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The Sprightly Carrot's Dream
The Sprightly Carrot's Dream
Jennifer Tremblay | 2020 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you looking for a cute spring story for your children or child? One that may deal with a significant issue that comes away gently but deals with the problem. I thought this was a fun and lovely story about the persuasion of what you wanted. But also, bullying does not always get your way. The Sprightly Carrot's Dream is the book to get.

Children will learn some suitable life lessons about bullying and learn about gardening; Children will learn about kindness and friendship. I did see this throughout the book. I wonder what Spright will do to achieve this dream? Will he get his goal, or will he not.

Sometimes being what you are is essential, and enjoying that. Children will learn something about carrots and also about flowers. Will Dave get what is coming to him? The way he acts and does not like Spright for some reason.

Parents will love this book on their children's bookshelves as it does teach some lessons about some fun things. Parents and children can learn about carrots and learn something about carrot roots and what they might make. You will be surprised.

The author does a beautiful job with this. I even learned something about carrot roots and what could happen. I thought the story was sweet. The pictures are beautiful as we
CheeseMaker Durdsden
CheeseMaker Durdsden
Mark Huffman | 2021 | Children
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you looking for a funny little book about cheese? Well, this book is all about cheese. Well, about a cheesemaker. It is suitable for children and a little funny. I hope that it does not make you or your child happen turned off on cheese or things with cheese in them.

The story is fun but be on the lookout for a child to be saying no to eating cheese. The picture remains done well. The rhyming is cute. Will Durdsden figure out how to make cheese and have it tasty? Or will he turn people off once he tells how he makes his delicious cheese?

I am not so sure I would want to eat cheese or much of it if I thought of the process of this being how cheese remains made. We do need a little humor, and children do too. Children may not overthink it and enjoy the story nonetheless.

Children will love it. They made me laugh. That is good for this is a silly little story on Cheesemaker Durdsden and how he loves cheese and making it. Will the town be on the map? Parents, be aware of your children decide to turn down cheese after reading this. Children can have active imaginations, and this one is just as good with it. Will cheesemaker a name for himself and his little village?
    Dr. Seuss's ABC

    Dr. Seuss's ABC


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    This app is for customers who own the older version of this app and require an update for 64-bit...

    Green Eggs & Ham

    Green Eggs & Ham


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    This app is for customers who own the older version of this app and require an update for 64-bit...