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Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
2016 | Action, Sci-Fi
Everything! (0 more)
In my top 5 Marvel movies
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This is one of my favorite movies of all time. The only reason I didn't give it a 10 is because I did not care for the Baron Zemo angle. His reason for revenge was related to his family getting killed due to the actions of the Avengers. In the comics Zemo was a power and despot that was on the same level as Captain America when it comes to battle. This story was similar to the story arc in the Civil War comics. The government wants to control heroes because innocent people get killed in their battles trying to save mankind. The last battle they had with Ultron was the catalyst for the Sokovia accords. Oversight by the allied nations. We finally see Cap and Bucky reunited as friends but it is a little tricky at first. Bucky gets blamed for a terrorist action that he is innocent of. Zemo gets a hold of a old Hydra book that was used to brainwash Bucky and he uses it again on Bucky to carry out his plan. The "Civil War" begins when Tony agrees with oversight from the UN and Cap disagrees. The highligjt for me is seeing Spider-Man finally in the MCU. The action was great, the story was great and it had a profound impact on the MCU. It ended with Tony and Steve not being the best of friends and you see that affect in Infinity War. This movie is highly recommended by me
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Pretty good origin story
I am fairly new to the Marvel world knowing more via the movies than the comics compared to diehard fans. While I only know the basics about Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel, this movie was a good origin story for me to learn more. Or at least the more the MCU wants us to know.

Carol has no memories of her past, only flashes when she goes to the supreme intelligence. The woman she sees was apparently important to her but she can't remember why. When she gets kidnapped by Skrulls and her memories cut into she sets out to find out where she came from.

Finding herself on Earth she meets up with Nick Fury and together they try to find out about her past. Fighting off Skrull invaders has Carol and Nick on the run along with Goose the cat. Carol comes to realize all she has been told about her past has been a lie manipulated by the Kree. She then takes on the role her mentor Mar-vell had of protecting the Skrulls.

She leave Nick Fury and Earth with a way to contact her in the future if needed. And Nick comes up with the Avengers initiative based on her call name of "Avenger".

It was a typical origin story, though knowing or thinking she was going to be an important part of the Avenger storyline had me looking for more action I guess. Will have to wait to see how she figures into the MCU future phases and Endgame.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Great Cast (even Batista) (0 more)
Strange Plot (1 more)
Doesn't beat the 1st installment
Another Awesome Marvel Movie
Marvel seem to have what it takes to beat down DC comics attempts to make a good movie. No matter which director lands the job of making a MCU film, the job is 90% of the time a massive success (not including the the first 2 fantastic 4 movies, they were dreadful). Although this film had us laughing from the beginning right through til the end, volume 2 doesn't quite match the arse kicking first one. With some pretty big names making their appearance, Guardians Of the Galaxy: volume 2 does kinda fill the void while we all wait for the next marvel release: Thor: Ragnarok.
Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Spider-Man 2 (2004)
2004 | Action, Sci-Fi
MCU Sequel
As we all know sometimes sequels can let us down. This one was par for the course. We catch up with Spiderman doing his good deeds, still being love sick with Mary Jane and now dealing with his friend harry wanting the death of spiderman because he thinks he killed his dad and he is the head of Oscorp. Our new villian is Dr. Octopus. A physicist whose experiment goes wrong cause a robotic set of arms graphing to his spinal cord.
    We also see Spiderman faltering during this movie losing some of his powers cause he relies on them too much and not himself. Not bad for a sequel and it keeps with the comic book better than most.
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Tom Holland (2 more)
Jake Gyllenhaal
Teenage romantic subplot
Green screen and CG at times (0 more)
Spider-Man: Far From Home is another slam dunk for Tom Holland’s web-slinger. With a script that perfectly balances humour and emotion, it may be the funniest MCU film yet, this is a film with massive re-watch value with lots of nostalgia and a fabulous cast. Nevertheless, the dodgy special effects do pull you out of the illusion at times and that just stops it from achieving a perfect five stars.

Stick around for two post-credit sequences in Spider-Man: Far From Home.

Read the full review:
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Iron Man 3 (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
The last of Robert Downey Jr's solo outings as the titular Iron Man / Tony Stark, this is also one of the earlier - perhaps even the earliest - entries in the MCUs 'phase 2', i.e. those movies set after 'Avengers Assemble' but before 'age of Ultron' (which ends that phase).

It's also perhaps best remembered for the 'bait and switch' technique it pulled with regards to The Mandarin, the supposed villain of the piece.

Personally, I find it to be one of the weaker entries in the MCU: Tony's issues with PTSD brought about by surviving the wormhole in Avengers Assemble, the Christmassy setting (which marks this as a Shane Black movie), and the kid engineer subplot just didn't really gel all that much with me.
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
The cast (2 more)
The villain
Some side characters feel under developed (1 more)
Some CGI not great
Following on from the light-hearted romps that made up the MCU last year, Black Panther comes along and reminds us that the franchise can be dark, it can be gritty, and it can combine comedic elements with its more serious stories seamlessly when it puts its mind to it.

Last seen in Captain America: Civil War, we re-join T’challa not long after that films conclusion. He’s about to be made king and he’s apprehensive about what that means and what the future of his country, Wakanda, holds. On top of that, he’s struck with a disturbing secret from his now deceased fathers past that threatens to alter everything.

First up, the cast. Chadwick Boseman is once again superb in the lead role. He plays T’challa with a degree of calmness that really makes him feel like a real and well-rounded character. But the surprise here is just how well everyone else does. Some characters don’t get quite as much attention as they deserve (there are two romance plots that feel a little shoehorned in) but when it comes to the people playing these roles- they all do superb work. Danai Gurira has shown what she can do on The Walking Dead (a show she is now so much better than), she brings a whole new level to her performance here and steals many scenes she’s in. Andy Serkis is another highlight. He reprises his role as Ulysses Klaue from Avengers: Age of Ultron and is clearly having a ball in the role. Always an underrated actor, he brings life and comedy to the role here and he’s another scene stealer. Props too to Martin Freeman. He is able to turn his character from an unlikable smug man to someone I found myself truly rooting for. Best of the bunch for me though is Letitia Wright as Shuri, in fact I think she could well be one of my favourite characters in the whole MCU so far. She’s a delight every single time I saw her and I really hope her role continues to develop as the franchise continues.

Now, about the villain. The MCU has almost always had a villain problem (one not exclusive to the MCU to be fair). The list of memorable villains for me only really consists of Loki and Vulture (Spiderman: Homecoming), now though- Killmonger can be added to that short list. His backstory isn’t overly original, but thanks to the always dependable Michael B Jordan he is utterly compelling. The performance here sells it and I found myself feeling sympathy for him despite the things he was doing. Hell, there were even times that I was rooting for him. That doesn’t happy very often and I’ve got to give the film credit for pulling it off.

Onto Wakanda, this is a fully realised and fascinating place to spend time. It was so much bigger than I expected and I’m excited to rewatch this (in 4k) to see all the details about I may have missed. It does however lead me on to a fault with the film. The CGI here isn’t always as great as it could be. There were numerous times when I felt I was watching actors perform against green screen and the mountain location was one of the more notable. It wouldn’t be such an issue if this wasn’t a prominent location that is used repeatedly for some of the movies biggest moments. There’s other instances too where Black Panther’s ideas aren’t realised as well as I’m sure they hoped. It doesn’t ruin the film by any means, but it is disappointing when lesser movies have managed better.

All in all though, this was a delightful movie and my favourite entry in the MCU since Guardians of the Galaxy. Director Ryan Coogler continues to bring the goods to the work he does and I can’t wait to see what he does next. Even more so I can’t wait to see what Black Panther does next. Now, onto Avengers: Infinity War in just two months’ time.
Iron Man (2008)
Iron Man (2008)
2008 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Where it all began
After becoming essentially bankrupt in the mid 90s, Marvel Comics ended up selling off the film rights of their properties to various film studios, resulting in a decade of new superhero franchises varying in quality, from X-Men, to Dardevil, Spider-Man to Hulk, Blade to Ghost Rider, and so on.
As such, none of these films we ever close to being part of a connected universe.

Along comes 2008, and Marvel Comics and Kevin Feige hit the scene with their first offering from Marvel Studios. A company determined to just that, with the properties they still have left.
Before 2008, Iron Man was a beloved character to the comic book faithful. A lot of casual moviegoers had no idea who he was, and Iron Man was essentially a B-list risk. And now, in 2020, that couldn't be further from the truth. The trifecta of Iron Man, Tony Stark, and Robert Downey Jr. are arguably the premier face of Marvel, and it's all thanks to this fantastic B-list risk.

Director Jon Favreau wastes no time in introducing us to Tony himself, and RDJ does a fine job of letting us know just how arrogant, clever and sarcastic the titular hero is. When everything goes wrong and Tony ends up captive in a terrorist environment, were given a pretty gritty origin story to how Iron Man came to be.
As Tony is quickly forced into a situation where his life becomes fragile, we see a slow burning but evident change in his behaviour, and RDJ does a great job in sweeping the audience up alongside him in his path to becoming the people's hero.
It's a simple and effective origin template that has definitely been borrowed again in other MCU projects (looking at you Dr Strange), but it's easy to see why.

Along side Downey Jr is the always charismatic Jeff Bridges. He plays Obadiah Stane, a villain who has close ties to the Stark family, and is an imposing presence throughout. His character sees him go full super villain, which honestly cheapens his otherwise great performance. Also, in the ensuing clash between Iron Man and Iron Monger, this is the first of many MCU films to do the whole 'villain-is-just-an-evil-version-of-the-hero' trope, which is fine here (let's not forget - first MCU film after all), but did become annoyingly predictable here and there.
Gwyneth Paltrow is Pepper Potts, and I suitably charming in the role, and still remains a fan favourite now.
We also have Terrance Howard as James Rhodes, the future War Machine. I enjoyed him here, and it's evident that he had good chemistry with RDJ. It's a shame that he didn't stay on for more films, but that's money for you I guess!

Considering this film is entering it's 12th year of existence, the CGI still holds up incredibly well. The classic red and gold Iron Man suit is striking and looks great. The action scenes are pretty thrilling and fun, something that Marvel Studios have excelled in since, and just to top it all off, the now infamous post credit scene sets up the conjoined Avengers franchise that we all know and love.

Iron Man is a solid first effort from Marvel Studios, and set the MCU running out the gates, whilst simultaneously setting up a new injection of quality into Marvel movies.
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
Visual effects, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston (0 more)
Drags in places (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Thor: The Dark World is one of a few MCU movies that I hadn't seen many times, and never since its' initial release. It has the reputation of been one of the weakest/worst entries in the 'continuity' however my memory of it was that it was okay. Having watched 'Endgame ' (several times!) and seeing that movie revisit a segment of the God of Thunders second solo outing I decided to give it another viewing.

Personally speaking, I still enjoyed it and think the reputation is a bit harsh. I prefer it to the first film but it falls way behind 'Ragnarok'. The visual effects are first rate and surpass some of those that would be seen in later Marvel movies.

Hemsworth is great however I can see why Hemsworth could have grown weary with the part (The Thor of Ragnarok onwards is a delight). Likewise with Hiddleston. The two have great on screen chemistry.

The story is simple enough - the dark Elf Malkeith awakens after a long period of sleep/exile to harness the power of the Aether, with the aim of plunging the Universe into darkness. Natalie Portman returns as Jane Foster in a role key to events, effectively serving as the plot device with which events kick start. This is also the first MCU entry to start referencing the Infinity Stones and tying together the various macguffins seen so far.

The film drags in places, more so during the second act, however the final battle is a visual delight.

Not therefore the worst, but certainly not the best!

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Black Panther (2018) in Movies

Mar 5, 2018 (Updated Mar 5, 2018)  
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Cool For Cats
Marvel's latest hotly anticipated superhero epic Black Panther, has arrived. Chadwick Boseman stars as the titular hero and gives a subdued, collected performance, which I didn't expect. The first time that we saw this character was in Civil War and while I understand he was on a revenge quest in that movie, he conveyed an sense of energy that is isn't present in Black Panther. I don't think that this was Chadwick Boseman's decision, but is instead based on what Ryan Coogler's vision of who Black Panther should be.

There are a lot of stand out performances in the film though Michael B Jordan, who is a Coogler movie staple at this point, brings us the best Marvel villain so far, or at the very least, the most believable motivation for doing villainous things that we have seen so far in the MCU. The rest of the cast bring their A game too, including Danai Guira, Lupita Nyong’o, Andy Serkis, Daniel Kaluuya, Forest Whittaker, Martin Freeman and Sterling K Brown.

The costume design and sets where fantastic to look at, but some of the character CGI looked a but too bouncy and unrealistic. I also felt like the movie dragged a bit in the second act. While the soundtrack started off great and added to the excitement of certain scenes in the movie's first act, by around halfway through the movie, I was sick of hearing African drums and chanting.

Overall though, this is a pretty great entry into the MCU and although it isn't Marvel's best ever, it is also definitely not their worst.