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Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Relic Guild in Books

May 30, 2017  
The Relic Guild
The Relic Guild
Edward Cox | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Illegal Magic
I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

Edward Cox invents a new magical world in his epic fantasy novel The Relic Guild. Magic is a thing of the past. Since a great war forty years previously, magic has been banned. Back in the day the Relic Guild was made up of people with various magical abilities – empaths, illusionists, changelings – but a great war got rid of all those with magic, all but three that is. Marney, Samuel and Van Bam are the only surviving agents of the Relic Guild. In their old age they have not needed to use their abilities that much until evidence that a particular infamous Genii, Fabian Moor, did not perish as he was thought to have done. Moor kidnaps Marney leaving Old Man Sam and Van Bam to hunt him down with the help of a young changeling, Peppercorn Clara, who, until now, had been hiding her illegal magical gift.

It took a long time to get into the novel and understand what was going on. It was confusing as to who was good and who was bad at the very beginning, which did not help in understanding the events occurring. Approximately half way through the pace picked up and became a lot more exciting and easier to engage with. It helped that the narrative alternated between the present and forty years earlier. By providing an insight into history of the Relic Guild the current situation began to make more sense.

Oddly the book begins with an epilogue. Initially I wondered whether that was intentional – maybe parts of the story were to be told backwards – however, on finishing the final chapter it appears that, perhaps, it was an error. There were also a few other mistakes that were obviously missed during the proof readings.

The ending of the story strongly implies that there is more to come. This felt a little annoying as there was no conclusion to, what felt like, an extremely long and slow starting book. I am undecided whether I would want to read a sequel; whilst it would be nice to find out how the situation is resolved, it was not the easiest of books to read. It was also difficult to visualize the setting, particularly the constant reference to a labyrinth.

Overall it was a bit of a disappointment. The blurb set it up to be a really gripping storyline but in reality it was confusing and hard going.

Ivana A. | Diary of Difference (1171 KP) rated Sleep, Merel, Sleep in Books

Aug 21, 2018 (Updated Sep 3, 2018)  
Sleep, Merel, Sleep
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Follow me on Instagram to see what I am reading at the moment: @diaryofdifference

This is a story about a little girl called Merel. This is also a story about how Merel one day can’t sleep. This story also happens to be one of the most adorable middle grade stories that I have ever read. Silke Stein did an amazing job in portraying a little girl, and creating a magical world that we see through her eyes.

Merel is a little girl and since her sick baby brother was born, her parents stopped paying attention to her. In a magical world, far, far away, a dream collector plays on a violin and makes children fall asleep. But this one day, the dream collector gives up on Merel’s sleep and leaves his tiny silver violin in her bedroom.

Merel learns that her sleep has abandoned her, and she goes onto an incredible journey to recover the sleep, or to stay awake forever. With many characters helping her along the way, she will learn what the most important things in life are, and she will learn to see things in a different way.

While meeting a sleepy king, and a man on a train that goes nowhere, and moonfish that cry, and a little baby handed in her hands, we will see this magical world through an eight-year-old girl and how her perception changes chapter by chapter.

This is one of the books that will make you feel relaxed and deeply satisfied within after reading it. I felt lighter and was glowing all day.

Merel is such a cute character, and any parent would wish to have her as a daughter. She is the perfect example of how children react when a new baby sibling comes to the family, and they think that the parents don’t love them anymore, because they devote their attention to this little creature that cries all the time.

I loved her adventures – they were so adorable, and so many questions and discussions were raised. Even though the beginning was a bit slow for me, and it took me a while to catch the story, I am completely certain that this was because I am a grown up – and I am sure that kids will be easily able to dive into the story immediately.

Thank you to Silke Stein, for sending me a paperback copy of Sleep, Merel, Sleep, in exchange for an honest review.

Follow me on Instagram to see what I am reading at the moment: @diaryofdifference

Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Relic Guild in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
The Relic Guild
The Relic Guild
Edward Cox | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Edward Cox invents a new magical world in his epic fantasy novel <i>The Relic Guild</i>. Magic is a thing of the past. Since a great war forty years previously, magic has been banned. Back in the day the Relic Guild was made up of people with various magical abilities – empaths, illusionists, changelings – but a great war got rid of all those with magic, all but three that is. Marney, Samuel and Van Bam are the only surviving agents of the Relic Guild. In their old age they have not needed to use their abilities that much until evidence that a particular infamous Genii, Fabian Moor, did not perish as he was thought to have done. Moor kidnaps Marney leaving Old Man Sam and Van Bam to hunt him down with the help of a young changeling, Peppercorn Clara, who, until now, had been hiding her illegal magical gift.

It took a long time to get into the novel and understand what was going on. It was confusing as to who was good and who was bad at the very beginning, which did not help in understanding the events occurring. Approximately half way through the pace picked up and became a lot more exciting and easier to engage with. It helped that the narrative alternated between the present and forty years earlier. By providing an insight into history of the Relic Guild the current situation began to make more sense.

Oddly the book begins with an epilogue. Initially I wondered whether that was intentional – maybe parts of the story were to be told backwards – however, on finishing the final chapter it appears that, perhaps, it was an error. There were also a few other mistakes that were obviously missed during the proof readings.

The ending of the story strongly implies that there is more to come. This felt a little annoying as there was no conclusion to, what felt like, an extremely long and slow starting book. I am undecided whether I would want to read a sequel; whilst it would be nice to find out how the situation is resolved, it was not the easiest of books to read. It was also difficult to visualize the setting, particularly the constant reference to a labyrinth.

Overall it was a bit of a disappointment. The blurb set it up to be a really gripping storyline but in reality it was confusing and hard going.
Magical Friends and How to Summon Them
Magical Friends and How to Summon Them
2022 | Fantasy, Racing
If there is one game theme that will never get old for me, it’s fantasy. Something about a world of magic and magical creatures is fascinating to me, and I will never turn down the chance to play any sort of fantasy-themed game. So when I came across Magical Friends and How to Summon Them, I was immediately hooked. Does the gameplay live up to my expectations of what a great fantasy game should be, or does it miss the magical mark?

Disclaimer: We were provided with a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this preview. The components pictured are not finalized, and could change after a successful Kickstarter campaign. I do not intend to rehash the entire rulebook, but rather provide a general overview of the rules and gameplay. For more information, head to the Magical Friends website. -L

Magical Friends and How to Summon Them (referred to as just Magical Friends from hereon out) is a strategic game of card drafting and variable turn order in which players take on the roles of mages attempting to summon the most magical creatures to the local tavern in order to win the Midsummer festival competition. Played over 8 rounds, players will take turns summoning creatures, moving them towards the tavern, using special creature abilities, and occasionally fighting off your opponents’ creatures. The player who gets the most creatures to the tavern by the end of the 8th round is the winner! To setup for the game, lay out the main board and summoning board in the center of the table. Take the 4 double-sided map tiles, randomly choose a side, and place them in their corresponding places on the main board. Shuffle the Summoning cards and reveal a number of cards, determined by player count, to create a market row and preview row. Each player receives a player mat, heart tokens, and Artifact Cards in their chosen color. Place the round marker on Round 1 of the main board, select a player to get the starting player token, and the game is ready to begin!

To start a round, first you will need to determine turn order. Each player has an identical deck of 11 Artifact Cards, numbered 1-11. The player who offers the most powerful (highest number) Artifact gets to act first in the round. The player with the starting player token chooses their card first, and places it face-up on their player mat. The next player, in clockwise order, will do the same. Here’s the catch though – once a number has been played, it cannot be played by anyone else for this round! So say I put choose my value 8 card – no other player may choose that card for this round. Once all players have chosen their Artifacts, determine the turn order for the round. The player with the highest valued Artifact goes first, then the next highest, and so on.

Once the turn order has been determined, it is time for players to take their turns! On your turn, the first thing you will do is to select a Summoning card from the Summoning board and take it into their tableau. The selected card tells you which friend (creature) you have summoned, and tells you how many moves/what types of movement you may take this round. After choosing your Summoning card, you will take any/all of the following actions: Summon a friend (bring its standee into play), use basic movement (as determined by your new friend), use bonus movement (from other cards), or use the abilities of any friends in your tableau. You may perform as many of these actions as you want and are able to perform. It is important to note that each friend may only use one basic movement and one bonus movement per round. So you can’t just move a single friend with every movement available in one turn.

Once you are finished performing actions, you will end your turn. Refresh the Summoning board by shifting cards down and refilling any empty creature slots. Play then moves to the player with the next highest valued Artifact card. When all players have taken their turn, the round ends. Move the Round marker up one spot, and pass the starting player token to the next clockwise player. A new round will then start with the turn order determination, beginning with the new starting player. After 8 rounds of play, the winner is crowned. Players score points for the number of their friends who reached the tavern, and the player with the highest score wins!
I’ll come right out and say that I really have enjoyed Magical Friends. There are lots of elements that I like and that work well together to create a fun, strategic, and engaging game. First, turn order determination. I love that the turn order isn’t set for the entire game, because that could really be a detriment to whomever would be last every round. Being able to ‘bid’ for turn order, in a sense, allows players to be proactive (or conversely, reactive) with their strategy. And after you’ve used an Artifact card in a round, it is discarded and cannot be used for the rest of the game. So you need to decide when it’s worth it to play your high value cards to hopefully act first, or if you’re willing to risk playing a mid-value card that might be out-bid by an opponent.

The other awesome strategic element are the friends in the game. Each friend is a different creature with different movement options and special abilities during gameplay. An important thing to note is that although every friend has a printed movement value on its card, you may only ever use that value on the round in which you summon that friend. So a Griffin, for example, lets you move 3 friends 2 spaces, which you may do when you first summon the Griffin. But in future rounds, the Griffin will only move based on the movements provided by the most newly acquired friend. Maybe you don’t necessarily want to summon a Mermaid, but the movement she offers is exactly what you need to get some friends to the tavern for scoring. It’s all a neat mix of strategy that you are changing with every turn. Along with the movements, each friend has a special ability that can be used on your turns. Some abilities allow you to move extra spaces, move opponents, or even slay creatures. When you slay a creature, you collect its heart token for endgame scoring, and the player who controlled that creature gets a Pity Power card (which provide bonus movement). You need to decide when to move which friends, and in what order to trigger your abilities. You must always be paying attention to the board layout and your opponents’ turns as they will help you determine your strategy for future turns.

Components. As I mentioned earlier, this is a prototype version of the game, but with that said, the components are pretty nice! The cards are sturdy, the text is clear, and the artwork is fun to look at. The main game board and summoning boards are colorful, and the creature standees are nicely sized for the board. I do have to say that I really like the heart tokens used to identify to whom each creature belongs on the board. The hearts slide over top of the standee and create a base of sorts to color-code every creature on the board. Just a neat little use of components that make the gameplay smooth. And how about the insert? It’s awesome! The standees are all stored, assembled, in a slotted inlay that allows for quick selection of creatures. I hope that’s something that makes it to final production because it really helps streamline the gameplay. Some of the wording in the rulebook could use some clarification, but I know that it is still a work in progress and continues to undergo edits. The only negative I would have to say is that 2 of the player colors are black and gray – and they are sometimes difficult to differentiate between. But changing one color should be an easy fix!
All in all, I was pleasantly surprised by Magical Friends. At first glance, I thought it would be a pretty simple ‘roll-and-move’ type game, but it proved to be much more strategic and engaging than I initially thought. The variable turn order, the movement rules/restrictions, and the unique friend abilities all work together to create a cohesive, thematic, and strategic game. I very much am looking forward to following the progress of Magical Friends and How to Summon Them on Kickstarter, and I encourage you to check it out as well!
Joshua and the Magical Forest (Portallas #1)
Joshua and the Magical Forest (Portallas #1)
Christopher D. Morgan | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Joshua and the Magical Forest (Portallas #1) by Christopher D. Morgan
Joshua and the Magical Forest is the first book in the Portallas series, and we are introduced to Joshua. He is a young man who wants to become a Woodsman. However, he has been having strange dreams in which a figure he believes to be his missing father, is being tortured and is in constant pain. He decides he needs to find his father before he continues with his plan to become a Woodsman. On his way through the Forest, he finds his best friend Andrew as a travelling companion, plus Galleon, one of the last Imps. Along the way, they meet Sarah, a young girl who talks, and giggles, way too much.

This was an easy read of a book, suitable for younger ages too. I personally would have preferred more information about the characters, and the tribal systems in place. For example, the 'uniforms' of the different castes - who wears what, what colours are involved? Are the colours of the castes the same in all the villages, or does each village have different colours too? If they are separate, how are they incorporated within each village?

This IS the first book in a series, and so it does end on a cliffhanger. The writing is very good, the pacing is smooth, and the transitions from one scene to the next flow nicely. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, barring the questions above. I enjoyed reading this story, and would recommend it to younger fans of Fantasy.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
This One Sky Day
This One Sky Day
Leone Ross | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This One Sky Day is packed full of magical realism and beautiful descriptions of what appears on the surface to be a tropical paradise.
Popisho is a magical land where everyone is born with a special gift or ‘cors’ Some are healers, some have speed or strength, and some, namely Xavier Redchoose, has the gift of cooking the perfect meal for everyone. He is the macaenus of his generation. He has the ability at his fingertips to make food taste delicious, and to cook just what his guest loves and needs the most. All cors are given by the gods.

It’s a story that tells you to use your gifts to make you happy, it talks about politics and how they can be twisted to serve the needs of those who are supposed to who are supposed to serve others, and it’s a story that shows that change is inevitable.

I’m not so sure that I understood everything, but it’s a beautifully written, entertaining story. I never knew what was going to happen next, in a world where literally anything could happen!

I WILL say that I’ve read enough about pum-pums to last me a lifetime. I may even be a little bit traumatised! 🤭

I think the best word to describe this book is “gleeful”. Whilst I was reading it, it felt like the author had enjoyed writing it (whether that’s true or not, I have no idea!), and it was a book that just made me feel happy! 🤷🏼‍♀️

So, whether I’ve managed to grasp the finer details of this novel is immaterial to me - I just really very much enjoyed reading it.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for another great serialisation.