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Shaun Collins (3 KP) rated Lethbridge-Stewart: Beast of Fang Rock (#3) in Books
Jan 12, 2018
Perhaps it's my love of lighthouses and lighthouse culture, perhaps it's my overwhelming nostalga for the original televised story Horror Of Fang Rock, perhaps it's just the amazing talent that is Andy Frankham-Allen. Perhaps all three. Whatever it is, Beast Of Fang Rock is a return to form for the Lethbridge-Stewart series. It manages to be a Scooby-Doo style mystery, a classic base under siege story, and an intricate time travel tale simultaneously, not to mention an all-around great yarn. These characters are fully formed and fleshed out, and each brings something marvelous to the party. (And makes one wonder if Frankham-Allen has some sort of inside track to the BBC, what with season 9 episodes turning out to have similar threads!)
My only complaint (and it's a small one) is the Brigadier himself is pushed back so slightly in this one in favor of Anne Travers. But, thats as it should be. This is her story, her time to shine, and Lethbridge-Stewart seems content to back her characterization until he's needed to be the man of action during the thrilling third act. As I said, its a SMALL complaint.
Definitely give this one a read kids!
My only complaint (and it's a small one) is the Brigadier himself is pushed back so slightly in this one in favor of Anne Travers. But, thats as it should be. This is her story, her time to shine, and Lethbridge-Stewart seems content to back her characterization until he's needed to be the man of action during the thrilling third act. As I said, its a SMALL complaint.
Definitely give this one a read kids!
This is not only a pretty good horror novel but an excellently written story about friendship.
The main players in this book are extremely well developed and their different characters explored well. The story builds from the start and ends up being a thoroughly engrossing read. The characters are believable and act accordingly - they do things in situations that I would see myself doing which makes the book even more enjoyable. The Suckers are great creatures and the way their birth was described was a really well done wow moment and left me feeling quite nauseous - I love it when that happens!
The only little gripe I have, in what is a great story, is I would have liked a bit more interaction and perilous scenes with the infected - this is the only thing I think the book missed out on and would have taken it from a great read to a fantastic one.
Overall, a very enjoyable that I would recommend to anyone who enjoys this particular genre and I would like to thank and the publisher, Dark Ride Publishing, for providing me with a copy in return for a review.
The main players in this book are extremely well developed and their different characters explored well. The story builds from the start and ends up being a thoroughly engrossing read. The characters are believable and act accordingly - they do things in situations that I would see myself doing which makes the book even more enjoyable. The Suckers are great creatures and the way their birth was described was a really well done wow moment and left me feeling quite nauseous - I love it when that happens!
The only little gripe I have, in what is a great story, is I would have liked a bit more interaction and perilous scenes with the infected - this is the only thing I think the book missed out on and would have taken it from a great read to a fantastic one.
Overall, a very enjoyable that I would recommend to anyone who enjoys this particular genre and I would like to thank and the publisher, Dark Ride Publishing, for providing me with a copy in return for a review.

Charley (64 KP) rated A Secret History of Witches in Books
Feb 2, 2019
A whirlwind through time
If you are a lover of historical books and fantasy novels then you might like this. Set in a wide range of time periods, ending just after the second world war, this story follows the life of generations of Romani witches in their struggles to survive.
Even though it took me a while to get into the book (hence the 6 rating) it was really interesting following the lives and struggles of each orchire woman from when they first discover their gift until they have their own daughter to carry on the line. it is amazing to see the development of so many generations of women and you end up feeling part of their story as you watch, sometimes with horror, the trials that they go through just for having the gift of magic.
It is a perfect story that shows how actions have consiquences and how much they were willing to fight for what they love.
I will not go into too much detail but surfice to say it gets more interesting the further you read and the last section of the book was by far the best.
It took me a long time to get into it however i persisted and it was totally worth it.
Even though it took me a while to get into the book (hence the 6 rating) it was really interesting following the lives and struggles of each orchire woman from when they first discover their gift until they have their own daughter to carry on the line. it is amazing to see the development of so many generations of women and you end up feeling part of their story as you watch, sometimes with horror, the trials that they go through just for having the gift of magic.
It is a perfect story that shows how actions have consiquences and how much they were willing to fight for what they love.
I will not go into too much detail but surfice to say it gets more interesting the further you read and the last section of the book was by far the best.
It took me a long time to get into it however i persisted and it was totally worth it.

Rose-Marie3071 (67 KP) rated Bleach in TV
Feb 23, 2019
Contains spoilers, click to show
A fantastic series with sixteen amazing seasons. Ichigo is an interesting character who is always evolving and never giving up even when beaten to the ground.
Even with the end of the anime series at 366 episodes, the manga continues to provide the rest of the story. I am also excited to hear the news that they may be continuing Bleach from where they left off with the anime.
I would love to see if this is true. The Winter War was a good story, but I think that the Thousand Year Blood War is so much more interesting. The Quincies actually have a reason to fight against the Shinigami and the rest of the Soul Society considering the Massacre of their people. This is different compared to Aizen whom I feel started The Winter War because he was a narcissistic, egotistical, self-centered bastard who wanted to play God.
Of course, the fact that Ichigo's entire heritage finally comes into play with the full revelation that the one he calls Zangetsu is actually Ywach, an off shot of Jauhbaach? the Quincy King, and that his Hollow is actually is original Zangetsu.
Even with the end of the anime series at 366 episodes, the manga continues to provide the rest of the story. I am also excited to hear the news that they may be continuing Bleach from where they left off with the anime.
I would love to see if this is true. The Winter War was a good story, but I think that the Thousand Year Blood War is so much more interesting. The Quincies actually have a reason to fight against the Shinigami and the rest of the Soul Society considering the Massacre of their people. This is different compared to Aizen whom I feel started The Winter War because he was a narcissistic, egotistical, self-centered bastard who wanted to play God.
Of course, the fact that Ichigo's entire heritage finally comes into play with the full revelation that the one he calls Zangetsu is actually Ywach, an off shot of Jauhbaach? the Quincy King, and that his Hollow is actually is original Zangetsu.

Molly J (Cover To Cover Cafe) (106 KP) rated Beneath the Surface (Dive Team Investigations, #1) in Books
Feb 27, 2019
I love finding new to me authors, especially when it’s one like this! Ms. Blackburn is a fantastic author! She has created a wonderful story, full of amazing characters and I was hooked from the first page. Each page, each new character, each new plot twist had me on the edge of my seat and staying up late to finish the intense, captivating ride.
I loved Ryan and Leigh so much! They were wonderfully chiseled and their feelings really jumped off the page and became my own. The way they interacted and the way their story just pulled together was fantabulous.
This is a 4 star worthy novel and each page is fantastically done. The intensity of the crimes, the grace and mercy that’s woven in, the sparks of romance between characters really pull the reader into the middle of the story and doesn’t let them go. This is one of those books that will stay with you long, long past the last page. I’m highly anticipating the release of book in this fantastic new series! Well done, Ms. Blackburn! You’ve got a forever fan in me!
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
I loved Ryan and Leigh so much! They were wonderfully chiseled and their feelings really jumped off the page and became my own. The way they interacted and the way their story just pulled together was fantabulous.
This is a 4 star worthy novel and each page is fantastically done. The intensity of the crimes, the grace and mercy that’s woven in, the sparks of romance between characters really pull the reader into the middle of the story and doesn’t let them go. This is one of those books that will stay with you long, long past the last page. I’m highly anticipating the release of book in this fantastic new series! Well done, Ms. Blackburn! You’ve got a forever fan in me!
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

Molly J (Cover To Cover Cafe) (106 KP) rated Indivisible in Books
Feb 27, 2019
As a former military brat, I love to read anything about the military. As a long time fan of Travis Thrasher's this book was a double bonus for me. I loved every second of this 5 star worthy novelization of true events.
PTSD is a very real, very scary thing for many folks. This story is about that. I felt every emotion of Heather and Darren as if it was my own. Every pain filled moment, every tear filled scene was my own. That is powerful when a novelization can do that to me. The beautiful story of Heather and Darren become a part of me and I won't soon forget them.
If you are looking to read a book that will fill you with hope, understanding, mercy and faith, then grab this book now. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I imagine it will be just as powerful as this book is. Five stars just doesn't seem like enough praises for this. Hats off to Travis Trasher for creating a beautiful, emotion filled novelization of Darren and Heather's story.
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under not obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
PTSD is a very real, very scary thing for many folks. This story is about that. I felt every emotion of Heather and Darren as if it was my own. Every pain filled moment, every tear filled scene was my own. That is powerful when a novelization can do that to me. The beautiful story of Heather and Darren become a part of me and I won't soon forget them.
If you are looking to read a book that will fill you with hope, understanding, mercy and faith, then grab this book now. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I imagine it will be just as powerful as this book is. Five stars just doesn't seem like enough praises for this. Hats off to Travis Trasher for creating a beautiful, emotion filled novelization of Darren and Heather's story.
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under not obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

Rodney Barnes (472 KP) rated Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) in Movies
Mar 11, 2019
Another Good Anthology
Contains spoilers, click to show
I must say despite the protest for this movie for the last...well you know; I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. The characters were spot on. Donald Glover did the best job in my opinion. The story was good, Han looking for his lost love may have been a little stretch at that point in his career but it worked. The one thing I didn't like was the way Han and Chewy met. I know they wouldn't do it like the old canon, which would have been hard to do but I wish it could have been done a little different. Aside from the this movie met my expectations, as a Star Wars fan. I even liked the way they incorporated Lando's sidekick droid into the Falcon. We can now understand it's really a she. The part that excited me most was the ending. That was very unexpected for me. One of my favorite Sith Lords of all time made a showing. Darth Maul!! I hope this story arc continues with him in future anthology movies. This movie is a solid 8 for me. We will see what the future holds for more movies like this

Autumn (3 KP) rated The Wise Man's Fear in Books
Jan 19, 2018
does anyone else find it annoying when people rate books they haven't actually read yet?
update: now that I'VE read this i can review it properly. (see how that works, people? read a book THEN rate it. i know, complicated.)
i loved this book. i would have given it 5 stars but i honestly thought it was too short. there were places that Kvothe skipped over his story that, as an outsider looking in as opposed to a character in the novel (like Chronicler) we haven't heard the rumors or stories or gossip about the events. i would have LOVED to have heard the story about the shipwreck, especially the mysterious man. it was quite frustrating to have something with so much potential tossed aside. also, i would have appreciated a bit more of the trial in Imre. at least a third or fourth hand account of it, the version of the story Chronicler heard.
alternatively, the time spent with Felurian was beaten to death, in my opinion, and Kvothe's time in Ademre was a bit drawn out. probably something to do with the publisher's wanting more sex, i expect. sigh.
still, i puffy heart love this series and will probably buy it once it's all in paperback.
update: now that I'VE read this i can review it properly. (see how that works, people? read a book THEN rate it. i know, complicated.)
i loved this book. i would have given it 5 stars but i honestly thought it was too short. there were places that Kvothe skipped over his story that, as an outsider looking in as opposed to a character in the novel (like Chronicler) we haven't heard the rumors or stories or gossip about the events. i would have LOVED to have heard the story about the shipwreck, especially the mysterious man. it was quite frustrating to have something with so much potential tossed aside. also, i would have appreciated a bit more of the trial in Imre. at least a third or fourth hand account of it, the version of the story Chronicler heard.
alternatively, the time spent with Felurian was beaten to death, in my opinion, and Kvothe's time in Ademre was a bit drawn out. probably something to do with the publisher's wanting more sex, i expect. sigh.
still, i puffy heart love this series and will probably buy it once it's all in paperback.

Jcadden76 (64 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Grand Theft Auto V in Video Games
Jun 11, 2018
Trevor (3 more)
The story mode
Vehicle selection and vehicle physics
Size and diversity of the map
Let me cut the radio off as default in the cars (2 more)
Building skills in side quests - ehh...
Storyline economy
Trevor makes the game for me.
This is my favorite GTA game so far. I know that sounds ridiculous, of course it is, but I LOVE the story line in this one. There is something about the ease of moving between the main characters, their skill sets, and of course the way they interact, kept me wanting to move the story along and having to remember that I needed to do side quests for money and other things.
In particular, Trevor made the game for me. Steven Ogg is a tremendous actor and his voice being lent to the character of Trevor Phillips was perfect casting. I want a pre-GTA5 game where I get to play as Trevor for the whole game.
The multiplayer is my stumbling block. I like it, I get the attraction, but it has not hooked me. I have played a little in it, I enjoy the race series but that is about all.
I am looking forward to the next GTA game already.
In particular, Trevor made the game for me. Steven Ogg is a tremendous actor and his voice being lent to the character of Trevor Phillips was perfect casting. I want a pre-GTA5 game where I get to play as Trevor for the whole game.
The multiplayer is my stumbling block. I like it, I get the attraction, but it has not hooked me. I have played a little in it, I enjoy the race series but that is about all.
I am looking forward to the next GTA game already.

Jcadden76 (64 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Fallout 4 in Video Games
Jun 15, 2018
The story (4 more)
The environment
The NPCs
The building aspect
The weapon and armor customization
So darn close to EPIC!
Fallout 4 is one of my favorite games that I have ever played. Somewhere between the building, the story, the side-missions, and the combat system - I was in love from moment one.
Now, a bit of a confession: this was the first Fallout game that I ever played. I am going to have to start working my way backwards through the series.
If you are new to this franchise, here is what to expect:
1. The story is interesting, in depth, and more than a little thought provoking.
2. The combat system is very straight forward and easy to use.
3. The building system is also top notch and once you get a handle on being a professional hoarder - you will become a builder extraordinaire.
4. Power-Armor is cool but it got old for me so I saved it only to use for big fights.
Also, due to the multiple endings for the game, there is a lot of chance for replay and using really cool mods to make the game different all the time.
Now, a bit of a confession: this was the first Fallout game that I ever played. I am going to have to start working my way backwards through the series.
If you are new to this franchise, here is what to expect:
1. The story is interesting, in depth, and more than a little thought provoking.
2. The combat system is very straight forward and easy to use.
3. The building system is also top notch and once you get a handle on being a professional hoarder - you will become a builder extraordinaire.
4. Power-Armor is cool but it got old for me so I saved it only to use for big fights.
Also, due to the multiple endings for the game, there is a lot of chance for replay and using really cool mods to make the game different all the time.