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Whew... what a way to end a series. But that is what I love about Susan May Warren's books. They engage you fully, from your thoughts down to your actions. You can be consumed by her writing.
    As this series comes to a close, Susan May Warren chooses to awash us in a battery of action-packed pages, faith-filled moments, and the promise of a second chance. I have personally been looking forward to Ham’s story from day one; I mean who wouldn’t be curious about a guy willing to go over a cliff for his friend? Well, Susan May Warren leads us on a merry chase to learn Ham’s story and she introduced us to Ham’s Wife and Daughter as well. The characters were well done, I loved their interactions with each other and the somewhat over the top action on every page. While this story was not how I picture Ham’s story taking us it was interesting and a conclusion for the ages. I am truly sad to see this series end, but I am looking forward to the next book Susan May Warren writes.
I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the action-packed moments, the theme of second chances, and for making me want more! I do wish that there had been less going on in the story and that we could have seen more of the main story. But overall, it was good, just left me with more questions!
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
The Falcon Always Wings Twice
The Falcon Always Wings Twice
Donna Andrews | 2020 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Game’s Afoot!
Meg Langslow is spending the summer at her grandmother’s craft center helping with the Renaissance Faire Cordelia is hosting on weekends as Cordelia’s second in command as well as doing blacksmithing demonstrations. Her husband, Michael, is in charge of the actors in “The Game,” which is the code for the improvised scenes he and the rest are doing during the day about who will inherit a fictional kingdom. They are mostly having fun with it, but Terence, one of the other actors, is making life difficult for everyone. Meg isn’t super surprised when he is found dead one morning, but as she goes about her day, she keeps picking up information related to the murder. Will she solve it?

This entry is the series at the top of its game. The murder may take place a little later than some books, but the time is well spent setting up the suspects and motives. I was hooked before the body dropped and happily followed the investigation after it happened. Everything is wrapped up in a climax that has us on the edge of our seats and makes us laugh. The characters are at their most charming – funny without being annoying. I laughed many times as the pages flew by. All the characters are great, and I found myself tearing up at some of the development we got thanks to some strong sub-plots. Since Meg is a blacksmith (not that we see her doing it much in the series), I’m surprised we haven’t been to a Renaissance Fair with her before, but this entry was well worth the wait.
Anonymous Alpha (Bangers & Mash #7)
Anonymous Alpha (Bangers & Mash #7)
M.M. Farmer | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
ANONYMOUS ALPHA is the seventh book in the Bangers & Mash series although I didn't know this when I started reading it. It can absolutely be read as a standalone although I am now curious as to the other couples, some of which I think we met in here.

Anyway, this is Sable and Evan's story. Sable is an Alpha who can be contracted to help with an Omega's heat - all above board, nothing to worry about. Evan is an Omega nearing his heat who hires Sable. He is a pop star nearing the end of his contract with his label and his manager. The manager wants to stick around and isn't afraid of using threats to try and get his own way. Seeing where things are going??

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Yes, it was obvious who it was, and obvious where the help was going to come from, but, you know what? None of that spoilt the story! It was steamy and sensual, with Sable giving Evan both freedom to be who he needed to be and the support he wanted. The steamy scenes nearly set fire to my Kindle, so fair warning!

It was smoothly written and character led making this a brilliant story. I'm definitely interested in the next book in the series, but I'm also very interested in the ones that have come before. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 19, 2023
Her Avenging Angel (Her Angel: Eternal Warriors #4)
Her Avenging Angel (Her Angel: Eternal Warriors #4)
Felicity Heaton | 2014 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nevar has been through hell, quite literally. He has spent what seems like an endless amount of time trying to find ways in which to defeat his master, Asmodeus. He made a mistake though when he tried to exploit Liora as Asmodeus' weakness and ended up nearly killing her. This in turn leads to a series of events which sees him on guard duty, bored and hungry. So he decides to create a portal which takes him to Cloud 9 so that he can eat and drink. While he is there, a dark-haired beauty catches his attention, along with every other male there. Unfortunately, whilst she can understand most languages, she can only speak in one and no else seems able to. Apart from Nevar that is, and Asmodeus when he turns up looking for Nevar.

This story is about growth, friendship and personal responsibility inasmuch as it is a love story. All our males grow upon finding their female and none so much as Nevar. He has quite the learning curve to go through but with Lysia by his side, he is convinced that he can do it. Of course, their path doesn't run smoothly but Nevar finds a family that he never before acknowledged, prepared to help him and fight beside him.

All of our favourites are still here and still as brilliant as ever. Asmodeus and Veiron remain my favourites, especially in one of the last scenes where they are making fun of Nevar (but I won't say more than that so that I don't spoil anything!)

There are some interesting leads made in this story which makes me believe that the following stories in this series will continue with the smexiness, action and humour that makes them so enjoyable. Definitely recommended for all fans of PR.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
July 26, 2016
Stronger Than Hope (Chesapeake Days #1)
Stronger Than Hope (Chesapeake Days #1)
Katherine McIntyre | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
so much with the warm and fuzzies!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I have to say, I think that Ms McIntyre's MM books are coming on in leaps and bounds! They've all been good but they get better and better!

I try really hard NOT to read other people's reviews before I read a book: I got burned once and will never do it again. I will, however, read them before I write mine. Mostly to see if what they thought and if I thought the same. The general consensus for this book is this:

It's a really sweet book, with most wanting to punch Linc in the face a time or two. And I have to say, I feel exactly the same!

Linc is self-sabotaging his life. He loved his wife, he really did, but dealing with a 6-year-old, his job and his grief is pulling him under. He's a bad bet in anyone's book, he thinks. Nate, on the other hand, thinks he's no good cos he won't settle. But he WANTS to settle, just not for the sake of it, you know? They really are polar opposites, but so well suited!

Linc grew on me, though, and I really did wanna wrap him up in cotton wool a time or two! He needed a hug!

The book deals with grief, Linc lost his wife in child birth. It is handled sensitively, making the point that there is no time line for your grief, it's up to you when you want to move on. Living in a small town is difficult at the best of times, but in this matter? making Linc want to run away. And it's that fact the most that he should have conveyed to Nate, once they decided they were a thing. That he wanted to run, but NOT from Nate.

It's an emotional read, a steamy read and a well-handled difficult read. It's full of the warm and fuzzies and is too stinking cute and I loved it!

Linc's friends, Nico and Jer, need a story, please, Ms McIntyre! I'll grovel if need be!

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Three Daughters of Eve
Three Daughters of Eve
Elif Shafak | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The three main characters (and their differences) (0 more)
Bits didn't quite add up (0 more)
Powerful, thought-provoking story
I was really happy to receive Three Daughters of Eve on Netgalley, as I'd recently read an interview with the author and thought the book sounded fascinating.

It certainly lived up to expectations. The book is set both in the past and the present, focusing on Peri as a student in Oxford, and as a wealthy wife (14 years later) in Istanbul. It starts with something of a red herring, focusing on Peri's attack (and almost rape) by a beggar, then develops into an exploration of her past, as a Turkish Muslim at Oxford University.

She's flanked by Shirin, a non-believer, and Mona, a devout Muslim - making them 'the sinner, the believer and the confused'. They're united by a man called Professor Azur, who has a major influence in their lives, both positive and negative.

The book is an intriguing exploration into religion, belief and culture-clash - and in particular, the scenes detailing Peri's past, with a non-believing father and a devout mother, worked particularly well. A few moments jarred slightly - for example, the sudden revelation about the twin brother towards the end, and the abrupt shift in perspective from Peri to Professor Azur (again, towards the end), but for the most part, this book was masterfully executed and beautifully sustained throughout.

I think Shafak has a strong, resonant style, combined with a philosophical approach - which works really well. I'd definitely like to read more of her books
<p style="text-align: center;"><img class=" wp-image-15770 aligncenter" src=""; alt="" width="498" height="176" />It was so good to get back to a Kathleen Fuller novel. I haven't read one in a bit, and this was a refreshing jump back to her work. This is the first in a what's sure to be a wonderful series, and every minute of this book had me hooked.

From the start, I loved Ruby's character. I saw a lot of myself in her, and I really felt connected with her. Watching her, following her story, seeing how hard she tries to do good, but something always fails, it all really had me turning the pages long into the night.

When Christian enters the picture, the story just gets that much better! The quirks of the story really shine through him, making this a story that had me laughing out loud, cheering for him and Ruby and praying that they get what they want.

This book is definitely a 4 star book. If you want a quick, fast paced read and one that will instantly hook you, look no further. Ms. Fuller's books are filled with hope, laughter, beautifully chiseled characters and a tender message that will leave you wanting more. I can't wait to see the next book in the series! Well done, Ms. Fuller! Well done!</p>

I received a complimentary copy of this book from The Fiction Guild and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.
Version Control
Version Control
Dexter Palmer | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a completely unique take on the genre. Rather than focusing on the characters you would expect to focus on [a:Dexter Palmer|3039800|Dexter Palmer|] focuses on those around them. It's a much better way to tell the story that he was telling through this book. It was a very engaging and fun take on a "what if?" time travel story.

I really appreciated his approach to time travel. It removes the need for loopholes and I can see why [a:Elan Mastai|14587932|Elan Mastai|] stated that [a:Dexter Palmer|3039800|Dexter Palmer|] was one of his favorites, it does inspire his book [b:All Our Wrong Todays|30255743|All Our Wrong Todays|Elan Mastai||47452430] in the removal of the loopholes that come with time travel paradoxes. It is something that I was also going to include in my book, and I liked the thought process that engaged with this.

It was a fantastic story of dealing with grief and regret. The story is much more about the relationships then the actual time travel sci-fi. I loved his not making a big deal about the McGuffins and instead tells the story he wants to tell. I loved his style and story telling method. Even in the dull bits, I was engaged and wanting to know every detail of the world he created.
Sweat Connection (Hot Under the Collar #1)
Sweat Connection (Hot Under the Collar #1)
Katherine McIntyre | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quite possibly McIntyre's best work to date!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I'm not rehashing the blurb, and I'm not telling you the story, I'ma just gonna jump straight in!


It's so well written, from both Rhys and Cole's POV, in the first person, each chapter headers the change.

It's steamy and smexy (sooooooooooooooooooo smexy!) It's deeply emotional, for both Rhys and Cole and that surprised me, don't ask me why, cos I've no freaking idea! I just expected this to be a light and fluffy book. And it is, but with a heavy side of emotions.

It's sweet and cute, it's so freaking cute. Full of the warm and fuzzies that low/no angst books carry. Full of emotion and love.

Rhys is in a dark place when he comes into contact with Cole, and after that, it's just two guys falling in love! Throw in McIntyre's skill with found families, and extended families, and a 2 yr old called Sammy and you've got, for me, possibly McIntyre's best work yet!

AND this is the first in a new series and I cannot wait for the next one!

I'm making this a relatively short review, I might start ranting and raving, and if I allow myself free reign, you could end up with a 10,000 word review!

I'm putting this on my Masterpiece shelf! I abso-freaking-lutely loved this book and I can't see why anyone wouldn't.

5 full and shiny stars.

*same worded review will appear elsewhere