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Lindsay (1706 KP) rated Vostok in Books

Feb 15, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
There no book like this. I can not even describe what it all about except that it maybe about ET or what we call Energy. Is it possible that we live in a multi universes that can alter our life or are we just atoms that look like a body. We live in a plant that we see that can alter our lives.

The earth have a big bang or did we get seed here from other plant like Mars and now we live on Earth. We could be from the old Mars that is now dead. Our world may be really just be our illusions of what we call home. We may be complete atom that can detain to access 10 dimensions that we see as light. Could we really save our species or are we going to destroy our planet and need to find a new world to survive.

Could our world really be an Illusion of our minds that we see blue skies and green grasses. We may be able to be in our dimensions that we only see what we see. We could be a seed or was it our creator that put us on planet Earth. What do you think about our Earth history? Did we really come from Charon which is Mars now that it a dead planet. Here my favorite of the book, "Life on Earth and Death on Mars". We could have be spawned and planted on Earth or was it the Big Bang. You may want to read the book and decide for yourself what you want to believe. We may be living in world that we now the truth that has to do with our survival.
I Am Still Alive
I Am Still Alive
Kate Alice Marshall | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great writing, suspenseful plot, you cheer for Jess! (0 more)
Side story was a bit rushed (0 more)
Crazy Story of Survival
Every time I read a book like this I realize how very dead I would be if I ever got lost in the woods! Put me up in the wilderness of Canada or Alaska and throw me in complete darkness and snow - and forget it - I MIGHT last 5 minutes.

Jess is alone. Her mother dies in a car crash, severely injuring here and now she's got no-one. She's only 16, and is in turn, forced to go live with her estranged father who she hasn't seen in about 12 years. Dad is a homesteader, and off-the-grid, he hates the government, and is living off the land. They are out in the middle of nowhere in the rough Canada wilderness, and this life she's dumped into, is a harsh shocking reality. But then something goes horribly bad. Her father is dead. And Jess is alone. Cue me freaking out!

We read through journal entries Jess writes about her life with her mom - before. Her brief time with her dad - before. And then we reach - after. Where Jess has no-one but a loyal dog-wolf hybrid, named Bo, and her own sheer willpower. Will she survive the winter in Canada? How will she eat, stay warm, and even just survive walking through the wilderness when her body is still hurting and broken. And who killed her father?

This was an easy breezy read that had me sucked in front start to finish. The writing is really good and I enjoyed the suspense and found myself rooting for Jess (and Bo!) to survive. A really good book.
Come Home Katie ( Dear Celeste 1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
79 of 220
Come Home Katie ( Dear Celeste 1)
By J.R. Erickson

What if you died and brought the dead back with you?

A terrible hit and run accident took Celeste Cleary's life until doctors managed to bring her back. But now she's... different. Once a respected scientist, she walks the thin veil between the living and the dead.

As she struggles to return to her former life, Celeste receives an email-a heart-wrenching letter from a stranger, a woman begging for help locating her seventeen-year-old sister, Katie, who vanished a year before.

Celeste's first impulse is to say no-what does she know about finding a missing person?

But late one snowy night Celeste is drawn into the forest where the spectral form of Katie awaits her and, though the girl does not speak, the message is clear. Katie wants Celeste to uncover the truth behind her disappearance.

As Celeste delves into the mystery surrounding Katie's vanishing, she is ensnared in a sinister labyrinth of secrets and lies. Someone doesn't want her to find out the truth and there's nothing they won't do to stop her.

This had me completely hooked from start to finish. The story and characters just draw you in and have you invested. Celeste is changed after having a NDE and these changes bring a former sceptic and scientist to believe the spectral appearance of a young girl who missing means she need to help find her. There are a few times in this book where I thought hell no I’d be out of there I honestly wouldn’t have coped. It was really good, when I wasn’t reading I was thinking of who could have done it. I was so wrong up until 2 chapters before it was revealed! Highly recommend.
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
1968 | Horror
Iconic, influential and ground-breaking. All words to describe George A. Romero’s inaugural zombie horror, but what sets this apart from its contemporaries and the endless variations in the genre in which this Indie movie helped spawn?

Well to begin with, this is far from a simple zombie thriller. The real villains here are the collection of damaged human characters who all find themselves trapped together in an old farmhouse, barricaded within its fragile wooden walls, fighting not only the onslaught of zombie without, but the angst and fear from within.

At times they work together but unlike most films like this, the group rarely work at all, with conflicted views on how to survive, blinding them to the fact that if they only worked together they may just do so.

Instead, they all end up dead, with our leading man, a strong, smart black character, which at the time was a bold choice, being murdered by the redneck police posse, who mistake him for a zombie. But the metaphor, though hard to ignore, of a black man being gunned down without the white men bothering to ensure that he was zombie, may just be a coincidence, but the irony that he, Ben (Duane Jones) manages to survive until the end only be to gunned down in the final moments, is a tragedy that sums up this film’s tone.

With a killer child, a nude female zombie, a dysfunctional couple and the first named victim displaying a complacent contempt for God and the church, this group are real, though the acting standards are variable, the writing and direction are constantly very good, with a sense or gritty realism permeating throughout. Maintained by good pacing and gruesome cannibalistic action, this raised the bar of the genre, both now and then.

Even the zombies get a reasonable, yet none definitive explanation, as told through the radio and TV news. Radiation bringing the dead back to life, well, it may be the trope of 1960’s sci fi but it was well explained and the news reports were well composed, feeling more realistic than most movie news broadcasts.

Romero may have gone on to milk this franchise for all it is worth in the decades since but this opening low budget gem is a real piece of work; A complex moral drama set on one chaotic night in which the dead become living again.
Dixieland (2015)
Dixieland (2015)
2015 | Mystery
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: One Last Score starts as young man Kermit (Zylka) is release from prison and returning to the preverbal wrong side of the tracks where the families struggle to make ends meet. He returns home to his mother Arletta (Hill) who wants him to stay out of trouble, his neighbour Rachel (Keough) who is working to help care for her sick mother, with her latest job being as a stripper.

Kermit and Rachel strike up a friendship for the bonding of their own struggles, supporting each other through this tough time. This brings Kermit back to the life of crime, the one he promised to star away from in an attempt to escape the dead-end town with Rachel.


Thoughts on One Last Score


Characters – Kermit is the former criminal that returns to his trailer park home to try and rebuild his life, he wants to be a barber, but is drawn back into his life of crime as he falls in love with Rachel and the two want to escape their dead-end town. Rachel is trying to help her mother paying for medical bills which leads her to a life of stripping, the two bond and plan to escape this life and start over.

Performances – Chris Zylka is good in the leading role, he works well with Riley as we see just how desperate his makes his character feel in what seems like a hopeless situation. Riley Keough shows her talent in this role as the woman that is left with her back against the wall.

Story – The story here shows the tough lives people can be living in America with little money, we see how two people that have turned to a life they didn’t want try to make ends meet in an attempt to escape this style of living. This shows us how another side of America lives which isn’t the side that gets shown enough, the side that are forced into lives they can’t handle, that are dangerous and at times illegal. The pace of the story is slow, but that does help the final pay off in the story which makes you think at times.

Crime – The crime world that Kermit is going into is only scratched on the surface, while we know he doesn’t want to be deeper in, this shows us how on the lines he wants to be to survive.

Settings – The film shows us with the settings the poorer parts of America, the ones living in the trailer parks trying just to get by each day, this helps us understand the characters struggles.

Scene of the Movie – The Lake.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The strange interviews through the movie, while I understand it reflects real life people, we lose something about the characters we are following.

Final Thoughts – This is a slow burning story that shows the tough times in America, it shows the desperation for two people to escape in a job they would never want to do, but must do.


Overall: Bleak view on America
Wicked Witches (2019)
2019 |
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: One Last Score starts as young man Kermit (Zylka) is release from prison and returning to the preverbal wrong side of the tracks where the families struggle to make ends meet. He returns home to his mother Arletta (Hill) who wants him to stay out of trouble, his neighbour Rachel (Keough) who is working to help care for her sick mother, with her latest job being as a stripper.

Kermit and Rachel strike up a friendship for the bonding of their own struggles, supporting each other through this tough time. This brings Kermit back to the life of crime, the one he promised to star away from in an attempt to escape the dead-end town with Rachel.


Thoughts on One Last Score


Characters – Kermit is the former criminal that returns to his trailer park home to try and rebuild his life, he wants to be a barber, but is drawn back into his life of crime as he falls in love with Rachel and the two want to escape their dead-end town. Rachel is trying to help her mother paying for medical bills which leads her to a life of stripping, the two bond and plan to escape this life and start over.

Performances – Chris Zylka is good in the leading role, he works well with Riley as we see just how desperate his makes his character feel in what seems like a hopeless situation. Riley Keough shows her talent in this role as the woman that is left with her back against the wall.

Story – The story here shows the tough lives people can be living in America with little money, we see how two people that have turned to a life they didn’t want try to make ends meet in an attempt to escape this style of living. This shows us how another side of America lives which isn’t the side that gets shown enough, the side that are forced into lives they can’t handle, that are dangerous and at times illegal. The pace of the story is slow, but that does help the final pay off in the story which makes you think at times.

Crime – The crime world that Kermit is going into is only scratched on the surface, while we know he doesn’t want to be deeper in, this shows us how on the lines he wants to be to survive.

Settings – The film shows us with the settings the poorer parts of America, the ones living in the trailer parks trying just to get by each day, this helps us understand the characters struggles.

Scene of the Movie – The Lake.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The strange interviews through the movie, while I understand it reflects real life people, we lose something about the characters we are following.

Final Thoughts – This is a slow burning story that shows the tough times in America, it shows the desperation for two people to escape in a job they would never want to do, but must do.


Overall: Bleak view on America
A Snapshot Of Murder
A Snapshot Of Murder
Frances Brody | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Snapshot of Murder
By: Frances Brody
Crooked Lane Books
Mystery and Thrillers
Publish Date 19 April 2019
Pages 448
#ASnapshotOfMurder #NetGalley
<img src=""; width="80" height="80" alt="10 Book Reviews" title="10 Book Reviews"/>
<img src=""; width="80" height="80" alt="Professional Reader" title="Professional Reader"/>

This book is set in the year 1928 in London. The time is in April.
Characters are Harriet the niece of Kate Shackleton. She has been living there for about 7 months.
Kate Shackleton is a private investigator of sorts. Her husband Gerald is no longer around since the war.
Carine Murchison is a photographer friend.
Tobias Murchison is Carine Husband. He isn't well liked.
Edward Chester Carine's old flame
Carine's father
Derek another Photographer
Rita a friend of Carine's
This story is mostly about Carine and her family. When she was five her mother was going away but promised to come back and get her. Her mom never came back. She has had dreams off and on about a spot in the cellar in the studio that belongs in the family. Carine takes pictures just like her mother and Grandmother. Carine stopped going to school at the age of 13 because her Dad needed her to take pictures to make a living. Carine never did know her Grandma but is named after her. The Studio is name Carine Photo Studio. Her father is a drunk. Carine falls in love with a Poet named Edward Chester. Her father doesn't like and does everything in his power to stop this relationship which he does. Edward goes off to war and is killed. After the war she meets Tobias who happened to a friend of Edwards and tells her of his death. Carine's father likes Tobias and helps him to marry Carine.
As the story goes on Edward returns from the died but is disfigured from the war. The books tells why Carine thought was dead.

As the time has now changed to summer they go to an old farmhouse to see the parish hand over and old church for a museum for the Bronte Sisters. During this trip Tobias ends up dead. Who killed him or did he kill himself. Why him and someone else.
There were a lot of characters and each of them had a reason but who did it and why. I did enjoy this book and recommend that you read it. There are some interesting turns. Since this is a thriller/ mystery it is hard to go into details because I don't want to spoil it for you.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Aquaman (2018) in Movies

Feb 12, 2019  
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
DC Comics adaptation boasts a colour palette that will make your eyes bleed and some casting decisions that will leave your mind near-permanently boggled (Julie Andrews and Dolph Lundgren, together at last), but still manages to be one of their better recent films - I'm aware that probably isn't saying much, so let me clarify it: Aquaman is a lot of fun. Jason Momoa plays the scion of Atlantis as a slightly dimwitted bro, which is a curious but entertaining take on the character; he has to go off on a quest for plot coupons in order to stop a war between the underwater world and the surface nations.

It probably takes a bit too long, and if you don't like wall-to-wall CGI this is definitely not the movie for you, but it ticks all the boxes and manages to be jolly popcorn-blockbuster fun, unsaddled by references to other DC movies. There's a bit of dead wood along the way (Black Manta is just there to facilitate a big action sequence, and allow the designers to get away with one of the most ridiculous costumes in living memory), but this is a surprisingly confident and epic-feeling take on a perennially second-string character.
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
1978 | Horror
The big daddy of modern zombie movies builds on the micro-budget charms of Romero's own Night of the Living Dead to create its own sub-genre. World is gripped by zombopocalypse; survivors flee the city in search of refuge, come across a vast mall filled with provisions (also many luxury items). They decide to stay and fortify the place, but is this really wise...?

Few films depict society on the verge of collapse quite as convincingly as this one; the relatively low budget just makes the scale of Romero's achievement more impressive. The film plays with gory B-movie tropes with cheery abandon, and you're seldom more than a few minutes away from the next grisly set-piece, but its ability to quietly engage with more serious and mature themes is also striking. Romero seems equally in love with having zombies' heads blasted off their shoulders and making serious points about the toxic effects of consumerism and the human predilection for unchecked violence. Even the parts of the film which feel a little primitive are still somehow just right for it, and couldn't really be improved upon. One of those virtually perfect films; the reason the scale goes up to 10.
The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1974)
The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1974)
1974 | International, Horror
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Last Film With Christopher Lee as Dracula (1 more)
A huge Disappointment
Out With Boredom
The Satanic Rites of Dracula- was a huge disappointment. It was boring, and only was intresting when Dracula was on screen. The first 30 minutes doesnt seem like a dracula film, i was confused on what i was watching. It sad because this was the last time you get to see Christopher Lee as Dracula. And it was a disappointment.

The plot: British-made chiller about a blood-thirsty count who takes up residence in modern London to develop a new strain of bubonic plague, with the evil intention of annihilating all life on Earth.

Work began on what was tentatively titled Dracula is Dead...and Well and Living in London in November 1972.

The film itself is a mixture of horror, science fiction and a spy thriller, with a screenplay by Don Houghton, a veteran of BBC's Doctor Who. This is the problem its trying to be more sci-fi and a spy thriller than horror.

This was the final Hammer film that Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing would make together. The two stars would eventually reunite one more time in House of the Long Shadows, ten years later.

A huge let down.