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A Trail of Lies
A Trail of Lies
Kylie Logan | 2021 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tracking the Truth
With her boyfriend unavailable due to an assignment with the police, Jazz Ramsey has promised to look in on Kim, Nick’s mother, to make sure she is already. While Kim is an alcoholic, Jazz still wasn’t expecting the frantic middle of the night phone call announcing that Kim killed someone in her backyard. Jazz hurries over to find no body in the backyard, and the cadaver dogs she brings in give a split decision about whether someone died there. Then a body does turn up in a park, and Kim clams up. Can Jazz figure out what is really going on?

I came to author Kylie Logan because of her fun cozies. This book has a more serious tone. It deals with Kim’s alcoholism and its effect on Nick pretty realistically, for example. But those moments are lightened by the dogs that Jazz works with, especially her new puppy. The result are characters that are very rich. I love Jazz, and her family and friends do a wonderful job of rounding out her character while also being real themselves. The mystery is strong with plenty of suspects and events to keep us confused until Jazz finally begins to piece things together at the end. All of the books in this series are wonderful. If you’ve missed them, start them today. If you’re already a fan, you’ll enjoy this one.
The Scent of Murder
The Scent of Murder
Kylie Logan | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This Debut Smells Like a Winner
Jazz Ramsey is working on training Luther, a cadaver dog, in a construction site in her native Cleveland. She has already planted something for him to find, but Luther indicates a find in a completely different room. Sure enough, he’s found a body. Even worse, it is the body of a former student at the all-girls school where Jazz works. Jazz’s former boyfriend Nick has been assigned the case, and Jazz knows it is in good hands. But she still can’t help but wonder what it was that lead the girl to her death. As she begins poking around, she begins to uncover secrets. Can she find out what got the young woman killed?

I’ve enjoyed several other books by Kylie Logan in the past, so I am not surprised I enjoyed this one. But I am surprised by just how much I enjoyed it. This is a little more serious than some of her other books, but that is no reason not to pick up the book. The characters are compelling; even those we don’t spend much time with come across as real. Jazz herself is fully formed and a wonderful main character. The plot is strong with a steady helping of twists and clues to guide us to the logical conclusion. The writing makes Cleveland come alive without distracting from the characters or the plot in any way. This is a solid debut that already has me anxious for more.

Christine A. (965 KP) rated The Vacation in Books

Jul 22, 2020 (Updated Jul 22, 2020)  
The Vacation
The Vacation
T. M. Logan | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

T. M. Logan will probably never realize it, but he changed my life. Tim's first novel, Lies, was the first book I was given to review. You can guess that he has a special place in my heart, but I will still provide an honest review.

The Vacation, his third book, introduces us to Kate and her 3 BFFs. After college, they drifted apart but made time for the yearly vacation. That is until kids and life get in the way. After several years, they are getting the gang back together to celebrate their 40th birthdays, and they are inviting their husbands and kids too. Kate is looking forward to it until she realizes one of them is having an affair with her husband.

If that were the full story, I would not have enjoyed it. However, secrets come out. Secrets from, the past, the couples, and from friends. Is anyone who Kate thought they were?

I had difficulty getting into the book, but once the rest of the story opened up, I was hooked. I tried to think of what I would cut from the beginning but found nothing. It is necessary to set up the events that follow.

This 200-word review was published on on 7/21/20.
Deadpool 2 (2018)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Comedy
More Marvel films should be like this
Deadpool really makes me want to see more Marvel films like this. It's refreshing to watch a more "adult" Marvel film, with the violence and rude humour and aside from Logan, Deadpool is the only film to have ventured into this adult territory.

That's not to say it always works, as sometimes the jokes are a little too crude or offensive. But for the most part Deadpool 2 is pretty funny and even verging on hilarious at times, and the blood and gore is actually great to see. The plot itself is maybe a tad predictable, but it more than makes up for it with everything else. The title credits, post credits scene and a lot of the tongue in cheek references are particularly hilarious. The soundtrack is eclectic and a bit bonkers, but Deadpool a manages to pull it off.

The cast and characters are fantastic, both the returning favourites (I love Dopinder) and some of the new cast too. Josh Brolin has always been a favourite and he does very well in this, Deadpool even managed to throw in a genius reference to Thanos. Zazie Beetz too is a great new addition. There are also some brilliant cameos in this, which I won't spoil for anyone who hasn't seen it.

My main problem with this film is that parts of it are way too serious and sombre and these scenes really bring down the tone of the film. They do need something serious, but I think with this they've gone a little too heavy handed which is a shame.
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
The X-Men film we deserve
After a line of underwhelming X-Men feature films, Day of Future Past is an absolute belter, and compliments the excellent First Class as a sequel.

After becoming familiar with the characters throughout the X-Men and X2, it broke my heart when the third film failed to deliver the goods, as it seems like we wouldn't see a lot of the same actors again, especially after First Class introduced all new faces for some familiar characters.
When it was announced that DOFP would include both casts, I was so genuinely excited.
And rightly so.

This is the FOX-X-men equivalent of Infinity War. All of these characters coming together to stop a threat that fans have wanted to see on the big screen since day one - The Sentinels.
The bleak future painted is truly horrifying, as mutants are on the edge of extinction after being hunted down.
Throw is a little time travel to stop this future from ever coming to pass, and we are set with Wolverine in the 70s, with the cast of First Class.
It's a great move, and makes for a really fun setting, with high stakes to boot.
The action is plentiful and thrilling (especially the future-set fight near the end - hard to watch at times), and it's a real throwback to hear the original score from the original trilogy.

It ticks all the boxes as it plays on nostalgia, whilst giving us something new simultaneously.

It's a real treat for X-Men fans, and was for a short while, my favourite entry in the franchise (then Logan came along...)
Touch of Magic (Charmed Matchmaker #1)
Touch of Magic (Charmed Matchmaker #1)
Jules Featherstone | 2012 | Erotica, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
TOUCH OF MAGIC is the debut novel by Jules Featherstone and features an established Reverse Harem set up with hedgewitch Nya as the main female character. She is trying to reestablish her career after something went horribly wrong but it is harder than she realises.

When I started this book, I ended up looking to see if there was a book (or two) prior to this one that I had missed. Although this is the first book in the series, it doesn't read that way. I do like how they are all set up and happy but I did find myself missing the original romances. I mean, you do find out how each of them met and in what order, etc., but it did make me wonder why?

The world-building is good, with just enough details given so you know that paranormals are now openly living among 'normal' humans but some have a hard time with it. There is some character development for each of the characters but mainly for Logan as he is the main male in this story. The pacing of this story is smooth, with plenty of action taking place in and out of the sheets. Sometimes this helps to move the story along, sometimes it's just for fun.

This is the start of the series and it leaves me intrigued enough to want to carry on with this series. Definitely recommended by me. Sweet, sensual, and steamy - all in one.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
No Way Home
No Way Home
Annette Dashofy | 2017 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slow Start Due to Set Up
A rare warm Sunday in November sends Zoe to the stable for a trail ride through her area of Pennsylvania. However, that trail ride ends early with the discovery of County Commissioner Dale Springfield’s body. It appears he fell off his horse in a tragic accident, but Zoe doesn’t think that explanation quite makes sense.

However, her hopes of being involved in the investigation get sidelined when her best friend, Rose, demands Zoe’s help. Rose’s son has disappeared in the New Mexico desert, and the police think he is a person of interest in a murder. So Zoe joins Rose in New Mexico. Can she help find Logan and figure out what really happened?

Since this series really has two main characters, Zoe and police chief Pete Adams, we are able to follow the progress on both cases even though Zoe is a thousand miles from home. However, that makes the beginning of the book slow since, just as one story is picking up the pace, we have to slow down for the other to be set up. My patience was rewarded with a satisfying resolution and several tense scenes. The divided focus keep some of the supporting players a bit thinner than they might otherwise be, although Zoe and Pete are still as sharp as ever. Since Zoe is a paramedic and deputy coroner, this series is a bit darker than my usual choices. As long as you expect a more traditional mystery when you pick it up, you’ll be fine. This is not the book to jump into the series with, but fans will certainly be glad they read it.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm a big cowboy romance fan, so I was excited to grab this one to review. Ruth Logan Herne was a new to me author and the synopsis of the story sounded intriguing. So, I settled in for the day/night and read through nearly to the end (then I got tired so HAD to go to sleep so my CNA job wouldn't fall to pieces the next day!), but quickly picked it back up and finished it the next morning. It was that good. I loved every part of this story wholly and it will be with me forever! This is a book that I will be sharing with all who want a wonderful, inspiring read!

Colt, Angelina, Nick and Sam, along with the other characters in the story, really gripped my heart. I loved watching Colt and his changes in life after leaving his city life to come home to his country family ranch. Angelina, bless her, I loved her character! Seeing her interact with Colt was a refreshing part of the story! These two were perfectly chiseled to be just the right amount of flawed.

I can't give this book less than 5 stars! It's worthy of so much more. It had me twisted up inside and had me falling in love at every turn. From start to finish, this book is epically created and has the perfect amount of inspirational faith and hope woven among the pages. I can't wait to read more about these beautiful characters in book 2! Well done, Ms. Herne! You've gained a new fan in me! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
My One and Only (2009)
My One and Only (2009)
2009 | Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
“My One and Only” is the 1950’s story of Anne Deveraux (Renée Zellweger) wife of two-timing Dan Devereaux (Kevin Bacon) who has decided to leave her husband and move to another city in pursuit of a better life. Anne soon learns that the process of enticing men has grown increasing challenging with time and that she now must raise her two sons George (Logan Lerman) and Robbie (Mark Rendell) on the road and on her own or face the defeat of returning to her unfaithful husband.

Beautifully shot, the film immediately sweeps viewers into another time in American history. The use of detailed sets and props, from the varied homes the family lives in to the light powder-blue car, creates a visual dynamic ripe for the telling of this 1950’s gem. Additionally, the use of literature, film, and music throughout “My One and Only” make it a delight to watch even without the somewhat well crafted plot.
As characters go, Zellweger delivers again, this time as the likeably flawed heroine Anne. Yet it was maturely acted roles of Anne’s sons, George and Robbie, stood out as undeniably honestly and direct.
Majority of the plot is solid covering the ups and downs of Anne’s attempts to secure a new home and husband for her family. It was only the rushed and disjointed ending that lessened the caliber of film.
“My One and Only” touches on themes of respect, feminism, aging, and security. A good film overall, filled with laughs and moral realities of the time, I enjoyed getting to know Anne’s family.

A visually strong, well cast film with a less than satisfying ending, “My One and Only” is an entertaining and spirited story of a non-traditional family growing up during a time of change in America.
X-Men Origins - Wolverine (2009)
X-Men Origins - Wolverine (2009)
2009 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
A low point for the X-Men franchise
X-Men Origins: Wolverine is an awful awful film, for many reasons.
Firstly - no one really seems to be too enthusiastic about what they're doing. Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber, and Danny Huston do the best with the piss-poor script, but everyone else just seems to be going through the motions.

Secondly - the characters. This movie contains not one, but two fan favourite X-Men characters, making their big screen debut, just to be thrown under the bus. Gambit for starters, is a shadow of the character he is in the comic - Taylor Kitsch just being himself, whilst getting one very brief action scene that hardly shows off his powers.
The other character is of course Deadpool - Ryan Reynolds is entertaining enough throughout the opening scene - but when we're introduced to the proper Deadpool near the climax of the film... Words truly fail me, it's just embarrassing.

Thirdly - what the hell on Earth is going on with the CGI in this movie? This is the fourth X-Men film and the effects are worse than ever. Wolverines claws look like a child had just drawn over the film.

It's just terrible from start to finish. The fact that the following X-Men Origins: Magneto got cancelled almost immediately after this was released is a example of just how much of a misstep this film was.

There are a few positives though - the opening montage of Logan fighting in different wars throughout history was pretty cool, Liev Schreiber is a welcome addition as Sabretooth after Tyler Mane in the original X-Men movie, and the best thing about this film? The adaption of Deadpool was so abysmal that Ryan Reynolds took it upon himself to eventually get a proper Deadpool movie rolling.

Final thought - please don't let Will.I.Am near anymore movie sets, thanks.