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Songs from the Phenomenal Nothing
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
IÕll be honest, I had never heard of this author or read the blurb when I signed up to this event, but I am so grateful that this particular opportunity came knocking on my door. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this story and have to thank the author, Steven Luna, for the chance to read and review his amazing writing. I have so much good to say about this book that IÕll waste no time in getting started, and I hope I donÕt repeat myself too much.

The first thing I absolutely adored about this book is how incredibly engaging and well written the plot was. In all honesty, TylerÕs struggles with his motherÕs death could have very easily become cliche and tiresome very quickly, but not once when reading this book did I feel bored or like I wasnÕt fully engaged with Tyler and his dilemma. Luna really pulls you right into his story quickly, leaving no time to Ôum and aahÕ over things, you just jump straight in and keep on going on what is a roller coaster of superbly written twists and turns. IÕve not read many books with this kind of subject matter, but I feel like I want to read more, and almost felt a little bereft when I finished the book as I so wanted there to be more to it! That is, perhaps, the only negative I have Ð I was gutted to find that the book had finished! It was just that good I didnÕt want it to ever end!

This is, in part, to how wonderful the characters are. Tyler, as the lead, is incredibly easy to invest emotionally in. HeÕs believable, much like the entire plot, and his emotions are so easy to understand, even if they do break your heart as you watch him, essentially, turn his rage and grief on himself and Tom. Xan and Chelsea, although minor characters, also leave a lasting impression, much like Trevor and Tom. This is a testament to Steven LunaÕs way of writing as it is very rare a minor character grabs my attention and thoughts much when I put the book down, but IÕve found myself not only thinking about Tyler, but also Tom and Xan quite a lot too.

Something else that really needs a mention is how emotionally charged this book is, but in all the right ways. I guess IÕd better explain exactly what I mean here, because I mean to give the highest praise to Steven Luna on this note. I love a book that not only engages my brain as IÕm reading, but also engages my heart, and ÔSongsÕ does this so completely that at times I truly wished I could reach into the kindle and make everything all right again for Tyler. Having recently experienced my own loss to cancer, this book really did touch a delicate part of my heart but in the best possible way. Steven Luna writes with such sincerity and honesty in this tale that I truly believed every word, my heart aching and my eyes moistening as I lived through TylerÕs sadness. ItÕs very hard for an author to make me cry, but within the first few pages that is exactly what was happening, and I wish to offer the highest praise for the style with which Luna manages this.

And so, IÕm going to wrap this up, partly because the superlatives are running out, and partly because I am literally dying to get onto reading some of his other writing. This book is, like the title suggests, truly phenomenal. It was difficult to put down, gripping from the first chapter and above all, a very believable and easy book to read. I cannot recommend this twisting tale highly enough, and I wish to take this opportunity to thank Steven Luna for opening my heart to a new range of emotions.

ARC received in return for an honest review as part of a blog tour on Lily Loves Indie -
Contains spoilers, click to show
Cocky Biker was, all in all, a pretty good read. I enjoyed the story line and I loved the characters. I especially liked how they were bikers, but they did good, instead of just looking BA and kicking butt. But I feel like it could have been written a bit better - there were a lot of grammatical errors and moments where the wording just didn't sound right. Also, I'm a bit biased when it comes to perspective and prefer first person point of view, so some of my issues with how it was written could totally just be because of that. Also, though I know it was supposed to be a character trait of Jett's, the fact that he hardly ever used a 'g' at the end of his words drove me absolutely insane. The story, in a way, was predictable.

**SPOILER ALERT** I wasn't surprised when Luna ended up pregnant, though I will say it was a sweet way to end things.

It was nice, however, to read about a man who's more than ready for commitment and a woman who's not; I'm not saying these stories aren't available, just that I don't run across them often and the role reversal was refreshing.<br/>P.S: I did not appreciate the times when Jett called Luna a bitch, especially when it was behind her back. Not necessarily "good guy" material.
53 of 230
Miss Frost Save the Sandman ( Jayne Frost book 3)
By Kristen Painter

Jayne Frost is a lot of things. Winter elf, Jack Frost's daughter, Santa Claus's niece, heir to the Winter Throne and now...private investigator. Sort of.

When the Sandman comes to Santa’s Workshop, the shop Jayne manages, to do his first ever book signing, it’s a major event. He’s kind of a supernatural celebrity and she needs to keep him happy.

All is well until trouble shows up at the party thrown in his honor. Trouble in the form of Luna Nyx, the Mistress of Nightmares and his creepy counterpart. The Sandman’s assistant says Luna is dangerous, and Jayne believes it when her dreams turn dark.

Can Jayne keep the Sandman safe from this gothic goddess? Or will Luna’s threats put them both to sleep for good?

What’s not to love about this series? It’s so quirky I love it! They are just about the right length to fit the whole story plus relationships without being overbearing or boring. I love Jayne she is so likeable actually I can’t think of any character I don’t like. This series is just so much fun. This book introduces us to the Sandman and his ex wife death. Brilliant if you’re looking for something fun and quirky.
The Book of Life (2014)
The Book of Life (2014)
2014 | Animation, Romance
7.7 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Book of Life is an animated film with some big names lending their voices to the characters.

Channing Tatum, Zoe Saldana, Diego Luna, Christina Applegate, Ice Cube, Cheech Marin, Kate del Castillo, and Ron Perlman are all part of the voice cast.

The movie had lots of movement, tons of bright colours, and great music.

The story was good, but I think maybe a bit ‘too much’ for children my sons age (6). He seemed to like it, despite some of the moments that made him uncomfortable or scared.

The tale is of good vs bad and bravado vs true courage and life long friendships.

This movie takes place in long-ago Mexico and revolves around The Day of the Dead. Two boys, one an aspiring bull fighter and guitar player named Manolo (Diego Luna) and one a would-be champion and defender of the town named Joaquin (Channing Tatum), are in love with the same girl, a feisty girl named Maria (Zoe Saldana).

We follow their life paths as the gods above, La Muerta and Xibalba, place wagers on the outcome of the love triangle.

Xibalba cheats in order to win the bet, and the remainder if the film is spent watching Manolo trying to reunite with his true love, Maria.

The movie is fast paced and the music really helps bring it together and help tell the tale.

I would give this movie 3.5 out of 5 stars.
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love Rebecca Wells' writing and most of her stories, but this one was definitely not one of my favorites. I felt it was a bit on the goofy dramatic side, and very predictable. I enjoyed the characters, and loved the setting and all the sweet, charming southern people who lived there, but it just didn't lure me in as her other books do.

I could have done without the La Luna / Moon stuff entirely. The writing also seemed very juvenile, even as Calla grew up. It was a cute story, so I wouldn't NOT recommend it - but not that fun to read, and a bit out of Wells' character for writing style.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
J.K. Rowling | 1998 | Children
9.0 (208 Ratings)
Book Rating
Title: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Author: JK Rowling

Why did I choose to read this book?
I chose to read this book because I love Harry Potter Series

Did I like it? Yes

Three things I liked about this book:
1. Death Day Chapter
2. Harry and Ron saving Ginny
3. Hermione still helped them even when petrified

One character I disliked: Lockhart

Favorite Harry Potter Character: Hermione

Character I relate to the most in the series so far: Hermione (Luna too later in the series)

Do I recommend this book? Yes

Questions for you:
1. Favorite character in Chamber of Secrets?
2. Character you relate to the most?
3. Favorite book in the series?

Ben Watt recommended The Ornament by Gold Leaves in Music (curated)

The Ornament by Gold Leaves
The Ornament by Gold Leaves
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I've got a great friend, Todd Robinson, who runs a shop called Luna Music in Indianapolis, and we've been on lots of road trips together in America over the years. We both bond over music like this, stuff that has an American alt-psych-folk-rock feel. I find it a really appealing sound, and it's usually lifted by a great voice. Gold Leaves have that with Grant Olsen, who has such a beautiful voice. It's part beautiful, part-weary, part-determined, part-resigned. The music, too, is all a bit casual on the outside, a bit Lee Hazlewood, a bit Scott Walker, a bit melancholy, but it all comes together into something really special. We played this driving down the Pacific Coast Highway. It was perfect.

I don’t know what to say about this story. It has me feeling negative and angry. I gave it 4 stars because though I was lost and confused while reading it wasn’t a horrible story. Just not a story I could relate to or understand.
There are multiple women that they focus on coming in and out of Nico's life. Luna is at a point in her life where she needs to feel validated for everything. Nico gives her this. What she really gets is a need to always please and be with Nico. She has a husband that loves her but isn’t demanding or possessive. She wants him to give her what she feels with Nico.
I’ve never been in this type of situation or felt these feelings these women have. From my view I feel that they didn’t want to believe what they already knew. They chose not to see the negative that was clearly present to everyone else.
When they said this compares to 50 Shades of Grey and other dark books I was excited. I find myself just continuing to read it because I got the book so I needed to read it. It was a good story but it wasn’t something that I think I want to read again. The characters were different I wasn’t a fan of Luna because she was basically saying that her relationship with her husband wasn’t enough. You’ve been married to this man for a really long time and yet you can’t come forward and tell him how you feel about what’s going on?
All the other women were so naïve. This man has so much power over them to pressure them to do things that they normally wouldn’t even think about doing.
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Luna was born in the Netherlands, moved to Spain with her husband, gave birth to two wonderful boys, and then her husband tragically passed. She knows she has ties to Spain via a lost grandfather, and she needs to prove who he was and her relationship to him in order to remain in Spain as a national instead of keeping as Visa as a foreigner. However, trying to track down this man proves to be more difficult than she initially thought, and she meets interesting people and uncovers a lot of secrets along the way, secrets that many in Spain would rather keep hidden.

This was a wonderful story. It bounces back and forth between the late 1930s and 2009/2010, as it provides the actual story of Luna's grandfather as a backdrop during her search. While it did get somewhat confusing trying to keep the relatives and relationships straight, it was a very emotional story with a variety of offshoots, and it was interesting to see how the lives of the people in the 30s affected what was going on 70 years later. The 30s was a time of civil unrest and war in Spain, which is why nobody wants Luna digging up the past, both literally and figuratively. However, she has to know about her family, and we learn all about the tragic tale right along with her.

There's romance, heartbreak, a mystery, and tales of war. This book will appeal to a variety of people, and I recommend you read it, not only if you like romances but also if you want to learn a little about the history of Spain during a time they'd rather forget.

4 stars

Merissa (11928 KP) rated Forbidden Moon (Gladstone Shifters #4) in Books

Jun 22, 2021 (Updated Jul 18, 2023)  
Forbidden Moon (Gladstone Shifters #4)
Forbidden Moon (Gladstone Shifters #4)
Alexander Elliott | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
FORBIDDEN MOON is the fourth book in the Gladstone Shifters series and you really need to read this as a series rather than a set of standalones.

Now, I've been waiting for Jonah's story, desperately needing the Omega to get his HEA but Luna (or maybe Mr Elliott) decided he wasn't going to have it easy - oh no! Instead, during a time when humans are threatening the pack with exposure and death, Luna decides to make his human mate known. There are a whole host of problems with a human/shifter mating, not the least of which is that RJ didn't have the first clue that shifters actually existed.

As with all these books, it's an emotional ride. I found myself welling up within the first 2%! RJ is a sweetheart who deserves all the good stuff, and that includes Jonah. Oh man, these two melted my heart.

The overall story arc is in full swing and I am LOVING how it all comes together. There is a huge character cast to this series so it definitely keeps you on your toes with just who is who and who they are mated to, if any. The pacing is perfect, giving you a plentiful mix of steam, action, and quiet times to get your breath back.

This series is a wonder - every book gives you something new. And it isn't over yet! Woot!!! I can't wait for this series to continue so I can lost in the lives of the Gladstone shifters once more.

Absolutely and utterly recommended!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 22, 2021