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Some scary stuff (0 more)
Short and poor quality writing (0 more)
Not quite but alright
Some people are giving it hell because of a couple of punctuation and grammar mistakes, big deal. My five comes from the shortness and quality of writing compared to others of the same price. However despite that this is still money well spent. You will probably, like me, sit and read this in one sitting. It is short true stories told by police with no frills, just the facts or what they see as the facts. It's a complete thrill ride which will shock you and make you think. Let's hope he brings out another.
The Verdict (1982)
The Verdict (1982)
1982 | Drama

"Once again, another movie that I don’t think people could watch these days because they have to sit too long and listen to people talk. This is a brilliant movie, and Paul Newman, out of everything he ever did, this was his greatest performance. When he got the Academy Award for The Color of Money, I think it was a make-up job [by the Academy]. Jack Warden was terrific in it, as well as James Mason. I hated [James Mason] in that movie more than any character I’ve ever hated as the defense attorney for the Catholic Church. He was really mean–cold, really. All the actors are terrific, too."

The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020)
The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Horror
It has it's funny moments, I'll give the movie that (0 more)
The ending is kind of out of nowhere. This movie definitely didn't have this sequel in mind when they made the first movie. (0 more)
Basically, I feel like this movie falls in to the trap of forced foreshadowing. In that they tried to make it seem like what happened in this sequel was hinted at in the first film, but for me personally, it felt very far fetched. Definitely made for some easy money, but to be fair, most sequels are these days. That being said, I still enjoyed the movie, it just wasn't great.

ClareR (5608 KP) rated The Snakes in Books

Jun 19, 2021  
The Snakes
The Snakes
Sadie Jones | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Firstly, I’d like to make it clear that I really enjoyed The Snakes. A lot.
Secondly, I’m sorry for being so predictable, but I pretty much hated every single character in this novel, apart from Alex and Dan. Bea had moments where I felt that I could like her, but then she just didn’t seem to help herself or anyone else.

So, short summary of the plot: Bea and Dan live in a tiny flat in London and decide to drive through Europe on a shoestring budget, financed by renting their flat out. Their first stop is at Bea’s brothers hotel in Burgundy. Alex runs the hotel, which was bought for him by their ridiculously rich parents. I think they’re hoping that the responsibility will keep him busy and off drugs.

Shortly after Bea and Daniel’s arrival, Bea’s parents turn up, and they realise that the hotel is basically a dump. This is the point at which Dan learns that his in-laws are rich enough to own a private jet, and his and Bea’s financial struggles could easily be solved if they would just take their offered money. But Bea has her reasons and principles. And they’re good ones.

Some pretty awful things happen in this book. It’s a stark example of the “haves” and “have nots”, and how those with money (and I’m talking about Griff here) have no comprehension what living in poverty or with little money is like. I could understand Dan’s wish to take Griff’s money, but at the same time, I could understand Bea’s motivation for NOT taking it.
And the ending is a real kick in the guts, let me tell you!!

This is a firm five star read from me - it’s well worth the read (or the listen, in my case!)

Jonny Pierce recommended Beat Happening by Beat Happening in Music (curated)

Beat Happening by Beat Happening
Beat Happening by Beat Happening
1985 | Indie, Pop, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"That album for me was just…It sounds like they’re – instead of using a drum kit on their songs they will just tap a pencil on a desk into a microphone. That album, for me, also is a testament to great song writing, that you don’t need a lot of production. I think that helps me be relaxed about making an album when I started the Drums. I said to myself, “Look, I have no money. I’m riding my bike 6 miles to work to work at a shitty outlet mall only to ride back and make music.” I couldn’t afford to make a record. Knowing that Beat Happening did that with a pencil and a desk for a drum kit…I have this rule, if the song is good just by whistling it, then you don’t really need a bunch of gear and production. People will connect to the melody, and people will connect to the lyrics. So, Beat Happening was big for me."

The Hawthorne Legacy
The Hawthorne Legacy
Jennifer Lynn Barnes | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Romance, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
After having read the first in this series on The Pigeonhole, I knew I’d have to read the rest (I’m a completionist 🤷🏼‍♀️)!! So I preordered this from the library. It didn’t disappoint, either. Avery is still trying to work out why she has been left the Hawthorne fortune, and someone is still trying to make sure that she doesn’t live to inherit.

The clues come thick and fast, as so the death threats. Avery is still trying to deal with the fact that her father wants to get his hands on the money too, and he will do all that he can to make sure that he gets ‘his share’.

Grayson and Jameson Hawthorne are still being their enigmatic selves, and Avery appears undecided as to which brother she likes best (why choose?!).

By the end of the book, a lot of questions are answered, but there are plenty more that need resolving.

I’ll be very interested to see what happens in the next instalment!

ClareR (5608 KP) rated Highway Blue in Books

Apr 9, 2024  
Highway Blue
Highway Blue
Ailsa McFarlane | 2024 | Contemporary, Crime, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Highway Blue was rich in description, especially for such a relatively short book (192 pages). I could see the story unrolling in my head as I read.

It’s almost a modern day Bonnie and Clyde - except there aren’t multiple deaths or bank robberies! Anne Marie is trying to forget about her estranged husband, Cal, and when he turns up out of nowhere, it comes as a shock. He brings trouble with him, a man ends up dead, and they find themselves on the run. It seemed to me that Anne Marie is in a state of shock throughout this whole novel.

Will they make it to safety before they’re caught? I was hoping that Anne Marie would leave Cal and make her own way. At the beginning he clearly wants money from her to solve whatever problem he has made for himself and is very disappointed when he realises she has nothing.

Despite its darkness, and it was relentless at times, I really enjoyed this.
99 Homes (2015)
99 Homes (2015)
2015 | Drama, Mystery
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: 99 Homes starts with hard working young man Dennis Nash (Garfield) trying to keep his family home from being reclaimed by the bank, but he is unsuccessful as real estate broker Rick Carver (Shannon) evicts him from his home with his mother Lynn (Dern) and son Connor.

Desperate for money Dennis turns to Rick who offers him a job involving his construction skills, with this job Dennis starts to learn the trade rising the ranks to become the very person he despised in Rick when he was losing his home.


Thoughts on 99 Homes


Characters – Dennis Nash is the hard-working construction worker, he works to keep the roof over his family home but when he loses his home he goes to all ends to get a job to regain his home. This means Dennis works for the man who evicts him where he learns the trade to make sure he can his home back become the man he once hated. Rick Carver is a real estate broker, he has been evicting for the bank for years now, he doesn’t believe he is doing anything wrong, but he is following the law. He has made a lot of money in this world and takes Dennis under his wing to follow in his footsteps.


Performances – Andrew Garfield is fantastic in this leading role, this guy is constantly giving us performances that we are left seeing just how talented this guy it. Michael Shannon is the always brilliant star of most movies, he is calm through every single scene which could have himself getting pushed to the limits. Laura Dern is good too in the supporting role as Dennis mother that questions his work.

Story – The story here shows one man’s struggle to keep his family home but needing to turn to the enemy to make the money. We see how far he must go just to make a difference, but can he cope with becoming the man he hates. The story gives us hard to watch scenes as we see people losing their homes showing us a darker side to real estate in America. This is one story that is a good watch, he can be hard at times, but the story is rewarding.

Settings – The settings show us the housing market and how people can be a community when supporting someone’s miss fortune.

Scene of the Movie – Seeing Dennis question his decision.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – We get a lot of law discussion, but a lot can go over your head.

Final Thoughts – This is a powerful drama that shows how difficult life could be for the people who lose their homes to the people looking just to make the money by taking them.


Overall: Strong, powerful drama.

Lindsay (1706 KP) rated Jesusita in Books

Feb 15, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jesusita is collection of stories about immigrants. The author mainly talks about a woman named Jesusita. All the characters mentioned end up with this Jesusita. Padre comes to California to help with the Mexicans and to help with the ministry. It's really a good book. The main story is about a woman and her children. The other stories that Ronald adds in are almost side stories.

Angie learns only one thing while growing up. She only knows how to make money one way. Filipino laborers want this from her. She agrees to do this to survive and to make money. Filipino laborers are not allowed to have any contact with white woman. What ever will happen to Angie and the Filipino men. She does meet a man at the theater at a young age. She does not want to do what her mother did for a living.

Felix is abandoned by his mother and placed in a foster home on an isolated ranch away from his brother. He worries about his little brother. When he a turns eighteen, he will need to learn to survive and can come and go as he pleases. When does he decide to walk to where his brother is staying and come back at night? He does this weekly.

Jesusita has to deal with her children and when she leaves and can not work cleaning offices she gets work though the government as a foster parent. She gets two little girls and a little boy to live with her. She deals with a little girl that seems to make her do strange things.

There is some abuse and sex that goes on throughout the book. I advise parents to only allow their children 15 or older to read this. I will let you decide what you want your children to read.
The Hangover Part II (2011)
The Hangover Part II (2011)
2011 | Comedy
Why was this movie even made? It was just a money grab. The Hangover was hilarious, and they tried to make lightening strike twice. It did not work, at all. For one thing, the facial tattoo on Stu... Why wouldn't Mike Tyson allow it to be an exact copy? It was weird, considering Tyson was in the first one.
The funniest thing that I remember from this movie is when Alan calls Thailand 'Thi-land'. Other than that, blah. Bradley Cooper was nice to look at throughout, which is the only reason I'm rating it as high as I did.
I did not see the third one, and I'm content with never seeing it.