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The Eye of the World (Wheel of Time, #1)
7.4 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”

― Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

There is perhaps nothing more magical than finding yourself fully immersed in a story. The first book in The Wheel of Time series, The Eye of the World, creates a full world of places, histories, species, religions, and myths. Robert Jordan first introduces you to the simple town of Emonds Field and the characters that live there. Then he takes us with those characters to explore a vast and more complex world. We are taken on a journey through different cities and meet a variety of people including meeting strange creatures and beings with strange, magical powers. Including Trollocs, Aes Sedai, Warders, and Myddraal. Jordan has an extraordinary ability to create intriguing mythologies for his world and creating species that have fully formed cultures and politics.

But before I get too far ahead of myself let us start with Robert Jordan. He is an American 31ulybtb-yl-_ux250_author from South Carolina, whose real name is James Oliver Rigney, JR. He lived from 1948 to 2007. He wrote books in many genres including fantasy, historical fiction, western and dance criticism each under a different pen name. The first book in his The Wheel of Time series was published in 1990. He was able to finish eleven books in the series before he passed, leaving his extensive notes to renowned novelist Brandon Sanderson who wrote the last three books of the series, finishing in 2013.

Personally, when reading a book, the most important thing for me is to become invested in at least one of the characters. Once I am, I’m completely dedicated to the book. Robert Jordan has a large group of main characters and switches perspective between them throughout their journey. Picking out a single main character is very difficult, Rand al’Thor might be the closest but Matrim (Mat) Cauthon and Perrin Aybara and possibly Egwene al’vere and Nynaeve al’Meara create the central cast. They are the natives of Emonds Field before their adventures take them journeying to places unknown. Each of them is special and through the course of the book, you uncover the power each has. What is amazing is how Jordan is able to make you care deeply for each character and while he is switching perspective you never find yourself, bored. This is impressive for often in novels that switch perspective there is that one storyline you do not care about. Upon finishing the first book I can honestly say that I do not have a single favorite out of the group but love them all and care about what will happen to them next.

My one issue with the book came with frustration at what I call Tolkien Naming Syndrome. With such a mass of characters it is not surprising that some names start to sound similar but like Arwen and Eowyn there are two females with feelings for one of the boys whose names are oddly similar Elayne and Egwene with other female names rhyming such as Moiraine and Morgase while the male names tend to sound different and are thus easier to keep apart and remember. Depending on what you want in a story, the other thing that keeps this book from being unique is the black and white stance on good vs. evil. The two sides are clear and do not leave much room for the morally grey.

The book offers a great mix of solved mysteries while leaving you with an abundance of questions to make you need to continue reading the story. It truly is an epic adventure story. Fulfilling the good vs. evil battling and grand adventures and meeting strange creatures and discovering new magic. While it might not have the grand battles of Lord of the Rings it has the magical journey and strange adventures that create the amazing epic fantasy novel. I plan on reading the next book soon and highly recommend this book to fantasy readers as it offers great characters, an amazing world and interesting rules on magic.
Summer of Salt
Summer of Salt
Katrina Leno | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautifully well-written with excellent characters and a powerful message
In Georgina Fernweh's family, it's just accepted: the Fernweh women have magic. Every female in Georgina's family has received their magic by age of eighteen. Georgina is almost eighteen, though, and she's shown no sign of getting her magic. Her twin sister, Mary, has floated since birth. Mary and Georgina live on an island, By-the-Sea, which isn't a regular place to grow up. Strange things happen here: it could snow one minute and be sunny and 70 the next. Their mother concocts sleeping potions when the girls can't sleep. And every summer people flock to the island to watch a three-hundred-year old bird who may or may not be a Fernweh ancestor. But when something terrible happens on the island, the Fernweh family (and their magic) comes under a suspicious light. And Georgina starts to wonder about her past--and future.

I picked up this book thanks to my Goodreads friend Melanie, whose review convinced me that this was worth reading. I so rarely read a book that wasn't planned, so thanks! This was totally worth it. This is a beautiful book--it's well-written, lyrical, and a magical read, both in content and writing.

The storyline on this one is amazing--I have a soft spot for tales about twins. I really liked the dynamic between Georgina and Mary: it was very realistic. The characters are well-developed, and I fell for Georgina immediately. There's also a wonderful lesbian storyline, which is always a plus. The book weaves a mystical, magical tale--if you can't suspend disbelief easily, it might not be for you. But it's so easy to get caught up in the plot, and at its core, it's a story about families and love.

"'Well, you won't have me at college, so you'll have to make some new friends.' 'Ugh. That sounds exhausting. They should assign you friends like they assign you a roommate.'"

There's also some serious parts to this book and some just freaking amazing quotes related to sexual assault and rape that I wanted to blow up and put on the walls of every high school everywhere. I won't quote most of them here, due to spoilers, but wow--this is a powerful, powerful novel that had me pumping my fist and cheering for the characters. There's some real strength here and a message everyone should read, especially in our current times.

"Because there was nothing in a girl's history that might negate her right to choose what happens to her body."

Overall, this was a great book. It's beautifully well-written with excellent characters and a powerful message. This is one where I would love a second book to follow these characters.
A Crown of Wishes (The Star-Touched Queen, #2)
A Crown of Wishes (The Star-Touched Queen, #2)
Roshani Chokshi | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Crown of Wishes is a companion novel to Roshani Chokshi’s A Star-Touched Queen, but neither needs to be read to enjoy the other. They can either be read in conjunction or be read as a stand-alone without the story being affected significantly in either case. That being said, A Crown of Wishes takes place later in time than A Star-Touched Queen and if you plan to read both perhaps reading them in chronological order would be best. I personally enjoyed A Crown of Wishes more than A Star-Touched Queen. The writing was equally lyrical and beautiful, but I found it to be more engaging than its predecessor.

I found Gauri and Vikram to be more likable main characters than Maya and Raja, from the other book. Gauri is tough, she had to be to grow up with the cruel Skanda as her brother and King of Bharata. She trained with warriors and keeps her emotions tucked away. Vikram is the adopted son of the King of Ujijian, but despite his mind, his lack of blood relation to the monarch will force him to be a puppet king. He wishes more than anything to be taken seriously and rule his people fairly, not via a corrupt cabinet.

Vikram was definitely my favourite character in this book, he was witty and cheerfully went out of his way to get under Gauri’s skin. The relationship and interactions between the two of them went from mutual disdain to begrudging respect authentically. It was nice to see them support one another, even if they didn’t have any reason to beyond being partners for the Tournament of Wishes.

The story was more engaging than its predecessor, continuing to build the magical Otherworld but including scenes with faster pacing and action. The Tournament of Wishes was intriguing, as each contestant’s role and journey were different. No two people experienced the same trials or puzzled through the same clues. It was interesting to attempt to discern what each clue referred to before Vikram inevitably worked it out.

The beautiful prose and flowery writing definitely lent itself to the story. It helped to build a magical and unusual world for readers to slip into. Each vibrant fruit, eerie tree, and terrifying creature come to life in vivid detail. As long as you don’t mind words that you really must pay attention to in order to absorb, I believe you will enjoy this book. It might not be your style if you tend to skim and breeze through stories, as this does require a degree of concentration to appreciate. Overall, I would recommend this book to fans of Renee Ahdieh’s or Laini Taylor’s style of writing.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review is also on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>

The Last Sanctuary is such a sweet story! I enjoyed it very much. It also has faeries in it which I'm obsessed with =D

The Last Sanctuary by P.S. Mokha is a middle grade fantasy story. It's about three twelve year old girls, (Lily, Olivia, and Rose) who have been orphaned and their adventures trying to find the Hidden Room. On the way, they learn a lot about themselves and get themselves into many dangerous predicaments as well as finding out that they're part of a prophecy "Three will arrive. One to give...One to die...One to Live."

My favourite character was Lily. I could relate a lot to her. She seemed to be the most empathetic. I like the way she's cautious about everything and worried about getting into trouble. She's also aware of everyone's feelings. Rose was great as well. She is the brains behind the group, always working out problems and finding a way out of them. She's the one with a good head on her shoulders. Olivia is the one who's always more worried about her stomach than anything else. Of this, I can relate with her. She's always wanting to eat something and is always snacking. She, to me, seems to be the more funnier one.

I thought the world building was fantastic! The school is set in London but is hidden from the outside world. It sounds ridiculous, but the author made it believable in this book. The description of London is perfect. You can definitely tell the author lived in London. The world of Amassaya was also built beautifully. It actually sounded like a place I'd love to visit. It sounds so magical as it's supposed to.

I found the pacing to be just right for a middle grade book. It's just the right pace to keep the reader interested.

The dialogue was easy to understand. However, there were a few words, and when I say few, I mean about 5 or less, that would probably be a bit difficult for middle graders to understand. Most could be understood using context clues though.

Now I have to talk about the cover - How cool does that cover look!?! I love the faery that's on fire on the cover!!! I don't want to give too much away, but the cover shows some of the main elements of the book. The title of the book also fits the plot as well.

This book left me with a magical feeling. It had perfect comic timing but knew when to be serious. This book definitely made me feel warm =)

I'd definitely recommend this book to all those that are fans of middle grade or YA fantasy.

Ross (3284 KP) rated The Eleven in Books

Apr 23, 2020  
The Eleven
The Eleven
Paul Gaskill | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic characters and original story
* I received an advance reader copy from the author and netgalley in exchange for an honest review *
Quite simply: this is a fantastic book.
The characters involved are all well-crafted and unique. They have their own back-stories that we learn over time, appreciating who they are, what they have been through and why they are how they are.
The main character is Keira, a human who spent a large part of her late childhood imprisoned, tortured and raped by the upper echelons of the government. She escapes and seeks revenge on her abusers, but needs Courage to achieve this. We first meet her as she begins her attack on the first such abuser.
She teams up with Rowan, an assassin, though the circumstances of their meeting don't become clear until later, and travels to a magical realm to track down more of her tormentors. The details of Rowan's current assignment are somewhat mysterious and only revealed later.
They eventually meet Dess, who we have started to get to know, an elf-like magical scholar who has had his own issues in adolescence and is seeking revenge on the people involved in the murder of the love of his life.
And finally we have Sirris, a funny little slave creature who seeks escape from his life of misery, abuse and servitude.
Those back-stories are gradually woven together over the course of the book in a very ambitious, and flawlessly executed, series of split timelines. Fans of Mark Lawrence's knack for splitting a story into separate timelines will love the way Gaskill has done this and more here. We have the "present" story, told from a number of different viewpoints and places, as well as each of the main characters' backstories. Over time we learn to understand how people met, what tensions there are (or could be lurking under the surface) and what each is trying to achieve. These interactions, conflicts and tensions are masterfully written and revealed.
The action throughout the book is fairly gruesome and gritty, and some of the sexual scenes of torture and rape are a little hard to take. Rather than being gratuitous on the whole though they do serve to give the reader a better appreciation for the terrors the characters have been through.
Over the course of the book we see Keira ticking the names off her list of the eleven, albeit out of sync due to the split timelines.
This really was a wonderful book that got me out of something of a slump, keeping me engaged and guessing the next revelation all the way through.
I sincerely hope Gaskill writes the hinted at follow-up book, as there certainly is scope for it in the world he has masterfully created and the cast of (surviving) characters.
The Boatman&#039;s Call by Nick Cave &amp; The Bad Seeds
The Boatman's Call by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
1997 | Alternative, Indie, Rock
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I would say that Nick Cave is the greatest artist of my generation. I saw The Birthday Party about ten times and they only lasted a few years. I was lucky. I went to see them opening for Bauhaus, by accident. They blew Bauhaus away. I was like, ""What the fuck is this?"" There was this man in a vicar's dog collar, slapping the front row with a bible and a bass player wearing an Australian corked hat. They were fucked – they were more fucked than Iggy and I had given up looking for people more fucked than Iggy. I think The Birthday Party were the only band where Nick Cave was matched by other characters as big as he was. The Bad Seeds are a great band but Tracy Pew and Rowland Howard matched Nick Cave, which takes some doing. I was so lucky to have seen that band. I followed them around and saw them degenerate due to heroin abuse. Then, I watched Cave's transition into The Bad Seeds and I still thought he was a fascinating human being. I could have put The Birthday Party's second album, Prayers On Fire, on this list, but it is pretty unlistenable for most people. I chose The Boatman's Call because it was the first time he allowed himself to get really vulnerable through his love songs. I think it is a masterpiece and shows the breadth of his talent. There are five or six love songs on that record that are as good as Leonard Cohen's. It is a remarkable record. I have met him a number of times. Once, I pretended to be a journalist and interviewed him. He was probably still strung out on heroin and we nearly got into a fight. He threatened me and I didn't back down. A few weeks later, he found out who I was and then slagged off James in the NME. It didn't make me love him any less. It was just who he was at the time. I think he is still very damaged and hurt from his dealings with the press. He's been through the Amy Winehouse/Pete Doherty thing, where the press are sitting like vultures, waiting for him to die. I can imagine that he has coloured his view of journalism. I had a dream about Nick Cave on the night I got married, in which he told me his secret, magical voodoo name. I have never had the opportunity to tell him what his secret, magical voodoo name is, but I hope to one day. I guess that Nick Cave may hate James, but I don't care. I recognise his genius and I love him and wish him well."
