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Snakes in Space
Snakes in Space
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>Snakes in Space</b> was very engaging! I loved the bright vibrant colors combined with the stark contrasts used between the words and the images on the pages to give great visuals that kids will love. The verbiage used to convey the story was easy to understand and had some repetitive qualities that kids can remember too! The storyline was fun and explained a great overview of going into space and coming back on a spaceship. Plus, <i>Kathryn Dennis</i> (who is the author and illustrator) did a great job using the illustrations to convey movement and engagement with the kids through different design elements. This is her newest book in the series, and I LOVE it and cannot wait to read more books from her. Truly one of the best children’s books I have read in a while.
The Year Shakespeare Ruined My Life
The Year Shakespeare Ruined My Life
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and Second Story Press

Okay so I love Shakespeare and I love stories set in high school drama departments so that alone should have done it for me but I just really didn't vibe with this book! I didn't enjoy any of the characters (especially the main character) and as a character driven reader that's such an impportant thing for me! I can forgive a lacklustre plot if the characters are good and enjoyable! There were parts that I enjoyed and I generally didn't hate it but I did find myself just reading it solely so that I could get it finished rather than enjoying the experience. It had a lot of potential and I'm sure a lot of people will like it but it just didn't do it for me, unfortunately!

Amy Adams recommended Paulie (1998) in Movies (curated)

Paulie (1998)
Paulie (1998)
1998 | Action, Comedy, Drama
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"If I put Casablanca on I’ll sound like AFI, right? [laughs] Here’s the thing: there are all the choices you can make that you know sound really good and then there’re the ones that you really watch, like a hundred times. Like Paulie, the film with the parrot — but if I put that on my list I’m gonna look like an idiot. [laughs] You must see Paulie! I know you think I’m crazy. I love Paulie. I have these films that my younger brother’s like, “Amy, you’re gonna love this — you have to watch this film.” He introduced me to Paulie. There’s a whole bunch of people in Paulie: there’s Gena Rowlands, Jay Mohr, Cheech; the guy from Monk, Tony Shalhoub, who’s one of my favorites. It’s such a touching story. I hope I haven’t built it up too much. [laughs]"


Nick Kroll recommended The Producers (1967) in Movies (curated)

The Producers (1967)
The Producers (1967)
1967 | Classics, Comedy

"The first movie that I ever said was my favorite movie and I’ve said for the longest is The Producers, Mel Brooks’ original Producers. The two lead performances from Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder are both unstoppable performances and then supported by amazing supporting characters throughout. I love the premise of the movie, I love the pacing of that — the opening scene in the office which also serves as the credit sequence is so funny and just such an amazing one — when Gene Wilder walks in and discovers Zero Mostel with one of his little old ladies who wants to do role-play with him, then getting caught by Zero Mostel snooping, then being brought in and negotiating through his various tax schemes… To me, it’s a great premise for a story and it’s so funny."

The Thin Blue Line (1988)
The Thin Blue Line (1988)
1988 | Classics, Documentary, Documentary
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Another documentary. [Director Errol Morris has] got so many movies that I love and there are so many other documentaries that I love too. But The Thin Blue Line is interesting to choose right now because now there is a resurgence of true crime documentaries — a lot of them [are] series like Making a Murderer or The Jinx. But Thin Blue Line was kind of the original true crime documentary that really sort of made you question police tactics and I think anyone who’s into Making a Murderer or Serial or The Jinx — or any of these shows right now, and podcasts — and hasn’t seen Thin Blue Line should check that out. It’s just a well-made movie in general but it’s also a fascinating story of a crime that someone may or may not have done."

Crossing the Line (World Apart, 1)
Crossing the Line (World Apart, 1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm working my way through a list of books found here: on BookLikes and that's the only reason I've read this.

It's also turned out to be the first on it of the seven I've read, that I haven't liked. DNF @ 39%.

I don't know if it had anything to do with my lack of love for NA books as of so many months ago but I didn't gel with the storyline or the characters, though I did like the hero's Aussie-isms (they remind me a lot of British lingo).

If I don't get into the story then I can't be arsed to read sex scenes between characters and these two couldn't seem to get enough of each other.

Not for me, this one.
Life After Beth (2014)
Life After Beth (2014)
2014 | Comedy
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Life After Beth is a take on an overcooked trope that actually finds a way to convince you to invest in the characters and story. A difficult task indeed.

Full disclosure, as a rule, I hate zombie movies. I think most of them are just awful, overdone hack jobs (no pun intended.)

There are, as with anything, some exceptions. This is one of them. The focus is never inherently on that element at all. The focus remains firmly on the character development throughout. The makers actually found a way to make the entire premise interesting, even though the base has been told a million times, usually poorly.

Love Aubrey Plaza. Love John C. Reilly. That was enough to convince me to give it a chance, and I'm actually thankful that I did. Perhaps there is hope for this burnt out genre after all.