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Back on Me - Single by Marshall Loren
Back on Me - Single by Marshall Loren
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
marshall loren is an up-and-coming singer-songwriter. Not too long ago, he released a heartfelt emo-pop tune, entitled, “Back on Me”.

“I said I know that we’re going different ways right now. Can’t help but think that you’re on your way back now. I know I’m the fool that let you go on the loose. Never thought I’d be the one that’s waiting for you.” – lyrics

 ‘Back on Me’ tells a bittersweet tale of a young guy who wants his ex-girlfriend back. Oftentimes, he reminisces about her and blames himself for their emotional breakup.

Later, he admits if he could change anything, he would have never let her go.
‘Back on Me’ contains a relatable storyline and harmonious vocals. Also, the likable tune possesses murky instrumentation flavored with hip-hop, trap, and urban-pop elements.

“‘Back on Me’ is about ending a relationship with someone that you wish you hadn’t. You see them moving on a lot faster than you anticipated which makes you feel a loss. It’s about wanting that person back in your life. Also, it’s time to bring back the influences of the early 2000s emo scene. This song starts with an old-school steel guitar to bring back those elements that my generation grew up on. The melodies are reminiscent of younger years while having a modern flair. I want to bring back nostalgia for my generation and to show the new kids a style they might not have heard before.” – marshall loren
A Throne of Swans
A Throne of Swans
Katharine Corr, Elizabeth Corr | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Throne of Swans is set in a kingdom where the nobility have the ability to change in to giant birds. Aderyn prematurely takes over the role of Protector of Atratys, a dominion within this kingdom, after her fathers death. Her ancestral bird is a swan, but she finds that she’s no longer able to transform into one, after she and her mother are attacked by hawks - and her mother is murdered. This is a very dangerous position to be in. As one of the flightless, she could have Atratys taken from her, and she could be exiled or, worse still, executed.

Aderyn is dumped into a hotbed of distrust, lies and barely concealed violence, when she is expected to go capital city by order of the King, her uncle. She is wanted by her cousin, the princess, to be one of her bridal party at her upcoming nuptials. All is not as it seems though, and Aderyn finds that both she and her dominion of Atratys are very much at risk of harm.

I love a book with courtly intrigue, and this has loads! Aderyn has to watch every word she says and who she says it to - she can trust no one. She has gone from being a protected, shut away child, to being the one who must protect all of those in her care - she does seem to have the courage for it though. She’s a fighter, that’s evident throughout.

I’m very much looking forward to the second book in this duology - there are some serious loose ends to tie up!

Thanks to Readers First for my copy of this great book to read and review.
The Kitchen (2019)
The Kitchen (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime, Drama
Hell's Kitchen 1977... the Irish mob takes care of the neighborhood, but times are tough these days. The economy created a new term: stagflation where prices rise, unemployment increases, and the economic growth slows. The supply of gas was cut off. There was a serial killer on the loose. The Irish mob had just experience a change in leadership that changed the dynamic of the neighborhood. The old leader was arrested doing a job as well as his associates. The mob could not afford to take care of the "widows." Using the education of one, the street sense of another, and the killer instinct of the third, they begin to operate their own gang in the neighborhood. A gang that will actually protect the neighborhood from street thugs. But going against the Irish mob is never a good idea no matter how weak they are, so a couple of pacts are sealed and Fate is tempted.

"The Kitchen" is based on a graphic novel series. Multiple story threads and divergent schemes are explored. The whole thing is much better suited for a miniseries or limited series than a feature film. Nowadays there is a cinematic quality to certain shows on pay channels so it wouldn't even lose the visual quality Andrea Berloff wants. This is the only problem with the film. The acting is top-notch, especially character actor Bill Camp. The writing is good. The story just needed a lot more space to grow. Ruby is an extremely complex character that would have benefited from character development inherent in a long-form series. A girl from Harlem who had the softness beaten out of her who has a long game which could have been explored in more depth especially considering the co-conspirators she acquires.
Spy Glass (Glass, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I finally got around to finishing this series, and I am glad I did. While the series sometimes seemed to drag on and on, and I often found Opal's character frustrating, she finally figures out her own purpose in life in the final book, as well as ties up all of the loose ends of her life.
Forgiveness seems to be a central theme in this series, but most especially in the final book with Opal's interactions with Devlen's character. While I am still conflicted over their relationship, I tend to take the position that if the main character is happy with it, I'm happy with it, too. Devlen's changes seem to pose the question: Do people really change? We like to believe they do in theory , but when it comes to those who perform the really evil crimes, few people are willing to accept that it's truly possible. Opal actually did finally believe this about Devlen, which makes her a rare individual.
Opal's character can be quite confusing at times - she can be very emotional and reactive, but at the same time she has endured unimaginable circumstances and has made herself into a battle-hardened warrior. How many females today can do what she can - even without the magic included? She has certainly earned the right to make her own decisions - and handle whatever consequences come along.
I loved the two children she picks up along the way, and how they help her to understand her own magical abilities. They bring out the maternal instincts in her, which I always appreciate in literature of this nature. The cult that these two were members of fits the stereotype very well, at times both disgusting me and making me want to jump in and rescue those poor people myself.
The coolest part of the book was when Valek taught Opal how to be a proper spy - it reminded me of the Study series by Maria V. Snyder that I loved so much. Valek is such an enigmatic character that he deserves his own trilogy!

JT (287 KP) rated The Wolfman (2010) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
The Wolfman (2010)
The Wolfman (2010)
2010 | Horror, Mystery
As what we would describe as the classic monster horror, this remake of the 1941 black and white picture in some way does itself and the original some justice.

Back then horror was starting to carve itself out to a market of film goers who really didn’t have much of an idea as to how film could and would change their lives. The likes of Dracula and Frankenstein had also achieved great historic status.

The plot of the story stays true, man is bitten, man becomes werewolf, all hell breaks loose and it is the efforts of a love interest that tries in vein to break the curse. Something which not even the gypsies could achieve.

Special effects wise its impressive, Del Toro went through make up hell in order to gain the look, some three hours to apply and one to remove so his dedication must be applauded. As to whether he was the right choice for the part is another question, in some parts, in human form he loodke out of place with his foreign slightly merged American accent.

The original film ultimately was basic, a drama that based itself around a werewolf, there was no gore and hardly any blood. So of course it was only fitting that this film should contain both, and vast quantities of flying limbs and spouting red stuff. Did it need it? It surely must have only been there too satisfy an age where any lack of these effects would seem a disappointment.

The supporting cast ranging from Anthony Hopkins as Sir John Talbot, Hugo Weaving as Inspector Abberline and the beautiful Emily Blunt as Gwen all do a wonderful job adding their talents to the narrative. Hopkins especially was his usual dark, sinister and composed self.

There are some truly scary scenes, and some fantastic shots of a Gothic London but the film tends to drift off in places. Overall its a worthwhile watch but doesn’t do enough to really make it one of standouts of 2010.
The Raven King
The Raven King
Maggie Stiefvater | 2016 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
The fourth and final book in Stiefvater's "Raven Cycle" series picks up shortly after the third. Obviously, if you haven't read the three previous books, you should, and you shouldn't continue reading this review, as there will be spoilers. Gansey, of course, is still after the elusive Glendower, a buried king whom he believes will change his life. Blue, daughter of a psychic, is not-psychic, but still an amplifier of those who are, and still destined to kill her true love upon their first kiss. The pair--now in love--are joined by their usual gang: Ronan Lynch, dreamer of all things magical; Adam, a survivor, who is tied to the magical forest of Cabeswater in mysterious ways; Noah, who is dead; Maura, Blue's mother; and many more. In fact, we gain several more characters in this final installment, namely far more involvement from fellow Aglionby Academy student, Henry. Together, this group is focusing on the frenzied search to find Gansey's beloved king.

I'm not really even sure what I can say about this book. This whole series is amazing and crazy. I need to re-read all four books at some point, now that all are released. This novel actually started out a bit slow for me. It was, as weird as it sounds, almost a bit too fantastical, filled with almost too bizarre magic and plot. However, as things continued to unfold, pieces fell into place, and I was consumed by the story and its characters, per usual. Overall, I found this a fitting end to a beloved series. I will insert a caveat that it doesn't tie up loose ends for some of the ancillary characters and some pieces may leave you a bit befuddled. But some of the magic of these books is that everything doesn't make sense to the characters, so I give it a pass when it doesn't all make sense to us as well. I'd recommend the series-- it's an amazing trip to another world, and I certainly have grown to love the characters. I'll miss them!
Salvaged (Releasing the Magic #2)
Salvaged (Releasing the Magic #2)
Maya Riley | 2019 | Dystopia, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
98 of 250
Salvaged (Releasing the Magic book2)
By Maya Riley

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

What do you do when you find out you’re the thing you fear most?

Seven months ago, the Void Virus was set loose on Earth. The world is now in chaos. The origin of the virus has been unveiled, and mysteries of my past have come to light.

A lot has changed during that time. I started out alone, struggling to survive. Now I had four guys, my sister, and Puppy who all had my back no matter what.

Not only did I gain a strange healing ability, but now Lincoln could create fire. That isn’t the last of the weird things going on, though. On top of that, I discovered I was created in a lab, with the intention to bring about a great change. Those intentions weren’t necessarily good. Now that I’m back on their radar and I know more about what I might be capable of, I have become the thing I fear most, and am left with more questions than ever.

We receive word of some sort of sanctuary for survivors. A place that promises protection for those who seek it. It could be a trap, but it could also be true. We do our best to travel in search of this place, but rotters aren’t the only things standing in our way. Our journey is filled with twists, turns, and straight up chaos.

If there is a safe place for survivors, we won’t stop until we find it.

Together, we will find The Salvaged.

So this was a struggle at first which was annoying as I enjoyed the first book so much, I still like her style of writing and the fact it wasn’t relationship led. Something was missing and it wasn’t till the last few chapters it got exciting. I’m hoping she is just setting the next book up as I was close to give this a 2 star rating. It was one of those books that just plods along not bad but not brilliant either. I’m curious to find out more about the magical side and the powers Blyss is bringing out.

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Wilde Moon (Wildeward Academy #5) in Books

Dec 6, 2021 (Updated Jul 9, 2023)  
Wilde Moon (Wildeward Academy #5)
Wilde Moon (Wildeward Academy #5)
Gwyneira Blythe | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
WILDE MOON is the fifth and final book in the Wildeward Academy series (so far; I'm holding out hope for more) and we start where we finished -- with Victoria and her Coterie in London, plenty to prove and so many opportunities to do so, whether they want to or not.

My word! Hold onto your hats, folks, because you're in for a bumpy ride. And please take a deep breath as you're going to need it! This book doesn't stop! You know how in some books, you have moments of action, followed by moments of rest? Yeah, well, that doesn't happen here. It's all-go from the very beginning. And although I felt worn out afterwards, I wouldn't change a single moment.

Achoris is the 'main guy' in this book but, don't worry, you'll get plenty of the others too, plus some action with all of them. Phew! It's hot in here. There is no chance of confusing these guys either. They are so individual and make their voices heard amongst the tumult of Victoria's crazy life.

There are plenty of loose ends to tie up in this novel, and Ms Blythe does so admirably. And she kept me waiting until near the end but then... MY PLEAS HAVE BEEN HEARD!!!! The Lodge returns! I'm so happy with the way things turned out. The Coterie gets larger but the inner circle remains as is, although the bonds are tighter once Achoris accepts he may not know everything after all.

What a finale! I loved every word and really didn't want it to finish, but I'm glad it has, in the way it has, if that makes sense?! This was an outstanding series with quirks and individuality in a genre that can become almost boring.

This author is definitely on my go-to list, and I highly recommend this book and this series but, please, start from the beginning and lose yourself in a world of blood, sex, and magic.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 6, 2021
Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush, #1)
Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush, #1)
Becca Fitzpatrick | 2009 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm still tingling from the ending of this wonderfully delicious book! I immediately went in search of a sequel and discovered that there is one set to release in November (thank the heavens!) titled Crescendo, phew! Sooooo, on with my review!
I decided to read this novel after reading multiple reviews of how fantastic this book is, especially since I have been looking for a good angel saga ever since I read Sharon Shinn's entire Samaria series in less than a week. (5 books) There is something refreshingly different about angels in the Fantasy genre of literature, instead of the almost-cliched use of vampires, werewolves, and witches. Not that I've had my fill of those, either, but change is good.
The lust-filled tension between Patch and Nora reminds me of a certain other famous couple in YA Fantasy, except Patch isn't nearly as secretive about what he wants. After stepping back and thinking about his character, I came to the conclusion that what attracts the fairer sex to the bad-boy type is not necessarily his "badness", but his confidence. The biggest clue that Patch was not normal was the amount of confidence he exuded around Nora. And I don't recall my sex ed. classes ever being as interesting as Coach McConaughy's class! Truly, I don't think I could say one bad thing about this book. The loose ends will obviously be answered in future books, such as Nora's father's death, Dabria's fate, and what Nora's mother will do about the farmhouse. The ending was almost a complete surprise to me, and unpredictable in many ways. I'm also curious as to how Nora Grey's parentage will play a part in future books and the massive potential that comes with it. I also like how Nora is not totally dependent on Patch and seeks to solve her own problems and fight her own battles - more strong woman than damsel in distress. Her best friend Vee provides a bit of comic relief, as well as adding a human element to balance the supernatural aspects of the book. I could go on and on. I'm also very curious if the topic of God will be addressed in any future books, since it would seem that acknowledging heaven, angels, the Book of Enoch, etc., means doing the same for God. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of Crescendo!
The Sight (Premonitions, #1-2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I requested this novel from goodsreads bookwasp, I actually did not have high hopes for it. After reading the first page, I cringed at having picked up another angst filled young adult novel where the lead is so antisocial and broken that all they have is contempt for the world around them. That lasted about three pages before the writing was dominate by plot and character development. I was so surprised by the change, I almost had whiplash.

If I ever rate a young adult novel more than three stars, you know it is worth a look. I was so pleasantly surprised at the interesting plot, realistic characters, and intriguing writing that I could not put the book down. Instead of being confronted by an young teen bitter from not having a father and recently losing her mother in a car accident on top of having interrupting visions, I was dealt Gracie, a sixteen year old struggling with the changes in her life and confusing emotions. She is jealous of her aunt and cousin who have a close relationship she can longer have with her mother. She is constantly annoyed by Emily, a classmate who Gracie never wanted to be friends with but ends up risking her life to save. She is attracted to the aloof and old Zed who she cannot seem to act normal around.

Of course there were bitter and jaded comments about the world around her, but, more than anything, Gracie is determined to find a place she belongs, a home. Not surprising since Gracie was uprooted from the only home and family she has ever known and dropped onto an island with relatives she cannot seem to find common ground with a town that does not seem to accept her. That is the least of her worries because her ability to pick up visions is forcing her into action.

Two stories in one, both deal with Gracie trying to use her ability the best she can to save those around her. The only things I did not like about this book is that Blundell seemed to leave some loose ends such as the road Gracie’s father decides to take, which the reader can guess, and Gracie and Zed’s relationship . I would have liked some closure on those subjects.