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Dan sellwood (1 KP) rated The Name of the Wind in Books

Feb 2, 2018 (Updated Feb 2, 2018)  
The Name of the Wind
The Name of the Wind
Patrick Rothfuss | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.2 (74 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read. It. Now.
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The Name of the Wind begins to tell the story of Kvothe, a fiery-haired arcanist on a lifelong journey to understand a tragedy that befalls his family. Kvothe is a born performer, both on the stage and off. He has a natural charisma and sheer brilliance that seem to be his ticket out of a poor childhood into a wonderful world of adventure.

The story is told from a grown up kvothe's point of view and while when he talks about his childhood and adolescence the story is filled with this lighthearted and magical energy, you soon learn that on his journey something terrible has happened to kvothe to change his adult self into someone much more reserved. It's clear he carries a terrible secret but of course in true Rothfuss style this is yet to be revealed.

This book does what many fail to do. It creates another world that's dazzling and something you want to be part of while also creating characters with such depth and personality that by the end you feel you truly know them.

All I can say is that this book was the first fantasy book I decided to read and now as a result it is all I want to read. Therfore if you haven't read it, read it! - but be warned, it is part of a triology and we are still eagerly awaiting a third book which as of yet has no release date.
I suppose it must be obvious to anyone who reads my reviews that I enjoy Laura Anne Gilman's writing. I've only read every one of her Retrievers series as well as every one of her short stories sold via <a href="">Fictionwise</a>; (including some that I'd already read in various anthologies, but I didn't want to miss anything). I've been waiting anxiously for <i>Hard Magic</i>, the first in the new Paranormal Scene Investigations series, and it did not disappoint me in the least.

If you've read the Retrievers books, you'll recognize the main character, Bonnie Torres, immediately as Wren Valere's neighbor. If you haven't read that series, don't worry - they aren't required to enjoy this book.

I do, however, recommend hunting down the short story "Illumination," which is referred to several times during the novel. It's in the anthology [b:Unusual Suspects: Stories of Mystery & Fantasy|3395318|Unusual Suspects Stories of Mystery & Fantasy|Dana Stabenow||3435306]. It isn't strictly required, but I think it would help.

If you've ever enjoyed CSI or any similar show, I think you'll really enjoy <i>Hard Magic</i> even more than others will. Bonnie and her coworkers are trying to reinvent all of the forensic science that those shows take for granted from scratch, from a magical perspective. It's fascinating to me, and I would have been happier with more geeking.

I'm really looking forward to book two!
Every Falling Star by Sungju Lee, Susan Elizabeth McClellan is the first book I've read about North Korea. The author's voice is genuine and emotional as it relates to the personal story of his adolescent years in North Korea during the 1990's. It is about a young man's awakening from naive child who believes his country is perfectly fine to realizing that not all people are treated equally. This is a memoir. The reader learns what it's truly like to grow up in North Korea

The most fascinating thing about North Korea and this memoir is the way the cult of personality works. It is deeply ingrained that Kim Jong-un is an almost magical being, someone to be revered, a perfect specimen of humanity leading the best country on Earth. It is actually illegal to mishandle any images of the Supreme Leader, never mind speak out against the regime.

Sungju Lee recounts his childhood through the 1990's famine. He begins in Pyongyang, a naive child with blind faith in his leader. This later changes as his family is forced to move to a poorer area of the country where the locals are starving and executions happen regularly. The reader learns about the complete lack of awareness that is characteristic of the more fortunate North Koreans. This is especially children. Their belief is that everyone is provided for and no one goes hungry.

This book is every eye-opening and terrifying.
The Philosopher&#039;s Flight
The Philosopher's Flight
Tom Miller | 2018
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
For anyone who has been suffering withdrawal from the end of a certain magical boy wizard series, The Philosopher's Flight by Tom Miller is the perfect antidote! It's clever, and sharp, but also a quick read based on alternative history where special "powers" can do different things, and one boys journey to"fit in" this world where girls rule! The opposite sexism is interesting (women typically have the most refined powers and go to war, do the dangerous stuff, etc.) and Robert wants to do everything the women do - and we see if he attains that goal, while facing some pretty crazy "roadblocks" along the way.

I love stories that take me away to another place - get me out of reality and imagine what life would be like if things were "different". And this book does just that. It's very clever how it's pretty historically accurate, just with this twist of Sigilry, these signs and symbols drawn to move energy and ultimately produce some sort of effect (hovering/flying, restoring health, moving an object, sending messages). There are great stories of friendship, interesting characters, and stories of love as well. All wrapped up in a creative story of action, adventure and social-awareness.

There are a few "racy" I'd recommend a more mature audience, but its fantastic all-around in general. I'm excited to see if the Philosopher Flies Again! Thanks NetGalley!
Mystic Maples (Deerbourne Inn Series)
Mystic Maples (Deerbourne Inn Series)
Tena Stetler | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mystic Maples (Deerbourne Inn Series) by Tena Stetler
Mystic Maples is the first book by Tena Stetler I have read, although it is part of a larger series, Deerbourne Inn, which involves other authors.

In this, Mercy takes a leave of absence from the shop she co-owns with her sister, after a dramatic few months. She ends up at Deerbourne Inn, but due to a mix-up, she is only there for two weeks, rather than the six months she had intended. Along comes Silvanus to save the day.

This was an easy read that didn't really delve too deeply into any of the 'paranormal' elements. We know Mercy is a Earth/Fire witch, but mainly she grows plants. We know Silvanus is a gypsy/fae, but his gypsy side is stronger. There is a magical, time-travelling vardo that takes them back to right a wrong, but once again, this is skimmed over and done with before you can blink.

For myself, this was a lunch-break book - definitely good enough to whisk me away for an hour, but nothing that stays with me after. If you are looking for a light read, I can definitely recommend this one.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Girl in the Shadows (Cirque American)
Girl in the Shadows (Cirque American)
Gwenda Bond | 2019 | Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Eighteen-year-old Moira Mitchell grew up in the shadows of Vegas's stage lights while her father's career as a magician soared. More than anything, Moira wants to be a magician too, but her father is dead set against her pursuing magic.

When an invitation to join the Cirque American mistakenly falls into Moira's possession, she takes action. Instead of giving the highly coveted invitation to its intended recipient, Raleigh, her father's handsome and worldly former apprentice, Moira takes off to join the Cirque. If she can perform alongside its world-famous acts, she knows she'll be able to convince her dad that magic is her future.

But when Moira arrives, things take on an intensity she can't control as her stage magic suddenly feels like...real magic. To further distract her, Raleigh shows up none too pleased at Moira's presence, all while the Cirque's cocky and intriguing knife thrower, Dez, seems to have it out for her. As tensions mount and Moira's abilities come into question, she must decide what's real and what's an illusion. If she doesn't sort it out in time, she may forever remain a girl in the shadows.

I forgot how much I had enjoyed the first book. So this book was like slipping back into that world. Was lovely to see old characters and meet the new. Also seeing the history and journey of this magical coin. Gwenda Bond brings us magic you could believe existed.

The King of Bones and Ashes (Witches of New Orleans #1)
The King of Bones and Ashes (Witches of New Orleans #1)
J.D. Horn | 2020 | Horror, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
From the bestselling author of the Witching Savannah series comes the first book in a fascinating trilogy following the quest of a young witch to uncover her family’s terrifying secret history…

Magic is seeping out of the world, leaving the witches who’ve relied on it for countless centuries increasingly hopeless. While some see an inevitable end of their era, others are courting madness—willing to sacrifice former allies, friends, and family to retain the power they covet. While the other witches watch their reality unravel, young Alice Marin is using magic’s waning days to delve into the mystery of numerous disappearances in the occult circles of New Orleans. Alice disappeared once, too—caged in an asylum by blood relatives. Recently freed, she fears her family may be more involved with the growing crisis than she ever dared imagine.

Yet the more she seeks the truth about her family’s troubled history, the more she realizes her already-fragile psyche may be at risk. Discovering the cause of the vanishings, though, could be the only way to escape her mother’s reach while determining the future of all witches.

A decent book and a brilliant take on different magical communities in New Orleans. I really enjoyed the 1st book in the Savannah series so thought I'd try this one to. I enjoyed the book although sometimes I found myself a little lost in so much information,but overall I quite enjoyed it! Would recommend especially to those witch loving readers.
Alternate cover edition for ASIN B01N9TCPQX
For all editions see here

Descended from dragons. Condemned to death. Driven underground.

Andie Rogers is no stranger to secrecy. After watching her dragonborn mother get taken away at a young age, she has had to learn to use her sorcery inherited from her father to disguise all trace of her own dragon's blood magic. Now, no longer a child, Andie must attend The University, center of all magic and government in Arvall City, to learn to wield her magic and become a fully-fledged sorcerer.

But Andie has another goal in mind.

Dreams of her tormented ancestors calling out to her have haunted her since she was a child, and Andie knows she must answer their call and discover the truth. But she must do so in the magical capital in the world, surrounded by powerful sorcerers determined to uphold the lie at all cost. If they discover that she carries the blood of the dragonborn, death with be swift and her people will never get a chance at redemption.

Will Andie risk everything to shatter the lies that the world has been fed for so many years? Can she set her people free?

I thought it was brilliant! I love the whole dragon element the story was well written and flowed really well. Strong characters and female lead. Loved the academy and definitely a series I want to see develop!


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