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ClareR (5667 KP) rated The Rain Heron in Books

Aug 23, 2021  
The Rain Heron
The Rain Heron
Robbie Arnott | 2020 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Rain Heron has a dreamlike, fairytale quality to it that I loved. In fact, the first part of the novel is exactly like a fairytale: an unlucky farmer is rewarded by becoming more prosperous, but in remembering the hard times that they had, the farmer shares their wealth. However, a jealous neighbour soon makes their feelings felt, and no one comes out of the situation well.

Further away, near the sea, another mans jealousy of nature has terrible consequences, causing poverty and abandonment of a seaside village.

These threads of story are interwoven with that of a woman who lives alone in the mountains in order to escape the effects of a military coup. But the soldiers come looking for her - and for the Rain Heron.

This is a book about mans need to control nature and their inability to. The more man tries to control it, the more damage is done.

I loved the feel of this novel. It’s a fable of our modern times, about how our actions are having a lasting and devastating effect on our climate and nature.

I would most definitely recommend this book, and Arnott’s previous book as well, Flames, if you haven’t read it. Both are masterpieces in magical realism. Rain Heron is a timely book as we come to realise just what an impact climate change is having on our world, and comes highly recommended from me!
24 of 230
Magical Midlife Dating ( Leveling Up book 2)
By K.F. Breene

She must learn to fly, but can she withstand the allure of the handsome new teacher?

A Wall Street Journal bestseller and Top 3 book in the entire Amazon Kindle store!

The decision has been made. Jessie has taken the magic, and all the weird that goes with it. Including wings.

There's only one problem - she can't figure out how to access them.

Through a series of terrible decisions, Jessie realizes she must ask for help. Gargoyle help.

But she could've never predicted who answers her call - he's an excellent flier, incredibly patient, and a good trainer. He's also incredibly handsome. And interested.

Maybe flying isn't the only thing she needs help with. Maybe she needs help getting back on that saddle, too, emerging into the dating pool.

Except, the new gargoyle is also an alpha, just like Austin, and the town isn't big enough for two.

Turns out, flying is the least of her problems.

I love this series for so many reasons it’s just so funny. Niamh is just hilarious I love her! I love how they call human men and women Dicks and Janes there is just so much to grab onto and each chapter and character brings a smile. It’s so well written I highly recommend it especially if you need a break from those all to serious books.
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
44 of 235
Daughter of Summer ( Immortals 1)
By Victoria A. Williams

Volatile secret powers. An arranged marriage. An Immortal Prince.

For the first time in over a century, Immortal Prince, Dagen, is to take a mortal wife. Both feared and revered across the world, Dagen leaves his home of snow and twilight to retrieve her. But in order to ensure his intended, Eira of Vasaros, does not fear him, he deceives her, pretending to be an emissary.

In a world of rising tensions, Eira knows an arranged marriage will provide a welcome alliance. She willingly accepts her duty but that doesn’t stop her from fearing her future.

Eira is hiding a secret power that she doesn't understand and struggles to control. She is afraid of the emissary who has come to retrieve her, yet finding an attraction that could cause untold turmoil. The closer she gets to him, the stronger her powers become. In a world still distrusting of magic, Eira is desperate to protect herself and does the only thing she can – has the knowledge of her powers bound by a Secret Keeper.

Journey through a world of colourful magical characters, Fae influences, a fearsome warrior race and secret powers.

I quite enjoyed it. It was a fun quick easy read. The only thing holding it back from a 4star was it being very predictable. The characters are likeable the story is interesting and it’s well paced.