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Adam Ant recommended Transformer by Lou Reed in Music (curated)

Transformer by Lou Reed
Transformer by Lou Reed
1972 | Rock
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It’s one of the most perfectly produced albums ever. The songs are great. It’s definitely Lou Reed at his best. I listened to it thousands of times when I was growing up. It was the must have record when I was at college. Everybody that got into punk had it in their collection at some point. It was a celebration of New York City – a writer writing about their hometown. It was quite a dangerous record. Visually he looked OK, but the music was far more subtle than all the glam stuff that was really in your face, like T-Rex and early Bowie. I was also a big Andy Warhol fan. I’d listened to the Velvets a lot, but it was quite a jump from that to the quality of this record."


Mark Arm recommended Bizarros by Bizarros in Music (curated)

Bizarros by Bizarros
Bizarros by Bizarros
2020 | Alternative, Indie, Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The Bizarros are great; I love their self-titled album from 1979. They were going earlier, they did a split 12" with Rubber City Rebels that came out in '77 and some of the songs from that are also on this record but the difference between the two versions is pretty dramatic. The earlier versions of the songs are slower and they drag a little bit, and on this 1979 record they're really driving and kind of scratchy, hyper-Velvet Underground sort of stuff. You can tell there's a Lou Reed influence going on but it's also very much it's own thing. I looked them up a little while ago out of interest and there's a website and they're playing. Next time we go to Ohio we should play with them. They're just so good."


Andy Bell recommended Violent Femmes by Violent Femmes in Music (curated)

Violent Femmes by Violent Femmes
Violent Femmes by Violent Femmes
1983 | Alternative, Rock, Punk
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"A real teenage classic, very American rock album. I don’t know much about the band but I loved ‘Blister in the Sun’ and ended up getting the album taped off someone. I was into this at the same time as the Cure stuff and I just used to play it all the time. If I ever hear a song from this album randomly, I can just start joining in with all the lyrics; it’s imprinted on my brain. I remember thinking that a song like ‘Add It Up’ was really sophisticated and kind of had a whole story to it, which definitely influenced my own songwriting. It’s full of great songs, and there’s an incredible song at the end of the album ‘Good Feeling’ that is kind of like a great ballad Lou Reed never wrote."


Natasha Khan recommended Berlin by Lou Reed in Music (curated)

Berlin by Lou Reed
Berlin by Lou Reed
1973 | Rock
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Berlin, for me, is one of the most complete albums. It incorporates and encapsulates everything I love about albums and music, which for me is it being like a film that plays out in your mind. There's a sort of cinematic aspect to the whole thing. It's storytelling in its darkest and most beautiful form, it takes you through a relationship from the beginning to the end and you get invested in characters and people that are inhabiting the scenery that Lou Reed's talking about. You feel pain, in the end, when it's: "They're taking her children away / Because they said she was not a good mother". Those lyrics, and "this is the place our children were conceived / Candles lit the room brightly at night" and "this is the place where she cut her wrists / That odd and fateful night". It's just like, fuck me, who actually talks about that stuff any more? Who's brave enough to believe in the album as a whole? Because you take out any of those songs, and they're fantastic songs, but the whole point is it's a novel, and you have to invest in listening to the lyrics and absorbing the atmosphere and going with it the whole way through to really get that fucking hit at the end, where you're just devastated. The full entity, that's the album I wish I'd made. My boyfriend for seven years, when I was 18 to 25, was obsessed with Lou Reed and we saw him loads of times. He probably played it to me quite early on, maybe when I was 19 or 20, but I think I actually got obsessed with it on my own around 23, and just listened to it over and over again. And then luckily, it got brought back live and he toured it with the full children's choir and bloody string section in his band. It was such a treat to see that. In 'The Kids', they put all the samples of the children going "mummy!" and crying and banging on the door. Apparently they actually locked someone's kids in a room and recorded them, sobbing away. [laughs] Absolute bastard, you know, but what have you got to do for the arts? That really struck me at the time, thinking how much I love film and whenever I write music, I see it, in characters and colours and locations and places, and it's like they had, like lots of other people I suppose. There are so many songs by him that I love, but I wouldn't say there are any albums by him that I love the whole way through as much as this one. Obviously there's 'Satellite Of Love' and 'Perfect Day' and 'Walk On The Wild Side', which I think are fantastic pop songs because they've got grit - when I think about great songs that have darkness and grit and integrity, I think of Lou Reed and Kurt Cobain, and those are my two men that I reference. When I was writing 'Laura', I was like "okay, Lou", can I summon the spirit of Lou? Just to be able to talk brutally and honestly about a thing, but within a context of a song that people will remember. It's just in my DNA now, always with me, it's just part of me."

Velvet Underground & Nico by The Velvet Underground
Velvet Underground & Nico by The Velvet Underground
1967 | Experimental

"I know, I know - it's the most classic album on the list. But it is an amazing record. You can look at it in so many ways - just as a piece of music, or what it was responsible for culturally. It really was the most influential record of all time. I'd say it and Never Mind The Bollocks invented modern leftfield music. It has incredible songs, that's one thing. And another is that it has Lou Reed as songwriter. His voice is one of those that you become glued to. It's not as perfect as Scott Walker's, it's more about his phrasing. I love Nico. I mean, how influential was Nico? I think she invented goth. Obviously when she did stuff on her own she really went out there, but with the Velvet Undergound I love the juxtaposition between the songs' melodies and the fact that she couldn't really sing. She had her own style. Amazing record. 'Venus In Furs', 'All Tomorrow's Parties': I love the drones."

Velvet Underground & Nico by The Velvet Underground
Velvet Underground & Nico by The Velvet Underground
1967 | Experimental

"The whole New York thing was kind of like the Bowie outer space thing – you’d see it on films. And when I first went out to New York I thought how right the music was for the place. It was the antithesis of the California thing. I bought a Velvets compilation with ‘I'm Waiting For The Man’ on, and every title fascinated me. When I got Banana everything about it was cool, a different kind of cool to Bowie, just this disrespective, narky cunt, with the greatest rock & roll band in the history of time. Technically it doesn’t matter, the chemistry between them was incredible. Every rhythm guitar part I’ve ever played I’ve just nicked from Lou Reed, even some of the punkier stuff. There were all these punky little rhythms. Not as important as Bowie in what he decided to do, but up there because it was a band with a definite front man. When I met the right people later in life I would use the Velvets model."


Ian McCulloch recommended Berlin by Lou Reed in Music (curated)

Berlin by Lou Reed
Berlin by Lou Reed
1973 | Rock
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I don’t know what concept it was. Whatever the concept was that came out of his addled mind, to me, he’s just got a cob-on with someone and she’s probably shagging around, and obviously he’s set it in Berlin, where he’d probably never have been, and just gets stuck into the misery of it. I remember in an interview with Nick Kent in the NME Lou slagged it off and then changed his mind and said it was absolutely brilliant. At the time everything I played was always in the dark – and I’d tell my mum not to come out of the living room door, and I’d be upstairs and I could sense the light coming from downstairs and it would spoil my vibe. Playing that was just, “woah.” ‘Caroline Says II’, is like, “jeez…” - turning the tables on old Caroline, in a nasty way. I just loved the production. The atmosphere was so dense and the concept is just that the songs ran into each other and this gave it a sense of order. What he was singing about made me think, “hang on, am I really being allowed into this?” It was a bit weird. It’s like a psychopath’s night in, and it got me. Whenever I play that, it’s got a very German, emotive feel. And any emotional German, it’s going to be heavy emotions, bad ones. They’re not renowned for their joie de vivre. Obviously Hitler had emotions, but fuckin’ hell… So it does capture that weird European coldness. It’s weird because you don’t know if Lou really cares, he’s not exactly Sinatra or Lanza, you don’t know if he’s taking the piss. He probably thinks halfway through a song, this isn’t any good, I better sing it weirdly. “She looked like Mary Queen of Scots seemed very regal to me, just shows how wrong you can be". Pure Lou Reed that was. I couldn’t do that because I don’t do sinister. That’s someone who has a different kind of relationship – it’s not just sad, it’s weird. Big favourite with Jimmy Savile at the time, I heard."
