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Boy, Snow, Bird
Boy, Snow, Bird
Helen Oyeyemi | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A girl named Boy, a girl named Snow and a girl named Bird. Three unique names for three unique individuals. It's 1953 and Boy is living in New York, the daughter of a rat catcher. She has never known her mother. Boy "was a girl with a white-blonde pigtail hanging down over one shoulder..." When life with her father got to be too much, she packed her stuff and moved to the farthest place she could get on the bus, Flax Hill, CT.

Quickly, Boy made friends and met a man, Arturo Whitman. Arturo has a daughter named Snow, who the whole town adored. Shortly after Arturo and Boy are married, she becomes pregnant. When she gives birth to her daughter, Bird, the Whitman family secrets soon come to light.

There is an underlying theme in this book with mirrors. The women claim that they do not "see" themselves in them. Is it because they are ghosts? Or is it that their family secrets run so deep that they find it hard to see themselves as they really are?

This book reminded me of books I had to read for school. I enjoyed the storyline as a whole, but reading it, I felt as though there were questions I was supposed to be searching the answers for instead of just enjoying the book. There are so many secrets throughout the entire book with the biggest secret coming at the end. Told in three sections by Boy, Bird, and then Boy again, this is very interesting story about race in the north in the 50's and 60's.
Boy, Snow, Bird
Boy, Snow, Bird
Helen Oyeyemi | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A girl named Boy, a girl named Snow and a girl named Bird. Three unique names for three unique individuals. It's 1953 and Boy is living in New York, the daughter of a rat catcher. She has never known her mother. Boy "was a girl with a white-blonde pigtail hanging down over one shoulder..." When life with her father got to be too much, she packed her stuff and moved to the farthest place she could get on the bus, Flax Hill, CT.

Quickly, Boy made friends and met a man, Arturo Whitman. Arturo has a daughter named Snow, who the whole town adored. Shortly after Arturo and Boy are married, she becomes pregnant. When she gives birth to her daughter, Bird, the Whitman family secrets soon come to light.

There is an underlying theme in this book with mirrors. The women claim that they do not "see" themselves in them. Is it because they are ghosts? Or is it that their family secrets run so deep that they find it hard to see themselves as they really are?

This book reminded me of books I had to read for school. I enjoyed the storyline as a whole, but reading it, I felt as though there were questions I was supposed to be searching the answers for instead of just enjoying the book. There are so many secrets throughout the entire book with the biggest secret coming at the end. Told in three sections by Boy, Bird, and then Boy again, this is very interesting story about race in the north in the 50's and 60's.
Barking Mad at Murder
Barking Mad at Murder
Jacqueline Vick | 2014 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Something Different, but Fun
Frankie Chandler makes her living as a pet psychic in a small town in Arizona. There’s just one problem – she’s a fake. She really uses cues from her knowledge of human and animal behavior and fakes her visions to help pet owners with their pets’ behavior. So, you can imagine how surprised Frankie is when a dog named Sandy actually gets through and gives her a vision of a murder. She’s willing to write off the entire thing as a bad dream until a body matching the victim in the vision turns up in the desert. Can Frankie figure out what really happened? Does Sandy know more than Frankie got in the first vision?

This is definitely a step away from my normal cozy choices, but I picked it up after chatting with the author for most of the day at an event. I’m glad I took a chance on it. With Frankie just developing her powers, this book had some fun exploring that and what it meant for her. The mystery was good. There were occasional pacing issues, but for the most part it kept me engaged until the wonderful climax. A solid sub-plot helped keep me interested as well. A couple of the supporting characters have room to grow as the series develops, but for the most part the cast is solid, and I certainly hope to see more of many of them in later books. The book kept me grinning as I read as Frankie gets into some pretty fun situations over the course of the story. This is a solid series debut anyone looking for a light, fun read will enjoy.

Lindsay (1693 KP) rated Vostok in Books

Feb 15, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
There no book like this. I can not even describe what it all about except that it maybe about ET or what we call Energy. Is it possible that we live in a multi universes that can alter our life or are we just atoms that look like a body. We live in a plant that we see that can alter our lives.

The earth have a big bang or did we get seed here from other plant like Mars and now we live on Earth. We could be from the old Mars that is now dead. Our world may be really just be our illusions of what we call home. We may be complete atom that can detain to access 10 dimensions that we see as light. Could we really save our species or are we going to destroy our planet and need to find a new world to survive.

Could our world really be an Illusion of our minds that we see blue skies and green grasses. We may be able to be in our dimensions that we only see what we see. We could be a seed or was it our creator that put us on planet Earth. What do you think about our Earth history? Did we really come from Charon which is Mars now that it a dead planet. Here my favorite of the book, "Life on Earth and Death on Mars". We could have be spawned and planted on Earth or was it the Big Bang. You may want to read the book and decide for yourself what you want to believe. We may be living in world that we now the truth that has to do with our survival.
Society (1989)
Society (1989)
1989 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
In the vein of Re-Animator or Braindead comes Society. I had not heard of this before yesterday and I now I know what I have been missing.

If you are Bill Whitney, you are living in wealth with your parents and sister, but secret suspect everything is not on the level or something weird is going on behind your back. This suspicion is pretty much confirmed when his friend pulls up with a cassette tape with sounds of some sort of orgy happening with all of his family participating! Outraged, Bill heads to his therapist to confirm; however, when it is played back later the tape has been altered.

Unfortunately, plans to meet up with his friend don't materialize when his friend has a "fatal" auto accident. Several other instances occur similarly where Bill discovers some gruesome fact which is not corroborated when others arrive.

Bill shows up back at his home to encounter a large socialite party in progress. His greatest fears are confirmed when he realizes what is happening. I can't really say more if you haven't seen the film other than to say the final 15 minutes of the film is some of the most bizarre, unique, revolting and fascinating practical movie effects I have ever seen. Some of those visuals will never leave my mind!

If you like the comedy/horror genre which isn't for everyone, you would love this. The "plot" is pretty nonsensical, but passable. The characters and dialogue are just enough to move the story along without the audience getting bored. There is a fair amount of comedy which keeps the mood light despite some gruesome elements as well.

THAT ending! I loved it!

Statue of Limitations
Statue of Limitations
Kate Collins | 2020 | Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Entertaining Debut
Athena Spencer has had to move back to live with her family in Michigan after her divorce. That means dealing with her large, crazy Greek family on a daily basis since she and her young son are living with them and she is working at the family’s garden center. It also means she is on hand when her grandparent’s Greek restaurant is threatened by the powerful Talbot family. They intend to raze an entire block of shops to put in condos. The fact that a murder takes place in their home, two weeks after another suspicious death, doesn’t seem to be slowing their plans down at all. The police are focusing their attention on a stranger in town, but Athena thinks they have the wrong suspect. Can she solve the murder and save her grandparent’s restaurant?

As I was starting this book, I was thinking I was going to have problems with it. Athena’s family likes to spend their time meddling in her life, something that I find annoying. Honestly, the family needs more development quickly because I still found them annoying at the end. I also questioned just why Athena was going to such extremes to help a stranger. But I kept reading, and as I kept reading, I got more and more hooked on the story. Yes, there is a lot here, and in lesser hands, it might have gone very wrong. Here, it worked. There was always something going on to keep me engaged. The ending was a bit abrupt, but it did wrap everything up nicely. This is a light book, but if that is what you are looking for, you’ll be delighted. Kate Collins’s many fans will be very happy.
A Nearly Normal Family
A Nearly Normal Family
M.T. Edvardsson | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
As it is said in the blurb, this book is told from three different perspectives: father, daughter, and mother, all three are sharing their sides to this story. The father’s part was the least interesting to me, he sounds quite boring and not very eventful. We do find out some interesting aspects of their life, but otherwise, he mainly seems lost and confused. The daughter’s part was the most interesting to me, we have the chance to see what the accused murderer is actually thinking, and what was her take on the life she is living. This part shines a different light on her father and other very important events. The mother’s part was the most logical one, I believe. She is a lawyer, so she knows how to deal with evidence. I liked her side of the story and the thoughts she shared from her life. The characters are well developed and intriguing, but sometimes some of their thoughts about “I need to save my daughter, it wasn’t her” felt repetitive and overused.

The narrative of this book keeps changing, depending on the characters views, and that was what got me going throughout the book. We do find out some spicy and interesting details throughout each part, that makes this book deeper and more personal. If you ever have read Nordic Noir, most probably you noticed, that this genre has a specific feeling about it. It normally involves exotic names, woods and coldness. This book for some reason managed to avoid that feeling. It is a Scandi Noir and it does have those exotic names of the places, but this book feels modern and doesn’t have this gloominess surrounding it.
Beguiled ( Betwixt & Between book 3)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
226 of 230
Beguiled ( Betwixt & Between book 3)
By Darynda Jones

A Paranormal Women's Fiction with a bit of class, and a lot of sass, for anyone who feels like age is just a number!

Newly indoctrinated witch, Defiance Dayne, discovers there’s more to life after forty than she'd ever imagined possible. Especially if one is a charmling, one of only three in the world, with enough magics to make her a target for every power-hungry warlock out there. When one of them sends a hunter to town, she knows it’s time to take her talents seriously before the hunter takes her life.

She decides she has three things to do before she can die. Find out who killed her beloved grandmother, teach her BFF the finer points of spellcasting before she blows up the world, and figure out how serious her relationship with the Adonis living in her basement really is. If it’s heading in the direction she’s hoping for, she can die happy. Though, admittedly, she’d rather not. Die. Happy or otherwise.

None of that will matter, however, if she can’t figure out how to foil the supernatural assassin who’s been sent for her. Until then, it’s business—and hopefully romance—as usual. Now if she can only figure out how to tame a lacuna wolf.

This author never disappoints! I really am enjoying this series I think it’s quirky and love how it’s a middle aged normal woman as the lead. We see how finding her birth family and her magic changes her life and brings so many new people and adventures. Really worth a read as it’s easy to get into and a fun light read.
A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas (2011)
A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas (2011)
2011 | Comedy
A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas is the third movie in the Harold and Kumar series. This movie takes place six years after the events of Escape from Guantanamo Bay. Harold Lee (John Cho) and Kumar Patel (Kal Penn) have fallen out of touch since Harold got married, got a job on Wall Street and moved to the suburbs. Kumar is still smoking tons of weed. Harold on the other hand has stopped smoking weed and is desperately trying to find a way to impress his father in-law, Mr. Perez, played by Danny Trejo. Mr. Perez is obsessed with Christmas. Every year his family uses a Christmas tree that he has grown. This year he brought his home grown tree to Harold’s house for Christmas. In an attempt to win Mr. Perez over, Harold encourages Mr. Perez to take the family to midnight mass while Harold decorates the tree while they are gone.

Kumar is still living in the same apartment that he shared with Harold. He has let the place go a bit while he has been living on his own. His ex-girlfriend shows up to tell him she is pregnant, but since Kumar is high he doesn’t act very mature about it. Later, as Kumar is getting ready to go to a party with his new friend, he finds a mysterious package at his door addressed to Harold. Kumar decides to take it by Harold’s house on his way to the party. When he gets there Harold and Kumar catch up a little bit over some egg nog. Harold opens the package and discovers it is a giant joint, which Kumar proceeds to light it up. Harold gets upset and throws the joint out of the window. It then magically comes back inside and burns down the tree. Of course this freaks Harold out and a desperate search for a new tree begins

This is the beginning of a hysterical journey . This roller coaster ride is filled with drugs, sex, gangsters and even more drugs. Of course Neil Patrick Harris comes back to be his crude self. This movie has a lot of good Christmas moments, but it is only for a mature audience. Fans of the first two Harold and Kumar movies will love the third installment. A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas is a non stop laugh fest. The 3D in this movie was surprisingly good. Movie goers will be impressed by the two different kinds of snow and the weed smoke going out over the audience. A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas is bound to become a Christmas classic that you will want to watch every year.
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
1968 | Classics, Sci-Fi

"When I was seven, my parents were living again in Buenos Aires, and they were going to watch movies all the time. Maybe that day they could not leave me at home because there was no one to take care of me, so I remember we went with my sister and my parents to see 2001. And we were on the first row of the balcony, so we were in front of the movie. And the monkey in front of the monolith, the tunnel of light at the end of the movie, the fetus floating at the end of the movie — all that happening in front of my eyes was, for me, like my very first drug experience — or transcendental experience — ever. I was blown away by the images. And maybe it’s a fake memory that I have, but I remember — during the movie, at that very early age — it seems to me that I liked it much more than my parents, because even then, when I talked about it with my parents, they didn’t really care much about 2001. And for me it became like an obsession. Every summer, or every two summers, the movie was replaying in some theater in Buenos Aires. And I would go again and again and again to watch it. Also because, for me, it was the ultimate image of what the future world could become. And I thought that when I would be maybe 30-40 I would really be living in a world in which it would be easy to go to the moon or do things like that. And to this day when I rewatch that movie, I feel it’s still representing the future in a very accurate way. Besides that, the dresses are very pop art. Since then I’ve seen it like 40, 60 times and I never ever get tired of replaying it. And sometimes even for New Year’s Eve, instead of going out partying, I want to start the year in a good mood so I just stay and put the movie on my DVD player. I know that that movie also — because it’s very tricky — I would say later in my life when I was a teenager doing mushrooms or taking acid, mostly it’s because I wanted to have the same impact in my brain that that movie had when I was a kid. And you can clearly tell that Enter the Void — it’s not an homage, but it’s a movie extremely inspired by 2001. And since then, I collect every single poster of that movie, every single lobby card. I have an obsession. I want to possess that movie, which is totally unpossessable."
