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Falling into Magic (Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic #1)
Falling into Magic (Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic #1)
Elizabeth Pantley | 2020 | Mystery, Paranormal
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It is truly a magical place.
Welcome to Destiny Falls. It is truly a magical place. Hayden Caldwell has had a good life in Seattle with her grandmothers, her best friend (and business partner) Luna, and her pampered cat, Sassy. A fall into a construction hole, and a flash of light, has her awakening in an alternate world with her long-lost older brother, in fact, she finds a whole family she never knew she had. She discovers she is part of a family that has been chosen to care for the town of Destiny Falls. However, her trip back home wasn’t an accident, and danger is very close to her and her newfound family.

This book is disguised as a cozy mystery, really though, it is just a fun time romp. Imagine a world where the Iphones and magic coexist in a seamless way. Where your pet has a telepathic connection with you and your home invites you to stay by creating a room for you to live in. The reader is as enchanted as Hayden learning alongside her how this world she has been dropped into works. The clues to the mystery are woven terrifically into the larger story, which is inexorably leading to the big question… What really did happen to Hayden’s mother?

One reviewer describes the book as “Harry Potter collides with the Hallmark channel and Law and Order”, and I can’t think of a more apt interpretation. The author’s descriptions of the town and the surrounding area, are wonderful examples. Classic Americana with a supernatural twinge. A library that behaves as if it wants to outdo HP’s undetectable extension charm, hiking trails that take longer on the return trip, a ferry that just might have you disembark at the end of your trip right where you started, and if you are really very lucky you might actually be allowed to see the second waterfall at Twin Falls Lake.

This is a place that is as fascinating as the story and can really be considered a character in itself, especially as it goes out of its way to remain unnoticed by the world at large. The characters in this book, by the way, are also both very fantastical, exactly like one would expect to find in this type of world, and yet they are also exactly the kind of folks you would find living on Main St. in Anytown USA. Hayden’s Grandmother (capital G) scares me just a little, but I adore her younger siblings. With Hayden’s interest in not one, but two local bachelors (both of whom seem quite dreamy to me) it is obvious that there is a place in this remarkable world for Hayden’s future and you can be sure I will be stopping by later books to see how it goes.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
A Deadly Education: Lesson One of the Scholomance
A Deadly Education: Lesson One of the Scholomance
Naomi Novik | 2020 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original (0 more)
Very repetitive, slow, gets boring quickly (0 more)
Rough start for a new series but shows promise
A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik was given eighth place in the Goodreads choice awards for fantasy last year and has been nominated again this year. Unfortunately this book will not be receiving my vote although at this time I have not yet decided which book I will be voting for. This is the first book in a new series and I do have high hopes that future editions to the series will be better as it shows a lot of promise.

The basic idea here is that magical children are teleported away to The Scholomace for education and safety from the mals ( evil creatures attracted to the easy target of young magic user) though not all make it into the school. The school itself is dangerous as well yet even with the horde of mals waiting at the graduation gates to feast on everyone trying to leave the school once a year and the few who make it into the rest of the building the survival rate os those inside the school is still better than if they were left in the general magical population.

While completing school work is important it only because the school will attack those who don't complete their work the samation of alliances is almost more important. This is problematic thoug for those who don't come from an enclave and who are not interested n making friends in the first place.

What I liked about this book was that it is relatively unique. The fact that the main character actually goes through a very clear mental and maturity growth is a plus as well. She really improves as she learns about herself and her classmates. Unfortunately that is pretty much everything good I can say about this book. I enjoyed reading the book when I first started it but around halfway through it became clear that a lot of the book is repetitive. The book ended up becoming slow with the group just fighting off mals and not making much progress on the storyline for a actually got to the point that I was about ready to put the book is also rather predictable.

The ideal target audience for this book is teens to some young adults. I believe the book is too much for most readers younger than teens but at the same time it lacks the detail and depth needed to really capture the attention of older readers. I can only rate this book a 2 out of 5 at best with the hope that it is just a slow start to a good series.

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Thank you, Melissa

LucyB (47 KP) rated The Raven Boys in Books

Jul 23, 2017  
The Raven Boys
The Raven Boys
Maggie Stiefvater | 2012 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
Very entertaining, rich, interesting characters (0 more)
A well-plotted, fresh take on the whole magical realism genre - very entertaining!
To be honest, I wasn't expecting to enjoy this as much as I did. I presumed, judging by the front cover, that it'd be some sort of high fantasy (which isn't normally my thing) and was very pleasantly surprised.

The story focuses on two main characters - Blue, a 16 year old who lives with her witchy mother and who seems to be surrounded by equally spooky aunts, and Gansey, a rich 'Raven boy' from the local public school, who is obsessed with finding the mythical Welsh king Glendower.

So far, so intriguing! And it really was. I found myself propelled through this book, eager to know what was going to happen next, which is the highest praise I can give a book really, I do love a good page-turner. I especially loved that the author so deftly avoided the boring stereotypes. The aunts are all psychic, but are they at all spooky / ethereal? Absolutely not. They're all very practical, down-to-earth, and fairly acerbic to boot. Are public school boys all over-privileged toffs? No! The characters were all impressively well defined, and I LOVED the character of Noah - I saw the twist coming, but wasn't sure how the author would pull it off. She did so, very effectively indeed.

A highly enjoyable read, and I'll be looking out for the next ones in the series.
The Night Circus
The Night Circus
Erin Morgenstern | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (106 Ratings)
Book Rating
Plot (4 more)
Twists and Turns!
Non-Linear Timeline (0 more)
Simply Magical
Reading this book was an experience. It was not at all what I was expecting, I'll try not to go into too much detail because I think it's better to read this without knowing too much about the plot!

The characters were amazing, they were all very well developed and every person you meet has a significant role to play, there are no side characters; they all become important at one point in the story.

The plot is intricate and is perfectly woven. No matter how hard you try to guess where the story is going it will go in the complete opposite direction. It has so many little details that become important later and the descriptions and attention to detail make it so immersive it's as if you're there at the circus. Plus every so often you'll have interludes where it changes to your perspective as you explore the circus which is a nice touch.

The only drawback is that the timeline skips, so you have to pay attention at the beginning of the chapter to know where in the timeline it takes place. This made it a bit difficult to follow but I didn't think it stopped me from enjoying and understanding the story.

I'd definitely recommend this book, especially if you want a story that will completely immerse you and a world that you can lose yourself in!
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
J.K. Rowling | 2014 | Children
9.0 (221 Ratings)
Book Rating
Plot (2 more)
Simply Amazing
Harry Potter is a cultural icon, and reading the books will tell you exactly why.
While I do not believe this is the best Harry Potter book (Read the Goblet of Fire, it is perfect) this book is up there with the best. With a plot that is simple yet magical, it will no doubt be remembered alongside the adventures of Tolkien, with an epic story that is character driven and imaginative to the extreme.

The book takes an even greater appeal when considered alongside the rest of the series, and with the addition of the final book, rereading is crucial. Easter eggs and secrets are hidden deep within these pages and make it a joy to read again, theorise about and delve deep into.

J.K is famous for her world building, creating something of epic scale that feels real despite how crazy it sounds. While avoiding spoilers in this review, it is important that I emphasise the importance of this book with the addition of The Order of the Phoenix. an addition that creates a thrilling new plot line that develops characters masterfully. We see the golden trio grow more than ever before, and it is a joy to experience.

Read Harry Potter, you won't regret it, and you will be a part of the biggest book series since records began. The one that defines this generation of teens, and inspired some of the greatest creators since.
The Beach House
Jane Green | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nantucket is a magical place, so many people say. Where good things happen to good people. When Nan discovers that her finances aren't that great, she decides to rent rooms in her large home on Nantucket for the summer to help earn some money. The people who decide to rent from her are all in some sort of deep turmoil in their life and spending the summer in Nantucket and with Nan, will help them to sort all of that out.

First we have Daniel and Bea. Married for close to 7 years with two young girls. Something is not right in their marriage, and Bea can't seem to figure it out. Maybe a summer rental will do them good to bring the family together.

Daph has just found out that her husband has been seeing another woman. This betrayal is nearly impossible for her to take. With her teenage daughter giving her a headache about "throwing dad out" she believes a summer away will help to clear her head.

Michael is Nan's son and is a jeweler in New York City. When events in his life take a turn for the worse, he escapes to his home town to find the solace he needs to take the next step in his life.

All these lives are intertwined and help each other to come out of tough situations at The Beach House. A beautiful story of family, love and rebuilding that anyone is sure to connect to.
Angel-A (2005)
Angel-A (2005)
2005 | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
Je t'aime
My number 3 title in my #top10 #favourite films is 'Angel-a'
#Angela is a very underrated #lucbesson movie but for me its his absolute best work. This #film has had such a massive impact on my life/who I am as a person & for that reason alone its a film I hold so close to my #heart. Essentially a #love story but different to the kind we are used to #Angel-a is #heartbreaking, #funny, #strange & visually #breathtaking. Teaching not only about the importance of love but more about the importance of learning to #loveyourself first Angel-a has such a powerful message especially for people feeling lost in life. Simply #beautiful to look at with every scene looking like a piece of art & directed with such #passion, love & care that I was pulled right into its #weird & wonderful story right from the start. Its an #emotional rollercoaster at times hitting you right in the heart but it also has just enough #crazy Besson style & humour to make it truly unique & different to what you would expect from the genre. Seemingly #inspired by the film wingsofdesire by #wimwenders & just like it Angle-a too is also rich in #philosophy & the cast is an absolute joy to watch. While not for everyone I simply can not describe how much I adore this movie. ------------------------------------------------
#filmbuff #filmcritic #angel #heaven #magical #fantasy #art #artsy #french #wednesdaywisdom
I have no explanation for why young adult story anthologies are SO. GOOD. But they are. This particular one revolves around queer teens in historical times. That's about the only commonality; the genres vary from normal fiction to fantasy to magical realism. There are gay, lesbian, transgender, and asexual teens represented. I am a little annoyed that there don't seem to be any bisexual teens in the anthology; it could be argued that at least one if not more are bi simply because they had opposite-sex relationships before the same-sex romance in the story, but that's also common before realizing your sexuality/coming out. No one is explicitly bisexual in this book. There were also two transmen but no transwomen.

There was a decent amount of cultural diversity while remaining mostly centered in the US; Chinatown in 1950s San Francisco, 1870s Mexico, Colonial New England, 1930s Hispanic New Mexico, Robin Hood-era Britain.

The stories were really good, I just wish they'd included a bisexual story and a transwoman. They did have an asexual girl, which is a sexuality often overlooked, so that was nice.

It's a great collection of stories, just limited in scope. They could have cut a few F/F stories and added in bisexual, nonbinary, and transwomen, and lived up to the open umbrella of the "queer" label a bit more. I really enjoyed it, I think I'm just a little disappointed because I was expecting more of the spectrum.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (2019) in Movies

Jun 15, 2019 (Updated Jun 15, 2019)  
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu  (2019)
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
Magical (I'm 30 years old dammit)
I was the exact target audience at the time of the original Pokémon cartoon series, and invested a fair portion of my childhood playing through Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow, so seeing this all unfold on screen was quite something.

The action kicks off immediately, with Mewtwo (all of my friends bloody loved a bit of Mewtwo back in the day), ticking all the right nostalgia boxes from the start.
It's not long before were pushed into the wider world of Pokémon, both original and later generations, and it just filled me with childish joy to be honest.
The CGI is odd - in a way that I was aware that I was watching CGI creatures, but at the same time, they didn't feel out of place alongside the human characters, it all blends pretty well.

Looking past the blinding nostalgia, the story was engaging enough (even if it does get to absurd levels of silly towards the end), the action pieces were all pretty fun, and the cast were likable enough for the most part.

I spend more time than I probably should playing video games, so it's exited me to no end that we finally have a pretty decent video game movie, and I can only hope that Detective Pikachu is the start of something good, both for future Pokémon installments, and just video game adaptions in general.