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The Last Act of Hattie Hoffman
The Last Act of Hattie Hoffman
Mindy Mejia | 2017 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first thing what attracted me to this book was the cover, a lonely barn in a lovely setting. Another thing was – small town. There is such a low possibility of a crime, that when it happens, it is a centre of attention. It was the same thing in this book; no one expected it to happen, once it did, it became the main talk of a town, which brought out some very interesting and unexpected events and a very boring murderer.

As it was already mentioned in the description, this story is told from three different perspectives: Del’s, Hattie’s English teacher and Hattie. To be honest, the most interesting parts of this book were, when Hattie and her teacher told their story, I believe Del was just an add-on, because his investigation was not the best, and the whole story was opening up very nicely without Del. I think the characters lacked charisma and personality in this book, except for Hattie; she was well rounded and interesting. I really liked Hattie as a character because of her amazing talent of acting and manipulation, she knew what people wanted, and very nicely provided it to them.

The plot of this book didn’t really impress me. I did enjoy the story and the character’s feelings, but I think it lacked some spice in it. The twists and turns were not very story changing and the whole investigation just flowed smoothly. I really liked, that author opened quite a difficult topic of teacher-student love, and why teachers fall for it. I think that aspect was interesting, and along with Hattie’s personality, these were the things which kept me going. There was not much action going on in this novel, but I did like the way author was trying to sidetrack the reader with different possible killers.

The writing style of this novel was easy to read, but the length of the chapters dragged for me. (What can I say, I love short chapters) The ending of the book explained everything really nicely and I did like the conclusion and outcome of this book. So, even though it lacks some action, I still found some parts to enjoy, and if you like small town crime investigations, give it a try, you might like it.
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