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Strays (Werewolf Academy #1)
Strays (Werewolf Academy #1)
Cheree Alsop | 2014 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strays is the first book in the Werewolf Academy series and is a spin-off from the Silver series. As you may know if you follow my reviews, that last book about killed me and was the very thing that set me onto this series. This one focuses on Alex and Cassie, Jet's younger twin siblings.

In the Academy, you are not split into years. You are split into Packs but for one year only. Alex and Cassie are usually one of the last to be picked so it comes as a huge surprise when one of the newcomers picks Alex to be his Second. Usually the Packs stay divided between Lifers and Termers but Alex shakes things up by giving Jericho names of both, in the hope of making a strong, all-rounded Pack.

I love Cheree Alsop's worlds. I really do! This one drew me in just as much as Silver did. It was great to see Jaze and the others that bit older. I'm still not keen on Chet but he does provide a great counter-balance to Dray. With excitements, hormones, hunts, training, this is a fast-paced book that still managed to have me in tears!

Seriously, this is an amazing start to the series with a new cast of brilliant characters, supported by old characters that I adore. I can't wait to continue and have no hesitation in recommending this book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Our Endless Numbered Days
Our Endless Numbered Days
Claire Fuller | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't like unreliable narrators. I didn't realize, at first, that Peggy was one. Even though she mentions at the start of the book that a doctor said she had Korsakoff's syndrome - meaning malnutrition has messed with her memories - I assumed that it was just because her experiences were so unbelievable that the doctor thought she'd made things up. I also don't like unreliable narrators because the author obviously knows what truly happened. Leaving the reader in the dark about it seems rude.

Peggy's narration does seem childlike, often. While at the beginning of the book, that can be excused because she is eight years old, by the end she is seventeen, yet still talking about things with a child's understanding. I thought that was the effect of Korsakoff's syndrome, not that she was entirely making some things up.

In our endless numbered days, Peggy is effectively kidnapped by her father when she is eight, and taken to some place deep in the German forest. She spends the next nine years alone in the forest with him, trapping squirrels, gathering roots and berries, and growing simple crops in a small vegetable patch. He tells her, repeatedly, making her repeat it back to him, that the rest of the world was destroyed in a massive storm. They are the last two people alive in their small, sheltered valley. She doesn't question it until she sees a man in their forest, and that eventually leads her to find civilization again. The book is told in two timelines, flashing back and forth from her memories of her time in the forest, and the present where she's attempting to re-acclimate to London.

I'm not really sure what to believe; Peggy's memory or what her mother thinks happened. There are just enough oddities to make either story plausible. I think I prefer Peggy's version. But that's the trouble with unreliable narrators; there's no way to actually know. I don't like ending a book frustrated. Books should make you feel things, yes, but frustration is an odd emotion to aim for.

This book is odd.

You can find all my reviews at
Shelter in Place
Shelter in Place
Nora Roberts | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance, Thriller
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I bought two chucky paperbacks by Nora Roberts at the same time a few months ago, this and Come Sundown.

This one starts with Simone and her two friends going to the cinema to watch a film together. Simone goes to the toilet and minutes later hears screams and gunshots coming from the room she'd just left. She phones the police as three people go through the mall, killing as many people as they can. Simultaneously, Reed is working at one of the restaurants in the mall and as the shooters begin their killing spree he comes to the rescue of a little boy who's crying for his mum and keeps him safe until the cops arrive and take out the shooters.
Fast forward several years and survivors of the attack start to be killed off one by one and it seems Simone and Reed are on the killers list

I will start by saying that romantic suspense's are not my favourite genre. It has taken me about a month and a half to finish this. The romance definitely felt like an afterthought since it only kicked in about the half way point by which point I was just reading to see them take down the bad guy - whose POV we saw regularly throughout - and whose comeuppance felt like a bit of a disappointment. It all happened within about five pages from them making themselves known to Simone to them being incapacitated.

It's a 500+ page book! The first half was the two main survivors growing up and finding their calling in life - and I was rather bored, hence it taking me over a month to read! - the second half was a really played down romance while the killer made her way through the rest of the survivors on her meandering journey to them on Tranquillity Island.

I normally really enjoy reading Nora Roberts' books but I think I'll stick to her traditional romances and away from romantic suspense's in the future. Come Sundown and this one will be making there way to a charity shop for others to enjoy.
The Wild Storm, Vol. 2
The Wild Storm, Vol. 2
Warren Ellis | 2018 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Crime, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am old enough to remember when Jean Grey became Dark Phoenix. I am also old enough to remember reading all the Image Comics titles in the 90's, because they were cool! Not all of them (*cough* Rob Liefeld's YOUNGBLOOD and assorted other titles he helmed) were good, but some, like WILDC.A.T.s and WETWORKS, were a little cooler and better other than the aforementioned titles. Those "cooler" books split off and became a separate publishing imprint, Wildstorm. Unfortunately, some things, not unlike THE A-TEAM or THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO, don't hold up as well, but they will always hold a "special spot" in our nerdy, li'l hearts!

In the late 90's, a writer came onboard looking to revamp one of the so-so books, STORMWATCH. That writer was Warren Ellis, and the series that spun out of the revamped STORMWATCH was THE AUTHORITY. With that book, Ellis made one hell of an impression with a lot of people, myself included, earning him, and THE AUTHORITY, a very high spot on the Nerd Chart.

I skipped out when, in 2017 (I think), DC Comics absorbed the Wildstorm characters/books, making them "exist" in the same comics universe as Superman and Batman!

Jump ahead to 2018. Warren Ellis approaches DC, offering THE WILD STORM, a massive (24 issues!) reboot of the Wildstorm universe. They greenlight it. And, what a ride!

Forget everything about the 90s WILDC.A.T.s, Grifter, even THE AUTHORITY. This is a blank slate, with so much potential!

Volume 2, reprinting issues 7-12, is just.. words elude me. It's not mind-numbing like a lot of what Marvel and DC are churning out of late, but it certainly makes my brain itch. Watching familiar faces being reworked and presented in a totally different way is fun and interesting at the same time. It's also equally entertaining to see equally familiar plots and sub-plots taken apart and put back together in an uniquely satisfying way.

The series is not TOO wordy, yet wordy enough that the story gives us much to chew on and reflect long after this volume, or any of the individual issues themselves, are read. My hat goes off to Warren Ellis, for he has clear outdone himself, something I did not think could be done!

However, as much as I was taken in by Ellis' writing, it is also worth noting Jon Davis-Hunt's art. At times, he reminded me of Keith Giffen's LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES work (back when Tom and Mary Bierbaum were writing it), simple, at first viewing, but further study shows so much more in each panel. I felt his art suits the angle that Ellis is shooting for, and for that, I am glad that he seems to be invested in the art until the 24th, and final, issue of the series is completed.

Look, plain and simple. Go read Volume, because you will most certainly want to read this volume, and then, Volume 3, when it comes out in March. This is a smart series, and if you are old enough to remember the 90s Wildstorm characters (like me), you'll be sorry if you don't check it out! 'Nuff said!
Fetching (Unleashed Romance #1)
Fetching (Unleashed Romance #1)
Kylie Gilmore | 2021 | Humor & Comedy, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
There is steam a-plenty, but not ever so explicit
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

The man drove her nuts, making negative comments about her business! But Lord he was preety to look at. Wyatt has an opinion about everything, and it riles Sydney up no end. When Sydney finds out why he was sent to help, she ain't happy, not at all. She can't mis business and pleasure, can she?

I enjoyed this, a lot. I didn't love it though and I'll tell you why shortly.

I loved Sydney, I really did. She won't let Wyatt help, because it's HER business, it belongs to her family. She knows she needs help, she just doesn't want Wyatt's.

Wyatt is a bit more difficult to like, especially until we get his say. He really does rile Sydney up, and at points he riles ME up, but once we get into his head, his motivation becomes clear: Sydney could well be the one for him to fix the heart that was broken 3 years ago.

There is steam a-plenty, but not ever so explicit. As much as I enjoy the down and oh-so-dirty books, sometimes, it's not needed.

You can see what's gonna happen when Sydney finds out what Wyatt does like a train wreck you can't stop, but I do like that.

Why not loved it? Simple. First person. Present tense. AND multi point of view. Quite possibly my trifecta of hell BUT I am trying to give books written as such a chance, and I'm glad I did with this one.

A thoroughly enjoyable read.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**