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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)
1992 | Action, Comedy, Horror
Late luke Perry stats in this cheesy vampire film a must for all 90210 fans of perry

Andy K (10823 KP) created a post

Mar 4, 2019  
RIP Luke Perry star of 90210 and Buffy the movie. The first film my wife and I saw together.

So sad...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)
1992 | Action, Comedy, Horror
I re-watched this film on the day Luke Perry (RIP) passed. This is also the only thing I've seen to do with the 'Buffy-verse'.

I really enjoy this movie, and I like it even more each time I watch it. It's entertaining and Luke Perry is a looker. He's very swoon-worthy when he cleans up and walks into that dance. Kristy Swanson kicks a lot of butt. But, seriously, Luke Perry has the two best lines in the entire film.
"Are YOU addressing I?"
as well as:
"And, now you're a coat rack."
While I liked this film, I'm not sure about jumping to the series. I may just watch this again.

Andy K (10823 KP) Mar 9, 2019

The first movie my wife and I saw together on a date. We're old.


Benedick Lewis (3001 KP) Mar 10, 2019

I would definitely give the series a shot - it opens your world to other great tv shows like Firefly. There’s some ups and downs and slow bits but the show holds up well and demonstrates Whedon is a force to be reckoned with.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)
1992 | Action, Comedy, Horror
Plot, casting, comedy No Angel. (0 more)
Not dark enough (0 more)
A movie you can really sink your teeth into
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a horror/comedy about a high school cheerleader who learns that it is her destiny to hunt vampires.
juggling being a student/cheerleader & Training to hunt & kill the undead proves to be a little more stressfull as the final hour draws closer.
A fun light hearted yet dark themed Classic.

 The movie was a moderate success at the box office but garnered mixed reviews by critics.

taken in a different direction than writer Joss Whedon intended, five years later, he created the darker, more successful TV series of the same name.

directed by Fran Rubel Kuzui
starring Kristy Swanson, Donald Sutherland, Paul Reubens, Rutger Hauer, Luke Perry, and Hilary Swank.

Erika (17789 KP) rated Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019) in Movies

Jul 27, 2019 (Updated Jul 27, 2019)  
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
This has been the only film I've seen in theaters this July (too many kids movies), and it was completely worth it.

The only gripe I have, to start out with, was the length. QT definitely took his time to develop the characters, and to enjoy the overall nostalgia of Hollywood in 1969. I'm not really a Brad Pitt (Cliff) fan, but his chemistry with Leo was a joy to watch, and highly amusing. I really loved Leo in this, aside from his persistent Calvin Candie accent.
I really enjoyed Moh's Bruce Lee, and the scene with Cliff was one of my favorites. Another of my favorites was the ultra-creepiness of the Spahn Ranch with the Manson family.
The entire movie, I was waiting for the signature violence, and while there was a little at Spahn Ranch, the end was amazing. The last scenes had me laughing so hard, I was crying, I loved it. QT really let us know how he feels about the Manson family.

Of course, this is a fairy-tale, so the end result was different than what happened in real life. I'm for sure going to try to catch this flick again tomorrow.

Also- RIP Luke Perry, he got very little screen time, but it was great screen time.

Andy K (10823 KP) Jul 27, 2019

Can't wait to watch this!

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
I didn't think my face could smile for 2 hours and 41 minutes straight!
Guess what? I ventured out on my day off and went to the theatre for the first time in 2019! (I'm such a loser!)

There are so many QT fans out there and probably just as many who think his films are trashy and pointless. As a true film fan, I can't not love not only his unique approach to film-making, but also his appreciation for the art of film and the constant homages he pays to film of year's past.

The first thing to talk about is the film's perfect tone and look of 1969. The costumes, hairstyles and music of the period was right on, but even more than that was the art direction and cinematography. Almost every scene has a vintage movie poster, retro theatre marquee or period television pram playing in the background. This helps you immerse yourself in this cinematic landscape almost immediately.

Can I also say the movie had opening credits! (Bring them back please !?!)

Basically, a Hollywood television/B movie actor and his personal stuntman navigate their Hollywood lifestyles in 1969 amidst the Playboy Mansion and the Charles Manson cult. The roller coaster goes from movie sets to retro Hollywood and everywhere in between. We also meet Sharon Tate. She loves her world of budding stardom and basks in the opportunity to be famous.

QT takes his usual liberties with historical facts, but can't say too much more than that here. If you are used to this in his other films like Inglorious Basterds, it won't bother you here either. He always seems to manage to make every actor look great and brings the best out of them and this film is no exception. Even actors with smaller roles like Al Pacino, Dakota Fanning and Luke Perry shine in their limited screen time.

As usual, his score was playing constantly throughout the film and complemented the situations remarkably well. I am sure I will be downloading some of them for myself later on.

QT has talked about retiring which would be a shame. I have pretty much loved everything he has ever done so losing a truly one of a kind cinematic voice such as his at such a young age would be truly heartbreaking.

Show all 8 comments.

The Marinated Meeple (1853 KP) Jan 9, 2020

I really wish I liked it as much as you do!


Ryan Olson (1 KP) Jun 25, 2020

One of my favorite movies of 2019. It gets even better on repeated viewings


Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019) in Movies

Jul 27, 2019 (Updated Jul 27, 2019)  
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Overhyped and disappointed
Contains spoilers, click to show
This review will contain spoilers.... and this is my opinon.

Once upon a time in hollywood is Quentin Tarantino’s ninth film and has a large ensemble cast.

This to me didnt seem like a quentin tarantino film, i mean it had some elements that he does but overall it didnt seem like a tarantino film, it was missing all of elements pervious used in his other films. There are only three storylines in this film. Rick's storyline, Cliff's storyline and Sharon's storyline and thats it. When in reservoir dogs, pulp fiction, jackie brown and four roons their were more than three storylines. Its also missing all the blood and gore like in his other films. Yes that sence at the end, and one of Rick's movies he has a flamflower but thats it. When as the other films that tarantino did had alot of blood and gore and violence and swearing. This movie seemed like it had none of that.

I was very disappointed because iam a huge quentin tarantino fan, i think he is one of the best directors of all time and like his other movies. So i was very excited for this movie and turns out i was very disappointed.

It didnt seem like it was a 2h and 40min movie.

Also lets talk about charles manson and his family throwed into this movie. I thought the movie was going to be about Rick and Cliff invisagating the murder of sharon taron and invisagating the manson family. Their are only three sences that have to do with the manson family.

1. The scene were charles introduces himself to polanski home.

2. When cliff goes to Spahn ranch run by the manson family and thier meanching charlies and cliff should meet him. This sence right here is the best part of the movie. Its myserious, dramatic, you dont know if the family is going to murder cliff or not. So your questioning if thats going to happen. But unfourtaly this sence is only like 5-15 mins long and at no point charles comes. You think something is going to happen than boom sence ends.

3. The end, were some of the manson family are about to kill tate and her friends and then thier try to kill rick and cliff because cliff was mad at them for being hillbillys and being on privite property. Which was like a unexpected turn but why??? Cliff fights them off and kills two of them and then rick kills one with a flameflower.

Thats it, three sences with the manson family and one with charles what a let down.

This whole movie was a let down,

Dakota Fanning, Bruce Dern, Luke Perry , Damian Lewis, Timothy Olyphant and micheal madsen all had one sence and these are big movie stars. To waste all of this talent is sad. Basically most of the supporting cast was wasted and only had one sence.

Also the ending, after rick and cliff fight off some of the manson family, cliff is being taking off to the hostipal and rick finally meets sharon tate then the movie's title comes on and then boom movie off. I thought that cant be it, that wasnt 2h and 40mins. It didnt feel like it, but it was. I thought why are the credits showing. Their should be more, but no the credits are showing.

Once upon a time in hollywood, is alternate timeline movie about the late 1960's in hollywood. But why have the manson family in it when your not going to use them that much. Why develop this alternate storyline, when their is a real life story and your using the real life people in the movie. Stupid it.

I can go on and on how this movie was very disappointed but i think i did this movie its justice.

Overall, once upon a time in hollywood is a very dissappointed movie.


Amanda (96 KP) rated People Like Us in Books

Mar 12, 2019  
People Like Us
People Like Us
Dana Mele | 2018 | Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
Ever watched that show Pretty Little Liars or Riverdale (RIP Luke Perry) and think to yourself, this is such a stupid teenager drama show...and yet I can't stop watching or I need to know what happens next? This book doesn't read like Riverdale, but it definitely reads like an episode or another book of Pretty Little Liars. I will say that it reads like that, and a little like Karen M. McManus' novel, One of Us is Lying.

So we have Katherine "Kay" at a boarding school called, Bates. She's there for a soccer and hopes to get an athletic scholarship. One night, her and her few friends come across a body, a student and things begin to unravel about Kay and now she's being blackmailed.

Here's Kay in a nutshell. She DID NOT come from money, though she is trying her best to dress and act the part - including being the bully. It's hard to say if she goes a long with most of the stuff her friends did and said, or if she is genuinely a 'mean girl'. Although, after a prank that was her idea comes to play, my sympathy for her slowly weakens.

She gets a link to this revenge blog and it works along with algorithm that if she doesn't get a student off the class roster (meaning getting them expelled) then information about her is leaked to the police that could put her in prison. How it works is the blog is a stove and it opens for a 'recipe'. The recipe is a poem and sometimes had photos or information that incriminates her friends. One of them, for example, hints that one of her friends cheats on her tests.

To add to the drama, Kay struggles with her romantic feelings for her best friend (though I often wonder why) Brie whom has a girlfriend. They've gone through the whole will they or will they not bit, and although Brie has a girlfriend, Kay still struggles. She also has conflicting feelings for her ex-boyfriend, Spencer, who cheated on her...oddly enough with the student they found dead.

Kay's life is one long soap opera. She harbors a secret about her brother's murder and her best friend's suicide (before she was shipped to Bates). Her and her group of friends makes me think of the reasons of why I didn't hang out with a group of girls growing up. They are catty and vengeful. Sometimes guys aren't any better, but I had more guy friends than I did girl friends growing up.

I dozed off on most of the book because Kay started babbling on about certain things that just didn't keep my interest. The more she told her story the more intrigued I did get, but in the end, I still couldn't really feel much for her. I'm not sure if that was the intention of the story - perhaps if it were, it wouldn't be told by Kay. The characters were not likable, but I think that was the point.

I didn't even care for Brie whom is basically the only NICE girl in the whole bunch. I can understand her being hurt by Kay (and Kay has said and done some things to warrant that), but at the same time, I wonder what it is about her that has Kay wanting her so badly.

I liked Nola for a moment because she was a computer nerd and liked literature, but that didn't last long at all. The only character I felt for was a cat named Hunter...poor kitty.

The story as a whole wasn't bad. Each side story came around in full circle and nothing was left out or left unresolved. I didn't even have a problem with how it ended, because honestly, how else would it have ended? Kay expresses regret for her actions and the things she has said, but if the story were to continue into a book two, I better see some major growth from everything she endured.