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Prey (Infected, #1)
Prey (Infected, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF @ 37%

I really thought I'd like this as it's about three things I like to read about; m/m romance, paranormal and mystery/intrigue, but unfortunately I found the story really slow going and very information based with very little relationship progression. That might have been because Roan and Paris were a couple from the start and because I didn't get to see it form and flourish I felt a little cheated.

I lost interest in it quite early on but continued to read hoping it would get better but unfortunately for me, it didn't so I'm finally giving it up. Not to my liking.

Merissa (11805 KP) created a post

Nov 20, 2020  
"Disillusioned by his wife’s betrayal, rodeo star Dillon McCoy comes home to the mountains of North Carolina to lick his wounds. When he agrees to take over the family ranch, the Lazy M, he’s unaware danger waits."

 TOUR, EXCERPT & #GIVEAWAY - Mountain Blaze by Debby Grahl - @Archaeolibrary, @GoddessFish, @DebbyGrahl, #Contemporary, #Romance,

Merissa (11805 KP) created a post

Apr 28, 2022  
"Wow! How hectic the life of a k-pop star is!"

Trick of the Spotlight (A Series of Falling Stars #1) by M.L. East - @Archaeolibrary, @Bethb19861, @ML34ST, #ContemporaryFiction, #NewAdult, #LGBTQIA+, #Suspense, #Chicklit, #PopFiction, #K_Drama, #Romance, 5 out of 5 (exceptional)

Merissa (11805 KP) created a post

Aug 31, 2020  
The story of Caly and her heritage and the species that live in our world is great. Different, and I do love me some different.

TOUR, REVIEW & #GIVEAWAY - Calypso's Heart (Orion's Order #1) by M.C. Solaris - @XpressoTours, @Archaeolibrary, @debbiereadsbook, #Adult, #Paranormal, #Romance, 4 out of 5 (very good)
Aftermath (Aftermath, #1)
Aftermath (Aftermath, #1)
Cara Dee | 2013
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
I got this as a freebie a while ago and I like to read a M/M Romance every so often to mix up my reading.

It sounded quite good from the synopsis, and I'm not saying it isn't, but it wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Well not to me it wasn't, anyway.

I didn't feel the romantic build up between them. Yeah, they shared a cell with each other for five months and grew close but I can't say I saw when it clicked, it just sort of was.

The best bit for me was the ending; the proposal.

I will admit that I'm intrigued as to the follow-on story of Chase and Remy. What's going to happen there?
Roots and Wings (City Limits, #1)
M. Mabie | 2016
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoyed this sweet romance story. I loved the characters and the story itself. this is a refreshing book to read, it keeps you hooked till the last page. this book is such a lovely read with plenty of love between the characters. the chemistry between the characters is well written and will melt your heart.

highly recommended
By Chance (Courtland Chronicles, #1)
By Chance (Courtland Chronicles, #1)
Cat Grant | 2009
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hmmm...I read this because after finishing Cut & Run yesterday I was still in the mood for a little m/m romance. Unfortunately this didn't hook me as much and I was a little bored by the story line, that's not to say it was bad, because it isn't. It just didn't hold my attention as much as a thriller.

I've even had a nosy at the rest of the series and after reading the acknowledgements section after the story, I have to admire the author for her...balls? in writing a series that spans twenty years and involves the development of Eric and Nick's life's while involving a wife for one of them.

I'm not entirely sure if I'll continue it yet, but I'll certainly keep it in mind for the future.
Deadly Curiosities
Deadly Curiosities
Gail Z. Martin | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF at 60%.
The cover grabbed me and the synopsis made me think this could be quite a fun read.It turned out it took a lot of reading. That’s not to say it was bad or anything, for me it was just okay; nothing special. I just prefer shorter books. And ones with less description. (I’m probably the only one who feels like that!)

And for them to have at least a bit of romance in them. By the half way point I’d given up on anything romantic happening. There wasn’t the slightest whiff of it at all. I like a bit of action in stories but I love it when it ends in some sexual tension between characters and there was nil. I’m a romance reader and I, wrongly, assumed that this would be like every other UF book I’ve read where there would be some romance mixed in the storyline.

Getting past the lack of romance, I liked the abilities of Cassidy and Teag. It was a refreshing change to read about something different. Not that I don’t love my shifters and vampires but every so often it’s nice to get a different take on things and seeing the history of items when you touch them and being able to piece together information on the internet and through books as a Weaver were definitely new to me.

I must confess that the lack of romance in the book put me off and I struggled to become interested in the storyline. I’m not the biggest fan of ghost stories and I’m no history buff so having to read all the back story of the Charleston really put me off.

Being honest, I have to say that this wasn’t my sort of book at all but if you like urban fantasy books with lots of description/back story with the occasional flashbacks and no romance, then this is likely perfect for you.
Charmed & Dangerous
Charmed & Dangerous
Collected Authors | 2015 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First off, I think this is the first anthology I've ever given a 5-star rating for! Normally it's a 4-star as some stories are better than others but going for the average, it's a 4-star. I did the same with this collection - some I liked more than others - but the average rating is still 5 stars. There are new authors here (for me at least) and now I'm very happy as I can go searching for more of their books.

There is a little bit of everything for everyone here - the common thread being MM romance. Some are new relationships, and some are already established, but each story is individual and very well-written. Some (but not all) of my favourites were 'A Queer Trade', 'The Thirteenth Hex' and 'The Soldati Prince'. All different, all brilliant, all thoroughly enjoyable.

I could mention each and every one but you'd become bored so all I will say is that if you know at least one of these authors and like their work, then I can highly recommend this collection. If you don't know any of these authors but like M/M Romance, then I can highly recommend this collection. If you like a variety of M/M stories including shapeshifters, witches, a vaguely steampunk-type story, alternate realities etc, then I can highly recommend this collection. I'm sure you're getting the idea by now so there you go. I highly recommend this collection and loved it!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 25, 2015
The Lady and the Highwayman
The Lady and the Highwayman
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
For anyone looking for a fun, historical fiction novel that has just a touch of romance, and even some, adventure, fantasy and horror elements, Sarah M. Eden’s latest novel “The Lady and the Highwayman” set in Victorian London might be just the thing for you. If that sounds interesting, I hope you’ll read my latest #bookreview on my blog now.