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    Home Builder Pro Calcs

    Home Builder Pro Calcs

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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Gameplay (1 more)
Characters (1 more)
Twist ending
A Review By A Disappointed Long Time Fan
Before this game was released, I was certain that it was going to be my Game Of The Year for 2015, and in a lot of ways it is a worthy contender. As an open world stealth game, it is groundbreaking. The gameplay is some of the best I’ve ever seen, the controls feel tight, the underlying systems and features, (such as reflex mode and the buddy system,) are solid and the AI is responsive and fair. This is KojiPro’s first attempt at an open world game, and as far as first attempts go, this is ‘pretty good.’ The world is breathtaking as well, the graphics that the Fox engine can produce are stunning in every way, the world feels alive, with both enemies and wildlife, the textures, the particle systems, the gun models, every visual in this game has been created with an insane amount of attention to detail and all of it really pays off. I experienced little to no glitches while making my way through the single player campaign and the presentation overall is great. Motherbase is also awesome, you genuinely feel as if you are assembling an army and even though the Fulton is daft, it is a nice touch. And the amount of variety this game provides is vast, you can take 4 different buddies with you, each with unique skills, you can infiltrate in the morning or at night, you can choose your guns and customise them to suit, you can also customise your buddy’s gear, your helicopter and to a small extent Motherbase too, although that could have went deeper. Now, if that is all that you are looking for, then seriously, stop reading this review right now and go buy the game, you will love it and there is so much to do, I sank a good 75+ hours into this game and my overall completion rate is still only at 75%. If however, like me, you are looking for something more than just great gameplay, you will be left feeling as empty as I do. Like I keep reiterating, the gameplay is phenomenal, but that’s the problem, I have never played MGS for the gameplay. It wasn’t the gameplay that made me fall in love with the series growing up and if anything you would always suffer through the stiff gameplay in order to experience the deep and complex story and that was okay, because it would always be so worth it. This game throws all of that out of the window.

The way that this game is structured is awful. You play a few main missions in a row, the story is beginning to hook you, but then OCD kicks in and you realise that you have 4 or 5 side missions building up to be completed, so you go and do them, but then you come back to the main story and forget what was going on in the last mission, but who cares when you can Fulton a goat, right?

The writing in this game is possibly the laziest it’s ever been, one example of this is the ‘controversial’ character known as Quiet. This character has been masterly debated over a lot (see what I did there?) and thrown more gasoline on the fire that is the over-sexualisation of women in video games. My stance on it is somewhere in between, the reason for her lack of clothes and speech is silly, however she is running around Afghanistan and Africa, which are very hot countries, so really they could have put her in a bikini top and a pair of cargo pants and I doubt anyone would have batted an eyelid. Now, the Metal Gear series has always been known for its odd Japanese perviness, but when it is a main character that has been sexualised, it’s always been for a justified narrative reason, such as EVA in MGS3 walking about with the front of her jacket unzipped showing off her bikini clad chest, but the whole point of her mission in that game, was to seduce Snake, so it made sense within the context of the story, in this game the reason for Quiet’s over exposure is much lazier and feels tacked on as a cheap excuse.

The worst part about all of this is the fact that, this is it, Kojima’s definite last Metal Gear game, there is no going back to redeem anything, like in MGS2 when everyone hated it, but because 4 solved some of the problems that were created in 2 people are now okay with 2, that can’t happen with this game because Kojima and Konami are no more. Now I could write a whole other paper on Konami vs Kojima and my stance on it but this is the jist, Kojima was spending too much money and taking too much time with this game, Konami demanded he finish it so they can make their money and add their microtransaction’s etc Kojima told them where they can stick it and the partnership was dead. This has had an effect on the game, there is clearly content missing, Konami has confirmed that at least one mission was cut, where Snake would have went to Africa to have another battle with Eli and Sahalanthropus, which is the Metal Gear in this game, which is unacceptable really. Also, I assume there was a lot of other content that was cut that we weren’t told about. Sahalanthropus is another problem I have, how is it that this Metal Gear created in the 80’s is more advanced than REX, which was created in the early 2000’s. Also, when you fight Sahalanthropus, there is no one in the thing, it is an empty robot being controlled by Mantis, who floats beside the giant mech. That is actually a decent metaphor for the lack of villains in this game. Skull Face is hardly in the game and his eventual death, like every other significant event in this game, just kind of happens with no build up and packing little punch. The team of bosses in the original Metal Gear, headed up by Liquid and Ocelot, were probably the best team of villains in any game ever, since then the bosses have gone slowly downhill. The Sons of Big Boss were great, Dead Cell were pretty cool, The Cobras were okay, The Beauty & The Beast Corps were pretty lame and The Skulls in this game are emotionless zombies who don’t even have individual names and Skull Face is such a disappointing antagonist, he is hardly in the main game and then he shows up at the end, gives some silly speech that we have heard before in the trailers and then just dies, no boss fight or anything. Also, no customisable Metal Gear, which I feel like is a huge missed opportunity and no Sims like Motherbase customisation, interior or exterior.

David Hayter was missed in this game, Keifer was fine on the rare occasion he did speak, but the phantom Snake twist was the perfect opportunity to reintroduce Hayter’s voice and they didn’t take it. Also no Campbell or EVA, not even a reference. And it is never explained why the last time we see the real Big Boss, he is rescuing a child and a young girl and the next time we see him he has become modern day Hitler. Ultimately, this game just makes me sad, it is hard not to focus on the fallout from the Konima debacle, P.T/Silent Hills is no more, that promisingly terrifying demo we were teased with will amount to nothing and this game is all we will ever get again in terms of the Metal Gear saga. This is the end of an era, and it’s an end that doesn’t sit perfectly with me.
    Is-it Love ? Ryan - Otome

    Is-it Love ? Ryan - Otome

    Games and Entertainment

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    Influence the progression of your Love Story by the choices you make! (100% available in English)....


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Seed of Chucky (2004) in Movies

Nov 26, 2019 (Updated Jan 7, 2020)  
Seed of Chucky (2004)
Seed of Chucky (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Horror
6.0 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
What even is this film!?
Seed of Chucky is the fifth in the Child's Play series, and definitely is the peak of absurdity in this particular franchise.
After writing the first four, Don Mancini steps behind the camera for the first time to direct this entry, and it's crystal clear he wanted to take it into comedic territory, and honestly, it works for the most part.

A lot of Seed is so ridiculous, you can't help but laugh.
Chucky plans to transfer his soul into Redman of all people, Britney Spears gets blown up, there's a live ventriloquist competition that looks more jumping than a metal concert, there's a member of S Club 7 in it, Jennifer Tilly, John Waters, Redman, and Jason Flemyng (because why the hell not) all play themselves - I could go on.
Jennifer Tilly especially deserves credit, as her willingness to poke fun at herself is a big part of what makes this film fun.
Billy Boyd voices Glen/Glenda, the spawn of Chucky, and that's also just ridiculous as it sounds.

Seed has some genuinely nice gore effects going on but as a horror film, it's rubbish. Nothing scary happens at all. But as an all out, stupid comedy with horror leanings, it hard not to like.
I love the more unsettling Chucky of the first two movies, and would take him over the quippy Chucky of the later movies - a huge reason why I didn't care much for Bride of Chucky - but when it's this over the top, I can get on board without too much fuss.
    Gesundheit!™ HD

    Gesundheit!™ HD


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    The multi-award winning iOS classic regarded by many as the best adventure puzzle game of all time....


Rachel Unthank recommended Nevermind by Nirvana in Music (curated)

Nevermind by Nirvana
Nevermind by Nirvana
1991 | Alternative, Rock

"Grunge was the first kind of music I discovered for myself without my parents. They were not very keen [laughs]. I was fifteen, the perfect age, when Nirvana broke, and I still listen to this record. I still listen to Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains and Soundgarden too, but this still feels fresh to me, and has a real power. They captured that anarchy and rebelliousness of youth, but had songs that were like sing-a-longs, which really spoke to me. Plus the rhythms were incredible, like in ‘Breed'. I love the aggression of ‘Breed'. The rhythms of lots of metal, grunge and rock all really get me, actually. Adrian and I quite often used to come out of folk festivals and get into the car and stick Faith No More on. Like a cleanse!

Nirvana were different to the other bands around then because there was such a sad reflectiveness to them. ‘Something In The Way' particularly – Kurt's voice, and the way the song moves. Nirvana also remind me of being at the school disco. I had a friend that DJd at them, and me and my friends would be sitting down at the side, not interested, but he'd let us pick three songs to play. We'd always pick something off this album, get on the dancefloor for three minutes of headbanging, then sit down again [laughs]. I think the songs you loved as a teenager are songs you'll always have an emotional attachment to, as well. You're formed along with them."

The Fate of the Furious (2017)
The Fate of the Furious (2017)
2017 | Action
*Director's cut*
A thick protein shake of testosterone, motor oil, concrete, government tech, sweat, and smashed metal - features enough hilariously inflated machismo and mic drop one-liners to fuel at least fifty blockbusters. Obviously when going from James Wan to any other director you're going to see a downtick in visual quality, but Gray still makes this thing a gorgeous splashpad of obvious color signifiers to look at - with some of the most clean vehicle action you'll ever see. I'll always defend an unlimited number of these sequels no matter how little story there is, but it was a genuinely ballsy move to make Dom one of the villains (alongside a ripper Theron) - to which I'll convince every Diesel detractor to look at because this showcases how passionate and committed he is towards this character, every act of betrayal is played like it's physically tearing him apart from the inside. Another thing I love about this series post-fourth-one is how it features some of the coolest action superstars partaking in scenes of prolonged emotion that most other actioners would probably toss aside. Definitely the funniest installment but wtf happened to Luda here? The dude is usually charming but he sleepwalks through every scene in this one. Every gripe I do have is relatively minor considering this has sequences of a giant wrecking ball tearing through vehicles, The Rock and Statham beating their way through an entire prison, and an all-timer setpiece where dozens of cars start driving themselves tearing through the city.