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To Kill a Mockingbird
To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee | 1989 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (96 Ratings)
Book Rating
Set in 1930's America, yet timeless and relatable
If I told you this book is written from the viewpoint of a child you might think it to be immature and frivolous.
If you skimmed the surface a suppose you could see it that way - you're guided through the everyday life of Jean Louise and her family, playing with her brother, petty school issues and fights.
It's an easy read because we can all relate to this little tom boy, from getting annoyed at being told what to wear, getting muddy in the yard, being excited about cake baked by the neighbours.
You find yourself rolling along with the kids, enjoying some nostalgia, only to realise an abundance of adult issues have been cleverly addressed throughout, racism, segregation, nazis, rape, death, drug abuse, isolation and loss.
The more you consider this concept, the more you realise how well written this book is! You feel safe, you are with the innocent and constantly told "it's not time to worry yet", all the while you are facing some of the worst human kind has to offer.
When you realise this you are left with a longing for the naivety of the young, an admiration for their ability to have everything made better with curling up on your father's lap and actually believing someone when they say "it's not time to worry yet".

Despite the adult content and melancholy, this book leaves you feeling warm and hopeful for the human condition.
One to Hold (One to Hold, #1)
Tia Louise | 2013
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tia Louise knocked the socks right off my feet with this book. I had no idea what to expect when I started reading this book from a brand new author. I began reading and as I turned those wonderfully digital pages I knew I was falling in love with her characters and her book.

This book starts with a girls week-long spa retreat to forget a tragic past, and what Melissa gets is SO much more. Melissa meets a very handsome stranger at the bar on her first night at the hotel, Derek. She is instantly attracted to him but not sure why someone who looks the way he does could be attracted to someone like her. She goes along with it, and does the one thing that seems so out of character for her; she has a one night stand. Only Melissa and Derek can't get enough of each other and their one night stand quickly turns into a one week stand.

I loved this book because not only do you get to really know the characters, but you get to see them grow. The book reads so quickly because of the extremely believable characters and the hot and steamy sex scenes.

Derek and Melissa are so intricately well written and their story so exquisitely believe-able. I laughed with them, cried with them, and cheered when it all came back around in the end. This book is un-put-downable, and will have you reading long into the night!

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Those People in Books

Sep 13, 2019  
Those People
Those People
Louise Candlish | 2019 | Thriller
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I was really excited to read my first Louise Candlish novel and while I found this one interesting enough, it wasn't as intriguing as I'd hoped after all the hype over OUR HOUSE. I'm all for neighborhood tensions and drama, but my goodness, it feels like this book took forever. And while I get that this was probably the overall point, these people were mostly all so insufferable that I really didn't care if they all just killed each other!

The book makes some good points about social class, but it does it all so slowly. There are a few twists, yes, but they don't come often enough, and I had a decent idea about a few of them. Maybe the drawn out element was meant to mimic the neighbor's "agony," but good grief. The book is told via police reports and narratives. We learn early on there was an incident in the neighborhood, but don't know what happened or who was involved. I was definitely interested in knowing what went on, which is why I kept plugging away. It's pretty clear early on that nearly everyone has a reason to harm everyone else; kind of makes me glad for my eight acres.

So, overall, while curiosity kept me reading on this one, and I enjoyed a few of the twists, it was definitely a slow read filled with a lot of annoying characters. Maybe if I'm brave enough to pick up OUR HOUSE, it will be more my jam. 2.5+ stars.