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Boyfriend Material
Boyfriend Material
Alexis Hall | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Charming fake dating romance
Luc O'Donnell's never met his father. But he's lived in his shadow his whole life. His rock star dad has made Luc famous by proxy. With his dad making a comeback, both of them are in the public eye again--and the tabloids. So when Luc's latest escapade at a club goes public and threatens his job, he has to find a way to show everyone that he's changed. Enter Oliver Blackwood. The barrister is as normal and non-threatening as they come. The two have nothing in common, beyond being gay, but agree to be fake boyfriends to help Luc keep his job and Oliver save face at a family event. But as the pair get to know each other, they come to realize that there's something comforting about dating--even fake dating. And that falling for someone, even when it's fake, can take on something special.

"I was a cagey, grumpy, paranoid mess who would find a way to ruin even the most basic human interaction." ~Luc

This book was a little slow to take off for me, but it was a very cute story, and I really liked both Luc and Oliver. Despite Luc having a few issues dealing with his rock star dad, he's quite an engaging character--very flawed and honest. Plus, I felt quite an attachment to straight-laced Oliver, as I am, of course, that person. At its core, this is a story of two hurt people learning to love. We have Luc, burned by past loves, and Oliver, uptight and trying to deal with the hurt his family has pushed upon him. The book deals deftly with acceptance (or lack thereof)--both of others and yourself.

BOYFRIEND MATERIAL shines with its supporting cast--a whole host of humorous folks, including Luc's coworkers (including one so daft, he's almost impossible to believe), Luc's mom and her friend, whom I adored, and Luc's friends, who were a diverse and supportive bunch. I laughed a lot during this story and cried a bit too. Oliver and Luc's journey is sweet and silly and heartbreaking.

It's also a bit long, with a storyline with Luc's sick dad thrown in that seems unnecessary and too much. There's also a bit of latent homophobia--Luc's job is threatened because he's gay, Oliver's family's prejudice--that's never really addressed. While this was a romance, I would have liked to see those issues taken care of or acknowledged, instead of glossed over/ignored.

Still, overall, this is a fun read and a cute story. Luc and Oliver are sweet characters, and their character arc/journey is enjoyable. 3.5 stars.
Star Trek: Picard - Season 1
Star Trek: Picard - Season 1
2020 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
High hopes let down
I'm sure we all had a vision of what the triumphant, long-awaited return of Captain Jean-Luc Picard would look like. The series starts and ends in that vein, being exciting, thoughtful and with a moral lesson, but with a lot of padding throughout the series. Much like Discovery, the series decided to throw a lot of side adventures in the mix and while Picard is much more focussed than its Netflix cousin there are still times when it drags.
Stewart tries well to play his most famous role, but his age shows at times and I felt the makers missed the chance to sensitively keep his character but replaced with a younger actor in the last episode. This would have allowed Stewart to bow out gracefully and show more promise for the future series of his life.
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)
2017 | Sci-Fi
All style, no substance
It's a shame that Luc Besson has resorted to this. Considering his previous films, this should have been so much better.

The opening title scene starts off fairly well, it's just a shame that it then goes badly downhill with the introduction of Valerian and Laureline. The script is terrible and very cringeworthy, and it isn't helped by the lack of real chemistry between Dane DeHaan and Cara Delavigne. The plot is very weak and really drags out its 2+ hour run time, and it's very predictable. I have no idea as to why they felt the need to include Ethan Hawke and Rihanna, as their part of the plot was filler at best and could've easily been removed with little effect to the overall outcome. The visual effects are fantastic, it's just a shame they've concentrated on this instead of sorting out the horrendous script and weak plot.
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Richard Crump (5 KP) May 4, 2018

I agree, room for improvement but quite charming and to be fair it is an amalgamation of multiple comics from beesons child hood. Multiple plots mashed together. It's his own re-imagining. I actually like it more and more each time I watch it, except for Clive Owen. He always stayed annoying.


Gill Bradley (25 KP) Nov 11, 2019

As an avid fan of fith element and tank girl this movie is fab. Not to everyone's taste. But love the variety of aliens and the effects are good. Story definitely could be better and the script was very poor inplaces,over all though an enjoyable movie


Ross (3284 KP) rated Perfect Crime in Books

Feb 19, 2019 (Updated Feb 19, 2019)  
Perfect Crime
Perfect Crime
Helen Fields | 2019 | Crime
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
More tense, gripping crime set in Edinburgh
*** Disclosure - I received a free advance copy of this book from the publishers and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ***

The 5th book in the increasingly badly titled "DI Luc Callanach" series (he is hardly in this one!) follows much the same template as the other 4 books. A body is found in mysterious circumstances, here it is the body of a young man who appears to have thrown himself from the top of a tower in East Lothian. Soon thereafter, other bodies start to turn up, all looking like suicides or are people who had previously tried to commit suicide. At the same time, another body turns up, this time with a personal connection to one DI Callanach. So again we have the two investigations running in parallel. Though because of the apparent connection, the eponymous DI Callanach is taken off active duty and is largely absent for the second half of the book.
The main investigation is interesting: someone taking against those who do not value their life and have tried to end it in the past, and he decides to end it for them. However, there is a twist along the way that just did not feel right. For this murderer to suddenly become a Red Dragon-style character was somewhat at odds with the story at that point.
The lesser investigation was more interesting as there was so much evidence suggesting Callanach committed the murder, though we believed he hadn't.
As with previous books, a story written in Edinburgh (or other cities with an identity) by someone who doesn't live there has a good chance of missing the mark with the dialogue. People we are led to believe are proper sumbags do not come across as that, their phrasing is just so wrong. I had found this in the previous books, where incidental characters had no discernible voice or characteristics and were just vanilla plot devices.
Similarly, the murderer at one point uses a phrase no Scotsman has ever uttered and that took me right out of the book.
The plot is more or less faultless, with all events and motives seeming plausible, except one issue right at the end where an item of evidence was so mis-handled as to be laughable, but served the plot perfectly.
On the whole, this was a good enjoyable read, but I had guessed the identities of the murderers quite early on. Far from original and moments that just felt like clangers.
I am guessing this is almost the last we'll see of Luc Callanach, who has (rightly) been relegated to support cast from book 2, in favour of the strong, better-defined, female character.

Ross (3284 KP) rated The Shadow Man in Books

Feb 19, 2021 (Updated Feb 19, 2021)  
The Shadow Man
The Shadow Man
Helen Fields | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good thriller, but not a patch on Fields' other books
This standalone (as far as I know) book sits beside Fields' Luc Callanach (Ava Turner) series, again set in Edinburgh. Other than the brash Chief Superintendent Overbeck, none of those characters are introduced here. Instead, because of the workload of Edinburgh's Major Incident Team, DI Baarda has been called in from London to assist in a murder/kidnapping. Along with him is Dr Connie Woodwine, a brash American criminal psychologist. They are looking into the disappearance of one woman, and quickly link it to the death of another and find that they are on the hunt for someone with issues.

Connie is a fairly stereotypical academic, clinical type as she has virtually no people skills on the surface, issuing demands and attacking conversations head-on in a very un-British way. And yet when we see her interviewing witnesses, such as a young girl who saw a schoolmate be abducted, she is suddenly very tactful and sensitive. In this way, she is both an interesting, complex character, but also a much seen cliched one. She has a tendency to do an awful lot of telling during interviews, explaining to all in the room the theory of her approach to the interview. While this was interesting, it took me right out of the book as something completely unnatural, and read more as a brain dump of the author's research for the book. A little more show, less tell as usual would have worked well here.

Baarda is similarly familiar, a dedicated career cop with marital problems (his wife having an open affair with another officer).

Together, the pair piece together few clues and start to evolve something of a profile for the man who has been kidnapping people. However, I felt this aspect didn't yield results until quite late on, all progress up to that point (next to none) was through standard police work/luck.

The antagonist here was interesting, but nowhere near as dark and mysterious as the blurb makes him sound. We're not talking Hannibal Lecter here, just a confused man with a fairly typical upbringing. Fields essentially cottoned on to an interesting medical/psychological condition and pieced together a plot based on it. While this was enjoyable, it made it somewhat crime-by-numbers.

A good book, but left me longing for Ava Turner's more likable policing style.

Advance reading copy received from the publishers and netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) rated The Lying Game in Books

Feb 9, 2019 (Updated Feb 9, 2019)  
The Lying Game
The Lying Game
Ruth Ware | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.8 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Awesome plot twist (2 more)
Interesting story line
Fast paced
Overuse of profanity (1 more)
Immature characters
A Good Read
There was something about the synopsis for The Lying Game by Ruth Ware that caught my attention. I guess I wanted to see how this lying game the girls played would turn out. While The Lying Game was a good read, it didn't really focus on the actual lying game too much.

The plot for The Lying Game was interesting enough. Thea, Isa, Fatima, and Kate all met at Salten, a boarding school for girls, when they were all 15 years old. Thea and Kate tell Fatima and Isa about they lying game as well as the rules. However, that's about as much as the plot focuses on the the actual game which was disappointing. When a body is found near Salten many years after the girls were expelled from their boarding school, they must all come together to get their story straight. Isa isn't taking what happened at face value and begins to become suspicious of Kate's tell of events. She will do whatever it takes to discover the truth about what happened that fateful night that changed all four of the girls' lives. I will admit that there were some great plot twists in The Lying Game that I never figured out.

The world building in The Lying Game was mostly believable. I do feel like the townspeople of Salten would have been a bit more suspicious of the women coming back to Salten when a body is found. The women say it's because of Salten school's reunion dinner (which happens during the middle of the week, strangely), but this is the first time they've ever been to one of the dinners. I also had a hard time with Isa's baby, Freya. Freya seemed to be the most well behaved six month old baby! Isa brought Freya with her to Kate's house, but during much of the story, Freya never cries. Yes, there are a few times where it's mentioned she cries, but for the most part, Freya is happy wherever she is. Isa seems to be more obsessed with Freya more than any mother I've ever known, yet she puts that baby in a lot of danger during the course of the story.

The characters in The Lying Game were just okay. I did like Fatima the most. She seemed to be the most mature and reasonable out of the lot of them. Thea was alright. I did like how blunt she could be. Kate came across as being a bit whiny and manipulative. Isa was just very selfish. She seemed to only think of herself instead of her baby and husband. She blamed her husband for so much when it was clearly her fault their relationship was falling apart. I felt so sorry for Owen, her husband. Luc was an interesting character. I did feel sorry for him for how he was treated during his childhood. The major thing that annoyed me was all the profanity. The four main characters, Thea, Fatima, Kate, and Isa, swore so much. I'm okay with swearing, but a lot of the swearing seemed misplaced and like it was written in just to be there. It served no purpose. I would understand it more if they swore a lot in their teens, but these were women in their thirties sounding like they were swearing to sound cool or because they normally weren't allowed to. I just think the swearing was a bit over the top.

The pacing is very good in The Lying Game. Events flowed well, and I found myself not wanting to put the book down. I had to know what would happen next. Not one part of this story became too boring.

Trigger warnings in The Lying Game include lots of profanity, drinking (both underage and of age), cigarette smoking (underage and of age), animal violence (the death of a sheep), no sex but things leading up to it although not graphic, some drug references, overdosing, the drawings of naked underage girls, and murder.

All in all, The Lying Game is a good read. Yes, it doesn't have some problems like the characters being immature and selfish and the overuse of profanity, but it's still a fast paced thriller with a fantastic plot twist. I would recommend The Lying Game by Ruth Ware to those aged 18+ who are fans of thrillers.