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Offered to the Cyborg (Cy-Con #2)
Offered to the Cyborg (Cy-Con #2)
Jessica Coulter Smith | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Offered to the Cyborg (Cy-Con #2) by Jessica Coulter Smith
Offered to the Cyborg is the second book in the Cy-Con series, but can be read as a standalone. Shaylee was kidnapped from Earth, and has been used and passed around as a slave since then. Although she has had children, she has never found pleasure in the making of them, due to the pain and humiliation she has endured. So when Wrylack enters the medbay where she is being held, she really has no idea of what is going to happen next as he treats her in a way she is totally unused to.

This is a fast-paced story that will draw you in and leave you wanting that HEA for Shaylee, Wrylack, and Shaylee's babies. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and the scenes flowed from one to the next. The characters were enjoyable and complemented each other. This is the first book in this series I have read, but I am intrigued now about other stories featuring other characters that I haven't read yet. Norvak definitely needs his own story!

For a quick and enjoyable Sci-Fi steamy read, I can definitely recommend this one.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Party of Two (The Wedding Date #5)
Party of Two (The Wedding Date #5)
Jasmine Guillory | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Humor & Comedy, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An absolutely charming romance with lots of cake!
This is the sixteenth book in my #atozchallenge! I'm challenging myself to read a book from my shelves that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Let's clear those shelves and delve into that backlist!

When Olivia Monroe randomly chats with a handsome stranger at a hotel bar, she has no idea that they will wind up making a lasting connection. After her chance encounter, she learns that man was no other than Max Powell, a hotshot junior senator from California, where Olivia has just moved to start her own law firm. Olivia is focused on her firm--and she has no desire to date someone well-known--but when she and Max meet again, and he then sends her a cake, she can't help but be charmed. She finds she really likes Max, but not the scrutiny that comes with dating a high-profile figure. Olivia knows she and Max have something special, but is it worth all the other stuff?

This was my first book by Jasmine Guillory, but it will certainly not be my last. I found PARTY to be completely charming. I had no idea it was the fifth book in a series, and I'll definitely be going back and catching up on the previous books. That being said, this one seems to stand-alone.

PARTY is one of those romance books that just sweeps you off your feet from the beginning. It's incredibly fun and sexy and made me smile while reading it. Oh how I needed a book that made me smile. Olivia is smart and easy to identify with: I have a soft spot for skeptical workaholics. She also loves cake, and there are so many references to baked goods in this book. I was truly in heaven! (And hungry.) Max is handsome and a bit too perfect, but, yes, you learn, he too has flaws. And honestly, I was quite protective of my Olivia, so I only wanted the best for her anyway.

So sure, maybe this is a little predictable, but who cares, because it's so fun, and it made me laugh and tear up. Our couple is adorable, and the supporting cast is excellent (and, as far as I can tell, links to other books). I liked the references to politics and adored any and all mention of sweets. The book also touches on racism and the issues plaguing working women, so it's not just fluff. Overall, I loved basically every moment, and I can't wait to read the copy of THE WEDDING DATE I immediately bought upon finishing this book. 4.5 stars.
    Ikiru - Lists & Reminders

    Ikiru - Lists & Reminders

    Productivity and Lifestyle

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    Ikiru is a simple but powerful app for making lists, keeping notes and setting reminders. It aims to...

How to Draw Anything
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Author/artist Mark Linley believes that anyone can learn to draw and inspires everyone to pick up a pencil and create a work of art. Unlike many ‘how to draw’ books – those that provide step by step visual aids but no further insight – Linley goes into a lot more written detail.

First of all an artist needs to be able to look properly. Without studying the subject or object properly, no one would be able to produce an accurate sketch. Starting with landscapes, Linley tells the reader how to and what to look for when beginning a drawing in order to get a basic outline. It is only after this is down on paper that specific details can be added.

Linley explains various methods of shading and line marks to give a suggestion of perspective, and emphasises that an illustration does not need to be 100% accurate – that is what cameras are for. After landscapes, Linley takes the reader/future artist through plants, animals, people and cartoons in a similar manner.

Each chapter provides the reader with a few assignments to undertake based on what they have read, or the example illustrations. Many of these tasks are to copy Linley’s own examples, however he stresses that the outcome does not need to – or rather should not – look exactly like his. Each artist needs to develop their own style.

I found <i>How To Draw Anything</i> a lot more useful than the ever popular step-by-step guides that most people gravitate to. In those types of books we are NOT taught to draw, we are taught to copy. You may be able to accurately draw the same cat as the artist/author of the book, but you would not know where to start when face with a real life cat. Linley tells us what to look out for and where to start in these situations – you feel like you are actually learning something.

Mark Linley comes across as a humorous individual – his writing is full of puns and quips, intending to make the reader smile or laugh out loud, thus making them feel more relaxed about the subject. Linley does not only attempt to teach people how to draw, he tries to make each of us feel more comfortable about our abilities and encourages us to keep on trying.

Before reading this book I had already begun developing my own illustration style, however I gave a few of Linley’s assignments a try (see <a href="">here</a>;). I am pleased with my outcomes and feel inspired to try more landscape drawings in the future.
Scarlet&#039;s Escape (The Sanctum Series #2)
Scarlet's Escape (The Sanctum Series #2)
Katrina Cope | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoyed reading Jayden and the Mysterious Mountain, the first book in the Sanctum series (see review posted here) so was very much looking forward to reading the sequel. This task was made much harder by my 9 year old son demanding to read it first, then him re-reading Jayden and then Scarlet's Escape again.

When I finally got hold of the book I was not disappointed. It was only when I started to read this that I realised exactly what these books are - they are techno thrillers for younger readers. Tom Clancy for pre teens if you will. You do need to suspend belief - but no more than in any other techno thriller.

After the excitement of the last book, things have settled down in the Sanctum with Jayden and his friends Eva, Robert and Aaron forming a formidable infiltration and hacking team, using 'surrogates' and virtual reality to thwart terrorist activity. However the Santum's super computer Scarlet is behaving a little oddly, and missions have started going badly wrong. Are these linked and what can the friends do?

Meanwhile in Ernest College, Liam and friends stumble upon a secret (with a lot of help from their friend Brendan, who is in reality a surrogate controlled by Aaron in the Sanctum). What does it mean and which side is the College on?

The writing in the second book is tauter and crisper, helped by not having to explain every detail of the Sanctum, and also that although Jayden is still the primary narrative focus his friends get to do more than just follow his lead. Swapping between the Sanctum and the college, progressing each story a little from the very start also keeps the tension high as one or other group is always facing some sort of dilemma or decision. Cope has also been freed from the constraint of making this a stand alone book - there are plenty of loose ends to tie up at the end promising more great adventures to come. There are also plenty of red herrings and false trails to keep the reader guessing about who - or what - is responsible.

As in the first book there are plenty of positive role models and life lessons for the young reader. The episode with the chillies is an absolute hoot but there are serious issues dealt with too - bullying and guilt from a failed mission in particular.

Very much a recommended book for those still a little too young for 'young adult' fiction but who have grown out of books such as the Famous Five but still have a taste for adventure with a technological twist and a strong moral center. Overall another excellent book from Katrina Cope, very much looking forward to the next one (as is my son)
IA: Union (IA #3)
IA: Union (IA #3)
John Darryl Winston | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
With great power comes great responsibility. That's particularly true of Naz, a boy who has been given amazing mental and physical abilities thanks the the unorthodox, controversial and groundbreaking training given by his genius father.

Initially keen to use his powers to find and punish those responsible for his sister's death, he soon doubts both his motives and abilities. Together with his best friend Harvis they plot to be removed from the prestigious International Academy and return to their former friends - and enemies - at Union High School in the Exclave.

Things start to settle down for both of them and Naz is able to rekindle his relationship with the equally mysterious D, but just as daily life starts to get comfortable, his world is turned upside down, his abilities making him, and those around him, the subject of unwanted attention. Despite his reluctance he must face danger and use his powers to save them.

There are so many good things about not only this third instalment of the IA series but the series as a whole. The first is Naz, a very well developed character who is believable despite his incredible powers. His very human self-doubt and reluctance to be anything other than just one of the crowd make him a very interesting hero. In this book in particular it is up to others like Harvis or D to actually persuade him that he needs to do the right thing and help him along.

The school setting is also a very big plus, with all of the good and bad parts of school life present. The first half of the book spends time building up the description of Union as well as showing at, at the end of the day, Naz is just a teenage boy with all of the troubles and insecurities that can bring.

What is impressive is that even here in the third book both the reader and Naz are still discovering exactly what his abilities and past mean. Like a carefully constructed onion each book has removed layer after layer, revealing conspiracies and conflicting motives of those around Naz.

Each book goes from strength to strength (as does Naz). There really aren't many 'young adult' books that engage and involve as well as the IA series. It is something very special indeed.
Star Trek (2009)
Star Trek (2009)
2009 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
As Leonard Nimoy says on the “making of” featurette, few directors can successfully deliver both ‘action’ and ’emotion’ in the same film, but J.J. Abrams can do. You can tell that he loved the original series, and adds both energy and ‘fan-friendly’ easter eggs into the movie:

We saw Kirk’s death in “Generations” – here we see his birth, with a pre-Thor Chris Hemsworth as his heroic Dad!;
The nasty Ceti Eel creatures are back from “The Wrath of Khan”!;
We see the historic event of Kirk beating the Kobayashi Maru starfleet test;
And we see all of the key characters meeting for the first time.
There are some surprises though. The fact that Spock and Uhuru are ‘a thing’ adds a spice to the film that feels like it messes with existing Trek lore. And similarly the destruction of Vulcan – giving this the highest body count of any of the movies! – has to be explained away with the old ‘parallel timeline’ ploy.

The action scenes work well, reliving the ‘submarine warfare in space’ elements that worked so well in the original series and the “Wrath of Khan”. A ‘space drop’ onto Nero’s ‘drill’ is particularly thrilling.

The casting is just about bang on, with Chris Pine pitch perfect as Kirk and Karl Urban particularly impressive as ‘Bones’ McCoy (although the evolution of the nickname – shown here – feels overly forced). The one character that I don’t get on with here is Simon Pegg’s Scotty: might be controversial, but he just doesn’t work for me.

Finally, the music by Michael Giacchino is a favourite score of mine. Simply thrilling and brilliant. I was lucky enough to hear it played live at a showing in the Royal Albert Hall a few years back, where both Giacchino and Abrams appeared on stage – – a truly memorable evening.

It’s not perfect. The whole “transportation of Scotty into the water works” irritates me enormously for some reason. And it’s somewhat glossed over what Nero and his crew have been doing for the 25 years while Kirk grows up: (Nero: “Man, I’ve finished ALL of my Sodoku books… when is this lockdown EVER GONNA END??”). And the JJ ‘lens flare’ is used to a level here that is mind-blowingly distracting! But as a reboot, in the main, it works.
Christopher Robin (2018)
Christopher Robin (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Pooh and the gang (0 more)
Hayley Atwell is very underused (1 more)
Not really much of a kids movie
A good dose of warm fuzzy feelings
After recently reading a fair few uncomplimentary critic reviews for Christopher Robin, I wasn't sure what to expect from this. But, I was actually pleasantly surprised. And my wife absolutely loved it!

The movie begins with Christopher Robin as the child we all know from the stories. He's having a farewell tea party with Pooh and the gang in the hundred acre wood - a chance to see this latest incarnation of them all, beautifully rendered, different from what we're used to, but still very familiar. Christopher Robin is leaving them to head off to boarding school, so it's going to be a while before we see them all again.

From there we quickly skip through the next few chapters of Christopher's life, while the opening credits play. Boarding school, the death of his father, meeting his wife (Hayley Atwell) and heading off to fight in the war, before returning home. We pick up again with him while working for Winslow, a luggage company. His manager (a brilliant performance from Mark Gatiss) is putting pressure on him to come up with cost saving measures, in order to save the failing company, and demands that he work the whole weekend in order to come up with a solution. Christopher was due to go away with his family that weekend to his childhood home in Sussex, so must let them down once again in favour of work. Hayley Atwell is greatly underused in this movie, but plays the disappointed wife very well. Daughter Madeline doesn't think her dad ever was a child as all he wants her to do is work hard in order to go to boarding school, read her boring books instead of fun books and work instead of play. He's a far cry from the young Christopher Robin we know.

The whole movie is very dark and gloomy looking, with bright vibrant Disney colours rarely to be seen, even more so in this first part of the movie. Aside from some small comedy moments, this isn't really a kids movie at all.

When Pooh arrives in London, seeking out Christopher Robin having lost Tigger and his other friends, the tone of the movie immediately changes. The wonderful, soothing, familiar voice of Jim Cummings bringing this silly old bear to life as he tries to adjust to Lon-don life. There are some wonderfully funny moments, full of heart, even more so when the whole gang are finally reunited and all causing chaos in London.

While never quite reaching the dizzyingly high standard set recently by the amazing Paddington 2, Christopher Robin still manages to provide you with a warm fuzzy feeling inside and a very funny, enjoyable experience. And with a lesson in making sure your embrace your inner child thrown in too!