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Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) in Movies

Jul 4, 2019 (Updated Jul 4, 2019)  
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Far from home hits big
No spoilers:

Spider-man: far from home is 10x better than homecoming. I liked homecoming alot dont get me wrong, but i thought in my mind far from home was better. You cared more about peter and his story. Mysterio was a great charcter. The first half of the movie i thought was kind of slow but when the third act hits, it hits big.

Whats going to be next in the MCU who knows but im on board.
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Chris Hemsworth (0 more)
Lack of Korg (0 more)
10 years and they punk us out with time travel
I’m not going to lie, this was the epic conclusion to a 10 year saga and I couldn’t wait. I hoped and hoped they return to the heights after a fairly nothing movie in infinity war.

However they used some lazy storytelling techniques to fix there MCU problems and lost me. Was I entertained?? Yes I suppose I was but I was expecting to be blown away and no I wasn’t!!!
The Samaritan (2022)
The Samaritan (2022)
2022 | Action, Drama, Fantasy
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Sylvester Stallone starring superheroics - his first since Judge Dredd? (not counting cameo in GotG vol 2) - - in which he plays the part of a recluse, who a young boy next door believes to be thought-to-be-dead superhero Samaritan, who supposedly died following a confrontation with his equally superpowered twin brother Nemesis twenty years earlier,

So it's immediately apparent where this one is going.

It's not bad, actually: just not brilliant. Think 90s style superhero films, before the MCU came to be.

Set your expectation accordingly.
War Horse (2011)
War Horse (2011)
2011 | Drama, History, War
World-War one set drama, which I've only recently discovered was based on a children's book and on a stage show - I actually thought the stage show came later!

Anyway, this follows the trials and tribulations of the horse Joey from his birth, through his time on a farm (the work for which he is totally unsuited) and into the horrors of the First World War, with some stunning cinematography and a whole bevy of acting talent on display (including not one but two future MCU stalwarts)
Stan lee (2023)
Stan lee (2023)
2023 | Documentary
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Stan lee (0 more)
It's rather good documentary about the life of stan lee as told by the man himself in his own words leaning about early life and the job that would become his life marvel comics plus u here about his working relationship with the artists kirby and ditko which wasn't easy in the end especially over who created what the artists or stan lee overall fascinating look into the life of the man who helped create the marvel universe which paved the for the mcu

Sarah (7798 KP) rated WandaVision in TV

Mar 7, 2021  
2021 | Action, Adventure, Mystery
A welcome return to the MCU
WandaVision is the latest Marvel series to hit the small screen, arriving in a flood of hype as the first official series to tie in with the rest of the MCU. Initially I hadn’t been interested in this after struggling to enjoy previous series, however after discovering that everyone I know was watching this, FOMO and the fact that we haven’t had a new MCU release since Phase 3 wrapped up with 2019’s Spider-Man: Far From Home, has prompted me to give this a go. And I’m rather glad I did.

WandaVision is set not long after the events of Endgame, and follows Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany) as they live an idyllic suburban life in the small town of Westview. However all is not as it seems; Wanda and Vision appear to be starring in their own 1950s style sitcom, as a odd couple with superpowers trying to blend in with the neighbours, including nosy Agnes (Kathryn Hahn) and committee leader Dotty (Emma Caulfield). Strange things soon start happening, and as Wanda and Vision become increasingly confused and suspicious about their new life, outside of Westfield agent Jimmy Woo (Randall Park), Dr Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings) and Captain Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) are also trying to figure out what’s going on.

Setting WandaVision in the style of various popular sitcoms from the 1950s onwards is a genius move. BeWitched, I Love Lucy, Malcolm in the Middle and Modern Family to name but a few of the obvious influences on show here, and this changing sitcom style really works and blends very well with the super powered action we know and love from the MCU. I’ll admit that I’m not a massive fan of sitcoms in general and my knowledge of older ones pre-1990 is limited at best, however even I could appreciate the love and care that has gone in to crafting this. It looks amazing and feels so authentic, from everything to the set design, costumes and change in aspect ratio.

It is of course helped by the stellar performances by Elizabeth Olsen. In the MCU so far Wanda has been rather sidelined and Olsen has been given little chance to shine. However she is undoubtedly the star of WandaVision and has been given ample opportunity to show off her versatility and talents, and she certainly does. We see a side of Wanda we’ve never seen before and Olsen’s ability to transform into each decade’s sitcom character is brilliant to watch. It’s a shame then that Bettany’s Vision doesn’t quite match up. No matter the decade, Vision never really seems to change much and while he is funny on occasion, I’m not entirely convinced that seeing more of Vision is a good thing. He’s always been the aloof synthezoid and this may have made him a little too ‘human’. However that said, it was still nice to see a lot more of Bettany than we have done in a while.

Once you get over the sitcom styling, the first couple of episodes are quite slow and had it continued in this vein I may have struggling to keep interested. However in typical Marvel style, it soon picks up and immerses us into the full MCU experience I was expecting. While I don’t want to say much about the plot, from episode 3 onwards I was hooked and the story never felt drawn out, and this wasn’t just due to the short half hour episodes. Unravelling the world of WandaVision was hugely enjoyable and one particular character reappearance in episode 5 had me almost squealing in geeky happiness. The only thing WandaVision is really lacking is the humour and camaraderie that have made the rest of the MCU films into what we love best. Yes there is humour and fun, but this mostly comes from Woo and Darcy, and I think it’s noticeable that the funnier Avengers are missing.

For me, WandaVision isn’t perfect however it was still hugely enjoyable and has definitely given me a new found appreciation for Wanda as a character. And mor important of all, it’s filled a rather large Marvel shaped hole brought on by coronavirus. Bring on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated The Falcon and the Winter Soldier in TV

Apr 24, 2021 (Updated Jul 16, 2021)  
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
2021 | Action, Drama
Contains spoilers, click to show
On the surface, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier starts off in a familiar fashion. The first couple of episodes feel like a (welcome) return to the earlier days of the MCU, but as the story develops, it just blossoms into so much more.
The narrative mainly focuses on the two titular Avengers taking on a revolutionary group, hell bent on returning to a post snap world. It deals head first with the fallout of Thanos' devastating blow in Infinity War, and the subsequent return of the 3.5 billion people who re-materialised after Endgame, and the issues that came with them. It's good to see that Marvel Studios aren't avoiding these complicated plot points that could have potentially just been swept under the rug.
The series also develops the John Walker/U.S. Agent comic story. Its well realised and Wyatt Russell is fantastic in the role. Daniel Brühl returns as Baron Zemo after an underwhelming narrative in Civil War, and unexpectedly is plain hilarious (and finally in full costume, even if it is for one scene).
As well as all this, fans of the comics are treated to a plethora of potential future stories - The introduction of Madripoor marks the first proper acknowledgement of X-Men material. Lesser known comic characters such as Isiah Bradley, Madame Hydra, Battlestar, Batroc, and Ayo are given screentime. There's even some carrots dangled for a potential Young Avengers adaption with the appearance of Eli Bradley/Patriot (and with Kate Bishop incoming, surely this is a thing)
Perhaps most importantly, TFATWS doesn't shy away from tackling race issues, touching upon real world events, and developing them into the plot. This spills over into the future of Captain America, and what the shield represents to the black community. There are some truly powerful moments of dialogue, especially between Isiah and Sam. It's all handled respectfully, and brings new depth the MCU, as they stride into a more diverse future.

With this series, and the preceding WandaVision, this new phase for the MCU is off to an incredibly strong start, and I'm so excited to see where they take it. Between Falcon rightfully taking the reigns as Captain America, the upcoming Shang Chi movie finally adapting the martial arts corner of Marvel for the MCU, and the tantalising promise of the multiverse, it's a good time to be a Marvel fan.
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
I've got a lot a love for the first Thor movie, but like many others, the second one is probably my least favourite of the whole franchise. So, when one of the mightiest Avengers threatens to become stale, what is the solution? Taika fucking Waititi is the solution.

One of my favourite working directors helming an MCU film is exciting indeed, and manages to deliver a film that injects new life into the Thor series, manages to fit in with other chapters of the franchise without feeling too alien, but still has liberal splashings of Waititi's trademark wit throughout.
The comedy in this entry is thick and fast, but everything lands just right. It's fair to say that it's taken a leaf out the Guardians of the Galaxy playbook, but manages to come across smoother and feel more refined in it's humour than Vol. 2.
Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Anthony Hopkins, Mark Ruffalo and Idris Elba are back and as good as ever with MCU newcomers Cate Blanchett, carving a memorable figure as this movies big bad Hela (who I really hope we see again at somepoint), Tessa Thompson as the badass Valkyrie, a wonderful Jeff Goldblum as secondary villain Grandmaster (another that I hope we see again), and Karl Urban as The Executioner. It's a well put together cast.

It's packed full of comic shit too, with references to Man Thing, Beta Ray Bill, and Bi Beast, a tie in appearance from Doctor Strange, the first appearance of Surtur, and Hulk rampaging through Asgard. It has relentlessly entertaining set pieces and an 80s synth style soundtrack that tops everything wonderfully.

Not much to complain about here - easily the best of the Thor trilogy and a solid entry into the wider MCU.

Rodney Barnes (472 KP) rated Captain Marvel (2019) in Movies

Mar 9, 2019 (Updated Mar 9, 2019)  
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Female Hero Time! (0 more)
Favorite Female Hero
Contains spoilers, click to show
Captain Marvel was a needed addition to the MCU. My review is about the movie. All this anti feminism crap can take a back seat. This movie was a very good movie, I wouldn't say great but it fits in nicely though. I personally was thrown a curve when the Skrull were portrayed as a "peaceful"race of aliens. In the comics the Skrull were a conquering warlike race of aliens and the Kree were their rivals; who also were a bloodthirsty race of alien. The movie captured the character of Captain Marvel very well. I thought it was a little slow but at the same time I know the story has to be told. The silliest part is how they showed Nick Fury lost his eye....Scratched by an alien creature that looks like a cat. But overall I liked the movie. She has been called the mightiest Avenger and I truly believe that. The Hulk is my favorite Superhero and I think she can stand up against the Hulk...Captain Marvel will be needed to stop Thanos and any future threat that comes to the MCU.

Michael Kirk (1 KP) Apr 18, 2019

Nancy drew and Lara Croft are way better then captain marvel


Rodney Barnes (472 KP) Apr 18, 2019

I used to read Nancy Drew books quite a bit. I wish they would make a movie not designed for little kids

Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Great actors (2 more)
Amazing cinematography
Best sfx in marvel since Dr Strange
Twist you can see coming if you know the characters (0 more)
Swinging success
No spoilers. Just a quick review this time round. I really enjoyed this film, it works well with the tone of MCU post Endgame.

The cinematography is amazing and very well do. Worth paying extra to watch in IMAX. All the actors perform their characters outstanding and Jake Gyllnhall is amazing as Mysterio. Showing again another Interesting marvel character in a newer MCU light.

There are plenty of laughs as there have always been with spidey on the big screen. There is just something about Holland that makes him the perfect Spider-man, cheeky and awkward, noble and cocky. Just enough broodiness to be relatable. Unlike certain other animal theme super heroes (not Ant-Man).

Marvel however like DC do love a good old nod to the past and fans of the Raimi Trilogy will get a kick of the mid credits scene.

All I can say is bring on phase 4, on and marvel/ Disney give us the pairing we all want. Holland and Reynolds