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Awix (3310 KP) rated The Raven (1963) in Movies

Feb 9, 2018 (Updated Feb 9, 2018)  
The Raven (1963)
The Raven (1963)
1963 | Classics, Comedy, Family
8.2 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Vincent Price Broods Over His Dead Wife's Portrait (Yet Again)
Roger Corman's cycle of Poe-inspired movies goes into full-on comedy mode with this tale of squabbling magicians (played by Vincent Price, Peter Lorre and Boris Karloff). It is, obviously, only very loosely inspired by Poe's poem, but then you can only stretch 108 lines of verse so far.

The fun is in the performances, with the veteran cast members competing to ham it up more extravagantly. Also knocking about the lower reaches of the cast list is Jack Nicholson, really showing not much sign of the talent that would earn him so many Oscar nominations in later years.

Knockabout stuff, but well played and often very funny. Not actually much of a horror movie, though, certainly by modern standards.
The Prestige (2006)
The Prestige (2006)
2006 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Underrated and underseen gem
Along with INSOMNIA, the 2006 film that Nolan directed, THE PRESTIGE is probably one of his least known and least viewed films and that is too bad for it is a wonderful motion picture that proves he is a strong director with a strong vision.

Dubbed "The Warring Magicians" film, THE PRESTIGE stars Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman as two 19th Century Magicians who war with each other. Of course, they started out as partners, but soon became enemies, each trying to out do each other and to discover the other magician's secrets.

Cleverly written by Nolan and his frequent collaborator, his brother Jonathan Nolan - and based on the novel by Christopher Priest, THE PRESTIGE will keep you guessing throughout, trying to figure out "how they did it" and are constantly being surprised by double turns, back stabbing and second guessing.

Bale, by this time in his career, has established himself as a powerful actor - and he shines here. Joining Bale is Nolan regular Michael Caine as the mentor of the two magicians, a young-ish Scarlett Johannsen as a a woman who falls in love with both of them (of course) and Rebecca Hall and Piper Perabo as Bale's and Jackman's wives, respectively. But...the surprise to me in this film when I first saw it - and again when I recently re-viewed it - is the performance of Hugh Jackman. This film shows that Jackman is more than just Wolverine - that dude can act. As a magician, he is showing glimpses of being "THE GREATEST SHOWMAN" (but that is another movie for another day) and more than holds his own against a fierce Bale. Finally...special notice needs to be made to the actor who portrays inventor Nikola Tesla - perfectly cast in this role is Ziggy Stardust himself, David Bowie. It's a shame that Bowie did not act in more films for he captures the screen in the brief appearances he makes in this film.

As for Nolan - he is now coming into his own as a Director. The action is fast paced, the twists and turns are "honestly" played, the composition of the pictures on the screen are interesting and beautiful to look at and I walked away satisfied.

If you haven't seen THE PRESTIGE (or if you haven't seen it in awhile) - check this one out. You'll be glad you did.

Letter Grade: A (and...that's a surprise to me, I figured it would be a B+/A- film)

9 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
The Novice (Black Magician Trilogy, #2)
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Novice is the second book in The Black Magician trilogy and continues the story of Sonea, the slum girl who discovers she has magical powers.

A few months after the first book, Sonea is offically inducted as a novice into the Magician's Guild in Imardin. She is immediately looked down on by her fellow novices and indeed other magicians because of her poor upbringing (magicians always being taken from the families of the rich upper class). One novice in particular will go to any lengths to humiliate her. Meanwhile Sonea is hiding a secret. The High Lord of the Guild is practicing black magic, strictly forbidden. Dannyl is sent on a secret mission by Lorlen to try to discover how the High Lord won these powers and if there is anything that can be done to stop him.

I found this book to be far more satisfying than the first book, The Magician's Guild. I think this is due to two factors. Firstly Canavan's writing is far more confident and assured (not surprising for a second novel). Also the story arc is a lot less predictable and allows for more twists and turns since the end is not inevitable (in the first novel it is clear that Sonea will eventually be joining the guild; it is only the sub-plots that provide suprises).

As a consequence this is an easier read than the first book with plenty of good stories, either Sonea's (mis)adventures in the Guild or Dannyl's voyage of discovery on his travels. The end resolves one of the major plot points, leaving the rest for the third book, The High Lord to investigate.

Canavan touches on various topics during the book, particularly bullying by peers and also some nice observations on repression of homosexuality in the intolerant Imardin society.

It is also welcoming to see more of the land; the first book was bound to the city itself but here through Dannyl we get to see the neighbouring lands and discover some of their peoples and customs, together with a fair amount of hazardous travelling.

The magic system is also key; normally magicians throw around a bewildering array of spells with limitless powers. Clearly this isn't an option in these books and each spell and power Sonea learns is neatly and logically explained and consistant. It really makes a change that the magic spells are treated mechanically rather than as, well, 'magic'.

Definitely a recommended read