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6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so in this review, there will be some pretty general spoilers in the character descriptions, one that isn't really revealed until about thirty pages in. I will put SPOILER right in front of that one, then you can skip to where I put the asterisk to continue the paragraph if you want.

I am not overly sure on where I stand with this book. While the story itself wasn't bad, it also was not my favorite. There were some issues with me in the pacing of the story itself because a lot of the moments felt like they dragged on for a long time or that they they were repetitive.

Quite a few of the descriptions of the dwellers and other landscapes and characters were also not well described. I want to know more about what they look like, but we were not given those things.

Okay, now onto specifics. In this instance, the characters.

The guardians were very over-protective of Luna. I totally get why, but it got annoying after a while. But the bread Pearla makes sounds so freaking delicious.

Luna is a cool character. Her identity being what it is seemed like it was just pushed in the story.I know it is important later in the novel and will be coming up again in the later book(s) but it could have been mentioned or explored a little more for me. SPOILER: I did not see her being blind coming. No, that was not supposed to be a pun, but it just happened like that. I always enjoy having characters who are not perfect, especially ones who are living, surviving, and overcoming disabilities. Much of the time in books, characters often have a mental disability, if any, so it is awesome to read one where she is blind. I thought it was an awesome parallel that when she came into the world, the rest of the world went "blind" as well. That was really cool and I commend Sophie Jordan on that idea. * Okay, so as a female character, yes, she was strong and stubborn, but I didn't feel any attachment to her or her story line, which was unfortunate. I wanted to feel some sort of connection, but got nothing. I hope we get to know Luna more in the next book.

Now onto Fowler. (Note, I keep wanting to write Flower, but I think he would be pissed if he knew that and that kinda makes me want to do it even more.) Okay. So, he's kind of an ass. He wants survival and to get to this magical island where nothing bad ever happens, but he could be nicer about it. We do get some of his backstory and are able to understand part of the reason he is the way he is, but still, he's an ass. I don't like how he treats everyone, as if he's better than them, or as if they are just pawns to get rid of at the first moment he can. I hope he becomes a more likable character in the next book because I am not a fan.

Minor plot SPOILER that happens within the first fifty pages. I hate how Luna falls in love with Fowler almost instantaneously. I get that he is the first boy she meets, but geez, why? I really wanted them to become besties, not love interests. It would have made for a much more interesting story (in my opinion). CAN WE HAVE A STORY WHERE THERE IS NO LOVE INTEREST FOR THE MAIN FEMALE CHARACTER???? PLEASE? THANK YOU! *

Okay, now onto plot points. We have no idea what really happened on the night Luna was born, only what her guardians told her. Also, we know nothing of the new king and why he's such a skeevy ass. Or how and why the world turned to such crap. I just want to know all of these things! There was a lot introduced, but not explained. I get that it is because this the first book in a series, but I want info to keep me intrigued instead of just being annoyed by the withholding of it.

Overall, it was a pretty interesting read. Yes, it had issues, but a lot of books do nowadays. I will most likely be picking up the next book, if only to see what happens next!
The Girl Who Drank the Moon
The Girl Who Drank the Moon
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I adore this cover. It was what first caught my eye when people started talking about this book, and then to find out it was a fairytale about a girl, a witch, and a dragon? I was sold. The trouble was getting my hands on it! But it has finally worked its way through the long line of other people who wanted to read it at my library, and I got to check it out. I've labeled it YA Fantasy, but it's actually pretty close to middle-grade Fantasy. Definitely something younger readers could understand, but enough meat in it for older readers who like fairy tales to enjoy it as well.

I would argue that the main character is not, in fact, the titular one, but the forest witch, Xan. Xan has been rescuing the babies left outside the Protectorate for many, many years, thinking the parents were abandoning them willfully, not that they were bullied into "sacrificing" wanted children. She'd cluck, take the babies, and deliver them to towns on the other side of the forest, where the villagers knew and loved her and cherished the children, calling them blessed and Star-Children. Meanwhile, the people of the Protectorate lived their days under a gray haze of misery, ruled by a Council who cared only for themselves and used Xan and the forest as a scare tactic.

Into this world Luna is born, and her mother refuses to give her up to be sacrificed, and goes "mad" when she is forced to. She is imprisoned in a tower, watched by fearsome nuns, while the oblivious Xan spirits her daughter away. On the journey, Xan winds up wandering instead of going straight to a village, and accidentally feeds Luna moonlight instead of starlight. Realizing the girl would be too much for a normal family to raise, she takes her home. (She also can't bear the thought of giving this particular child up.) She raises Luna as a granddaughter.

But Luna's mother wants her back, and some of the people of the Protectorate have started to wise up to the Council's games, and the plot really begins.

I really enjoyed this book - the characters were fun, the emotional conflicts were realistic, and the world-building was cute. This would actually be an excellent book to read to a child as a bedtime story, one chapter a night. (My parents read to us that way, working through Laura Ingalls Wilder, The Chronicles of Narnia, Tolkien, and Anne of Green Gables.) Adorable book, gorgeous cover. Slightly simplistic, but it strikes a perfect balance between a middle-grade read and something adults will still enjoy.

You can find all my reviews at
Broken Luna ( Broken Trilogy 1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
124 of 235
Broken Luna ( Broken Trilogy 1)
By Paulina Vasquez

Do you believe in Myths? Just when she thinks it can't get any worse, it does. Lucy lost everything four years ago in a rogue attack. She's been abused, starved, rejected, and broken. As her eighteenth birthday approaches, strange things start to happen, things that only happen once every century. She finds friendship in the most unlikely place and escapes to find her true self with the help of the most dangerous Alpha.

I enjoyed this it was a really good read I wanted to go up to 4 ⭐️ but somethings were niggling at me like the communication between them and their Wolf it was a bit dumbed down in places, also felt it was quite rushed in a few places. But it was good and I read it with 24 hours.
The Lighthouse Witches
The Lighthouse Witches
CJ Cooke | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Liv Stay rents a Scottish lighthouse on the island Lion Haven, despite the fact that it carries a decidedly spooky reputation involving witch hunts and islanders who have disappeared. She doesn’t believe in these things, and only wants a home for herself and her three daughters. But soon, only one daughter will remain: Luna’s mother and two sisters will have disappeared without a trace.
And then one day, twenty years later, someone resembling Luna’s sister turns up - and she hasn’t aged a day.

This is an eerie, unsettling story, packed with history, ancient beliefs and paranoia.

There are three timelines: the 17th century explains the origins of the witches and their slaughter; 1998 where Liv comes to live on the island with her daughters; and the present day, when Luna returns to the island as an adult. These timelines are expertly woven together, and they explain what has happened in the past to form the opinions of the future.

I couldn’t put this down! The more ominous and creepy it became, the more I wanted to listen to it. You certainly won’t want to be visiting caves or lighthouses anytime soon after reading this!
Like most teens in Luna Vista, Sophie Young and Grace Yang are working on the floats for the upcoming Winter Sun Festival. This is the 125th anniversary of the parade, and the town wants to make an especially good impression. Sadly, the work is interrupted one day when the festival president is found dead on one of the floats. Certain it wasn’t the accident the police think it is, Sophie and Grace begin to investigate. But when their pool of suspects could also be the next victim, can they solve the crime?

I really enjoyed the first book starring these two thirteen-year-olds, and I enjoyed this one just as much. They are realistic characters who just happen to solve crime. There is a large cast of other characters, but I was soon able to keep them all straight thanks to their distinct personalities. The clues were buried under red herrings, but as the solution came to light, it all made perfect sense. Definitely recommended for middle grade readers or anyone who loves a good mystery.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
The battle for the future is about to unfold and if you think that “Terminator: Dark Fate” is dancing around to a familiar tune; you would be right to a certain point. Once again a killer cyborg from the future is dispatched to our timeline in order to destroy someone who will play a part in the downfall of an A.I. system in the future.
As before; a protector is sent back and this time around it is a woman named Grace (Mackenzie Davis); who will need every bit of her augmented abilities to stop a deadly new Terminator (Diego Luna), from killing a young girl named Dani (Natalia Reyes).

Grace is soon joined by Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), who has been waging a war on Terminators for most of her life and now has an even bigger reason to hate them. Sarah clashes with Grace as she tells her that she was Dani at one point and knows all too well what is going on even though Grace’s future does not include the exploits of Sarah and her son.

The crew eventually join forces with an older Terminator model (Arnold Schwarzenegger); to try to stop the new threat and what follows are some amazing action sequences along with some light comedic moments.

While the film opens with epic battles and chases which bring back memories of the earlier films it is the breakneck intensity that sets this film apart. While audiences are not in awe with a liquid metal Terminator as they were in the second film, it is done in a new and creative way to keep you guessing.

The film also cleverly throws some unexpected twists which helps explain the divergence from the futuristic timeline that was displayed in the prior films.
However this time around we get a fresh new wrinkle with a new A.I., new Terminator, new characters, but the same intense action sequences that have been missing from the series.

Creator James Cameron has returned to the franchise as a Producer and story contributor, and Director Tim Miller using the earlier Cameron films to set a tone that makes this film stand out from the recent sequels.

The return of Hamilton is great and she shows off a gritty and tough Sarah that has been missing greatly from the series. Luna plays his role with an icy efficiency but also has some good lines in the process showing how his model is an even more skilled and deadly infiltration unit.

While it will not be in the same class as the first two films in the series; it is much more enjoyable and much better than the subsequent films as Cameron and Miller have created an intense and relentless action spectacle.
4 stars out of 5
Trusting Cade (Custos Securities #1)
Trusting Cade (Custos Securities #1)
Luna David | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trusting Cade (Custos Securities #1) by Luna David
Trusting Cade is the first book in the Custos Securities series, and also the first book by this author I have read.

We start off with Cade, who is feeling dissatisfied with his personal life. His best friend takes him to task, telling him he needs someone completely different from himself, and as luck would have it, fate drops someone into his lap (not literally!) Bradan is a diabetic runner and baker who is having stalking issues. His business partner is Cade's best friend's sister, so there you have the link. They have insta-lust, with promises of forever pretty much straight away. Bradan's stalker has other ideas though.

This was an easy, but long, read with no real surprises along the way. In some respects, although the storyline is full of hard issues, it was all too easy! Cade figures out who the stalker is immediately, although he isn't able to find him. As stated by other reviewers, some of the conversations are a bit stilted, and definitely don't sound like 'normal' conversations. However, as a first book, I found it to be enjoyable, and would definitely read more by this author.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11928 KP) rated Cato (Fueled By Lust #3) in Books

Apr 6, 2023 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Cato (Fueled By Lust #3)
Cato (Fueled By Lust #3)
Celeste Prater | 2014 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh my! This series has taught me that although I have liked getting to know the Emperor's son and his Royal Guard, my heart actually belongs to the tattooed and pierced I.T. guy. Cato is one hot mamma and he is just about perfect - a bit of a slob but still perfect.

Luna, my heart goes out to her. Abuse isn't just physical and unless you've been on the receiving end of mental abuse you will have no idea how crippling it can be. I thought Celeste made Luna's story absolutely heartrending.

Cato has had me in tears - both with Cato's emotions and with Luna's story. It is an absolutely superb book that I really can't recommend highly enough.

The thing that really ties it all up for me into one of the best erotic sci-fi series I have ever read is the attention to the timeline and all the details of the world and the men. The mannerisms and sayings that we take for granted that can be misconstrued... and frequently are by the 'newbies' that arrive. I love how the ending of one book leads into the start of the next.

There are so many stories I have yet to hear, I hope that Celeste has more than a couple of tales left to tell in this series!
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
August 27, 2016
2018 | Crime, Mystery
Intriguingly Good
Manifest is a supernatural/drama tv series created by Jeff Rake and executive producer Robert Zemeckis. It is produced by Compari Entertainment, Jeff Rake Productions, Universal Television and Warner Bros. Television and distributed by NBC Universal Television Distributions and Warner Bros. Television Distributions. It stars Melissa Roxburgh, Josh Dallas, Athena Karkanis, J.R. Ramirez and Luna Blaise.

The passengers and crew aboard Montego Air Flight 828 from Jamaica to New York City are shocked to learn that when they experienced a brief period of severe turbulence over five and a half years have passed. The National Security Agency informs them that during the time they were presumed dead. As the passengers realize their lives and loved ones are not the same as they were before, they also begin experiencing strange visions and hearing voices guiding them about events yet to occur.

This show was very intriguing and got me hooked from the first episode. The cast is great and they are all very good actors even the children. It's a decent mix of supernatural mystery with drama, and it kept that way through the first season. It has a very compelling premise and kept me along for the ride but I didn't really like the whole drama part of it too much. Seemed to much like a soap opera to me. Also sometimes it feels like it doesn't do enough to push itself further plot wise and stagnated in certain episodes or through characters actions. Still pretty interesting and worth a watch if it peeked your interest. I give it a 6/10.
Hidden Magic ( Harper Shadow Academy 1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
53 of 235
Hidden Magic ( Harper Shadow Academy 1)
By Luna Pierce

A cursed witch, four sexy men, and a shadow realm hidden within their academy.

My name is Willow Oliver, and I’m descended from a bloodline of powerful yet cursed witches. At least, that’s what my mother claims. Most people think she’s crazy.

I never put too much thought into it—the whole being a witch thing—I assumed my strange quirks were something everyone else had.

Flowers don’t glow when you look at them?

When others my age go off to faraway colleges and escape our sleepy town, I stay close to home so I can continue to keep an eye on my mother.

My new academy buzzes with a familiar energy. One that half the student body doesn’t seem to notice. The others simply disappear through hazy shadows, vanishing into thin air. Three of the four men I’m magnetically drawn to have skin that feels like electric when we touch, something magical hidden under the surface of each of them.

The more I uncover, the more I doubt my sanity, making me consider one of two things: I’m going crazy, too, or maybe my mom was right after all.

And if what she said of our lineage was true, will I be strong enough to face the ancient curse that is stealing our power? Or will I succumb to it while risking the lives of the ones I can’t help but care for?

It was good. Good story, decent characters and pretty much what I was expecting. Didn’t blow me away but was a decent read.