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Caressed by the Edge of Darkness (Rulers of Darkness #5)
Caressed by the Edge of Darkness (Rulers of Darkness #5)
Amanda J. Greene | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Caressed by the Edge of Darkness (Rulers of Darkness #5) by Amanda J. Greene
Caressed by the Edge of Darkness is the fifth book in the Rulers of Darkness series, and it is time for Gabriel's story. He became obsessed by Jordan when he first saw her, and tried to preempt her abduction by Boras. When he failed at that, he was desperate to find her. Now Jordan is not your typical wilting wallflower. She was raised as a hunter and is capable of protecting herself. However, her abductors decide to drug her to keep her pliant, and even she can't fight that.

I love a tortured hero, and you don't get more tortured than Gabriel. Once you read about his past, you understand why he is the way he is. Jordan is his perfect match, if he would just trust himself. These two constantly spark off each other, making this a fun read. It is also sexy, with plenty of steamy times. We also get cameo appearances from Dimitri and Kerstyn, and hints towards Gannon and Silvie.

This book is an amazing read, but the one thing that detracts from it is the editing and grammatical errors. Spelling errors are sprinkled throughout, which is a shame because the story itself is wonderful. I would recommend this book, and series, but only if you can skim over errors without them affecting your enjoyment of the story.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Expeditionary Force: Book 1 - Columbus Day
Expeditionary Force: Book 1 - Columbus Day
Craig Alanson | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Witty narrative of when Earth picked the wrong side of the war to join
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, The Martian by Andy Weir, and the movie Independence Day all have one important aspect in common - humor. Without the levity, all three would be boring and forgotten works left in a drawer somewhere. Reading the humorous description of the first book in Craig Alanson's Expeditionary Force series, Columbus Day, I knew I had to read it and wondered why I had not read it before now.

The Ruhar attacks the world on, you guessed it, Columbus Day. We thought we were saved when the Kristang flew in and attacked the Ruhar. We else were we to do but pick the side of the guys who saved us. As we quickly learn, we made the wrong move.

Having the narrator of The Maritan, R.C. Bray, narrate Columbus Day was a stroke of genius. He again proves he can skillfully deliver snarky, "American" humor while making the end of the world as we know no laughing matter.

To date, there are ten books in the series, but Alanson ended it at a point in the story Columbus Day could work as a stand-alone novel, although readers would be remiss in not continuing,

This 200-word review was published on on 8/10/20.
Feast of Fools (The Morganville Vampires, #4)
Feast of Fools (The Morganville Vampires, #4)
Rachel Caine | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book picks up right where the previous one left off, right in the middle of the action. I love when books do that. I flew through this book as quickly as the previous three, barely taking time to eat or sleep. I would compare the infamous Mr. Bishop to Dracula - minus the romantic leanings. Nothing about him is remotely appealing, and he has no interest in making himself appealing, unlike the other two power players in town, Oliver and Amelie. Lots of subplots are developed, but this one felt like more time could have been devoted to these other elements and lengthened the novel a bit without sacrificing the quality of the text, such as exploring how Claire could wield the power of Glass House, the effect that Michael had on others when he performed, Claire's problem with her professor, or even Claire's parents reaction to the truth about Morganville. It feels as if there are too many characters in the script and not enough pages to give them all adequate time in the spotlight. I find the character of Myrnin even more fascinating in this book - he seems sort of like the dark town jester. I was also disappointed in Claire's lack of interest in her classes, given that she was so happy about her schedule change in the last book. The funeral of Eve's father seemed forced, like it was inserted in the plot as an afterthought, especially since we did not see her mother at the ball at the end of the book, even though it seems logical that Mrs. Rosser would try to use the occasion to make a specticle of herself, not unlike Monica Morrell. Wow, so I had alot of nit-picky things to say about this book, but I still really enjoyed it and I really like this series, especially the character of Claire, who has more courage and daring than anyone in the book. I look forward to the next one, Lord of Misrule.
<a href="">Travelers Wife 4 Life</a>
Nacho’s Nachos … Try saying that without thinking about your favorite version of the dish! As the saying goes all stories usually have some truth to them and the story of the nacho is no different; it is not just a play on words. I honestly never knew how nachos came to be or that there was a story behind them!

     Nacho’s Nachos is a delightfully colorful story filled with imaginative artwork and thoughtful words that lead you to believe you are right there with Nacho on the journey of life discovering how to make people happy and making them the original nacho recipe. (Sandra Nickel thoughtfully included the original recipe in the back of the book). While this book is geared towards a younger audience, I think adults would like it as well because of the fascinating history and the story of the nacho.

     I enjoyed reading this book and learning about the history of nachos and how they came to be. The Afterword was filled with many extra tidbits of history that helped to shape this story more fully in my mind. I loved how thoroughly Sandra Nickel researched Nacho (Ignacio Anaya) and found as close to the original story as possible. It was fun seeing all the history surrounding the invention of the nacho and learning more about Nacho himself as well. Combing the story with the beautiful artwork I can honestly say that this is one of my all-around favorite children’s books I have ever read. Sandra Nickel and Oliver Dominguez brought to life this remarkable story of how Nacho’s nachos came to be!

I highly recommend this book as it was packed full of interesting history and vivid artwork that made me smile the whole way through. 5 out of 5 stars. Now to go make some nachos…

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Here we are into the third entry into the Bewitching Mystery series. So what's Maggie into this time? The murder of an Amish ladies' man, one who's married and has young kids, at that. She also has struggles with her love life and is overcoming her fear of the "unknown" and becoming more adept at using her gift.

<u><b>May contain minor spoilers of previous books.</b></u>

A few times throughout this short book (246 pages), I felt like throwing in the towel. After reading the first book, I really felt this was a series for me. One that I connected with and would be able to read book after book. Sadly it has not panned out this way. Mostly because of the main character, Maggie O'Neill, who I really liked in the first book. While there's nothing inherently wrong with her, I cannot relate to her and I don't like her too much either. She's rather a dull fish. Also, some of her thoughts feel forced, especially the "humorous" kind, which might be a big part of why I'm not liking her anymore. Well, whatever it is exactly, she's just not quite working for me. Though now that she's using her gift more, this may liven her up in the future, I don't know. The other thing is her presumptions, or rather the one presumption about the "relationship" between Marcus and Liss she's had since the first book. Where she ever got that idea in her head, I haven't a clue, but at least it was resolved by the end of this book. On the up side, she wasn't as dumb as in the previous book, [b:A Charmed Death|512386|A Charmed Death (A Bewitching Mystery, #2)|Madelyn Alt||1182867]. All the other characters in the series I like and feel really add to the series, with maybe the exception of Tom, who is very closed-minded and basically just irritates me as a modern woman. I suppose a character who is that way is needed, and he is making some strides in opening his mind to new and frightening (to him) things, but I don't get Maggie's attraction to him; it just has not come across in the three books I've read. As for Maggie's other love interest, Marcus, while he's definitely way (way, way, way, way, <u>way</u>) more interesting than Tom, and I'm going to flip this, but I totally don't understand Marcus's interest in Maggie. I cannot think of anything that would intrigue him about her. I honestly can't, other than she's nice. A nice, boring, girl-next-door-type. Well, I guess that's something. So, the mystery.... Surprisingly, it seemed very minimal in this installment and the baddie very easy to figure out since there wasn't many, or any, other suspects. Still, it was tied up pretty neatly and made some sort of sense.

At the beginning of every book there is enough of a recap of characters and what's been going on so each book in the series can easily be read by itself, and not necessarily in order. While that is nice for a new reader or one who has gone a long time inbetween books, it makes for a repetitive nature if read too closely together, so I think it'll be a while before I pick up the next entry.
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

What if scientists have been wrong about the way the human body works? What if there are thousands of tiny creatures controlling each and every organ, making sure everything in the body is in working order? This is the idea that Mark Murphy has based his books upon. These creatures are called min and not only do they help the body to function; they have their own lives to deal with as well.

<i>Minology II: The Disquisitive Saga of Filbert Monkston</i> is the second of the <i>Minology stories</i>. Filbert is a seventeen-year-old min who has grown up in the Gutlands as part of the Kushnick tribe. However he is beginning to question their religion. Why do they have these beliefs? Why do they sacrifice food? An argument with his father sparks off a series of events that cause trouble for many min.

After storming off, Filbert and his friend Gordon come into contact with a strange group of travellers. Not realizing how dangerous they are, Filbert and Gordon get drawn into a trap. Baron Floppy, Filbert’s father, on the other hand, regrets the outburst at his son and is extremely worried when he never returns home. Along with a search party he goes out to find his son. As the story leads up to reuniting the father and son an old mystery is uncovered and finally solved after many years of it being left unanswered.

As with the first <i>Minology</i> book, this is a lighthearted read containing a lot of humour. Many of the min are not the most intelligent of creatures resulting in rather a lot of misunderstandings which can be particularly amusing. The storyline itself can be quite gripping as the mystery unravels.

Although <i>Minology II</i> does not exactly follow on from the previous novel, it would be handy to read the books in order as the first story provides more information about who the min are and a little about the body they are inhabiting.

Overall, <i>Minology II</i> is a good short read, however could have done with another proof read before publication. It is a shame that the writer cannot tell the difference between the words ‘were’ and ‘where’!
The Darkest Torment (Lords of the Underworld #12)
The Darkest Torment (Lords of the Underworld #12)
Gena Showalter | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wasn't expecting Baden's story to be next. I assumed it would be William, the Ever Randy, or Cameo with Lazarus since both of their stories have been progressing in the background of previous books. So I'll admit my interest wasn't all that captured by his story. I started this some time in June and picked it back up after a lengthy break in September.

If I remember correctly this starts with Baden in a bad mood, not knowing how to cope with the new beats inside him and needing a way to relax so William hires some female company for the night. Only they are assassins sent to kill him and he finds himself in the middle of a war between Lucifer and Hades. As one of Hades' assassins, thanks to the wreaths, he now finds himself - along with Pandora - on missions to earn points to see which of them will be given their life back. One mission takes him back to Budapest and straight into the middle of a wedding ceremony between his target and Katarina, who is being forced into the marriage to save her loved ones.

As mentioned above, I wasn't really craving this book when I realised it was Baden's story and not one of the others but after the month break reading other things, I have to say that I quickly got sucked back into the story. I grew to like Baden a lot. He got good at dealing with all the crap that Hades threw at and asked of him. Katarina was a little harder for me to like. She did kind of treat him like she would her dogs but I do get that the beast that occasionally took over Baden was rather animal like.

I loved seeing this group of friends and warriors again. They're an eclectic bunch but will protect each other to their deaths.

This one has set us up for Gilly and Puck's story - a way out of left field decision from the author after making us want Gilly and William for the past ten books or so. And also Cameo and Lazarus which has been brewing since the previous book - and coincidentally the next in the series.

P.S. I loved the reference to Immortals After Dark by Kresley Cole. Keeley, I love that series, too!