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Naomi Forrest (42 KP) rated City of Ghosts in Books

Dec 31, 2018 (Updated Dec 31, 2018)  
City of Ghosts
City of Ghosts
V.E. Schwab | 2018 | Paranormal
7.9 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not too creepy, just right (0 more)
Having to wait for the next book (0 more)
I haven't read any Victoria Schwab before though I do have another of her books to read and I know that she is extremely popular, particularly for fans of the young adult genre. This book piqued my interest as a middle grade ghost story so when I found it at a gorgeous second hand book store in Alnwick, Northumberland (you trade your old books in for new ones, it is amazing!), I snapped it up.
Cass is a brilliant protagonist....she's weird, she knows she's weird and she embraces her weird. We live in a world of fashion rules and being told that being different is wrong, even now in 2018. To be the generic carbon copy makes you popular. As Cass says:
'I know you're supposed to want to be one of the popular kids....It just seems like it would be exhausting...Smile, but not too wide. Laugh, but not too loud.'
From this quote alone, you just know that Schwab understands pre-teens and teens. She has been there. Cass is a brilliant character to empower the intended audience and show them it's good to be different. The other big character in the book is Cass's best friend, Jacob, who often has amusing little retorts to Cass and adds humour throughout the book. Oh yes, and he's dead! Apart from this interesting fact and also that he saved Cass's life, the bond between the two is like any other friendship and I get the feeling we will see more of these characters. It is hinted at in the story that Jacob remaining in the world of the living may create problems so it raises a lot of questions about what is coming. I was constantly questioning throughout the book, where did Jacob come from? Did he die saving Cass? Why has he not crossed over? How can he come through the veil? The writing just flows so easily and is told through Cass's eyes. I'm not always the biggest fan of present tense writing in novel's but the use of first person really put me into Cass's world and I had to know about the veil! (I was also a big Ghost Whisperer fan).
This book also has one of my favourite things, a cute little map at the start. However, unlike the often fiction maps that enhance the story, this is Cassidy's map of Edinburgh, which is pretty awesome, especially as I know the places on it, living just an hour's train ride from the city. It shows the main places you would expect, as well as Blackwell's book shop (it is a good Blackwell's too, bigger than Newcastle!). I just love maps in books, I spend ages pouring over them and it really adds to the pictures in your mind.
Of course, being a ghost story, this novel is quite edgy for middle grade but absolutely age appropriate and Schwab is so skillful at pushing the tension right up before diffusing it at just the right point. I get scared even by some young adult ghost stories (no lie) and this one was borderline comfortable for me. The description perfectly set the scene and I truly felt like I was in a foggy graveyard in the dark, or underground in Mary King's Close. I love how Schwab drew on Scottish history and Scotland's love of ghost stories and seamlessly weaves them with the fiction of this ghost hunting American family. I think a lot of children who I come across and potentially across the country may have been to Edinburgh so it makes the story a little bit more accessible while the fantasy creates a boundary from it being too scary. Cass is also a big fan of Harry Potter and the frequent references throughout will really resonate with contemporary children who also love the series.
I loved this book and can't wait for what follows on. It is definitely an exciting addition to a class bookshelf for the ghost story lover but would be a gripping book to share with your class just for pleasure. Brimming with tension, spine tingling atmosphere and completely relevant to the modern day pre-teen, I recommend whole heartedly.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Starworld in Books

Jun 21, 2019  
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Despite running in very different circles in school, Sam Jones and Zoe Miller have more in common than they think: they both want to escape the difficulty that is their home lives. Sam is a quiet loner, content to spend Sundays with her best friend, Will. She loves the stars, but isn't sure she'll ever be able to study them, thanks to her mom, whose life is ruled by obsessive compulsive disorder. Ever since her Dad moved overseas, the burden of caring for her Mom falls squarely on Sam. Meanwhile, at school, Zoe seems carefree and popular. But her charisma hides her secrets: she struggles with the fact that she's adopted. She also has a mom in remission from cancer and a disabled younger brother who is the main focus of her parents. When the girls have a chance meeting at school, they exchange phone numbers, and suddenly find themselves bonding over text messages and a land they've created together: Starworld. Starworld gives Zoe and Sam the escape from reality they both so desperately need. But can it survive all the outside influences and stress each are facing?

"If I have a superpower, it's invisibility. Like the perpetually overcast skies of Portland in winter, I'm part of the background -- a robot with a disappearance drive, the dullness against which everyone else shines."

This was an interesting and somewhat different YA novel. I enjoyed the story of two brave girls battling tough circumstances. Boy, poor Zoe and Sam certainly had the weight of the world on their shoulders. I really liked both of our main characters. The book tells the story from each of their perspectives, making it easy to know each girl. I found myself a bit more aligned to Sam--probably because she was queer and shy (like drawn to like, right?). As other reviews have mentioned, some of the book is in texting format, as Sam and Zoe fall into Starworld. Being far removed from teenagehood myself (sigh), I will admit that I did sometimes sort of "fast read" or skim those sections. I appreciated them--because Starworld meant so much to these girls and their friendship--but the text-speak wasn't always the easiest to read and digest.

I had picked this up thinking it was a love story, but it's not a true romance, though there's love in other forms. There's some great representation in this book: a queer character in Sam, plus discussion of adoption, mental illness (OCD and anxiety), disabilities, and more. All were very well treated too, I felt.

The book felt a little slow at times. It felt a little repetitive in its insistence on Zoe feeling different due to being adopted. Still, I was very drawn to Sam and Zoe's story. There was a strength in each of them, and I was intrigued to see what was going to happen. Sam's arc as she struggled with her romantic feelings was especially strong and wonderfully done.

Even though much of the book is serious, it's also very funny at times, with some excellent quotes and zingers. (I really did love Sam and her sense of humor; she was right up my alley.)

"I hate using phones for their original intended purpose. It's like Alexander Graham Bell wondered, Hey, what could maximize the awkwardeness of human-to-human communication? And then answered himself by giving us the ability to speak to one another through stupid disembodied little boxes."

I mean, right? One of the best quotes ever.

So, overall, this book is really a love story of friendship and triumph. It's very easy to root for the characters and get caught up in their lives. I was often just aghast at how much these poor girls had to go through. If you're not necessarily used to text-speak, it may give you a pause, but Starworld is a big part of the book (obviously!) and it's woven well into the story. This was a different and intriguing read, and I'm glad I picked it up. 3.5+ stars (rounded up to 4 here).
17 & Gone
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

When I first read the premise for this book, I knew I had to read it. It sounded all ghostly, and I love ghostly! This is one of those books that, while I was reading it, I had mixed feelings about. In the end, I did enjoy it, just not as much as I thought I would.

Lauren is a 17 year old girl who starts seeing a bunch of girls who went missing when they were 17. All these girls start appearing to her one by one asking for her help. Lauren abandons everything to help them. She dedicates all her time to finding out what happened to these girls. But not all is as it seems.

The title is straightforward about what the book is going to be about. All the girls in the book (minus the main character) were 17 when they disappeared. I do think it's an interesting title for this book even if it's dealing directly with what the story's about.

I found the cover to be very interesting. The cover is also a scene from one of Lauren's dreams in the book. I love how it is shrouded in mystery. I also love how well the colors work together.

I did enjoy the setting and world building for the most part although I was a tad bit confused. I was under the impression during the whole story that Lauren was already 17 which is why these girls were reaching out to her, yet at the end of the book, it mentions how Lauren had just turned 17. Other then that, I thought it was good, and all the questions left unanswered when it comes to the world building are answered at the end.

The pacing was a bit hit and miss in this book. I couldn't tell if I was really enjoying it or if I was bored. I really don't know how that could happen, but it did. I think there are a few places were the pacing just kind of slows right down like the beginning of the book. Then, there are places where the pacing takes right off. I don't know. I suppose there is too much info dumping in certain parts of the story. However, after about halfway through, I started enjoying the story much more.

I did think the characters were well-written. I love how Lauren was written, especially at the end. I did think she was a bit too accepting of what she was told at the end though. I'd go more into detail, but I don't want to spoil it. I loved how Lauren wanted to help all those girls and risk losing herself in the process. Lauren came across as raw and fearless. I felt that Lauren's mother was also a great character. I could feel her hurt and her love for Lauren. I also enjoyed Fiona and her snarky comments! I did start getting confused when a bunch of the missing girls were mentioned. It was like information overload! I remembered Abbey's and Fiona's story, but all the rest of the girls started becoming a tangled mess for me, and I couldn't remember what happened to which girl. I think the author started out good with dedicating a few chapters to each girl, but at one point, this stops and all the girls' stories are melded into the same chapter.

I enjoyed the dialogue in the book. I loved seeing into Lauren's mind about how she was feeling and what she was thinking. There's not a lot of dialogue between characters as with most books, but it works in this story. As for language, this book is clean when it comes to swear words or sexual references.

Overall, 17 & Gone by Nova Ren Suma is an enjoyable read but it deals with heavy subject matter. I would've liked to know more about each missing girl individually, and I would've liked the pacing to be consistent but it was still a good read.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 14+ who are looking for something different than just an average ghost read.

17 & Gone by Nova Ren Suma gets a 3.75 out of 5 from me.
You, Me and the Movies
You, Me and the Movies
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You, me and the movies is the perfect book for the fans of the movie theaters. It will fill an emptiness you have felt all your life, because such a book previously didn’t exist. Perfectly entwined movie references with one incredible love story is the only thing you might need for a perfect reading date. Okay, maybe hot chocolate too. And a warm blanket. And a few tissues…

Two people. Ten classic films. A love story you’ll never forget.

Arden has just started university when she meets Mac – and quickly falls head over heels for the handsome, charismatic film lecturer. Their love affair is dramatic, exciting and all-consuming; the sort of thing you only see in the movies. But it didn’t last…

And thirty years later, leading a very different life, Arden is visiting a friend in hospital when she suddenly comes across the man she never forgot. Badly injured in an accident, Mac can only make brief references to the classic films they once watched together: Casablanca, A Star is Born, Pretty Woman among others… and they make Arden remember everything.

Chapter by chapter we dive into the memories that Arden holds close to her heart. All the feelings she though she forgot now flow back to the surface. Mac can’t say more than a few words, but those words mean the world for Arden.

The bittersweet memories of their relationship help Arden re-connect with the world in a way she no longer thought was possible. But will a movie-worthy love ever be hers again?

This book gave me a story I wasn’t prepared for. I am a sucker for romance in real-life, but when it comes to books, I don’t ship couples easily, and I don’t do “awws” and “aaahs”. But this book got me. It captured my heart and then broke it into a million pieces.

I loved every single moment. Every single situation, every memory, every scene at the hospital. The whole story is surreal. Imagine encountering your ex from thirty years ago in a hospital, badly injured, and he can’t say anything more than words that mean so much to you.

And that is amazing, because he can at least say those words. But after so many years, don’t you want to know? Aren’t you curious about the why’s and the how’s and what happened after parts?

Arden had so many questions, unable to be answered. And maybe that was for the best. Leave the past behind and start again?

The time flow was immensely written, jumping from past to present, but in a very tidy and clear way, easy to get into. I knew exactly when in time we were, which made the reading experience significantly better for me.

And despite all this praise, I will still give this book four stars instead of five, and here is my why:
In a couple of years, I will probably remember only the vague details of this book. The movie references and the love story between Mac and Arden. But I will never forget how this book made me feel…

All those tears that I have shed because of them, all those movies I have watched, pausing the book for a while, just so I can grasp the whole meaning, and most importantly, all the ANGER I felt in the end. I finished the book, I read the last few pages and I was angry! Angry at Mac, and angry at Arden, angry at destiny and angry at the writer, for ending this book in this way.

I am slowly beginning to realise and understand why this was the perfect ending, but I can never get over the feeling of anger, and I don’t remember feeling anger in such a way about any other book. (This could be counted as a compliment, I suppose). And that is why this book can’t be my favorite. But it definitely did change something in my life and my experience, and I will carry that with me forever.
First Comes Love
First Comes Love
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
First Comes Love is the story of a family. A family that is devastated by an extremely tragic event, the death of a child and brother. The story takes place 15 years after this event, and is told through the eyes of the two remaining children, Josie and Meredith. Each sister has a different personality and they definitely see the world from opposing perspectives. When secrets that have been plaguing the sisters for so long come to the surface, the only thing that will keep their relationship together is the love that brought them into this world.

I am a big fan of Emily Giffin. Her books always bring out a host of emotions in me. Happiness, sadness, understanding, compassion. And this title did not disappoint. The newest from the author, it covers the relationship between two sisters in the aftermath of their older brother's tragic death fifteen years earlier. Both still haunted by the events of that night and the outcomes that came from it, will they be able to find the love they have for each other to sort out what is going on.

Josie is the oldest of the two and she is single and a first grade teacher. Starting out her new school year,she finds out that her ex-boyfriend's daughter is going to be in her class. This brings back a whole host of memories from when we they were together and the reason they broke up. Determined not to let this get her down, she makes a very important decision that will change her life forever, the only problem, she's not getting the support she wants, especially from her sister Meredith.

Meredith is the youngest child. She is married to Nolan and has a young daughter named Harper. From the outside, Meredith looks as though she has her life together. She is a lawyer and her and Nolan are living in her childhood home that they bought from her parents. But something is clearly missing from Meredith's life, she's just not sure what it is and how to find it. Hating to be overshadowed by Josie's need for things to be all about her, she takes some time for herself to recognize what is going on in her life and what she can do to fix it.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for giving me this advance copy of First Comes Love

Nadya R (9 KP) rated The Nightingale in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
The Nightingale
The Nightingale
Kristin Hannah | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (61 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am speechless. I finished the book 15 minutes ago, but I am still staring in the wall and tears are falling down my cheeks. It’s been a while since I’ve been that touched by a book. This story and this two sisters turn upside down the idea of the women’s role in WWII.
Kristin Hanna leads us through the dangerous way of Isabelle Rossignol - The Nightingale why fly to the freedom. She is one of the most active person in the Resistance. Fully opposite to her is her sister Vianne. She is humble and mild tempered she doesn’t want to be a hero. Her only wish is to survive the war together with her family. The Rossignol sisters were abandoned by their father (veteran of WWI) after their mother dead. Soon Vianne met Antoine and has a family with him. While Isabelle’s rebellious temper doesn’t allow her to accept her father decision and escape from every boarding school, she was sent to, and continue to go back to her father and to fight for his love. Exactly this part of her character made her The Nightingale- a woman equal to the men.

"Women were integral to the Resistance. Why couldn't men see that?"

On the other side Vianne doesn’t want to take part in the war. She doesn’t rise her voice, doesn’t ask questions. She’s been comfortable to the Nazis. And that is her point- been quiet and invisible means that you will survive. But as much as you want to close your eyes for injustice there is a breaking point - all these brutalities and injustice make us leave our ‘comfortable’ lives in the name of hundreds of saved lives.
The rebellious in Isabelle takes her to the centre of the French Resistance. First- used as a courier, she prove herself and began an important member in no time. Exposing her life to danger, she leads a pilot after a pilot through the high peaks of Pyrenees to their freedom. Meanwhile Vianne is living with Nazi officer, when one day the war bent her. She initiated a mission to save the Jews children.

"Vianne started them off on a song and they picked it up instantly, singing loudly as they clapped and bounced and skipped. Did they even notice the bombed out buildings they passed? The smoking piles of ribble that had once been homes? Or was destruction the ordinary view of their childhoods, unremarkable, unnoticeable."
But the war left its mark on all these kids, forced them to grow up fast and even in very young age they have already seen all these misfortunes in the world.

"Really, Maman? How long must we pretend?" The sadness-and the anger-in those beautiful eyes was heartbreaking. Vianne apparently had hidden nothing from this child who'd lost her childhood to war."

The author doesn’t save anything. At the end of the book she takes us to the Ravensbrück - the concentration camp in Germany for women why took an action against the Nazis. It’s known as one of the most brutal of them all. The picture, the author shows us, are breathtaking. All these tortures, rapes all these things that they did to women... I kinda felt it son deep and personal. I am not really able to write about this.

And at the end let’s speak about the love in the book. Here you can find lots of love.

Love of country.

Mother love.

Sisters love.

Love in the wartime is strong but faded at the same time. Set on the background, love is there but she(love) realises that in this times there is no place for blind love stories. On other hand this love is even stronger.

Every stolen second.

Every kiss is unspoken ‘Goodbye'.

Every meeting may be the last one.

".. a broken heart hurts as badly in wartime as in peace. Say good-bye to your young man well."

When it comes to war we imagine all these men risking their lives in the name of their country. But this is the story about war but trough women’s view. A women’s war on the shadow. Taking a risk of being caught and executed they keep delivering the message between the Resistance members. They are the connection between all pieces of the puzzle.

"Men tell stories. Women get on with it. For us it was a shadow war. There were no parades for us when it was over, no medals or mentions in history books. We did what we had to during the war, and when it was over, we picked up the pieces and started our lives over."
The Bromley Boys (2018)
The Bromley Boys (2018)
2018 |
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: The Bromley Boys starts in 1969 three years after England won the World Cup, David Roberts (O’Connor) had wanted to support the popular teams of either West Ham or Tottenham, but his father Donald (Davies) has banned football in the house, leading to his mother Gertrude (McCutcheon) sneaking him a scarf of his local team Bromley.

This season is going to be David’s biggest as he learns about the corruption from the chairman Charlie McQueen (Foreman) and the potential sale of the club’s best player. David also meets Ruby (Baker) the daughter of the chairman that is the only girl that talks to him as he experiences love for the first time.

Thoughts on The Bromley Boys

Characters – David Roberts is a teenage boy that got dreams of being a footballer after seeing England win the World Cup in 1966, he is forced to support his local team, a small team with a tiny fanbase, he becomes a loyal fan and during the 1969 season he must figure out prove the chairman is out to ruin the club as they constantly struggle on the pitch. Ruby McQueen is the daughter of the chairman that starts dating David, she wants a normal relationship but often has to play second fiddle to his love of football. Charlie McQueen is the greedy chairman of Bromley, the fans and manager believe he is trying to put them out of business, which reflects on how David tries to expose his truth. Gertrude and Donald are David’s parents that are trying to give him the best future even if they don’t like him enjoy football.

Performances – Brenock O’Connor is delightful in the leading role showing us just how obsessed teenager can become when it comes to sports. Savannah Baker is great as the love interest who is looking for a future. Jamie Foreman looks all the part of a corrupt chairman through the film, with Alan Davies and Martine McCutcheon showing they have the star power from the English side.

Story – The story here follows a teenage football fan of his local team that starts to see things putting his beloved club in trouble after overhearing a conversation, he tries to fix things during the season just to make sure his team will be their next season. As a football fan this is one of the easiest films to relate to, seeing the ups, well downs more than often in this film, we can see how footballs can see their lives taken over by the season, it is even worse in modern day too, we do also have the important message about trying to support your local team instead of one of the more established teams that friends support. This is based on a trouble story which apart from the romantic angle does feel like it could have been real, but also the tales told from the tiny crowds to get buzz around their club. This is a story that is going to be one that the English market will enjoy the most.

Comedy – You will get plenty of laughs in this film, a lot comes from the love of football and seeing just how much it can change a life.

Settings – The film is set in and around the small town of Bromley, we spend plenty of time at the club, which helps us understand what this meant to David.

Scene of the Movie – The last game of the season.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The teachers seem very harsh.

Final Thoughts – This is an enjoyable British comedy, one that the English will enjoy most and one we can understand the passion behind supporting the team.

Overall: Truly fun and feel good film.
The One & Only
Emily Giffin | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Shea Rigsby is probably the world's best authority when it comes to Walker Football. Or really football in general. It has been her favorite sport for all of her life and she can tell you every Heisman Winner from the beginning of time. But upon the death of her best friend's mother, she is forced to figure out what she wants to do with her life. Is it best to follow your heart or follow your head.

This was another great story by Emily Giffin that had my emotions all over the place. The story begins during the funeral for Connie Carr, the beloved wife of Coach Car of the Walker Broncos. Everyone in the Walker community loved Connie and she is going to be greatly missed. Shea's mom was best friends with Connie, so it's not wonder that she and Lucy are also the best of friends. After the funeral and before the start of the new football season, Shea takes a look at her life and decides it's time for a change. She dumps her boyfriend and gets a new job, but there still seems to be something missing. When a new man doesn't feel that void, Shea has an epiphany that what she is missing has been in front of her the whole time, but getting what she wants this time, is going to hurt others in the process.

Early on in the book, I could see where the story was headed. There was a twist or two that made me steer from that conclusion, but eventually, it all came to fruition. It's always hard to know whether it is better to follow your head or your heart especially when it comes to love. Will you miss out on something great if you do what is "right" or will you end up getting hurt if you go with your heart. Be ready for an emotionally charged story with this book.
The Librarian of Auschwitz
The Librarian of Auschwitz
Antonio Iturbe, Lilit Thwaites | 2017 | History & Politics, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book changed my look on life
Oh my heart. I teared up so many times througout reading this, I cannot even begin to imagine what it must have been like. Not an easy read, but one that has changed my life and will stick with me forever. It’s changed the way I look at life and realise how lucky we all are compared to how they were treated and had to survive in Auschwitz. Just terrible.

The Librarian of Aushwitz is beautifully translated and written by Lilit Zekulin Thwaites. It is based on a true story and it hurts how close to the truth it really is, makes it all the more real and heart-breaking.

Within the story you really get to know each character individually and when you lose one, IT HURTS! It’s upsetting. I felt that! The story highlights how important friends, family and books are… Even though there was only 8 books they meant the world to block 31 and the children. There are so many beautiful quotes about books in this story. It was their form of escape from reality during the worst of times.

Ditas character (based off a real woman). Wow. She was only fourteen and had so much responsibilty placed on her, she risked her life technically daily. She is one strong and determined woman. I really do look up to this woman and appreciate her and applaud her for what she did. What a wondeful woman! I love to meet her.

An absolute eye opener of a read! The truth is in this book about what really happened at Auschwitz camps. I’m tearing up writing this review. A must read. A well deserved five stars from me and it obviously has a space in my top twenty of the year and honestly this might be stuck with me for life. I learnt a lot from this book.