result simply doesn’t work.

Then there’s the plot. It’s so riddled with holes, cheap jumps and clichés that it’s almost impossible to fully immerse yourself in the experience. The makeup on the zombies is also terrifically poor, lacking in any sort of terror or real detail.

Thankfully, the acting from the lead three scouts is good with Sheridan in particular proving why he’s fast becoming one to watch, especially after being cast in next year’s X-Men: Apocalypse. The remainder of the characters are cardboard cut-outs with no backstory and no real gravitas when it comes to how the story will play out.

Nevertheless, there are some funny and genuinely clever moments dotted throughout Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse. A living-room chase choreographed to Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5 is a hilarious, albeit too short highlight in a film that needed more intriguing and unique sequences.

There’s also a nice, if unusually placed, homage to John Carpenter’s Halloween that whilst being particularly tasteful, is at odds with the film’s genre.

Overall, Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse is as beige as a blood-filled horror comedy can come. Despite a couple of clever scenes, some good acting and a reasonably fluid directing style, it’s a damp squib of a movie that never really gets into its groove.

Sawyer (231 KP) rated Star Wars Legacy in Books

Dec 17, 2017  
Star Wars Legacy
Star Wars Legacy
John Ostrander | 2006 | Comics & Graphic Novels
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Set hundreds of years after the death of Darth Vader the Jedi order was rebuilt all is well but history is

destined to repeat itself and the Sith Empire returns stronger than ever the Jedis are being purged and hunted the last son of the Sky Walker Clan Witnesses the death of his father and barely escapes the destruction of

his training grounds the lost and hopeless child of Force is picked up by a band of Smugglers and Pirates
We fast-forward to years later Skywalker and two of his childhood Brothers in Arms are doing well for thenselfs as bounty Hunters using his force abilities to take down Jedi refugees

Things become complicated when the Sky Walker crosses paths with his former Jedi Master who was presumed dead the lone master is on a mission to deliver intelligence that could turn the tide of the war

A conflicted Skywalker must decide to embrace his Heritage or continue living his comfortable makeshift life as a criminal

This is a great original twist on the Star Wars story great art by Dark Horse Comics best and refreshing new characters with lots of sass personality and wit
It’s time for Homestead Days in the town of Broken Boot, Texas, and the big draw this year is up and coming country singer Jeff Clark, who happens to be the ex of Josie Callahan’s best friend Patti. At the opening night concert, the two seem to be reconnecting, but the next morning, Josie finds Jeff dead in Patti’s living room. Naturally, the police think Patti makes a great suspect, and with pressure to wrap the case up quickly, they aren’t looking for many other suspects. That means it is up to Josie to clear her best friend. But can she do it?

This is a fun second entry in the series. I did find the book needed another pass to truly smooth out a few of the scenes, but it was still definitely worth reading. The characters are unique for a cozy and truly so much fun. The plot gives us great suspects and twists right until the can-only-happen-in-Texas climax.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) rated Red Dwarf in TV

Jun 22, 2019  
Red Dwarf
Red Dwarf
1988 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
8.4 (79 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Great sci-fi comedy (0 more)
Off air for 10 years (still, u gotta laugh haven't ya) (0 more)
The boy's from the dwarf
Red Dwarf is a British science fiction comedy franchise which primarily consists of a television sitcom that aired on BBC Two between 1988 and 1999, and on Dave since 2009, gaining a cult following.

 The show follows Dave Lister, a chicken-soup-machine repairman, who is the only human survivor of a radiation leak on his mining space ship and possibly the last living human. Having come out of time stasis 3,000,000 years into the future, Lister has very little company, one in the form of a hologram of his dead shipmate, Rimmer, self obsessed Cat, who has evolved from the descendants of Lister's pregnant cat, senile ship computer Holly and Kryten an Android whose sole purpose is to serve and clean.

This masterpiece was created by Rob grant & doug naylor (GrantNaylor) and has spawned 12 series (Back to Earth counted as the unofficial 9th and a 13th series heavily rumoured) multiple books, audio books, collectibles, magazines and a mobile game.

I'm still hoping for a mainstream console game, but until then, enjoy SmegHeads!
Altered (Altered #1)
Altered (Altered #1)
Marnee Blake | 2015 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Seth is in the military and is suffocating under the guilt he feels at his friend's death, which he feels he should have prevented. Blue is a waitress in a very small town, living with her grandmother, and with no way out that she sees. She gets home from work and goes to bed feeling ill, to wake up to something straight out of the X Files. The whole town is dead, including her gran, or so it seems. Before long, she finds another survivor and they also find out that a private military firm is on their way, which can't be a good thing. Through trials and tribulations, they search for safety whilst being hunted at every turn, not knowing who to trust.

This is a fast-paced novel with plenty of action and romance. I am intrigued with where this story is going and can't wait to read more. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 28, 2015
Bewitched ( Betwixt & Between book 2)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
13 of 230
Bewitched ( Betwixt & Between book 2)
By Darynda Jones

Forty-something Defiance Dayne only recently discovered she comes from a long line of powerful witches. Added to that was the teensy, infinitesimal fact that she is what’s called a charmling. One of three on the entire planet. And there are other witches who will stop at nothing to steal her immense power, which would basically involve her unfortunate and untimely death.

No one told her life after forty would mean having to learn new lifeskills—such as how to survive a witch hunter dead set on killing her—or that the sexiest man alive would be living in her basement.

Whoever said life begins at forty was clearly a master of the underappreciated and oft maligned understatement.

It was ok! For some reason this just didn’t grip me as much as the first one did and I normally love her work. It wasn’t a bad book at all but for me it lacked that spark that would have me normally give it 4 or 5 stars. There are some very likeable characters. Just felt a bit rushed.
If You Could Go Anywhere
If You Could Go Anywhere
Paige Toon | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So we meet Angie who lives in the outback in rural Australia, a mining town called Coober Pedy--famous for its opals. Her grandmother has just passed away after years of struggling with dementia and as her only living relative it's hit Angie hard. Her friend comes over and they decide to drink some of her grandfathers wine and behind one of the bottles they find a letter written by Angie's dead mum addressed to a man in Italy. Reading the letter she finds out that her dad is the man the letter is addressed to and that he never knew about her. Angie is thrilled at the idea of having family back in Italy and flies out to meet them.

The people she meets in Italy welcome her with open arms, ready to accept her into their large extended family. They're a nice bunch of people who want to hear all about her life in the desert and living in a "cave". They show her how to make Italian cuisine and she shares her own recipes with them.

Then there's Alessandro. He's related but not by blood and there's a connection between the two of them. Both want to travel; both lost parents at an early age. But Alessandro had a rough start to life and doesn't want any sort of commitment with anyone or anything.

I loved some of the secondary characters like Stefano and Cristina. They were fun; there arguments over the music that played and their nights out/nights.

I like that this is set in Rome, a city I have visited myself so I understand some of Angie's joy at seeing some of the famous sites. And a little time in Venice, too. Another city I've had the fortune of visiting.

And lastly, cover love! How cute is this cover? I love it!
Hell’s Bell (Lizzie Grace #2)
Hell’s Bell (Lizzie Grace #2)
Keri Arthur | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
161 of 250
Hells Bell ( Lizzie Grace book 2)
By Keri Arthur

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

When the church bell tolls thrice in the middle of the night, evil this way comes…

Lizzie Grace and Belle Kent, her witch familiar, are living and working on the Faelan Werewolf Reservation—one that has banned the use of magic within its borders. Although they have their supporters—including ranger Aiden O’Connor, who once hated all things witch—Lizzie and Belle now face possible eviction.

But the Faelan Reservation is a place filled with wild magic which—when left unprotected—quickly becomes a draw to those who walk the darker paths. As Christmas approaches, a new evil comes to town—one that eats the souls of the living and animates the flesh of the dead.

As the body count grows and the trail of clues leads them to the doorstep of the local vampire, Lizzie, Belle, and Aiden must find the killer before death comes calling on them.

But the biggest threat of all may come in the form of a witch who sees through the veils of Lizzie’s carefully constructed lies and suspects the truth of who she really is…

Hells Bell picks up from Blood Kissed and I have to say this is really becoming one of my favourite series by Keri. I love Lizzie’s and Bellas relationship they bounce of each other so well. The sexual tension is ramped up in this between Lizzie and Aiden which is handled so well! The big bad in this was a soul eater which is just a scary thought full stop! I’m also a little bit in love with our resident vampire!!!