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The Dream Weavers
The Dream Weavers
Barbara Erskine | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Dream Weavers is an historical fiction novel, with one foot in Saxon Mercia and the other in modern day Hereford. There’s a touch of the supernatural as well - all the better to see the past with. And I loved reading it.
Simon is writing a book of Anglo-Saxon history, and starts to hear a woman calling a name outside his rented cottage. When he goes out to look, no one is there.
The cottage owner brings in her local spiritual advisor, Bea, who hopes to put the ghost outside to rest. This is only the beginning.
The timelines alternate between King Offa’s daughter, Eadburh, and Bea’s life in Hereford with her husband who is a priest at the cathedral.
I honestly didn’t think I’d enjoy this - but I really did! It uses religion without being overly religious, and the same goes for the more Pagan elements. It was a a really interesting, highly readable book. I haven’t read much about the history around King Offa’s time, so I enjoyed the opportunity to do that. It was a book that was difficult to put down - except that was done for me, as I read a stave a day on The Pigeonhole! It’s a big book, but it really didn’t feel that way. It sent me off on little internet searches as well - namely Anchorites, and what types of dogs Anglo-Saxons kept as pets (and whether they did or not!). I like a book that interests me enough to read around it!
This is definitely one for the historical fiction fans, especially those that like a bit of the magical element as well. I loved reading it!
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole, and to HarperCollins for giving me access via NetGalley for an honest review.
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This started out so well. It was incredibly magical - secret doorways on earth, which took the main character Karou, into a shop where her chimeara 'family' resided. Karou has little knowledge, being human, about her own origins or how she ended up in the care of Brimstone, the shop's custodian. All she knows is that he collects an endless supply of teeth (which she is often sent to pick up from around the world - the shop's doorway acting as a portal that deposits her anywhere on earth). There is a second door within the shop, which Karou is not allowed near and she has no idea what lies beyond it. Messages are sent to her via a crow-like creature. So far, so mysterious. It reminded me a little of Narnia or The Adventures of the Wishing Chair / Magic Faraway Tree. Oh, and if that's not enough - the teeth are used to help grant wishes (ranging from minor to major).

I'm a big fan of dual-world/magic-portal books. However, as the novel went on it became less intriguing. It slips into the sort of insta-love that is ten-a-penny in YA fiction. Also, I just felt that the 'big reveal' of what was behind the second door was a bit of a letdown. And the whole war between angels and chimera felt somehow jarring and unimaginative. I feel mean-spirited saying this, but the dynamic and world-building just didn't capture my imagination. The layering of the back-story also felt a bit forced and I started to find it dull.

I suppose the real test of the first book in a trilogy (as this is) is whether the reader can't wait to pick up the next instalment. Personally, I'm not sure I would bother. A shame, really, as it started out so well.